Anons who read for more than 2hrs straight, how do you do it? Is it out of pure enjoyment or is it discipline?
Anons who read for more than 2hrs straight, how do you do it? Is it out of pure enjoyment or is it discipline?
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neither. to ignore my shitty life and sometimes curiosity/fascination
Boredom and habit
Oh come now my qtpi, you don’t ever force yourself to read something? Many times you must read things to acquire more knowledge, not simply because you enjoy it.
Did you work out today
To learn is pure enjoyment
No. I disagree. Sometimes it is hard to learn, and can be confusing to make out the meaning. You read to acquire knowledge
Having learnt something = pure enjoyment
The act of learning something = hard work
Now then. Did you work out today or not?
Is it not possible for someone to find joy in hard work?
It’s all the same thing.
Now, did you learn anything today?
I honestly don't keep track of how long I read. It may have been two hours straight with Pnin or Pale Fire a few times. Probably the same with Wuthering Heights. Otherwise, I just read until I don't feel like it anymore.
No it’s really not. If you just did whatever felt enjoyable you would experience no discomfort at all in your life willingly. And we know from Plato, that this leads to a less fulfilling life. You need to work hard, and take the shot of hard work ethic towards reading, in order to disseminate more knowledge. I sometimes don’t look forward to reading, but I push myself through it, and I’m glad I did.
Now then, I was asking if you worked out. Sounds like you did. Biking or squats?
Oh yeah I’m the :3 guy ofc
I see you have not
I deserve an answer
Hey cmon. What did you do for exercise today? Nothing? You didn’t exercise at all?
Man she is into me, trust me. She had essentially said I was turning her straight last night
Enjoyment. I get worried when I get too close to the end though and slow down how fast I'm reading or take more breaks.
So I’m thinking you biked today and now you’re doing squats because I mentioned it
Don't be hungry. Take regular breaks for coffee or tea and smokes if you like, or smoke whilst reading. I've always read for lengths of time since I was a child and used to read in bed as a way to stay up late and now I sometimes worry that I have insomnia but I'm not sure if that's related.
One weekend I remember trying to read a 3 or 400 page book in 3 days. It was extremely hard, I had to keep pushing and pushing.
I managed to do it while cataloguing quotes so that I could compare the book with a short essay written about it.
I normally have the attention span of a peanut (like most of us) but I discovered you can read quite a bit if you buckle down and force yourself to.
Enjoyment. If I don't enjoy it I don't read it for more than a few minutes at a time.
Read the last Harry Potter book in one sitting when I was a kid, out of pure enjoyment.
Both desu
For the pure pleasure of company better than my own. I used to go on 16 hour binges fairly regularly, but now it is my eyes rather than my attention that can't span it. Once, I spent an entire 10 day vacation reading Montaigne out of sequence, at leisure, ordering subject matter by whim, brooding over favorites like "On Physiognomy" more than once. I have never read "The Time Machine" or "The Picture Of Dorian Grey" except in single sessions.
If you're going to post Bjork, at least post best Bjork.