what's your pseudonym Yea Forums?
What's your pseudonym Yea Forums?
When I become a famous author, it's going to be R. D. Terry. Look out for that name.
The undertaker,
I'll throw mankind to hell in a cell
Nadia Bidnez
Probably something funny once I actually start writing (I'm only 22)
John David Wainwright
Fock Neegers
Abraham Nehemiah >:)
Juan Cangrejo
Chester St Grignion
>once I actually start writing
you'll keep saying that until your death
>once I actually start writing (I'm only 80)
Bump Glumly
Sue Denim originally but then I opted for Suede Nym.
Nock Feegers.
The Crude Pseud
Kate Hikes
Wolf-Fouquer Daniels
Feck Jennies
Juan Fitzcarraldo
Piverus de Quizgreaves
My nickname is unironically Sparrow. No idea how that happened but I like it
I use the name my mother would have given me if I was a girl alongside my maternal grandmother's maiden name
James Uk-Guy
David Fostor Wallace
Bone Ticker Fwabalah
Thomas Pynchon
chester the second semester, corporate investor, testicle tester, child molester.
Johannes de Silentio. yes it's recycled
john of montana
Anne Tipha
If ghostwriting counts, I've had five
Yasser Pinzón
I write poetry. The penname I use is Adjzi, which means 'the weak one' or 'the impotent one'
Adjzi is Arabic, forgot to add
Andrew Macdonald
Burgers need to fuck off Yea Forums
e.b. remington
American Hitler
Rodger Elliot
Scurvy McMango
6u$$y d3$+r0y3r 2000
Candace Ernest
i use the transliteration of 'elephant' from my native language to English
Fartus papambus
A. Dick Succor
Yuri Senovavitch