The mind is just neurological activity produced by the random mutations of evolution
what are some books and thinkers that explore this?
The mind is just neurological activity produced by the random mutations of evolution
what are some books and thinkers that explore this?
Cringe, read Guenon
How can those books have any validity if they themselves are the product of random neurological activity?
something by Daniel "I'm a robot" Dennet
Neurological activity evolved to make models of the world that let the organism navigate it. That's what 'validity' is, that the model matches up with the world enough for the organism to interact with it.
Why do Christfags always assume that breaking a thing down to its most essential properties robs it of all validity, meaning, beauty, etc.? "How can love be beautiful when it is just a chemical reaction in our brains!"
The mind being located in the brain is an assumption and there's no evidence to support it. The brain could just as easily be a conduit to rather than something holding the mind. Our studies of the brain are nowhere near as advanced or scientific as most people think. We don't even know where memories are located.
Check out the Science Delusion.
I've never understood why I, as a Catholic, am supposed to be intimidated by the location of the mind within the brain, and therefore the body. Aquinas affirms that man is both a spiritual and a corporeal being. We're not fully body, but neither are we fully spirit; it is the spirit and the body together that make man. This is why the Church teaches the doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body; at the end of time, when Christ comes again in glory, everyone who is merely a spirit in Heaven will have their physical body returned to them, and will be a complete, perfected human being. This notion that there's some necessary separation between spirit and body is some Cartesian, modernist nonsense.
Your concepts of "world", "models", "validity", "evolution" etc, are just the product of random neurological activity.