How do I tell my father I am gay?

How do I tell my father I am gay?
He always said he wanted me to get a girl pregnant because he wants to have a cute little niece.

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Assuming you're an adult, your father should have no say in what you do with your life.


Hijacking this thread
How do I get my gf who wants to adopt to have a daughter with me so I can have my own little Illya?

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Yea Forums - Shitposting

Start reading people like Oscar Wilde and Proust. He will realize that women are for the plebs.

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You can be gay and still inseminate your aunt. Just close your eyes.

Is this how things go in America?


decent shitpost, user.

>tfw your dad is your brother

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this post is so dense. everything from the pic used to the implications of almost every single word.

I'm in awe at the economy of this user.

>boo-hoo why isn't my girlfriend an amoral narcissist like me?

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could you really use underwear to filter coffee?

Did someone say narcissism?

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Abandoned Children tend to be of inferior genetic material and are less deserving of life than most of the people who post here's spawn. You're the narcisssit for carring so much about stupid shit like "muh suffering". Seriously, Nigga, suffering is the point of life.

Yep. In the olden days, they used similar rags and bags made of the same materials. The holes (pores?) are so tiny. No grounds are getting through that.

>having children
Clearly you don't care for traditional family units.

She's actually my fiancee, we're engaged, but I prefer to say "girlfriend" because it makes me feel warm, and "fiancee" sounds too fancy, like something a pseud would say.

Give him a blowie. I'm sure he'll understand.

>Abandoned Children tend to be of inferior genetic material and are less deserving of life

it's true, but you shouldn't say it

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>calling fiancee your "fiancee" is pseud shit
peak Yea Forums

>suffering is the point of life
How can you say something like this and not see yourself as a narcissist?

"deserves" is a made-up word.

How is suffering bad to anyone other than a narcissist?
"Deserving" is absolutely a real word.

real word, artificial concept. social construction.

>A child is just a a manifestation of my genetic material and not an end in itself

They really need to change this word to something that better conveys what it is. It's so overused and poorly understood.

Did I say "just", nigger? You absolutely know that my central point is correct. Don't try to cope via obfuscation.

Isn't that exactly what the mechanism of reproduction is for?

Perhaps the person asserting that suffering is some sort of moral good rather than an ontological inevitability should ask this to themself. If you intend to cause other people to suffer without consideration for anyone but yourself, then I think I'm not wrong in classifying you as a narcissist.

>Making coffee by pouring already made coffee into a coffee filter

You're the one who tried to derive an "ought" from an "is."


It's how it came to be. Assigning normativity to it is another issue.

>If you intend to cause other people to suffer without consideration for anyone but yourself
And where exactly do I state that I care about myself at all? Suffering is that menagerie of experiences that forms you into an actual person rather than an ejaculating ape. Without hardship and toil there is nothing that can even be recognizable as the human experience.


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Why should there be human experience? Just following up on all the assumptions you're making.

Fine, "egotist."

Why not just kill yourself? I mean that's what your going towards anyway, right?

But I don't like to drink coffee.

Maybe I should, or maybe it's futile. But that has nothing to do with you wanting to make other people suffer on your behalf.

"Should" assuming that my goal is to reduce my own suffering, that is.

here here user, come in for the hug.

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How are they suffering on my behalf? They suffer. That is what is but only through that suffering can they become better people and only the best of people can actually experience the only joy in all of existence that being the authentic contemplation of "God".

Ever heard of a French press?
Americans have the worst taste in coffee.

You are bringing something out of non-existence into a world of suffering, ergo, you cause them to suffer. You in particular even do so knowingly.

non-existence is infinitely more painful than suffering.

>french press
>not moka pot

Yes, of course. What do you gain from my answer?

I think we're done here.

Yes, I use a French press occasionally. Problem is that French pressed coffee is not as filtered as slow-drip coffee, therefore introducing more than twice as much cholesterol and calories.
I only use a French press about 20% of the time.

*Infinitely more painful than the possible suffering in life
Does that make that more clear.

I don't see how you can think something that does not exist can experience suffering. Do you believe in a hell between reincarnations or something?

Wouldn't that justify murder as bringing something from a world of suffering into non-existence?


Either that's a grown man, or that's an incredibly small coffee pot.

Then what don't you understand about this picture? Clearly the gentleman brewed himself a nice cup of coffee with ground coffee then used the nymphet's panties to filter the grains out and add some delicious flavouring.

Once you're born, suffering is nigh inescapable. Any act taken to mitigate this is futile to a varying degree. Personally, I'm more interested in the "how" rather than any "ought."

In the state of non-existence can you experience anything?

Are you saying death does not eliminate all suffering?

The instant before death is suffering enough.

You're fucking retarded

>dear dad
>i'm gay
>wanna fuck

I wasn't the guy you originally responded to. I just wanted to talk about my French press

Suck his dick