Be honest Yea Forums
how good is the book if you watched the movie 5 times allready
Just grabbed it on my way home today
George Orwell 1984
Hoooly shit that's hitler's top of the head on Stalin's bust and it has his mustache and everything lmao.
For real.
I'm dying here.
Send help.
The book is alright. I hate it though, not because it's a bad book but because how it's used. Every time in the current day that something political happens that someone doesn't like they scream about how 1984 predicted it. "OMG 1984 is drumpfs America" etc. It's completely ruins the book to be used to make false warnings to a fictional future to further someone's political agenda.
>but that's basically what orwell intended
>Reading Heyne translations, instead of the infinitely more patrician Ullstein Classics
Meine seiten
Not sure if it's porn book with too much world building or serious story with too much sex.
>that cover
>1984 is a good bo-
*blocks your path*
Great entrycore book that anyone should read at least once. Prose is unremarkable but Orwell's strengths as an essayist still shine through and brevity is the soul of wit.
>porn book
>too much sex
imagine being this sheltered
>Watching the movie adaptation before reading the book
I sincerely hope you faggots don't actually do this..
>not reading it in its original language
>buying an edition with a preface
>that cover
Pretty bad choice OP.
wait what there's a movie????
yeah and it sucks. the movie is just complementary visuals for the book imo.
honestly I don't think I want to see the movie.
The book looked great in my mind and it's all that matters
it's decent imagery for what the book is but yeah you don't miss out on anything.
also the movie doesn't explain jack, it's just a compilation of random scenes with no cohesiveness.
There are actually two of them. One from 1956 and another one from 1984. The later one is starring John Hurt as Winston Smith.
The funny thing about it: the book wasn't written about a fictional future but about a very serious presence alienated and strenghtened by a futuristic setting. But it's actually about the Moscow Trials.
that is the worst cover i have ever gazed upon my friend
Op here...
I respect all your comments and thank you !
For the books cover..i didn't plan to buy it actually. i went to a thrift shop and there it was. Since i enjoyed the concept alot and the movie aswell i wanted to read it.
On the other hand, i stopped reading books when iam at home...bad habits..
But i take out my current books with me and spend hours in a coffee shop or somewhere else to read.
Btw, most of you guys probably know but still wanted to leave it here
The movie