Are there any books explaining goth culture? Seems like a very strange cultural niche.
Are there any books explaining goth culture? Seems like a very strange cultural niche
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Read Poe I guess, but it's really more of a music thing.
Bauhaus, Siouxsie and anything Nick Cave has been involved in are a good starting point.
>Read Poe I guess
Gothic literature (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Monk, The Phantom of the Opera, anything by Poe) and sad teenagers wearing black clothes are totally unrelated.
devil may cry 5
i'm writing it
They really arent. Gothic literature was extremely influential on gothic culture. Read some Baudelaire or Maldoror.
It's weird that goths have lasted as a subculture. Like you don't get Mods and Rockers or Zoot suiters anymore
I just saw a bunch of cholos in Zoot suits in a lowrider in LA the other day
There are loads of those. Overweight girls with bandanas in their hair and The Cramps tattoos and manlets with cheap harleys all going to roller derbies and spending 10 dollars for a pack of lucky strikes.
it's just insecure teens looking for an identity
like trannies
Yeah because exploring the melancholy aspects of life, when the awareness of mortality first becomes poignant, through art and peer group bonding is exactly like cutting your dick off
Yes. In my country all other subcultures are dead except goths and normies, though goths are rare
It's not as different as you would think
goths basically died her when emo and scene became a thing now they are dead and its all hipster scum
Notes From Underground
The DSM 5.
belonging to a group isn't a bad thing. You are part of the Yea Forums subculture by coming here
Yes it is a bad thing.
What makes you think Yea Forums would know about books on that? That's barely even a topic worth writing a book about.
You could have phrased that better. They are definitely not unrelated.
There's a book called "Schillderndes Dunkel" but it's in German. Very in-depth, written by old-school Goths, musicians and cultural scientists, and you should read it.
Those subcultures don't really revolve around core concepts of human existence like melancholy and transcendence the way gothic culture does. They were pretty much just fads.
Goth is a result of post punk.
The end of the original punk movement gave into a darker and more feminine milieu.
Joy division, public images ltd, Siouxsie and the Banshees, killing joke.
This would eventually grow into what became goth.
Goth itself is pretty dead in 2019, nothing more than a fashion statement for autistic zoomers like you
I guess the Castle of Otranto would be a good starting point since it's considered to be the first gothic novel.
increasing returns = capital graces its continued survival. conflict of idea in the arena of culture retroactivey engineers its own continued survival
First watch this
Encyclopedia Gothica by Liisa Ladouceur has some concepts. use it as reference.
Vampire: the Masquerade has more background of the feel and larp as a way of life. The lore was important.
Then read lots of Anne Rice, movie adaptations are ok too.
After that just go with classics like Poe and lots of music like Joy Division and Clan of Xymox.
Its just a skin, revolt againts the norm(ies), refusal to drink the poptimist coolaid, the same in every generation. Punks, beats, goffs, emus, anons; the same impulse to call bullshit.
I think its especially long lived because of emotional depth; it's literary tradition is the bastard abortion of romanticism.
zoot suiters still exist in LA. I've seen some. I heard that as a subculture, they're growing in Africa though.
I think the internet has a lot to do with this. Things move too fast, and are captured by capital too quickly before proper 20th century subcultures can develop anymore. There isn't that period of organic cultural development that preceded the "sell-out" phase now that you have a direct soundcloud-to-record-deal system.
>“Fads swept the youth of the sprawl at the speed of light; entire subcultures could rise overnight, thrive for a dozen weeks, and then vanish utterly.”
There is definitely significant overlap.
I was a goth. Noone was "trans". A lot of gay stuff though admittedly. Also crossdressing. But certainly for a thrill and not for "social justice". What a joke activism was to us.
I always hated the term "post punk" with relation to that time period. Punk transmogrified and continued. The only thing "post" about that period was the lack of money that the major record labels accrued.
To be fair, there really was not a lot of it in the earlier period. Point conceded. In the modern era there certainly is. That is like you judging me on account of something that someone did while they emulated me. KMS. I shitposted unintentionally.
All except elite spirits require a group to form the beans of their identity. The group identity can be shallow and resentful, driven by base emotions, or artistic and substantive; mythical and constructive, such is the appeal of the radically right wing; to account for the weak who are by their nature "condemned to freedom" in an atomised society without a spiritually exoteric (mythical), foundational narrative is an acceptance of hierarchy and discrimination, the radical right wings metapolitical meaning, and the one true socialism
It's okay I'm still a washed up old fag (straight). Nugoths are terrible and I blame the wachowksi bros entirely
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Goth is just romanticism. I was going to write "vulgar romanticism" but romanticism was already considered such at the time, so Goth is really still in keeping with it, just a modern manifestation.