>Marx’s diagnosis is right but his remedy is wrong
Marx’s diagnosis is right but his remedy is wrong
>scientific socialism based on dialectical materialism
>Marx was a Jew born to Jewish parents
>Anons grandma while not religious, was a Ukrainian Jewish immigrant to the United States in 1904.
Hitler's diagnosis is right but his remedy is wrong.
>Marx diagnosis was wrong but his remedy was right
This. Stop working wagecucks.
This meme shows how your entire world rests on your shoulders. Are you going to surrender that amazing instrument of a mind to be reduced to but a means of gratifying the primal regions pleasures? Or are you going to wake up and put yourself and your brain to good use?
Why use brain when you have 2k$ abacus just like everyone
Why not both?
he doesnt really give a remedy beyond general shit like workers control of production
Never read Capital
What would Hitler say about me as a white American mutt? I don't have a homeland. I don't have traditions or a culture of any real sort. What am I to do?
Okay, I won't
He'd be appalled and deeply saddened. The real problem, however, is that nowadays everyone is a mutt, and the global world is the world of the mutt. Those knowingly or unknowingly clinging to their traditions and old ways of living cannot help but be muttified at some point, and there's no going back. Therefore we need to learn to exist as mutts. What else is there to do.
Why does everyone say this sort of stuff?
I'm Italian/Nord but I grew up in rural Wisconsin. My "traditions" are protestant Christianity, fishing, shooting, hiking, bluegrass and classical music.
The only people in America who have no culture are the ones who grew up in the suburbs in the tract homes, which I do feel bad for.
All the bloodlines are crossing and forming and dissolving since the dawn of man. Race, language, homeland, culture etc. are all unstable and none of these should be used to derive identity because all fall quite short of describing our essential feature, which is humanity.
I could go on but will not.
You'd see the world you grew up in being destroyed in your lifetime.
>here comes the globalist
Funny thing is, you're not even a proper globalist but a faux Christian, clinging to your rainbow world of equality before God that was rebranded as "humanity", not realising that your hands are simultaneously destroying the only places and cultures that ever gave a damn about "humanity".
>Needing spooks like tradition, nationality or culture to find meaning in your life
Never gonna make it
Just give up and be a bluehaired tranny conumer, after all we are just human race gender trafition. Those are spooks, ypu have an obligation to free youself of all spooks so the system can reproram you beter
Where do all these cunts come from? All throughout history there’s people complaining about the downfall of society, usually making it themselves temporarily worse with their retarded ideas of “protecting” some vague idea of tradition they can’t even define. Dreaming of some good old perfect time and place somewhere in the past, being completely unaware that in their fantasy past some retard like themselves was already complaining about the culture declining or degenerating like a little bitch
Why do all these whining little bitches pop up all over history? How can they be so un-selfaware?
>But this time it’s different! This time society will surely go to shit!
Is anyone forcing you or anyone else to be a „bluehaired tranny consumer“?
Or do you want to force people NOT to be able to choose to be a „bluehaired tranny consumer“?
I wonder which side I should support if I want people to have more freedom
people have to understand that becoming a mindless consumption drone is in their best interests. Stop reading and start buying before you break the veil of the illusion and kill yourself
See, you're still clinging to the illusion that nothing really changed. I understand it gives you a peace of mind, and sort of wish I were able to do that, too. Your hostility, however, comes from the deep fear and uncertainty that maybe the world does in fact change, the fear that you will never be able to drive away or overcome unless you embrace it first.
Brainlet take.
Tradition has been getting erroded at for about 150 years, that's why every generation says "Wow things sure are getting worse" in their 50's/60's. Because things are unironically getting worse and each generation can see things getting worse with their own eyes.
Just from 2009-2019 I've seen things get much worse
Spooks simply don't exist, the term was made up by a brainlet.