What should a pedophile read?

What should a pedophile read?

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Go out on a lake and hyperventalate. As you lose consciousness fall under the water. You will drown and it will not be painfull.

Obligatory Nabokov
Also Derrida, de Beauvoir and all those other French guys who wanted to abolish age of consent in France.

The Iliad
The Odyssey
Plato's dialogues
The Aeneid
The Holy Bible
The Divine Comedy
The Canterbury Tales
Shakespeare's works
Paradise Lost
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


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The Bible

I think you are conflating the loss of innocence as a child, which is a real and terrifying process, as a longing for something forgotten. You conflate the adult version of that, namely sexual desire (longing for union with source, which children happen to have quicker unfiltered access to), as sexual longing for innocence.

Just try to understand that.
You're still an adult human, you still would prefer adult women, if you understood things better.

The Enchanter,also by Nabakov.

Rom 10:9-17 ESV
9) because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
10) For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
11) For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”
12) For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.
13) For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14) How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
15) And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
16) But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?”
17) So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

der tod in venedig

This is uneducated, refuted ass-pulling.

A pedophile should read the scientific papers of Dr. James Cantor so they actually have the facts about their sexuality. Spoiler, it seems partly encoded genetically and there is no known cure. Good luck.

In the ideal society pedos who commit public suicide will be revered by the public and have statues of them erected, the closest you'll come to this is post the video on Yea Forums and having fame here

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Peter Sotos

hey matt

is it possible to retain one's childhood innocence forever?

Yes if you're a literal retard.

Anything Yea Forums reccomands

The heel of my boot

>You're still an adult human, you still would prefer adult women
Why exactly? Putting pure physical attraction aside, what makes an adult woman more suitable for emotional union than a child?

I literally came here to write something about boots and curbs, the hivemind is real

That was honestly a one-off thing, the whole age of consent thing. Unfortunately (fortunately?) their work has little to with age of consent/pedophilia. Derrida had little care for politics, and de Beauvoir is most known for her feminist and existentialist works.

A book on how to gas yourself

>But BPD women are also attractive to me
>It's not because we both stopped maturing at age 12
You know those cartoons where you only see adults as the bottom half of their legs? That's the physical equivalent of what your psychological range of vision takes in.

user you're responding to is wrong though. Most people attracted to kids are attracted to them because psychosocially they have never gotten out of their target age's developmental stages. That's why those that favor children below the age of seven have the planning skills of a seven year old so when they abduct kids they don't think they'll have to kill the kid and then wind up killing the kid; and why hebephiles think they are being romantic like ten year olds find gifts of candy and cards and mean they are practically married. It's also why they are so successful at finding women with children who will ignore abuse, because they date women who see children as rival siblings rather than offspring.

tl;dr Because you only see women who are equally stunted in emotional age as potential mates since you're both about grade school age in terms of emotional cognizance.

what's up jake

Good post, thank you. Then what changes in the emotional sphere appear in women between, say, 12 (when they are most certainly unfit for a relationship) and 16 (when they are already more or less fir for it)?

"but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Matthew 18:6 ESV

Is this real? Are many pedophiles really still cognitively stunted to their target's age groups themselves? It's strange, because I used to watch a lot of To Catch a Predator and local youtube channels that lure real pedo's with child profiles and meet them in person and then call the cops on them, and I noticed that most of them seemed really mentally stunted. Like, they really seemed like they were cognitively not of the age they outwardly appeared as. They never showed guilt, but it didn't seem malicious, more of a genuine inability to understand that they'd done something wrong. Like a child being scolded, not comprehending why he is. Granted, some just seem like sick and cruel individuals who want a harm a person, but many I observed seemed mentally different to an ordinary adult population.

So I wondered the same thing, and myself felt that perhaps pedo's are cognitive children, who never outgrew their attraction to their peers of a certain age even as they aged, and never mentally evolved far from that stage either. And if this is being corroborated medically, that'd be very interesting to me if I had picked up a hint of that just from observation. Most people are so instinctively sickened by pedos, or culturally programmed to act as such, that they're not even looking deeply into these characters and trying to understand what makes them that way in the first place. I'm obviously completely against their actions too, but I at least try and understand the causes behind them.

Also, in your first post you said a lot of bigbrained stuff I couldn't grasp. But can you just tell me - is it okay to be an adult but still psychically a child? Is it possible to hold onto one's childhood innocence and perspective for one's whole life?

Planning skills, empathy, reasoned loyalty, emotional control and rate of reputational violence/physical violence, among other things. They normally have intense same sex relationships (not sexual, usually) as kind of a practise run for learning adult relationships in the 12-16 age range. They practise on each other to see if jealousy works, how trust works, what level of abuse to reward they want to tolerate, and so on. Basically, all the shit tests that BPD women still put others through in adult years, they do to women before they try to form relationships that will lead to offspring. That's why they have girl crushes at that age and intense ingroup fights, so they can learn not to do that as adult women and how to resolve conflict between children and focus on more long term relationships. It's also one of the reasons BPD women are bisexual or promiscuous to a greater rate than well developed women, because they never got past the same sex shit test/bonding phase, and interpret those impulses as sexual attraction rather than psychosocial inadequacy for their age. It's a similar misinterpretation in pedos where they often view their targets as "mature" instead of viewing themselves as immature.

Fuck, that's insightful. Thank you again.

There's a lot of evidence for psychosocial stunting. It's more in the public mindset now because it's mentioned in Spotlight that Richard Sipes found most of the priests he treated to be psychosocially about the same as their victims. There are other studies without the same motivation as Sipes's research, and it seems to be most all pedos not only pedo priests. Sipes's position gave him access to a lot of sex offenders over a long time, but prisons find the same thing where the pedos don't wind up dead before getting in a study.

There are some that are purely sadistic, which you could argue is a different developmental disorders, but usually the more purely sadistic rather than stunted at a certain age range don't have a target age range. They'll be sadistic whether they come across a child, adult, or dog.

The ones that are attracted to only a certain age range and gender are usually about the same emotional age as their target victim.

There is a difference between being psychosocially stunted and having childlike wonder. Children aren't wholly innocent wide eyed creatures engaged in perpetual play. They also have meltdowns and difficulty with negative emotions or lack of attention or inability to plan and are worse at a lot of necessary social skills to survive as an adult. The idea it's all fun and games is a kind of nostalgia.
They aren't capable of surviving independently, and need supervision and assistance. Teaching a twelve year old how to run a household by themselves or giving them responsibility for their and others's care can be done, but it isn't age appropriate development and can make it harder for them to develop awareness of their own feelings and needs. (Parentification of this sort happens to a lot of children with disabled or dysfunctional parents, and as adults they have difficulty assessing their own needs)
On the other hand if you're an adult and can't run a household, or be responsible for the care of others, or control your emotions, no amount of childlike wonder will compensate for the lack of those age appropriate skills.

Do you have a shred of actual evidence to support this? It directly contradicts all scientific papers I have read. It also completely ignores the community of pedophiles working to ensure they never abuse anyone.

Pedophiles have lower IQs on average compared to the rest of the population, but keep in mind those who get caught are going to be the absolute dumbest of the bunch.

Start with the Greeks.

>It also completely ignores the community of pedophiles working to ensure they never abuse anyone.
Not really. Stunted emotional development does not mean retardation, it makes sense for some of them to have self-awareness.

based satan

This is a history article, because it demonstrates how that theory has been so common since the middle of the last century that you would have to be doing no research whatsoever to not have come across it several times in several large scale studies, even if you disagreed with it.

I also mentioned Sipes's work with the Catholic Church in particular, but I have objections to his bias in favor of eliminating celibacy and some of his research methods, along with the fact he's dealing with a potentially culturally bound syndrome as he describes it.
What direct contradictions are you citing?

>also completely ignores the community of pedophiles working to ensure they never abuse anyone.
Probably because I cited a larger community which has been documented to work to ensure abuse of children is not criminalized and which has been largely unmoved for decades of repeated abuse. If you can provide me proof that child sex abuse has entirely stopped in the world, then you might be on to something. As yet, it looks like you're saying the equivalent of "but we have good intentions"
Most of such communities which claim to never abuse children still consider child porn a victimless crime, too, so I'm not really impressed at their ability to form adult self review or emotional reactions the way a fully developed responsible adult would.

>Parents had to
>offer an adult male for them to identify with
>avoid overprotective mothering

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