Tfw you will die and be nothing but nothing

>tfw you will die and be nothing but nothing
>tfw on average we have 70 years at most to make a shit stain on the ever lasting scroll of human history
>tfw I've decided to take interest in a unpopular art form rather than engage in the front lines of a technological evolution
>tfw I can only write poetry and have been stuck on a draft for years which will most likely get denied
>tfw the doors for making literary history close more and more day by day
>tfw I can't truly configure if I like literature for the beauty of the art form or the pride I strive for
>tfw I have less than 30 years to do everything I want to as my doctor has predicted that I will inherit my fathers schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder later in life
>tfw there is no wars in sight so I can never enroll in the military and write a great war book.
>tfw I'm majoring in Eng. with a minor in sociology
>tfw I need to get a job as I'm soon to be kicked out of my parents home upon graduation
>tfw havent been touched by a girl since sophmore year HS
>tfw im going mad

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whatever man

enjoyed your blog post user

>tfw there is no wars in sight so I can never enroll in the military and write a great war book.

same. i feel like if a war rolls around all my Yea Forums brethren will sign up and come out of shells meeting one another with respect. It'll also cause a wave of good literature so we can be more relevant

woops, op here forgot the
>books for this feel?

(preferably war related)

wish I can have this attitude tbfh

Fuck off

>>tfw I have less than 30 years to do everything I want to as my doctor has predicted that I will inherit my fathers schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder later in life
Based. Estabilish yourself as a semi-known poet/writer/essayist in your early thirties, maintain a reasonable image, make some friends willing to remind people of your existence, then create some horrendous work once a schizophreniac, shock everyone, struggle with your illness, write a lot, and if you commit suicide while at the peak of recognition, you legitimately might be remembered for a ton of time, first as a hapless tormented artist who became tragically ill, and later on, once many people heard of you, as a name to remember.

all you need to get on that path is a little bit of talent and determination

Grow up. Bipolar and schizophrenia are not directly heritable. Does your doctor happen to be a psychologist? If they don't have an MD/DO their advice is worth shit.


>30 years to do everything I want to as my doctor has predicted that I will inherit my fathers schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder later in life
These disorders usually start to manifest when people are around 21 or so. How old are you?

>tfw I've decided to take interest in a unpopular art form rather than engage in the front lines of a technological evolution
>tfw I can only write poetry and have been stuck on a draft
you have absolutely zero chance of making it as a poet. None. I am telling you this on the front end. You should try to write some sort of story that can either be adapted into a film or a video game, and you’d better pray to god that the identity politics movement dominating the arts gets played out in the next decade. Either way abandon poetry right now while you are still in your early twenties.

My family has a history of disorders that usually occur later in life my grandparents are both veggie bags that continue to live with us even though half of what they say is incoherent,piss,shit, and are constantly falling although I think its for attention they have a pharmacy of meds they need to take. My mother and aunt both take medication for depression although its very minor. As for my dad he was never around but worked a million jobs and was also up to some stupid shit(think Neal Cassady in terms of personality) he still thinks im in HS and treats me like a child, he gave up on trying to own up to his kids and married some hatian woman that stalks my mother and assaults my dad although im not sure where he is now. As for my grandfather in my fathers side all's I know the crazy fuck jumped infront of a 16 wheeler on his bike. My "Doctor" is really just my family psychologist thats always been around.
cute comment. made me smile :) theres always trying regardless of pointlessness
19, I was told the same exact thing by my doctor but he explained that it will come very slowly than all at once and too be prepared etc etc. I'll be coherent till mid-30s/late-20s when it'll start to kick in. I'm one of three siblings but they are totally fine and lucked out on my mothers side; we were all weird kids growing up but me(being the latest child) got fucked in the dice roll, im incredibly tan compared to my siblings and look nothing like my mother/dad or grandparents on my mothers side,(they always make jokes about how they adopted me lmao) but thats just more bitching then you need

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Crane, Hemingway, Woolf, Plath, DFW, Jesus(?)

All of which immortalized themselves -selfish endeavor no doubt- within the histories by blowing off those beautiful, sexy wonder domes... Or sinking into the cold depths to discern if there is still, in fact, water at the bottom of the ocean (there is, I think). The jew king essentially committed suicide by conceding to an imminent execution.

Been thinking about scribbling some (eloquent) psychobabble onto a post-it note and leaping off the top of the sears tower. My ego seeps into the afterlife like the aforementioned assholes.

I have a story right now remincest of Lonesome Dove and Walden but more captures the esscense of being a lonesome hermit out in the west with different strangers coming by the shack everyday, its a short story so im not sure how to expand on it now. As for the poetry thing I have a prose/poetry draft thats nearly 20k words in and its really close to my heart, taking me forever to write and im no where close of how I want it to be but I rather right something that completes me than some shitty YA book, I just wish I had double majored in accounting or something

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One of my brothers has schizophrenia. He got his first psychotic episodes when he was like 22. It came out of fucking nowhere, I can tell you that, and it got crazy very fast. Don't expect to see it coming.

i expect nothing but that or its that I don't really expect it? Im indifferent to it really; repressed memories like Freud says, ill just do me till I die

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The True Believer


>the ever lasting scroll of human history
lol retard

I'm a crossboard tourist but came here to call you a faggot. Do something useful after you die, i.e. organ donation.
Me? I'll be donating my cadaver to a forensic body farm, so I'll -literally- be lying facedown in a ditch somewhere, hey, it beats being interred with my family that I can't stand.

>>tfw no wars in sight
You’re optimistic aren’t you user

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Well he’s right :3