Lets talk about the word cope. Why has it become so popular?
Lets talk about the word cope. Why has it become so popular?
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Because armchairs saying coping mechanism shortened to cope fucking stupid if you ask me hit it.
Because of rigorous advertising of Coke brand cola (flavoured pop) products in the 1990s.
See further:
Mainly because of stupid Americans
Because there is a popular illusion that the only true interpretation is the one that is the most harsh and painful, and so those who don't share the painful interpretation are deluding themselves - coping. It's a very circular way of thinking. I've noticed a lot of people who subscribe to it are biological determinists who justify their defeatism by dismissing any consolatory interpretation, any cause for hope, as a cope. Thus they don't have to try to improve themselves. It's pathetic.
Probably hip hop again
its incel code
Based tripfag calling out the Jews
Please leave.
Please leave.
But wveryoenthing is a cope. You meet a grill and she turns out to be an armchair so you cope widkfpfact
I've never met a female armchair. They're usually males with too much time on their hands. A quick wiki article on depression and they act like they're a certified psychologist. If I were to meet a female armchair, I wouldn't hit it. Armchairs give me the heebie jeebies.
just the next meme word morons on this site think wins arguments (despite not knowing what the word itself means), sort of like "projecting"
probably the fault of /pol/ or Yea Forums
You add nothing to the conversation, you arent interesting at all, yet, you feel the need to have your name everywhere. You must be a woman, and you must be ugly if you spend so much time here. Tits or gtfo you attention-seeking loser
Something about everything today is an image of itself. Everyone is living on the screen and not in the life, even real life when directly experienced is only visible through the screen-lens. To point out the cope of someone else is just to point out that they're not seeing the thing, but the thing-through-screen.
The reason everybody in this thread is mad about it is because they too are coping, because they too are stuck behind the screen.
>inb4 le cope
>pot calling the kettle
>fallacy of ___
>wikipedia link
>googling in another window to find data to back up a claim you just pulled out of your ass
>greentexting point by point
I hate this website
>projecting this hard
Im suprised you can operate a computer with that low of an iq. I suppose it is a testament to our special needs teachers and school system.
Also, lol, for not using your trip code to respond. Hahahahahahahahaha so butthurt
you could almost say these people are cope'ing?
COPE is in the background of one of the Sonic levels
it implies that the person accused of cope is too emotionally weak to approach the subject in an intellectually honest manner, it also points towards some of the insecurities that may be causing that weakness
hot take: the word "Cope" is a classic example of "Projecting"
both are "Cringe and Bluepiled"
Ha, yeah, I suppose you could.
>a popular illusion that the only true interpretation is the one that is the most harsh and painful
When it comes to biology it's usually true though, it's literally how evolution works, the best genes win.
Chad DOES win, girls DO only want chad. That's basic biology, anything else is a cope.
how are best genes harsh and painful? best things are best not painful
It's one of the major words in Heideggers Being & Time.
It's how you deal with stuff on an ongoing basis. He calls it "everyday coping".
Sure, a small minority of people are so unspeakably ugly they will have a much harder time finding a partner, and maybe never will. I won't deny that. But a lot of guys bow out before really ever trying because they such a low estimation of themselves. And, having never really tried, they point to their lack of success as evidence of their genetic inferiority. Sadly they never get to find out what countless below-average men throughout history have happily discovered, namely that for some women they're good enough. It is not for us to decide beforehand our genetic worth.
What this lad said. You can usually blame Americans for anything and it's probably right especially when it comes to something retarded.
Sure, but the degree to which all non-Chads "lose" the game of life is exaggerated. Case and point is the 99/1 sexual selection split that Lookism swears by (in which 99 percent of females exclusively select the top 1 percent of men, and can never be genuinely satisfied with a non-1-percenter) - it might hold for the preliminary selection stage on some dating app, or in a crowded urban bar, but it's not nearly as applicable to broader walks of life.
Social life is a set of collisions and energy shifts - it depends largely on time, proximity, and activity level. Even for today's average person, propinquity and familiarity level the playing field: A 5 in New York becomes a 10 in Hicksville, USA. A childhood best friend becomes a frequent sexual outlet and part-time romance. Two people in a college dorm decide to "quit" the wider scene and just have sex with each other. All are examples of "catalyzed" events in evolved human life which don't fit the ruder Spencerian models of selection.
In other words, life happens. The numerically brutal selection process is sublimated into a set of tiny adventures - existence only becomes unbearable when we stop our playing our games and "check the scorecard" - examine life in the (often fallacious) macro view.
Sure, but the degree to which all non-Chads "lose" the game of life is exaggerated. Case and point is the 99/1 sexual selection split that Lookism swears by (in which 99 percent of females exclusively select the top 1 percent of men, and can never be genuinely satisfied with a non-1-percenter) - it might hold for the preliminary selection stage on some dating app, or in a crowded urban bar, but it's not nearly as applicable to broader walks of life.
Social life is a set of collisions and energy shifts - it depends largely on time, proximity, and activity level. Even for today's average person, propinquity and familiarity level the playing field: A 5 in New York becomes a 10 in Hicksville, USA. A childhood best friend becomes a frequent sexual outlet and part-time romance. Two people in a college dorm decide to "quit" the wider scene and just have sex with each other. All are examples of "catalyzed" events in evolved human life which don't fit the ruder Spencerian models of selection.
In other words, life happens. The numerically brutal selection process is sublimated into a set of tiny adventures - existence only becomes unbearable when we stop our playing our games and "check the scorecard" - examine life in the (often fallacious) macro view.