What works of Iiterature explain the mental/spiritual effects of severe childhood bullying in later life?
What works of Iiterature explain the mental/spiritual effects of severe childhood bullying in later life?
My Diary desu
But unironically this time
>let's ignore the reasons listed by the shooter himself and let's try to come up with all OTHER possible explanations
clown world, indeed
Lol fatty
I honestly cant think of any books, but if I did post some, would you actually read them OP?
I would read them to break up the monotony of posting on this site
Please define the "spiritual realm" without resorting to "that which can still not be explained by scientific knowledge".
Are these threads a concentrated effort by, what /pol/ terms it, the tranny discord?
It's what fat kids pretend to believe in so they don't have to accept the Darwinian reality of life.
This. What's next, they'll say he was a virgin?
This, somehow people have been convinced that only crazy people commit violence.
wouldnt this be more about why a person could come to such reasoning rather than being the direct thoughts
He's bit even chubby in that pic compared to the others, the dude is a prop rugby forward. It's the same thing they do with every mass shooter ever; put forward a narrative that they were damaged or disturbed like they tried to do with the Vegas shooter when, ultimately, they weren't able to come up with any reasoning for why he did what he did.
He explains what made him start feeling like there was no other way.
The Elementary Particles
Which is?
Radical right-wing extremism.
More like ethno nationalism
Try to get an overweight person to tell you why there are fat and they will jump through a bunch of loops to shift the blame onto something they have no control over.
If being overweight made you a mass shooter, America would have been a dead continent.
Ironically, the reasons he was fat are the same reasons the West is going to shit.
So he was probably aware of them.
It's no surprise that he got fit later. He's clearly a man of action.
Because people like the taste of food?
Its when they take the bullying seriously out of insecurity that it becomes a problem. It's like that story from Full Metal Jacket
Liking the taste of food alone doesn't make one fat. You need a society that is apathetic to the decent standards of life, with alienation and an individualist ideology.
Americans weren't nearly as fat 50 years ago. Many parts of the world aren't nearly as fat now.
Again, that's pretty much all fat people who get bullied so America would still be a mass grave if being bullied because you're fat was enough to be a mass shotter
If you are unaware of the political dynamics of food in the USA then the ignorance is likely willful.
anyone with a lot of food is going to overeat. haven't you seen those fat indian monkeys?
If a given population is more or less obese depending on the time period, the less obese are not less obese due to their own merit, but circumstances.
tfw i was a bully. hope some of mine go on mad rampages
America and fat people have nothing to do with this. I just said most of these people are extremely insecure and resort to extreme out-grouping
Scarcity is a good driver for avoiding obesity but surfeit does not universally drive obesity.
>anyone with a lot of food is going to overeat.
What? No. You can look up obesity stats.
I don't disagree entirely. Own merit and circumstances are hard to separate, though.
A properly functioning society wouldn't degenerate into this (obesity, mass shootings, ...).
are you joking? we have more shootings than any other countries, even ones with similar gun laws to us.
>read his manifesto
>clearly states his reasoning for what he has done
>remarks on how his thought process changed and what made him change
>media tells me it's cuz he was fat in high school
maybe journalists deserve to be shot. that's a quote
Yes and it's about 30 actual mass shootings a year and then 300 which are mislabeled mass shootings.
We in America have a culture of fatness, girth is often celebrated and shows that one is worthy of respect. Australians cannot afford to be fat as they need to chase away dingos and emus all day.
Christ everyone in that picture is ugly as fuck.
His manifesto is an alt-right hatespeech manual, it's obvious even reading it is a thought virus.
They are from New Zealand user.
It's a hate-speech manual in much the same sense as is The Communist Manifesto.
>Anglos are ugly
No way.
It was a shitpost you morons, I fucking said 'thought virus'.
>thought virus
miss me with that gay shit senpai
That's okay, I maintain what I said.
It very much is hate speech. It's goal is to gain sympathy from people like y'all who'll commit more mass shootings. I can't believe any of you missed that, he's an accelerationist for crying out loud.
Stop pretending to be me
All arms of progressivism are on exactly the same page of studiously refusing to engage right-wing arguments in good faith and instead reducing everything to ad hom and trolling. It's the same ideological monolith tailoring its tactics for different audiences and forums. To say that the Democratic Party is the one spamming interracial porn and calling you an incel on /pol/ is untrue in only a limited, technical sense
I didn't miss that, the goal of The Communist Manifesto is to gain sympathy from people like y'all who'll hang more landed gentry.
>hate speech
You seem to be misunderstanding the point that insecurity is a uniquely right wing trait never experienced by people with the right politics
Somebody should put a stop to this. This is one of the only places fringe ideas can be discussed and their retarded shit just fucks everything up. They're redditors who only use Yea Forums to shit-post and are just annoying. Nothing will change from what their doing because our message is so powerful and resonates with so many people on the 'chans. You should check out 8ch, we have real discussion over there and aren't filled with screeching libtards.
it's the ultimate cope from retarded journos and their jew overlords
>p-pay no mind to the manifesto where he explicitly lays out his rationale
>he did it because he was bullied and a virgin!
>people are always honest about their intentions
Which is why we should take as given that the left is acting on good faith and sincere convictions when they identify literally all right wing thought as proceeding from projected virginity rage
What if he was secretly a faggot too?
>we need more anti-bullying and pro-lgbt and pro-islam lessons in school
>neo-liberalism wins again
BTW there was another shooting today in Netherlands. But that's a small price to pay for a vibrant and diverse society with ECONOMIC GROWTH OVER 2%. Beat that, nazis.
>low iq shooter is representative of right wing thought
so this is the state of "the right" in 2019.....
This same sort of retarded psychoanalysis is regularly used by /pol/. You support women's rights? You're a submissive basedboy. You're against killing the immigrants? You must want Ahmed to fuck your gf. etc... At least bullying is an actual problem that might alienate a person from the society and twist their worldview into an overly negative direction.
>tfw I'm a republican
>therefore I'm a shooter
Shucks. Time to head on over to Walmart and buy a rifle, yeehaw.
pol shitposts are not reasons lmao.
quite literally obsessed