Was he really insane or was it just a bullshit excuse made to keep him from being executed for treason?
Was he really insane or was it just a bullshit excuse made to keep him from being executed for treason?
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he knew too much and was far too intelligent, which i suppose is a sort of insanity
He was based
Het got tortured by Amerimutt soldiers
A good point. What would it be like. The trouble is the classics are widely distributed. But noone reads them.
Nobody in America knows Latin or Greek (btw, is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?)
Greek I would say the Latin is derived from them, but Latin is better reading and easier to learn.
He watched firsthand as his own nation and countrymen pissed away their one last shot at peace and meaning and beauty before destroying Western Christendom forever
Then he was kept in a cage like an animal and tortured and punished by his traitorous brothers for resisting the single most evil and suicidal and destructive and corrupt war in the history of the European continent
So maybe he was a little shaken after watching the literal end of the world. But he wasn't insane in the slightest, and everybody knew it
What could america do after Pearl Harbor?
America instigated Pearl Harbor.
Is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?
Anal or oral?
Bullshit bro noone is that insane. Post proof or gtfo
At this point learn to start a fire without a lighter is best faggot
>muh economic warfare
Same reason communism never worked and wakanda isn't real
You’re obstinately stupid. Enjoy having the wool pulled over your eyes, pleb.
>wakanda isn't real
Is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?
You're fucking blind. Nazi Germany had the best shot at saving the world but through a series of diplomatic and military blunders ended up destroying Europe. Failure is supposed to be a teacher but you can't deal with it
Is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?
The US deliberately cut off oil exports to Japan while Japan was at war in Asia, forcing Japan to infringe upon European imperial territory for needed resources
Japan repeatedly reached out to the FDR administration and tried to appease the US. They even agreed to withdraw from European imperial territories so long as the US wouldn't invade Asia. The US rejected every single offer the Japanese made and even went so far as to refuse meeting with the Japanese ambassador as he desperately tried to contact FDR and avoid a war
Faced with an inevitable invasion by a foreign power that was denying them every avenue to the resources they were dependent upon, they made a preemptive strike on a military base that was preparing to kill Japanese people
Hours prior to the attack, American codebreakers deciphered a message to the Japanese ambassador which would amount to a declaration of war. General Marshall warned military bases to expect an attack from Japan and multiple Japanese submarines had been sighted, fired upon, and sunk at Pearl Harbor before Japanese planes ever took off
Whether the U.S. knew about the coming Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is debatable (I am fairly certain that they did). What is not debatable is that such an attack played very much in the interests of FDR's administration and that the US was pushing for war with Japan every step of the way
Fag 2bh
Is it better to learn Latin or Classical Greek?
Not so
>FDR was pushing for war
Empires collide and vanish.
You are missing the point of history. Why would we materially help japanese expansion when their ally (Germany) was attacking our ally (England) it doesn't make a lick of sense. You are saying America should have played the cuck
Do you prefer to suck cock or take it up the ass?
You can fuck off with your "cuck" and "ally" nonsense. England and America should not have been allies against Germany and their peoples weren't until after the massive state-orchestrated psyop campaign waged against them--a campaign so powerful that nearly a century later people are still enthralled by it.
WWII was not fought for freedom, democracy and Poland. WWII was fought for profit and power, especially financial power. It is a tragedy of history, a horrific war created by rootless plutocrats and cartels for short-term gain and irrevocable future damage to all of Western civilization. America should have pursued its once traditional isolationist policy and Britain should have recognized its history with Germany and the legitimacy of pan-Germanism.
Neither of course did because the rot of the Anglo-Zionist empire had fermented for too long. We can quibble about the why, but America was deliberately antagonizing Japan and cutting off necessary resources specifically because American policymakers knew such action would force Japan to declare war on America. They were chomping at the bit for dead boys and total war, and they shouldn't have been