What are some books where the protagonist is:
>eyecontactless (never had a romantically interested eye contact with a girl)
>signsless (never had a girl show any signs of being romantically interested in me)
>friendsless (have no friends and have never had a female friend)
>framelet (24 but look 16)
>eyelet (brown eyes and myopia)
>skinlet (excessive dry skin)
>musclelet(can not build muscle)
>dicklet (4inches)
>neetlet (work 8 excruciating hours a day)
>wagelet (live in third world, work all day and earn less than an immigrant working a construction job in the us)
>agelet (24 and soon entering into decline. your early 20s should be the peak of your life)
I just want a character which i can relate to. Most of the loser virgins in literature end up having a GF and friends by the end of the story. I want a realistic book in which the loser virgin never improves. Yes, i've read Notes From The Underground
What are some books where the protagonist is:
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Not even mentioning severe mental problems. Get out of here normie.
Molloy/Malone Dies/The Unnamable
Unironically my diary
>agelet (24 and soon entering into decline. your early 20s should be the peak of your life)
is this true?
t. 19 yo zoomer
Absolutely. The decline starts at 25; you're not a kid anymore, and responsibility kicks in. Then it appears again in 27, where you start becoming disattached from places you used to love frequenting. Chans get boring, you don't talk to any of your old friends, and you don't make any "new" friends, only acquaintances at work, who will only use you for favors, and vice versa, and every conversation with them is so mind numbingly hollow you want to kill yourself. At 30 most of your "friends" and your old friends are getting married. If you're still a virgin, IT'S OVER. There are only single moms left to date. You don't have access to that youthful beauty of early 20s women anymore. You have no fun places to go because you look like a pathetic boomer among children. Life really ends at 25.
any manifesto desu
Just turned 25 and decided to take the travelpill, our savings will probably be worthless when they actually matter anyway
Sorrows of Young Werther
Your problem is this depressing mentality of yours, not any supposed age limits.
Cope. I'm just being realistic.
Why are we alive? Just to suffer?
>There are only single moms left to date
I'd date them. Why not?
See, this is why I like the idea of butterfly :3 she is doing cool, awesome stuff in the midst of terribly pessimistic posts like this.
It's a war, and it's optimism vs. pessimism
If you're a faggot like OP, then yes. But successful people don't have this mindset. Not the greatest example, but Jay Z in one of his songs says "at 42 be better than 24" which is the right way of thinking about it
What if I'm plagued by anxiety to accomplish as much as possible before I turn 25 because I have a fatalist view of what happens after 25? It's worked for me so far as I'm already in a PhD program for mathematics
This mindset won't lead me to Otto Weinenger after producing my magnum opus, r-right?
your diary desu
It will lead you to be a 30 years old virgin.
I'm not a virgin though user - lost it at 15 yo to a college roastie