Notes: she was a feminist. College student. Arab. Traditional father and mother. Muslim household.
Early in the convo i told her i was white, proud and thought facism was reasonable. She downplayed it and i think enjoyed the fact.
I also asked if she would have relations with swine and horses. Yes to both she replied.
These people are almost comedically perverted, ideological hypocrites and morally corrupted. This is just one of the dozen iv exposed in the last few months. I couldn't post it on /Pol/ because im banned there. Anyways. Id also like to add that leftist men are the biggest losers ever. This is how the women "they fight for" act behind closed doors lmfao. Heil hitler
Lmfao at brown and leftist guys in this chat dismissing the sexual perversions of thier women. Days after NZ they desire to slurp nazi cock. Truly disgusting. You even defend them xD Yea Forums is marxist cuck centre of the world these days i see
Xavier Baker
Brandon Butler
Well out of around 22 Leftist women i spoke with 13 were like this. Nice little case study yes. Id reckon atleast 3/5. Of marxists are this way
David Gonzalez
I wish the percentage was higher desu
Wyatt Rogers
post body
Justin Lee
Weininger vindicated again
Charles White
>Women get off on domination
Riveting stuff user.
Thomas Turner
And right wingers do what? spend hours complaining about others online?
Jaxon Miller
all their women dress like nuns, according to op, I'd rather have a sex hungry leftie
Levi Martinez
Based and redpilled If you want to fuck a feminist just pretend your extremely reactionary, it just werks
Jason Morgan
>wants to cuck bf >sex with pigs dogs and horses >drink piss
>Wow yes very natural and healthy sexuality (: t. Leftist man
You people never cease to double down on cuckery xD pathetic
Henry Brown
I don't enjoy missonary
Levi White
>leftist women like strong men instead of weak leftist ones
everyone already knew this
Joseph Davis
Colton Harris
Post the others
Cameron White
Both you and the jezebel are degenerate as fuck and not very Yea Forums. Go away and get aids.
having to rape and piss on people and watch girls get fucked by dogs doesn't mean that you're strong, it just means you're a dumb loser addicted to orgasms
Brody Robinson
leftist damage control detected.
Liam Hernandez
cope harder libtard
Lucas Gutierrez
>wants to cuck bf You might want to read up on how conquering nations/tribes worked. Superior men take the wives of the weaker men.
Daniel Russell
I'm a radical right-winger, retard. If I could have my way, both you and the Jezebel would've been hung for interracial sexting.
Nolan Phillips
There's a Dutch comedian with a famous line that goes something like: >leftwing girls love rightwing talk
Aaron James
This is what happens when someone does roleplay for the first time. He thinks he discovered some hidden rampant perversion in an entire religion/race because the only girl he was able to convince was from that religion/race.
No user, a lot of girls with various race, religion, does this. Just that the one you did with happens to have a bar too low to do it with you.
This. Everyone /pol/ blames for stealing their women are just superior to them.
Thomas Brown
Do you actually think this is a viable way to criticise ideologies? Instead of browsing /pol/ and doing bondage roleplay with random marxist girls on Twitter, why don't you read the essential works on Marxism and Feminism and actually engage with the ideas therein?