Most countries hold a single stamp of identity that they're renowned for to the world. It might be films, literature, sports, etc.
How is it that America has bred glory almost in all departments of art forms?
Does Americans have some inherent creative more than others?
Most countries hold a single stamp of identity that they're renowned for to the world. It might be films, literature...
No they won the war so their cultural supremacy became dominant. Liberalism individuality is trash and terrible morals and art style but it's all America does
America has no philosophy, attracts immigrants because safe and they're the super power that won. If Germany won they would have the mantel
>This much cope
Yes, dear, of course.
American Multiculturalism
The melting pot of creativity
Britain has rampant multiculturism as well, what did she do with it?
>Most countries hold a single stamp of identity that they're renowned for to the world.
That's absolute bullshit. Any major country of the West I can think of gave a plethora of contributions in multiple fields.
Why don't you try to make your brainlet work before posting?
The reason is the US is rich enough to buy world class editorial houses, galleries, production companies, or push their shit to the world. That's literally it. Also, the US is awful in the only sport in the world that matters.
America has bred no glory in any art form, it is an abomination that should never have existed and should probably be destroyed for the sake of humanity.
>t. Seething European
>Does Americans have some inherent creative more than others?
Entertainment and pop culture is autochtonous American culture (probably the only one they have), so it's no surprise they excel at it.
Americans are literally non-western nonwhites. They are spiritually negroes.
Whole lotta O B S E S S E D in here
Not being American myself, I think they're ok guys in small doses but I'm probably in the minority here with that opinion.
I'm American and despise America. I wish that Europeans had been smarter and had stopped the Revolution when they had the chance, or even banded together to destroy the US instead of getting into WW2. The real enemy of humankind was always America.
we just stole all the smart people from every country a few generations ago
you're mad because we conquered the most resource rich land on earth
Given that America was what that resulted in I think it's perfectly reasonable to be upset about that. Imagine how much better the world would be if most of what is today the US were a part of the Spanish Empire, French Empire, or even the British Empire.
>America has bred no glory in any art form,
>implying this doesn't exist
found the smelly folk
>rampant multiculturalism
>still 90% white unlike your 56% white muttnation
>90% white
citation needed
She looks like she fucks black guys.
Rule of thumb: If she's white, she probably fucks black guys.
why would they criticise America then user?
This picture makes me feel really sad.
Never been to London I suppose
there isn't a nation worth saving in the west
I like Star Wars but America really punches beneath its weight culturally for a White country and consumerist values have killed off any kind of societal value other than work ethic. This is empirically verified by Murray's book, "Human Accomplishment", in which America's influence in human progress is minimal compared to Europe.
Basically, most notable artistic and scientific achievement occurred in the Hajnal line from 1400-1950. America doesn't even really come into it until 1920ish.
>This is empirically verified by Murray's book, "Human Accomplishment", in which America's influence in human progress is minimal compared to Europe.
Let's examine europe's contributions to science and technology in the past 150 years.
Now let's examine ours.
Doesn't look good for you, friend. Congratulations on inventing the printing press before we existed and using that to our detriment (???)
PS, thanks for the dark ages.
>Let's compare last 150 years of advancements
You won't find much deviance, lol. I'm Australian, so what should I care, but the US only had an appreciable uptick around the end of the nineteenth century. And in the arts, it's basically no competition, there isn't a single American literary figure who cracks the top 20 in Western literature.
the arts are meaningless and so is that graph and that evaluation
the bulk of all scientific progress, inarguably, in the 20th and 21st century so far have been American. It objectively can't be denied
Britain #1 for what, poems? rofl.
>That graph is meaningless
Oh boy I m laffin, what you're seeing is the quantification of the prioritisation of figures by hundreds if not thousands of the most highly ranked historians and encyclopedists across the world. I.e. this is probably the most meaningful graph you're ever going to see in the field of history.
Read the book before you say something so rash and crude.
its like you retards really never heard of an echo chamber
open up a fucking atlas or kill yourselves
Both of their statements have a degree of truth to them. England is 90% White but London specifically is only around 60% White.
Btw, I talk about /pol/ related topics with strangers and it's never given me heat. It's the left which has an artificial safe-space constructed around their sacred cows.
>Let's examine europe's contributions to science and technology in the past 150 years.
Europe’s was a lot higher than America’s until WWII burnt the continent to the ground and all the good scientists fled to America, what’s your point?
london is less than 60 percent white.
Ah yes, all those famous and brilliant American philosophers like...
Jordan... peterson.
Lol it hasn't. America is pathetic it has inferiority complex.
>Make controversial/obviously wrong point A
>immediately follow point A with a question which assumes point A is correct
>people respond to the question, leaving point A unchallenged
There's a term for this in rhetoric, right? It often seems to work quite well. Same principle as 'when did you stop beating your wife?', I guess.
Many countries do have a stamp of identity, though, being what they're recognized for internationally. People recognize Russian literature (even though russians also made many scientific contributions), French philosophy (even though the french made much great literature) and German science (even though germany created much influential philosophy), for instance. At least as far as the general public is concerned.
cause it's the greatest, most powerful country in the world easily
As far as the general public is concerned, I'd say Russia is better known for vodka and (among older people) some sports. France is better known for wine and food, Germany for engineering.
I was talking more about what a country is known for as far as achievements go as opposed to national identity.
>cuisine is not an achievement
I'm an Anglo myself and even I want to call you out as an Anglo for that
either retard ignorant americentrism and pure bait
pretty good one though
I don't really think discovering a tasty recipe is really on par with making a revolutionary scientific discovery or writing a great and timeless epic.