Neither Hegel, Nietzsche Kant or Schopenhauer could've explain this or predict it, not even the greeks would predict a future where human decadence would come to this but this is the clown world we live on the clown world no one saw coming
Neither Hegel, Nietzsche Kant or Schopenhauer could've explain this or predict it...
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The fuck you on about the greeks couldnt stop themselves from bumming every adolescent boy be it slaves or upper class.
marx sort of did
Q predicted this.
Predict? I think most philosophers starting from the Greeks anxiously craved for this moment
Would they give money to a whore who would not even expose her body to them?
Why does Yea Forums think the role of the philosopher is to predict? They are not prophets or fortune tellers. Talk like this in academia and get laffed right back to your computer.
It's not a particular trait with Yea Forums but rather with the whole of our (too technical) society. You get folks like Dawkins and Tyson pretending the one and only function of every endeavor is to be able to reliably predict phenomena (even if you don't understand it), and it has lately even leaked into our blockbuster entertainment and media (a president gets elected already talking about the next elections, a movie whose sole purpose is to anticipate a next movie in its credits, etc.). We seem so frustrated about not having a future in sight that we desperately cling to crafting one.
And what are they in academia?
Predictions is the whole point of science philosophy and maths, understand things so you can predict recreate them
Does she really deserve that much??
The free market says she does
This is why capitalism is wrong. All these wasted resources over a trollop.
>this is why capitalism is wrong
Who benefits from this exchange? She benefits because she's being paid for it, the patrons benefit because they get to see her pics, and Patreon benefits by making money off her. Everyone comes out happier.
Dude, It's been degenerate since the Luther broke up the church and the Puritans came to America. Fuck off with your forever undefined moral standards.
Except it doesn't really. It's a waste. Stop trying to defend it.
The degeneracy is not gendered
>Everyone comes out happier
I think you're forgetting someone user.
>wasted resources
What did you mean by this? It's not like she's literally consuming the money she's paid.
But Nietzsche did both explain and predict it. That was literally his whole schtick.
small, statistically irrelevant populations of the mentally ill are not included in generalizations about the general population.
Fair enough.
i'm sure they had dancers
>lmao i don't have to justify spending hours writing fanfic about reality
alrighty then
Jean Beaudrillard in his book “Simulacres et Simulation“ actually adresses a prediction. extremely similar to what our lives are like today. Along with this, he formed a philosophy which is the understanding that the world is now dangerously self referential. For example: Greeks created classic stories like Oedipus Rex, then dante took such characters and wrote them into his stories, then Shakespeare references dante in Hamlet, and then there is a little movie called the Lion King which references Hamlets storyline. Then a live action Lion King film comes along in 2019. This referencing dangerously obscures human understanding of the actual world. One of the most extreme example of this is memes. Jokes which make sense on a very limited sense, and take from so much internet culture and human culture.
Based. Does he propose a solution to this? How can one be truly original in his creation of art?
>never in history have women been fetishized
This is basic capitalism, people selling things "like photos of themselves" and consumers who enjoy the product spend money on them. Even under communism this would still happen, it just wouldn't involve money and she would be doing it only if she actually enjoyed sharing her beauty
Russia is currently considering disconnecting from the internet.
What do you mean? So people can't spend money on the internet?
How is flaunting your beauty different from like athletics who play sports for millions of dollars a game?
This also explains how unread and uneducated people are when you try to discuss The One-Thousand and One Nights with them, and then they say "Oh, you mean like in the movie Inception?"
you're retarded, of course they could have. prostitutes are nothing new.
What makes ugly people so angry upon seeing a beautiful person capitalize off their gifts
Like a country-wide intranet, their own internet which does not connect to western systems and can't be infiltrated. Supposedly it is already there in case of war, but I think due to the economic war with the west they are considering setting it up to be used constantly.
You know that most sources about the love between master and student usually refer to a platonic kind of love, right?
>See that the average person donates over $60 a month
>Check her Patreon tiers
>There are people paying $2,500 a month to talk to her
What the actual fuck
>Paying $2,500 for such an obviously phony and slimy girl to pretend to be interested in you
>dude why are people allowed to spend money on whatever they want
grow up commies this is a libertarian world
Honestly, I see no moral wrong in abducting this girl and keeping her as a sex slave. Let her truly experience her pretenses.
i'm allowed to be incredulous at the desperation of post-soi men
imagine looking in the mirror and thinking "I'm beautiful. I'm worth taking a picture of."
What do you mean. Most of us here are hot enough to do it but why sell out mortal souls and lose our dignity?
i'm 3/10 ugly but i still admire myself in the mirror for about 10 minutes a day and take selfies that only i look at
Predicted modelling?
Nietzsche was a slut for having pictures taken of him with like swords. He would have loved this
Nice trips. You are a retard however.
mhm.. is she fuck for good enough money? give link to patron motherfuck
>is she fuck for good enough money?
No, but she'll talk to you for $2,500
it's not wasted, she's going to buy a bunch of stuff with that money and stimulate the economy and even create jobs
Millions have enjoyed looking at her. That effects more people than more other jobs can do
Frankly the fact that the internet has destroyed the Hollywood cult of celebrity is a good thing in my opinion. Celebrity-power is now more distributed and decentralized than ever meaning a lot of people live an above-average lifestyle for no reason instead of a few people living an exceptional lifestyle for no reason. I prefer a thousand instagram thots to one Kim Kardashian.
wow he sounds like a fucking teenager, 'why do we just feed into the System? Why don't people rebel and make a better world?'
Free market capitalists, buddies... *looks down and shakes head with a smirk on my face* You've forgotten to factor something into your economic model: the fires of Hell are for eternity.
>Watch ye therefore, because ye know not what hour your Lord will come.
What do you think she spends it all on?
It's weird but it's actually hard for me to think of someone like this as a person and I don't mean that in a demeaning way
>a lot of people live an above-average lifestyle for no reason instead of a few people living an exceptional lifestyle for no reason
Why is this an improvement?
deleuze predicted everything and more
>moving wealth from the upper class to the upper middle class
>Why is this an improvement?
Yes, explain. Greentext is not an argument.
it's fundamental to my judgement system that consolidation of wealth and power is inherently bad
And why is this?
Because your mom's gay, Socrates
Being famous doesn't always mean you are going to be rich. And a few more people making money from Instagram doesn't mean the entire class gap is shrinking
>dude people aren't people because I don't like their lifestyle
grow up
this. meme-tier fetishes are no more vapid than the trash that was pushed into super-stardom on MTV 15 years ago, and there are less pretenses of the product being something you ought to look up to on some kind of spiritual level.
Just think about it for a moment user
Do you think it's harder for someone to go from being lavishly wealthy to only being moderately wealthy or for someone to go from being moderately wealthy to being destitute
These gaps may seem the same in theory but in reality they are obviously not
This is pretty much the whole basic idea behind redistributing wealth
if you're handed fame and don't translate it to wealth and power it's because you chose not to or are incompetent. It's less about the class gap and more about the popular culture of national celebrity worship and the insular degeneracy of Hollywood dissolving.
this post actually made me slam my desk
what went so wrong
I blame the fucking retards that give money to this whore.
It's dissolving? It seems to be as popular as ever. Just because they aren't an Actor from Hollywood doesn't make them any less of a celebrity
*A ham*
Thats what she is doing. She didn't come out of wealth and property she came out of people paying her because they admired her art
What is so decadent about this?
She's wasting a lot of food
this post actually made me slam my desk
what went so right
Just consider that instead of attempting to assassinate the president because of an obsession with Jodie Foster, John Hinckley takes shots at Ronald Reagan for the attention of some instagram thot. Suddenly his obsession with the girl is a footnote on the trail of mental illness that led him to trying to kill the president and no longer the primary narrative behind the incident. Imagine a world where celebrity is contained and deprioritized because it's decentralized across niches on the internet. That's certainly a better world to me.
how very Freudian
>Nietzsche and schopenhauer would visit prostitutes yet a women taking suggestive photos of herself would be too unbelievable for them
it actually would lmao
it seems as if you are just proving the point you are trying to disprove
If you think that's wasteful you should check this out
Yeah, people reference things. Dante referenced Virgil, Virgil referenced Homer, Homer referenced others before him, and them the same.
It’s called cultural relevance. Baudrillard was a fucking retard.
Yes, we live in a decadent society.
Care to explain then?
Feeding all the hungry people in the world should be a basic goal for humanity. It's something like 7 million people that still die from starvation a year
lol who else but mentally ill losers and middle aged men would pay for titty pictures?
solving world hunger isn't about 100% food utilization, it's about producing enough of a surplus to have the inefficient aspects of distribution not matter.
Straight men with money who enjoy doing things for strange erotic pleasure
>retards not knowing the 150,000 is a guess and it's probably closer to 20,000
>losers whining about this instead of realizing if they could just produce something worth five-ten bucks a month to a few thousand people, they'd have an incredible life
rapists more like
>This woman makes money? She should be raped!!
I didn't know muslims posted here so openly
>history is full of people getting massacred for no reason yet somehow models making money off wearing silly costumes is peak decadence
whatever dudes
Racism has no place here.
>why won’t she show me bobs >:(
>muslim is a race
I wish retards weren't allowed here
Why do people do this? I dont fucking get it? Who would any money on a girl over the Internet
>just produce something
Ok but who are you quoting?
>Who would any money on a girl over the Internet
she has mastered the mysterium, as long as she doesn't reveal what her pussy looks like or how she looks without makeup, orbiters will see whatever the fuck they want in her, a goddess, a nerdy thot, an idiol..
als, her last name is Kirschtein
Have sex
How much do you think it would cost?
Sometimes when I fuck my gf I close my eyes and imagine she's Belle Delphine.
I do that when I choke my gf
with but without the gf part
He was a genuine Romantic at heart. He wanted more nature in the words men wrote. I do believe he used his philosophy as a way to create more enticing perspectives though. Although he sees this referentiality as an issue, he believed he was guilty of it too.
culteral marxism is exactly what lead to this
Angst is the position of freedom. You clearly have gave that up long ago. I never pictured someone to so openly resent freedom
>culteral marxism led to rampart capitalism
Dostoyevsky wrote about these girls all the time.
To the person questioning if there was a proposed solution. Beaudrillard didn’t really have a clue how to fix it. He was a genuine Romantic at heart. He wanted more nature in the words men wrote. I do believe he used his philosophy as a way to create more enticing perspectives though. Although he sees this referentiality as an issue, he believed he was guilty of it too.
Fugg, I meant rampant.
the decline in moral standards. communism really does rot the brain i see
/pol/ get out
>average patron giving her 60 dollars a month
Jesus, how do people afford to pour so much money down the drain.
Are you saying that I could not buy for lewd images back in the good old days? Thanks to the moral integrity of the times?
What is the connection to the Instagram chick though? What would Belle Delphi in Ancient Greece be?
Its not the same. people wouldn't be paying for them online.
Considering the fact that the number is made up to trigger people, chances are they can not.
Nice false flag. We all know that muslims are not only not a race but are just as barbaric and backwards as you retarded reactionaries on /pol/ and thus deserve no sympathy.
>people wouldn't be paying for them online
Well yeah, the internet did not exist so that's a given.
have you even at least read the Wikipedia page of Marx, or you just repeat unconsciously that le unepic left ruin the society?
At the same time, a small number of billionaires are robbing the wealth of entire nations, but we don't need to care because they don't have pink hair or wear cat ears. Oh, time to spend some money on another book.
Racism isn't cool dude. You need to read about what leads to xenophobia and stop this hate mongering.
Fuck off commie. You are to blame for all of this.
If you want an explanation to this phenomenon, look at the comments. Then look at the difference in likes. It is a fairly insecure person using social media for reassurance. She slowly moved in the bimbo direction after realizing bimbo photos get more attention than other photos.
It is fascinating, really, so much of what social media has unveiled about how desperate the unalienated is for external reassurance. These moments are thrown out by the insecure to study the reaction, only to go back and equip what was learned. These slow mutations take shape in the content, controlled, and accelerate into the optimal. This media reaches into reality, and changes perception of the insecure outside of social media. This change in perception from the external makes the insecure form what they create, their character used for attention online. Security as addiction, and the effects are the same. Appearance warps, mindstate warps, interaction warps, until every original part has been replaced with another, plastic. The last visage of the former insecure can only be found in the past, archived on the insecures account, existing as a before to the after, an image of what once was and is not and cannot be. An empty simulacra, with the last moments being what would cause its becoming. Generation after generation, marking changing personality warping to the exteriors perception of the insecure combined with the insecure's view on the external combined with the infection that is trend dissemination. Memetic becoming is only a piece in the jigsaw puzzle that is the system of unbecoming. By being the commonality you are defended by the commonality, by the abstraction that is the commonality. Security shuts out the danger that is everything risk-oriented. Passion is only relevant in its absence to the unalienated insecure. Virtualized digital object information self-optimization for the generation of human reassurance.