Starting to read again

Gunna be going on a ship for the next few months to a year (military). I don’t have any video games or tablets so I decided to take this time to start reading again. I bought the Bible, For Whom the Bell Tolls (re-reading it it’s my favorite book) , Blood Meridian, 2666 and Storm of Steel. What else should I bring with me/purchase on my phone to read?

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Other urls found in this thread:ï#Removing_a_reference_of_Joan_McLeod's_novel_from_Infobox

Bump I know I’ll get memed on but I want something good to read

Pale Fire

LotR, Borges's stories, some Shakespeare.


Master and Margarita

Why would anyone join the military? If there’s one thing the ultra libs and /pol/lacks agree on is that only dumb, gullible people join the military. No matter how you look at it you are either serving Israel’s interest or continuing the imperialistic exploitation and policing of the world. Honestly you shouldn’t be allowed on this board. I doubt you even understood the deeper meanings of For Whom the Bell Tolls. Shit I doubt you even read it in the first place.

Since the picture used is from Le Samouraï, I thought it would be opportune to mention that for a very mysterious reason, it has been long held by film critics and people writing about the film that there was supposedly a book that Le Samouraï was based on. To this day, I have seen no absolute proof that this is true, and others seem to agree, on Wikipedia. Years ago, I tried to search widely in bookstores, libraries, and online for this supposed book, entitled The Ronin, by an author named Joan McLeod. I would be interested to know if this Wikipedia article contributor is wrong, and that such a book in fact exists, yet I am inclined to agree with his perspective.ï#Removing_a_reference_of_Joan_McLeod's_novel_from_Infobox

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My reading list on deployment was mostly a mix of fantasy and sci-fi, stuff like Dune series, Hyperion, LoTR, The Forever War, Neuromancer, Diamond Age. Some others off the top of my head: Moby Dick, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Troika, Siddhartha.

Kindle is easier to read on then your phone. Might want to get one with a backlight too, my bunk light was super noisy so I usually read in the dark.

seriously, some well written pulp thrillers, like Shibumi or John Le Carre novels would be some relaxing reads. maybe The Godfather, or Martin Booth's Very Private Gentleman. Also, maybe some Tom Sharpe books if you want some cmic relief.

Sometimes guys just have nothing else to do with their life. I'd join the military any day over having an office job for example. The sense of adventure and being outside is really appealing to young men like me.
I do agree with you but I sympathize very much with young men who join the military.

But you’re serving the Jews

Just play tekken in the mess, you don't want everyone to think you're weird do you?

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>exploiting and policing the world
But user, that's the best part

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Is a kindle worth it? Especially if I’m gunna be on a ship with limited space? Or are there better reader options?

any old tablet

Something small-ish, yea definitely. Nook maybe? Also don't forget your shower shoes, carmex, toiletry bag (hanging ones are pretty useful), towel, multivitamins, toilet paper (trust me, keep 2x rolls as backup), small pack of lysol wipes, coffee mug w/lid, water bottle, sewing kit, spare earbuds, and a little red light flashlight for the berthing. You should have a list of crap to bring, but those are things that came in pretty damn useful for quality of life. That little blue sewing kit you got in bootcamp is fine, those cotton overalls rip pretty easy.

You a get senpai? Unfortunately we won’t have our own storage locker like most on the ship so my already limited space is going to be even more limited.



Yes and that is why I won't join, but I would rather serve the Jews in the military than serve the Jews working for a mega corporation due to the nature of the jobs.

Do you get a lot of time off onboard ship?

From what I’ve been told we work 12 hours a day 7 days a week until we hit port. I’m a part of a squadron not ships company.

No. Even if you don’t work all day you’ll be made to stand watch.