What are some good books for a person who's currently Agnostic but grew up with Catholic customs and traditions?
What are some good books for a person who's currently Agnostic but grew up with Catholic customs and traditions?
The History of The Motile Representations Relation to Theophysical Discombubolation and Just Conduct of the Mind and its Rights: A Kafkaesque Venture (By NiggerHater88)
joyce - portrait of an artist as a young man
Sort of related...I grew up Catholic but have grown disgruntled by how rapey the Clergy is. What’s a good Protestant denomination to convert to?
I don’t want Unitarian anything goes faggotry but I don’t want to be picking up snakes and talking in tongues either.
Something a bit more middle of the road and respectably American.
Orthodoxy is the way my fren.
It's called being based.
agnosticism is just the insufferable centrism of religion
>the fedora of christendom
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
No, it just means you aren't making any baseless assumptions even if it seems self evident to you.
user, don't leave the Church because of the abuse scandal. Didn't you read the big expose on the Southern Baptists? There are pedos in every denomination. Probably in all the other religions, too. It seems to be a particular problem of this age of the world, one that's infected everything.
Story of a Soul
Apolgia Pro Vita Sua
The exitence of a god cannot be proven by any means other than pure belief, thus a non ultimatum belief is completely justified, since our current system of detemining if something is true cannot answer it without unscientific methods.
Agnosticism is just not caring about it enough to give a solid answer, unlike an atheist, who strongly believes about the inexitence of a deity, and cares enough to look for an explanation to their belief.
This art looks pretty drab. I like the people though, they seem pretty out of it
Image source?
Barry Lyndon
Thx user
Agnostic is just what agnostic atheists call themselves to pretend they're not in the same category as essentially all self-called atheists because they're afraid of being laughed at for their fedora.
You either take the leap of faith or you don't, OP.
Is the pope Catholic? by Hutton Gibson. Used to be free online in PDF but the site is down. Maybe omnicbc.com has it. And that site has hundreds of good books that I recommend to you!