Books/idea about being less self-centered. Sort of like the underground man...

Books/idea about being less self-centered. Sort of like the underground man, I'm simultaneously narcissistic and think that I'm smarter than others and deserve money/women/respect, while also being painfully self-conscious and knowing how lame and self-centered and a small man I am.

What are some good books to get out of your head.

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There is no self. You're not real. You're just a figment of my imagination. Now make better threads, you erroneous neuron misfire.

and what a small man**

Thanks for the input bud

absolute pleb, you know why I know you're wrong. Because only I have imaginated this reality.

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I know that feel.

unironically pic related
the whole book is basically about being less self centered

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The first two sentences are correct at least.

start sucking dudes off to eurobeats

Bro, you sound like a caricature of incels.

I won't trivialize your thread in case it is serious, because I feel much the same way myself, and on my end am failingly looking for such books as well.

The only lead I have, sadly, is Andrew Bolkonski (a char. in War and Peace), who struggles with general meaninglessness in his life, and seems to discover it in the end after he's been through war.

I hope reading War and Peace might help you, user, and that you will report your finding here on day if you find them.

Most existentialist writers think like you do, user. Now go and write a novel about it.
don't worry plebs you won't remember a thing when haruhi btfo both of you

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Read the Republic by Plato

Imagine a better me you cunt.


>think that I’m smarter than others
read kant’s crtiques, the science of logic, then plunge into mathematics and attemp working up to even comprehending wile’s proof of fermat’s last theorem

at some point, the physical brain will yell that you are an idiot

The Selfish Gene by Dawkins

I will give this a read. It's been on my list for a long time, but I'll push up to the next one I read.

Thanks for the suggestion

I know. I wrote it in a very brief, kind of cliche way, basically mirroring how Dost. represents the caricature of the underground man. I'm not as extreme as how I wrote it, but I do have the feelings.

Well, I am made of memes lol.

Part of the problem is that I'm totally aware of the fact that I'm not a superbrain, and that makes me feel insecure, thus exacerbating my desire to be superior to others. I only like to think that I'm smarter in an egotistical and surface level way.
It's entertaining a fantasy that I choose to halfheartedly believe because it makes me feel better about myself. But it's so negative and only makes me feel guilty and small anyways.

approaching the end of War and Peace and I would definitely agree. Prince Andrei is a very unique and relatable figure who wrestles with, and is unsettled by, the greater questions in life. Through reading from the perspective of these characters, one is momentarily immersed in their line of thinking. And if this is performed often enough, you’ll widen your own perspective and incorporate those views. Learning how to feel empathy is a very important part of being a mature and developed human. Maybe read a book like Creatures of a Day (case studies by a psychiatrist) to get in touch with those feelings.

Master and Man, Tolstoy

wrong again, it is i that is the maker

Narcissism is a real problem and can make ones life a private hell. But the good part is that you're self-aware, and can admit at least to yourself, that there is a problem. I would recommend 3 things:

1. Pschotherapy/Counseling- they'll help you figure out how to have a better life,dont be afraid to see one

2. Lit- yes, lit. Fiction and poetry make you more empathetic. Most narcissists dont have a lot of empathy so this is one thing you can do to make yourself more normal.

3. Meditate-- meditation makes you more empathetic as well, the rest more than one path to get to where you need to be

Sounds to me like you need a productive hobby. Something to make you feel pride in what you have achieved. Use your big boy brain to develop something. Write some short stories, make a video essay for YouTube, take up chess.

If you really are so smart you should use your intellect for something rewarding. The feeling of pride from accomplishment will last longer than shallow praise and admiration from your peers, real or imagined.

Drama of Being a Gifted Child - Alice Miller