Can there be difference without hierarchy?
Can there be difference without hierarchy?
Yes but also sexual congress cannot exist.
No change for Yea Forums, then.
Yeah, there is already.
Go read book nao
what bok?
Wut bok u lyk?
which one fgt
Me luv u long time
i wan bok wit gril liek u
What does this even mean?!? Hahahahahh ohhhhh fuck
THIS has so many different meanings. You basically made a thread someone who is mentally disabled would make Holy shit. You have entered that zone at this stage of your life.
This bok says kirkegud things so. Ich a god bok. Also kant.
Candy (Southern and Hoffenberg novel)
i lieg kirkegud. wud i liek dis bok?
You know, I am younger than you and you are basically my girlfriend. I like this.
That was me earlier, I really think the OP was somewhat serious and is now trying to save face
Yes. It is a book critisize >2014 Decartes&Kant suckers for pursuing delusional "O My inherently free and independent brain" mindset. Author suggests Kirk as the opposite, refers some lines about hierachy of father-son and teacher-student. In short, home schooling bad.
are you suggesting that difference is essentially class difference OP?
Sure but without hierarchy everything sucks by default.
>tfw no depraved mummy gf that posts on 4channel
fucks sake apu
That's kinda the premise of egalitarianism, but nobody (not even its proponents) adheres to it.
It kinda sounds cute, though, that's why it attracts people.
No, read Difference and Repetition. It gives a very digestible treatment of the subject
gib rundown
yo umean is the unreal real in the absence of the real? Nes