wat are we doing
Delueze, Gilles. Dislike him. A cheap wordsmith, crazy and obscure. A schizophrenic, a claptrap metaphysicist and a slapdash Spinozan. Some of his philosophy is extraordinarily nonsensical. Nobody takes his Body-Without-Organs seriously.
Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation. His best work, though an obvious and shameless imitation of Bacon's "Essays"
Difference and Repetition. Dislike it intensely.
Anti-Oedipus. Dislike it intensely. Ghastly haunting.
>n place of the linear evolution of social systems, Deleuze and Guattari propose that they emerge simultaneously. But while a town "consists" in a horizontal network, a State is always a vertical and hierarchical system. States capture other social formations and push them beyond their network "limit" across a threshold into becoming a component of a stratified State. Yet this overcoding gives rise to flows that escape it like the transients or homeless who live on the edge or in the streets of the city. Yet when capitalism emerges it is always ready to conjoin decoded or deterritorialized flows, which allows the axiomatic of capital to find equivalences among them. This is the case for citizens as much as for land or commerce.
Do you guys seriously find this shit to be profound? It's baby tier ideas expressed in obtuse ways that come across more like stoner ideas than a product of academic rigor. Like, fucking come on....
frog poster absolutely DESTROYS the plane of immanence with SHITPOSTING and VAGUE OPINIONATING
there were NO SURVIVORS
Are you seriously going to defend "muh rhizomes knowledge vs muh tree image of knowledge"? Or will you stake your reputation on the hot take quoted above, that "states are like... hierachical maaaann"?
Please. Stop embarrassing you're-self.
In mille plateaux they had one (1) great idea and they repeated it ad libitum. But still a great idea.
in your repetition of canned phrases belonging to an embarrassing online subculture you are a lot more like the Ben Shapiro type of style you're 'satirizing' than the poster you're replying to here
three posts to unintenrional self-ironizing
not my record, but close
you are never gonna shizio
You sound like a treefag man. If you like the state apparatus so much why don't you marry it
yeah you sure got us by acting like a teenage chapo listener
I wonder if you can prove that the ideas of D&G have EVER had an impact on a sizable portion of the population? Their ideas are pretty old by now, so if they haven't yet they almost certainly never will. Is obsessing over this shit a form of WHITE privilege in a way?
he just keeps going, though, by his own volition
It's cute that you even write as though you're narrating like your eceleb friends
They and Derrida pretty much kick started all the contemporary queer and feminist theories
These are my posts
So are these. Sorry for freaking out like this. I really am not some weird lefty tranny trying to shit up the thread. I swear!
And yet they are all white men... weird. Have women ever actually created something?
aren't they criminally misunderstood when it comes to that? not sure about Derrida, but from the little D&G I've read, they radiated a completely different vibe when it comes to the sexuality question, I'm talking about the passage about "n number of sexes" existing