I'm reading this and it's pure fire kino, but should I be reading Tom Sawyer first? They reference that book here and there and I feel a bit like I'm starting in the middle of something.
I'm reading this and it's pure fire kino, but should I be reading Tom Sawyer first...
Stopped reading after 20 or so pages, I wasn't enjoying it.
'kino' means 'film' you pleb-tier newfag reddit reject, stfu gtfo or go back to Yea Forums
'kino' means 'cinema' you pleb-tier newfag reddit reject, stfu gtfo or go back to Yea Forums
I read both of these when I was quite young (my dad would make me read classic children's books).
Huck Fin is definitely a grander adventure, just go back after you've read it if you're still interested; it's not like it's a direct sequel.
>heading south to escape slavery
what did twain mean by this
To me this is more of a read it to your kids before bedtime kind of story. I remember preferring Tom Sawyer over this one though, but overall I don't remember much from most of Mark Twain's work.
No need to read Tom Sawyer first.
Nah Tom Sawyer is more of a kids book. Huck Finn is more serious, it’s like a parody of America. The only thing you really need to know is that they got rich after the events of Tom Sawyer.
He was either a retard or a pro slavery 19th century CIA nigger.
'kino' is a Greek prefix signifying movement, you pleb-tier etc.
the storm pushed them South and Clemons knew that part of the Mississippi river, he didn't know the Ohio
I loved reading this out loud in class back in high school. The word ‘nigger’ must appear about ten times per page. The teacher and all the white students would be cracking up and the one black kid in our class would be crying.
No, it's not necessary to read Tom Sawyer first; his character gets plenty of development in HF.
The real tragedy of this book is that we all read it in high school, so most people don't bother re-reading it now that we're of an age to really appreciate it. I'd list Huck Fin in the top 5 most important books for any adult to read.
Tom Sawyer is the greatest book of all time and much, much more fun than Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is deeper, more masculine and far less fun. Tom Sawyer has absolutely everything going for it.
My teacher made us read it out loud and I always made sure to raise my voice when I said Nigger to make it as loud and obnoxious as possible. Other kids were scared of reading it out loud and would say the N-Word but my based english teacher hated the darkies and made us read it out loud and she would smirk as I yelled it. Could've fucked but was oblivious dumb kid.
Read Tom Sawyer first. It's more fun than Huckleberry Finn but it's also more childish. Anyway, you should read both of them. They're two masterpieces of American literature.
Yea Forums: for that kid who loved reading Huck Finn out loud in class
Twain is a pseud hack
It's fine to read before TS
oh that's right, Yea Forums is infested with scared little whiteboy faggots.
things that never happened for 5000, regis