They must be tightening their belts at the Peterson house
They must be tightening their belts at the Peterson house
Clean your room
T-this is surely a joke, right?
You must beware, for when you look at postmodern capitalists, the postmodern capitalists look back at you
Buy my products bucko
>tightening their belts
If only you could do the same.
Probably from the all meat diets
Hedging their bets that Zizek is gonna crush Jordy P. Get in, make a buck, get out.
that’s what I thought, too. Short $JP. Long $SNF
I'm seeing 12 Rules For Life literally everywhere so I rather doubt it.
That would be a bit post-modern
Lobster lads please step forward
For when is the debate scheduled anyway?
Daily reminder about this fraud
They agree on more things than you think.
how is he supposed to answer that question? He hasn't read the book, and similar parallels can be drawn in almost any group. Furthermore one wrong word here would be a career suicide. What I'm more interested in is if he ever read the book, and what he had to say about it if he did
He's a complete conman but him not going "yes, the jews did it" on stage isn't really proof of that
>He's a complete conman
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
That's not all that's tight at the Peterson household if you know what I'm saying.
It's so depressing to me that Mikhaila is such a self-absorbed thot
Alas such is the fate of all western white women
what are you saying?
This is cope from people who are actually threatened by a mediocrity like Peterson. Neither one of them has any good or original points and they both end right back at borugeois democratic socialism. Yes, that includes Peterson. His definition of liberal capitalism is isn't neoliberalism.
No one is "beating" the frightening centrist who provokes your hysteria about conservatives. They're going to talk around each other for a good hour, Peterson is going to use shoddy science, Zizek is going to bring a cheap undergraduate tier akshually paradox, and they'll both land on their asses in boomer liberalism land.
Still watching tho.
Listen to his lecture concerning anything outside psychology. He constantly misinterprets philosophers the way he sees fit, the studies he cites are cherry-picked and often taken out of context, he has built a huge following to sell his life-advice garbage to. Why the fuck do you think he keeps printing some retarded lobster-shirts and begs people for money on patreon?
It’s funny to see fags seeth about this dude making money, lol, as if him or any of his fans think it’s a BAD thing. It’s like a 2 year old saying “yeah look at THIS asshole, he eats vanilla ice cream and chocolate”
Yeah you got em
I like jp and advocate for his book. I thought this was pretty cringy because, for one, the design was not well thought out, like someone pointed out, it looks like a shirt you'd buy from a fast fashion mall store. 2, it seems tacky to sell clothes when your image is of an esteemed professor, psychologist, and author
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about
E.g. He's fundamentally against the Patreon platform because of their politically motivated deplatforming of SargonOfAkkad
I'm not even a Peterson fanboy and I know this. You haven't done any research at all. You're ignorant and the only way of refuting his message is via characterization assassination
Shame on you
He is milking his fame as fast as he can. He also started shilling nearly immediately stickers for his PC game.
the man loves money
tight dress or tight pussy?
she had a child
The guy is (supposedly) telling the great truths to people, not making money off them.
Why not both?
He’s not a spiritual leader, all of his stuff is free and online, he spent years uploading video lectures that nobody watched.
Why the purity test over something that he’s never even stated having a problem with?
If you don’t like him, come up with an actual articulatable reason why that is. “Money bad” it isn’t.
You know he put his lectures online for free for decades
Why don't you object to that?
You just hate successful people who have more money that you
thats such a poor argument
peterson would be a mediocre thinker at any bank account size
Selling shirts with your logo, a banal accessory, as if you were some rock band, while actually trying to set people on the path of truth and righteousness that matters more than anything, is just... jarring.
>If you don’t like him, come up with an actual articulatable reason
You sound like I triggered you and gravely insulted your idol. Calm down, this was my first post itt. I was just trying to explain why I find this action inappropriate, a direct response to one post, not the guy's general philosophy.
>Why don't you object to that?
Wait, why would I?
>You just hate successful people who have more money that you
Who the fuck are you even speaking to here? Calm down.
If he's such a mediocre thinker then you should be able to debunk his ideas rather easily instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks
But all you people ever do is cry about unrelated gay shit
Grow the fuck up and don't be so bitter and resentful. Chrissakes even the Peterson fanboys understand the importance of this
I sure like making money guys exclamation mark! lol goddamn commies jealous of my money? My friends in funny hats will take care of you. piece out lobster gang gang
His personality course is excellent. You strike me as someone who takes the wikipedia article entry of philosophers as gospel; as the scaffolding by which you structure your interpretive schema of their ideas is too weak to comprehend the nuance of knowing a man better than he knew himself.
Which is what it is to be wise. Wisdom clearly eludes you, and you are embittered at the sight of a wise man sharing wisdom.
>Without actually trying to set people on the path to truth.
The only reason you are discussing his shirts is because he, at the very least, attempted to do just that.
I have the utmost respect for peterson for causing all of you retarded anti-capitalist post-modernist turbo-marxists to shoot sparks out of your assholes anytime he makes money. It makes identifying you so much easier.
Peterson isn't on Patreon.
Ah. The uniform of the revolution. We will be called Lobsterbacks and we will CRUSH the LEFTISTS with ROCKS and GUNS and FACTS and LOGIC. Their new DIET will be only our MEAT. This... is CHAOS.
The seething commies have no arguments it would seem
/leftypol/ isn't even trying
These peteson apologists aren't even fully erect
This is just sad and no longer mildly amusing
It's just a t-shirt; don't get so bent out of shape.
>>Without actually trying to set people on the path to truth.
But that's literally not what I wrote.
>The only reason you are discussing his shirts is because he, at the very least, attempted to do just that.
And? Many people have tried to find and spread truth without having to sell merchandise. It's good that he attempted it, yeah, but is that everything we have to expect from a public intellectual?
>you retarded anti-capitalist post-modernist turbo-marxists to shoot sparks out of your assholes anytime he makes money
The fuck is your problem? It looks like I shouldn't have posted anything, you already have some people in your head that you can argue with just fine.
You don't get to claim ignorance here bud
You've stumbled into the lion's den here and tonite we eatin lobster
i dont resent a person getting rich off of the pathetic fucks that actually look beneath his surface level conservatism and listen to his life advice (by buying his books) and/or people that only have the attention span of a yt video
he sounds like a person i woulld grab a beer with, which i cant say for any of his fans
i am not going to debunk him user, its up to you to decide the reason (i wont mind, i promise)
He's not a conservative at all
You don't know anything
>being a conservative
>holding some conservative views
theres a difference
Oh god it's real, at least it's like his followers will be wearing red flags so you know to avoid them now.
She looks like she fucks her dad
Both of them are meme intellectuals but at least JBP has done some good in the world with his personality and biblical work whereas zizek hasn't done shit but be a pseud proto-leftist
OP, here. I could probably outrun everyone on this fucking board
running is the activity of prey
....anymore. He left after BasedGon of Pornhub got kicked off. This pissed off many of his followers who Petersen shares
Are you serious?
Everything with legs runs
Predators chase prey
Ur fucken dumb
I don’t care about him at all, but I know your type and your false moral indignation plenty. We live in a world where snuff films are accessible from your pocket and regularly get hundreds of thousands of views, stop acting like a pop-celebrity selling merchandise is some huge affront to public decency you hypocritical cuntbag.
Peterson is opposed to politically motivated overreach by the Patreon platform having too much power to destabilise people's incomes for committing wrongthink
The tiny overlap between the two followings has nothing to do with it
Oh, is THAT what happened. Thanks for informing me.
Source on that
Image? Fucking funny.
Big deal if true, I’ve always thought that Jordan could make an easy run for PM if he co-opted the conservatives with some Red Tory ideology, maybe with a dash of environmentalism to draw in the lefties.
Internet TUFF guy
Running is a healthy cardiovascular exercise that I enjoy in moderation. Ive been depressed since I was 12 and anti-depressants always left me feeling unsexy so I often resort to running or driving to snap me out of my funks and keep the ship steady. I’ve got a few 10ks under my belt and am currently training for a half marathon in the fall. I expect to be able to complete the LA marathon next year.
I don’t like you. You seem like a weak person hiding behind a mean, stuffy internet persona. But I pray to Running shoe jesus that you are wrong
But the shit with Karl is what brought that to light and a growing number of his fans did begin to be vocal about their resentment towards the platform. Whether Peterson would have stayed on with or without their protests (probably, he loves to play the martyr) is unknown.
So sorry. I pray to running shoe Jesus that I am wrong
While I don't think he sees himself as a martyr since his professional and personal life was threatened post bill c16 I also can't really argue with your post
replying to your own post is not a very nice move btw
but glhf op, dont let people get you down, im just bored
>the peterson house
Predators don't chase prey?
>Clean your room before preaching how to fix the world, bucko!
He was trolling
>idiots get buttmad at him for making money
>spam irrelevant lobster memes on twitter instead of trying to refute him
>they get even more buttmad when he profits from the memes too
2016 keeps happening.
The dude claims to be Christian. Jesus was pretty big on "money bad."
Zizek can't debate if he gets any real pushback, he got cucked by Will Self easily on a debate, he just """wins debates""" because he is "le ebin friendly and wacky balkan man" and people humor his bullshit because they like him
I bet he combines this with some psychological study. How many of his followers are hypocrites that wrap themselves in a lobstershirt identity the moment they are able to. Whenever he sees someone wearing this, he knows that dude is not worth his time. Every shirt sold is a whipslash for him, since its someone who didn't learn the lesson.
post-platonic thought was a mistake
a mean this is bad, but Zizek literally publishes copy/pasted books 2-3 times a year
daily reminder that Zizek is a violent lunatic under the friendly surface
there are ambush predators i guess
Watching these disenfranchised losers come out of the woodwork to defend their cult of personality’s leader is hilarious. You people are the same as the teenage girls that flood into comments sections to defend the Kardashians.
not as funny as the left getting buttblasted by a literal self-help guru boomer desu
“The Left” shouldn’t be a catch-all for people you disagree with, unless you want to go around spewing ideology your whole life. The only thing I get butt blasted about are marks getting bilked out of their money by lobster Tony Robbins, and coming on here to brag about it.
every single leftist organization in the current year has either to bow down to trannies or are irrelevant by this point, so it's fair to treat all the left as the intersectional coalition because that's what they follow
Or you could go full tinfoil.
what? it's a fact that all major leftist organizations and conferences have to bow down to trannies, it just happens on the open, there's no conspiracy
even book fairs:
Hurry give me the pic of Zizek's daughter.
Peterson has a duty to himself to get as much money out of this gig before another meme becomes bigger than him, he then semi-retires into becoming a once-a-week podcaster, he will be among a group of 75yos in 25 years that will use the word "SJW". They will write books, we will have books that will call this period of time "The SJW era" just like how we call the sixties generation "hippies".
It's gonna be a tasteful, autistic sort of nothing.
I haven't physically and metaphysically cringed so hard in a long, long time. I detest you, user.
I haven't listened to the guy since 2016 but I love how people here are still seething about him existing.
She ugly. I wonder what her mom looks like because Peter doesn't have such awful features.
Zizek only has 2 sons.
>Peter doesn't have such awful features.
Are you kidding me? she looks just like him but with long hair lmao
Are they hot?
>*sniffs* so user I hear t-t-that you *rubs nose furiously* want to date me and so on and so forth etcetra etcetra *sniffs*
Buy them.
They are beautiful.
I'm currently working on a sorting shirt, patent pending.
Check out earlier threads from January and February, people have already discussed this in length.
My girlfriend has had a child from her ex and her pussy is as tight as a child's asshole :) Not everyone is like your gf
>12 Rules For Life: The Album
keked, but won't click that, my cringe tolerance is kind of low
I think it’s just for shekels, user. JP is a lizard
Is this "music" created by procedural generation, with some sound clips slapped on?
I think he's supposed to be a real artist. He has countless albums like that with hundreds of thousands of views each.
April 19
What's the pricetag OP?
> My girlfriend had a child with another man
Pussies don't get loose from fucking incel.
Zizek is mostly just ugly cause of his nervous tics and his wife is extremely hot so probably.
Also: t. Plato
ITT: seething libtards
does anyone have a pic of a person wearing this?
>His personality course is excellent
yeah the psychology, as I said you humongous faggot. I'm not denying his expertise in that regard
You've never read either Nietzsche or Jung, you've never actually questioned anything Peterson says or cites. I know he seems wise when you take everything he says at face value because "it makes sense", but try to read a little
look at this fag whose never heard of persistence hunting
You haven't given any specific examples either faggot
Go ahead, show us your deep critiques.
I knew this day would come.
Do people actually wear shirts like this? It looks like pyjamas. Who's behind the faggification of clothing?
This meme, made my day.