Best travel Yea Forumserature?

Best travel Yea Forumserature?

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Unironicly LOTR. The charcters always travel trouh various countries and places.While the description of the surrounding enviroment is always detailed.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Agree. The most wonderful traveling book.

The Snow Leopard by Matthiessen and the writings of John Muir.

the adventures of huckleberry finn

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Prospero's Cell

I remember Goethe's Italian Journey as being very comfy. Heartwarming descriptions of little peasant girls, his theories about the movements of clouds, winds, rocks, comparisons between the local ale and German lager and picturesque description of the Italian landscape among other things.

Patrick leigh fermor

People in this thread might like “fitzpatricks travel talks”
Some are on youtube, though tcm has released dvds of polished ones that are unbelievably comfy

A Trip Around My Room by Xavier de Maistre


Nineteenth century African explorer accounts.

link nigga, citations

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ibn battuta

Dazai wrote a good travel book

my man returned, cheers nigga
off to eat some KFC and read about my ancestors


Eothen by Kinglake
Sailing Alone Around The World by Slocum

Both are fascinating looks into a world that is all but gone now. Slocum's journey in particular is insane, but he makes it sound like a comfy cruise.

"Somewhere between Calabria and Corfu the blue really begins."
Delightful little book. It's a shame I never see Durell discussed at all on this board.

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Mark Twain's actual travel writing is great, and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading his stuff while in the same places. On an unrelated noted Kerouac's Dharma Bums always makes me want to see some shit.

Twain's book on the Mississippi River is great, I forget the name of it just now