Good night frens

Good night frens

Also: tfw the world thinks i'm dangerous because i didn't get laid (incel) and that i'm a terrorist and should be put on a watch list. I'm just socially awkward and anxious frog, i don't want to hurt anyone. Why are every other oppressed group afforded a "not all" benefit?

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Wrong board but it's because of women who cannot make a coherent point sort to their only advantage, the vagina. Ignore anyone who uses incel as they're incapable of making a concrete point

have sex

apu, stop talkin lik dat. git undrisd and cum two bed.

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why would you idiots identify with incels of all people. i swear to gott identity politics is to blame for this.

also Yea Forums is short for literature fuck off to the literally dozens of other boards you can post this bullshit in

I'm going to sleep

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why are there so many non /comfy/ people itt?

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no you fuck off dont bully apu good night threads are a Yea Forums treasure


sorry sweetie, you just don't notice how dangerous you are :)
now please, step into the gas chamber :))

They’re angry at themselves and lash out at others instead of working on their problems

lol the whole world doesn't want to kill you, just some ugly feminists on twitter

I don't but women use it as an ad hominem whenever someone calls them out on their bullshit

I'm currently dating a girl, thank you very much

It's okay to be incel dude. Sex is meaningless if you're not going to do it with the woman you love. Read The Idiot and some Dostoevsky. Avoid Penisson. If you can't meet girls in person meet them online and let them know your intentions for marriage.

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Being incel is comfy if you just enjoy the things you like to enjoy and meet the girls through common interest.

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I’m too ugly and dumb, fren

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Don't you like reading? You're on Yea Forums Why not join a book club?

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I have social anxiety and I’m afraid they’ll make fun of me for liking Turgenev over Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

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I have doubts you're that ugly fren. If it's a weight problem you just lose or gain it. And don't give a shit if they make fun of you. Maybe that confidence will attract qts.

And don't be afraid of online dating. It's the current year.

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huge yikes from me buddy

i like Turgenev and Chekhov more than Dosto and Tolstoy desu

>book club
what is it and how does it help

R u a gril?