How important is diversity in literature?

How important is diversity in literature?

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Literature is a white thing. It's being diversified and turned to shite because jews run the publishing industry and hate whites, hence all the anti-white diversity garbage.


I will read something regardless of the author's identity. The author is unimportant.

Diversity of thought? Extremely important.

Diversity of what the authors look like? Not important.

I'll third this. I can't think of a non-white author worth reading. They push Achebe down our throats (in the US), Morrison, etc. Of course these authors can write. They can create a scene, elicit emotion, use metaphor. They're not horrible, but they're nowhere near, e.g. Mann, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, etc.
If you want to get into the timeline of when the Jews began to control publishing, it coincides with where we see a drop off in great lit.

Dear OP,

As a gay nigga, I say it's very important.

Yours gayly and niggerly,

~Gay Nigga

On behalf of the comity, we would like to present you with the Nobel Prize in Yea Forums, sir.

Very important. Great literatures has been written by Spaniards, Frenchmen (even by some Frenchwomen!), Italians, Greeks (of course!), Englishmen, Irishmen, Scandinavians, Russians, Americans even a few Slavs and South Americans.

Diversity is very important in literature.

It's neither good nor bad, just don't be a cunt about it.

Whoo Whee! Oh Lowdy, I can't wait to buy myself some fried chicken and participate in unprotected anal sex with other men.

No. It's definitely bad. In a meritocracy it would be great. Unfortunately in our current system White Teeth not only gets published, but is pushed by all MSM "book reviews". Then you buy it, start reading it, and realize it's written by a C student in the tenth grade (or the UK equivalent) and it's almost unreadable.

That acceptance speech was so good, we're going to take the unprecedented move of pre-emptively awarding you next year's honor as well.

>you buy it
>you read it
I pick books by scanning the shelves of used book stores

It doesnt matter, good literature doesnt have characters

Diversity of idea is important.

Diversity of race is not.

I did buy it from a used book store. It was fucking hardcover. Even used it cost me $9. $9 doorstop I guess

Well, now that you mention it...

I scanned my bookshelf, and I don't have a single book written by a non-white/non-European. Is this a bad thing? No. Forced "diversity" the way they push on us (skin colour, gender, sexuality - inherent traits) is stupid. I do value diversity of opinion, religion, etc if they can make valid points.

Now that I think about it even more, most non-whites I know barely read the news. I know some religion guys from India, who read Indian philosophy etc, but the vast majority have no interest.

Considering diversity does not imply quality, then it holds no importance.

BTW Culture of Critique was banned from Amazon today. F for that, folks. Someone make a thread on it.

Well my point is "forced diversity" is only a problem if you use the MSM for reading recs in which case you are already a part of the same problem.

Just don't buy these books then.

In my school (Canada), we read Shakespeare, Robertson Davies, Orwell, Huxley, and Hemingway.

I believe in some school boards they're starting to replace Shakespeare with "First Nations Literature".

I find this a real shame, because in every English class, despite all the kids who groan, there are a few that legitimately develop an interest in literature, people like myself. By getting rid of the classics in favour of unknown brown people (of a sub-standard writing quality), they are robbing future generations of the potential to enjoy literature. A crime, in my view.

Honestly, I would be happy to help the local economy, rather than buying it off Amazon.

I never buy from Amazon. If I need to go big box, I'll go to Indigo, supporting a bricks and mortar retailer. Otherwise I shop at local used bookstores, or just at garage sales.

It's going to be terribly costly for the local economy in the long run to have everybody using Amazon.

Fair enough. I should have clarified this was ten years ago, and this was one of the learning experiences that led me to stop listening to the MSM.

For me it was Blindness by Saramago. What utter shit.

So what do you do to find new fiction? Because Yea Forums is almost entirely made up of teenagers, or people who only read philosophy

If I'm looking for new stuff I go to the library and look through their new release shelves. I have not found a whole lot to be happy with. For a while I was reading lit mags like Granta because my gf was in school for creative writing and they made her subscribe to them, and maybe one in one hundred things would be interesting.
MFAs have ruined literature

What about Blindness triggers you snowflakes?

It's badly written science fiction

>MFAs have ruined literature
Maybe. I'm also not finding anything new that's worth finishing. At this point I've pretty much everything canon, am rereading it, sometimes three-reading books. I want something new.

You couldn’t get over the absence of punctuation?
And it’s more akin to whatever The Road was. Nothing science fiction about it

Says the user who literally goes out of his way to make a butterfly in xer name

McCarthy is a tool who fell for the iceberg theory meme. You can't tell the difference between his books and the movies they're based on (and that's not a good thing)

Not at all. Sage for shit thread.

>more akin to The Road
Kind of my point and actually I love infinitely digressive sentences. Blindness (and The Road) lack characterizations, the people in those books aren't people, they are thematic vehicles.
The last new book I read which I liked was The Buried Giant by Ishiguro which i chose because the cover was a faded emerald green.

Thanks. I'll try it. I loved Remains of the Day, absolutely hated Never Let Me Go. He's kind of a dice roll.

The Buried Giant is unlike his other works (it's very much a fantasy novel) but it is well written and quite touching.

I almost exclusively get all of my recommendations from Yea Forums. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have known who Proust, Joyce, Goethe, Lasch, Guenon, Evola, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Eliade, Heidegger, Debord, Baudrillard, Foucault, Adorno, Land, Mishima, and Kant were among many others, and I would still be reading the same vapid neocon shit that gets published on a quarterly basis.

Sadly this. If there were a better place I would never come back here.

This is kind of disturbing. I'm almost 40, and I found most of these authors without the internet. Is this literally all millennials have?

I’m not triggered by Saramago or much else really.


So you dislike thematic fiction. Character > story.
I just tend to find what an artist is trying to say and appreciate it on that level.

I think there is some magic in compelling characters. Something godlike. If I wanted theme I would read nonfiction. Also in a way I read books because they are sometimes honest. It is so hard to talk to people on a deeply honest level. Even here under anonymity we cloak ourselves in irony and formalities (memes) why is that? Great books are like reading a confession. It exhilarates me and makes me feel like I'm human again, like I have connected with someone.

if all literature was made from the same perspective, it wouldnt be worth reading. different perspectives can be offered by different time periods, genders, races, and intellectual backgrounds among other things.
i see no reason not to be interested in works from different perspectives of every kind.

I'm the user who posted about not liking White Teeth etc., and the Mccarthy is only iceberg, etc. And I want to be your friend. You get it. You understand what reading is. Most of these anons only read so they can come on here an connect with a human being, which is the total opposite of what reading is about.



Nonwhites don't have original perspectives. None of them. Which is why their work is boring or grievance-related to get a shekel from the Heeb rats at the top.

Sadly, yes. Normies are too caught up in social media drama, idpol, and electronic media that they only care about what's going on right in front of them or in their news feed. This isn't limited to millennials and zoomers though. Whatever garbage politics that comes on the news is the most intellectual our discussions get between my mother, and every time she would end passionate and angry for no reason bitching about liberals. As a Mother's Day gift, I gave her the Confessions of St. Augustine (which she has never read before), and has she read it? No! It's still sitting there on the counter collecting dust, while in the meantime, she is reading Crazy Rich Asians or some Christian self-help shit.

books by coloureds can be good. womeme have never had an interesting thought that wasn't mirroring a man's opinion for smv purposes

this is not what we're talking about

Totally irrelevant. Quality of content is the only factor that should be considered.

Here (in the name field) is my tertiary email accoint, message me if you want. I'm not always a great correspondent but sometimes I am. Sorry if I'm weird.

It's not important, unless the context calls for it. Also, if it tries to blackwash, fagwash or genderbend history then it's garbage.

Nice. Yeah, I’ve noticed the mask just gives license to ask up, be the Joker, go overboard edgy etc. I was one of them
What are some of your favorite character driven books, user?

Books written by non-whites in their country of ethnic origin can be good since it offers an entirely different perspective from the one you're living in, but you're right when they are born in a first world country since all they can write about is muh oppression.

What's the difference between slavs and russians?

War and Peace. Our Lady of the Flowers and the Thieves Diary by Genet. By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept. A Personal Matter by Oe. The Subterraneans by Kerouac. In Cold Blood.

Unless the story requires it, there is no necessary reason to divulge the diversity of characters (assuming OP means diversity in the common memey sense) beyond the most glancing description. If the differences of appearance play into the plot then it can be important, but for the average text it has no relevance beyond brownie points

so all authors should write white characters in their stories as the default?

unironically yes

it would allow for the best work to be recognized

Yeah, homeboy is under the impression that borg Asians, slave-race Africans, and apathetic mestizos are capable of that type of abstract thought. This is the white man's flaw: believing other races conceive the world in abstract universalist terms like he does. Well, they don't. Which is why any attempt at spoofing our literary culture is so limited in scope and downright shitty.

>This is the white man's flaw: believing other races conceive the world in abstract universalist terms like he does.

Yup, we are arrogant enough to believe that the rest of the world can become like us. These "minorities" should just start their own writing, rather than trying to copy white literature and do a shitty job.

Based and redpilled.

I guarantee that you're either some dumb-ass hick who doesn't actually share lives with others of different skin colors than your own, or an antisocial loser who doesn't have any meaningful relationships with others. You're only fooling yourself, alienating yourself further from humanity to make yourself feel better about being such a loser, hating others to keep the hatred from being directed back on yourself. If your kind hadn't ruined Yea Forums I'd recommend seeking help, but not any longer: I want you to suffer, and take satisfaction knowing that you've damned yourself to suffer via your hate.Stay loveless and unlikable you piece of shit.

Seems like you're the one with serious issues here bro. You sound like a loon. Literature is an extension of European culture, brown people are just mimicking it and doing so poorly. Not our problem, and there's nothing wrong with whites wanting to be among their own and excluding others from our culture. When we did that literature was in a much better state, which is why we have to return to that paradigm.

Whites didn't even invent words, dumbass.

forcing any form of anything other than what comes naturally is objectively tyrannical
nonWhites are typically forced and or leading caricatures with an agenda

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try not to have an aneurism as a result of this estrogen filled spergout, faggot

>That's not very popular of you, to disagree with me like that!

Women's argument skills on display, lmao.

Diverse people writing about the same subjects gives one insight into life as the other.

Diverse people writing about diversity, being the other, whatever is cancer.

>I can't think of a non-white author worth reading.
You have to go back.

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This desu.

Diversity has no value in itself, it is and that's it

It doesn't matter what background a writer comes from, what their race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, or gender expression is, so long as their political views are entirely consistent with the platform of the Democratic Party of America and they aren't openly Christian, then there will always be room for their viewpoint, no matter how diverse.

Japanese are honorary white when it comes to literature. Let alone expats, they have their own masterpieces.

Diversity is good, but not essential, and unfortunately the days of literature being an enormous culture driving force, energising a nation and capturing the feeling of the time, are over, which makes it harder for minorities that have just arrived on the scene or historically weren't able to produce literature.

Eurasians have a literary tradition dating back thousands of years.
Africans and most Native Americans and Australians/Pacific Islanders are still transitioning from their oral traditions. Homer was fine of course, but because these peoples have been influenced by so many different cultures by now, the quality is unreliable.

There's plenty diversity in literature as it is. Only americans, or people who've co-opted the american view on skin colour being the only differentiating factor between peoples, would suggest otherwise.

>only americans believe in race
O B S E S S E D pathetic yurostarves at it again

The belief that skin-colour is the only diversity marker is very much something that begun with americans. They think a group consisting of an african-american, a european-american, and an asian-american is more diverse than a collection of white people from wildly different cultures.


Not very, dieing art anyway sadly

die faggot

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I like literature from everyone especially the classics.

But that's not what "diversity" means. It doesn't mean we're going to read the gita or confucius. It means were going to read some mutt whining about white privilege or some other bullshit that we learn about anyway from the news or social media.

Fuck off back to //Reddit//



Slavs are a group of ethnicities to which russians belong. It includes others (poles, czechs, serbs etc)

Could "The Color Purple" have been written by someone that was not black?

The answer is yes, but it would remove certain criteria of discussion relevant to the book's implied, and inferred, themes about race and racial identity.

It matters as a critical discussion point, but never to the actual content because anyone can learn anything nowadays and write about it. If you're talented, you can effectively describe life as any kind of person.

Yes. Next question.

Is that the one where the black father rapes his daughter and the offspring lives? Thats an African American thing lmao

What's diversity? More Brits/Americans from the exact same socioeconomic class and subculture, that happen to have a different skin colour? Diversity makes for interesting literature due to unique perspectives, however some idpol shit has nothing to do with diversity.

Often hear about the need for more diversity in boardrooms, which always becomes about women not holding atleast 50% of the seats, or ethnic minorities being introduced. But afaik, the studies that have suggested that a diverse boardroom is better than a homogenic one have focused on socioeconomic class rather than gender or race.