He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked...

>He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked, along with Gulliver's Travels and Uncle Tom's Cabin, as the great works of world literature. Hitler himself was a voracious reader: he claimed to read at least one book a night, if not more.

Was his taste good or bad?

Attached: hitler x5.jpg (861x768, 60K)

>here in mein garage

Don Quixote is pretty based.

Haven't read the others desu desu

>translated don quijote
>ILLUSTRATED translated don quijote
lmao, middle school tier at best

This pic always makes me laugh, the hand resting contemplatively on the chin, the ridiculous stack of books he could never possibly read in one sitting, the level of attention he is giving that book, the perfect combination

t. bellaco

Maybe he is just reading the index so he can know what does each book covers. He may also just be looking for edition references to add to his paper on why Hitler is so adored by incels.

A part me just thinks this picture was taken ironically. I want it to be real so bad though

I had one of those condensed, illustrated classics as a child.

You forgot the satanist goatee and discount leather jacket.

>so he can know what does each book covers

hmmm, i'm gonna guess they're about Hitler

Someone shoop milk and honey and or IJ into the stack


Nice school shooter hairdo as well.

>If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!

its staged

If you would've read any biography of Hitler you'd know that Hitler was a huge pseud.

user dear, the p is silent

>he claimed to read at least one book a night, if not more
how is this possible, assuming books of 300+ pages, and only reading in the evening

>he claimed to read at least one book a night, if not more
Yeah ok Hitler

I assume he bought a stack at the thrift, and is having a peruse with his coffee. We've all done the same surely, maybe not with Hitler books though

Where there is a will, there is a way user

Attached: 4.png (112x108, 20K)

stfu peud
