What's it called if I'm economically left wing and socially right wing

What's it called if I'm economically left wing and socially right wing

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>We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism.
Gregor Strasser

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t. Projecting brainlet

[ N A Z B O L
G A N G ]

being wrong about everything

A Stalinist.

This is the only answer

So you want strong social welfare programs even for the minorities you wish to deport or hang from trees.
Uh hu

Butterfly, as a matter of fact assigning wing values in and of itself is kind of dull and insipid in and of itself.


Right or left wing I meant. I’m not taking a side, obviously. Although I do think atheism is extremely foolish

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you were too late to the meme party.


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>t. retards

You’re Le enlightened agnostic fence sitter?

>even for the minorities you wish to deport or hang from trees.
are you stupid? the whole point of securing borders is to ensure that a welfare system wouldn't collapse in lightning speed from mass immigration. obviously the right way to do a large social safety net is to make sure that it won't get drained away in a decade.

Hm. Thanks for asking.

Yeah I don’t really think that militantly taking sides is a good thing. I believe that both left and right sides have aspects of truth. Like how faith in God and socialism are compatible (Acts 4:20)


So duplicitously economically left. Gotcha.

Ideologically it’s bankrupt. And I don’t see myself as being militant about it. Im not trying to hurt the poor saps who still believe, I’m trying to save them. Antitheism is compassion.

Well consider it compassion butterfly: I am trying to save you, by showing everyone how much you want me


I’m sure you know who I am

Of course. The dick obsessed rightwinger
Do tone it down, please.


Dick obsessed? I think you see yourself in me butterfly. What about the post where you admitted I'm turning you straight?

>So duplicitously economically left.
because flooding your country with immigrants to crash your labor market, redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich, is a shining example of leftist principles right?

fuck off

Totalitarian. That is to say, when sadomasochism is a public imperative rather than a taste best contained to private enclaves, such as cults & subcultures that cater to the socially retarded. This includes the congenital psychopath most particularly.

National Socialist


You single handedly ruined Yea Forums

Not the tactic leftism would employ, so no.

Pol9k posters did that

a liberal
like Macron or Trump
you're a child of capitalism

This isn't the original butterfly, his actual tripcode had a LHD somewhere

>Not the tactic leftism would employ, so no.
That's right. Leftists would ignore reality and attempt to collapse the welfare system so society falls into a free-for-all Mad Max world instead of safeguarding the well-being of the working class

daft cunt


Social conservatism. Though that may have other connotations in the US than it does in the rest of the world.

>bible quoting in a literature board to win very important political debate
I hate white people

Nazbol gang
Nazbol gang
Nazbol gang
Nazbol gang
Nazbol gang

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Trips change. Doesn’t even matter.

No, that’s Ayncaps. Don’t you even want to hear what leftists want to do?

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Butterfly, are you attracted to penis, because it sure feels like you are.


>No, that’s Ayncaps.
Same goal, different method.
>Don’t you even want to hear what leftists want to do?
Yes. They want to 1) increase the size of the welfare state (incentivize people to come here); and 2) remove all border control (disincentivize people to avoid coming here). When the millions of poor immigrants come flooding across the border, there will be a massive fiscal crisis. I don't know how that's sustainable in the long-run, even if you tax the bajeezus out of the rich. With our current national debt being as high at is, a disaster like that would destroy us.

The junk in the name field entitles you to nothing about me. I have made myself perfectly clear on a number of occasions on my sex and orientation, my age even. Step O F F

See? This is obviously a woman. There's no way a man would act like that.

Secondly Butterfly, why are you being an asshole to me? What problems do you have with penis? As a man I am highly offended

Also I have no problem with the age. erm, I'm fine with it? I like older women.

Butterfly is the typical angry lesbian everyone knows that. Most people on the board have blocked her posts a long time ago.

Me too

You have to give justification for why you aren't masturbating to my dick right now, butterfly.

Soc-dem/progressives are liberal capitalists, not leftists, so no, you’re wrong.
People are migrating for reasons of environmental hardships, economic hardships, and for-profit wars. The liberal on the left feels a little compassion for them but mostly sees them as cheap labor, the liberal on the rights is scared of course.
The leftist wants nothing to do with these wars and would seek to end them and aid other countries. —-do you know what that would do? That would help keep people safe and comfortable in their own homelands. So help us end capitalism and you can halt if not reverse the immigration crisis.

Not attracted to men. At all. Ever. You are like aliens to me.
And you’re the being asshole. Hard to believe you don’t know this.

Masturbation is an excuse. Penises will erode like the sands of the Sahara but my love of reading will never die. Eventually, I will become menopausal and I won't be able to feel sexual pleasure but I will never ever give up my love of books. Like a tree, I will sustain it and when I'm old and grey, I will remind myself of the sweet summer nights when I would talk about literature on 4channel and read sweet stories of love besides the twilight glow.


You’re cringier than he is

>You are like aliens to me.
Yeah, men and women are different, get over it. Is that really the only reason you're gay?

Butterfly, I'm not trying to be the asshole, but you are tripping. If you continue tripping, slowly but surely I will transform you into a straight woman. The transformation has already begun. You were at stage-1 before now you're at stage-2.

Stage - 1 - stand-offish, ignoring completely

Stage - 2 responding to more frequently than anyone else, even though other people are trying to talk with you about intellectual things

Stage - 3 - realizing that you are actually a tsundere IRL and that's kind of cool and adorable, but still dislike me

I'm sure stage three is just around the corner.

Unfortunately maybe 1% of self-identifying leftists think like that. I used to be part of that. You can vote to get rid of capitalism, I'll just vote for politicians to build a wall on the border first. There's no chance for higher IQ takes becoming mainstream if we allow the demographic replacement to continue unabated.

thanks butterfly, I'd like to think you weren't making a death threat. You are my future cock slave, it is an eventuality.

Surely you own a dildo? And a dildo is shaped like a peen?

I am the side of you that you've been trying to repress for so long.

but he was economically right wing too.

Not at all, fascism was based out of controlled economies - it rose as a worker's party movement similar to communism.

You’re an ass and the only thing you’re transforming is this board.

It was so much better in 2015 when I had to leave.

There's a serious side to you. I hope you know I have your best intentions at heart. I meant it when I said you were cute.

But you've heard it all before. Lets get down to business butterfly, we have a mission plan. Now then, what do you think of me? If I had a woman's body you'd like me? But why?

If I had a woman's body, as per your admission, I would act 100% differently. So either we are not alien to you and you were just saying that, or you are okay with me.

Also don't bother responding to the fucking Grade A retard who thinks Hitler wasn't economically left. I got it under control

It was similar to the USSR, not communism.
Silly lying capitalists

-far more of the world than 1% want to stop capitalism
-no, you cannot vote to get rid of capitalism. Not in the conventional sense. Only by voting to revolt.
-the wall does not work. It’s a boondoggle and political football designed to make some contractors money
-IQ is a sad meme way to measure intellectual progress
-all peoples are capable of “higher learning”
-quit being obsessed with dark dicks, dumbshit

>It was similar to the USSR, not communism.
Fine? How does this stop it from being economically left?

You believe the system can be overthrown why?

And thirdly, if you had to choose a guy to go straight for, would it be someone who looks like Ryan Gosling? (you were posting Blade Runner earlier)

I wouldn’t be interested in you even if you were a wealthy and attractive lesbian.
I have standards

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Very tsundere, impressive. Tell me butterfly, why is money a qualifying factor? Are you that materialistic?

The little social aspect of the so-called “national socialists” where they imprisoned socialists, and eventually tried to exterminate their Jews

I too am tiring of her

I just said it isn’t a qualifier. But you never do listen.
Leave me alone

That doesn't stop it from being economically left, sorry. Just because you are at factional war with another socialist party doesn't stop you from being left.

Fascism is definitively economically left. It's why Friedrich Hayek hated it.

Anyway, answer that third question there, and the second if you want.

>You make us do this!

Right right, so... tell me me why you phrased it like this...

I wouldn't be interested in you EVEN IF …

A. Wealthy
B. attractive
C. lesbian

Sounds like A and B are describing C, hm? Sounds like that is something you would rate more highly than an ugly, poor lesbian. The ugly part I don't really count you on (too much, there is a limit for that as well obviously), but money? Come now, stop being greedy.

>centralized capitalism is socialism
It’s still only soc-dem, fool.

There is no answer to your third question

You think national SOCIALISM was capitalism? I think you've been spending too much time on Yea Forums. That's one of the things these little kids say on here that's just plain wrong.

There is an answer to the third question, and I'll take it as a 'yes'.

Thank you.

You think France and Norway aren’t capitalist
You think China isn’t capitalist

You’re the one just plain wrong

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Lets be honest here, on paper today's countries are socialist, but in reality they are anything but. You mean China WASN'T capitalist, when it was the communist party of china? It's openly capitalist now. You're fairly smart though.

If I posted my phone number would you text it

Butterfly, for gods sake this is Yea Forums. You have to be able to ignore people. 100 times if necessary. They will go away. Good lord, get a grip woman. Dont feed the trolls, this is basic stuff.

she likes it

Off topic

You’re right. I’m sorry

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What’s the deal lesbians and fags getting upset about the wall but then taking all their time saying how ineffective and superfluous it is? If it’s a non-issue why make it an issue? I think about this every day. And don’t say some shit about the cost of money because the US shits out pointless money 24/7 on the worst shit. I can’t be the only one wondering this.

>hates men
>reads books by men

Ahhhh yes a true intellectual

I'm a lesbian and I don't care about the wall because I don't live in a border state.

Gold star

The wall has become a symbol of Trump, are you some kind of dumbass?

apparently butterfly just logs on to talk to me these days, because that's literally what just happened

So what you’re saying is while there’s a heroin epidemic, increasing homeless, and literal concentration camps in China You’d rather scream with all the celebrities at abstract ideas? Remind me again why you don’t like Trump? He’s rich and out of touch, right?

yeah she's adorable but so are you

You can’t trust the paper anymore that you can trust a political party proclaiming themselves Communist or Democratic.

Some people are still just progressives, others are delving deeper “left” with the help of peeps like Chomsky

I agree with both points :3

Just kiss me goodnight, butterfly *kiss*

:3 *swirls tongue inside your mouth*

good night. I am happy.

I don’t see what your response has to do with a single thing I said about the wall or out of touch progressives except maybe that there are some “left” people out there that (maybe?) don’t care about the wall? Leftists always think they’re a part of some massive group but they aren’t as cohesive as they believe themselves to be. You guys have so much more infighting and ideological diversity compared to the right. Especially considering how popular the progressive stack is right now ( which I wouldn’t be surprised if capitalists pushed it post occupy to silence class conscious people )

this is patently false.
