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Video Games #4644
Video Games
Why aren't you playing video games with your best buddy?
Is anything in this sale any good/worth getting?
That guy who listens video game soundtracks instead of listening real music
Why would anyone not take Kawakami?
New thread
Is the A2 Route really THAT good? Because the 9S route is absolute garbage & makes me want to quit
Is this really the best Zelda game?
In this thread: JACKBOX GAMES
Smash 'n' Splash 5
Modern warfare
What are some good godzilla games?
Will street fighter ever make a comeback?
It's pretty fun. Too bad it's going to die again when Iceborne is out
I know I'm a decade late but not being able to control your party members is one of the dumbest design choices I think...
E3 Squilliam Collage Thread
Cutscenes that are better than the game
Why dont you git gud at fighting games, user?
Games with this feel?
What games in your opinion are best played on Switch as opposed to platforms?
100 of the most highly trained western artists try to create a beautiful woman in a video game
Fighting game mains
Does the GBA have the worst soundchip out of any console/handheld?
Why haven't you gotten a VR headset yet?
Who would win in a fight between Palutena and Lucina?
Yes, She is my Waifu
Smash and Splash - Melee Grand Finals
Consoles still can't compete
Why didnt you blow up megaton
Metal Gear Solid V thread
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Blood is better than Doom
Is this objectively the best game ever made?
Meanwhile, at the USG Yea Forumsshimura
Itt: series that got gradually worse as they became more mainstream and popular
Has Valve abandoned Artifact?
When did you realize this world was empty and repetitve?
*appears in your recommendations*
I can't believenyou N words are advocating for this. You should all be so ashamed of yourselves
Hey Yea Forums check out this picture
Any good vidya for Dwarven besides the ole Dorf Fort?
Dark Souls is the best Fromsoft game
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
This is claire's butt from code veronica/CVX
Kojima is such a Chad
Why did bethesda make argonians such überchads...
Is this the greatest game of all time?
XIV - Bringers of Shadow
What do you put on in the background whilst partaking in vidya?
Excuse me what the fuck is this?
SNS 2019 TOP 8
Death Stranding Discussion
Did you regret playing this mmo?
Play Forza Horizon 4
Game hides ability to see enemy's hp behind upgrade
What is the best melee class?
What do you want from the next 3D Mario?
Late to the party, I just finished pic related with all the dlc, what do I think of it?
What are the odds of Persona 5 Arena being announced after scramble gets released...
Gentlemen, how do we fix the horror genre?
No one is talking about the new warhammer ARPG, is it really shitty?
2000s Nostalgia/Culture thread
Maker 2
Game introduces a mechanic near the beginning
Would you fuck Mii? I'd fuck Mii. I'd fuck Mii hard
Fallout 3 vs New Vegas
How the hell do we keep getting scammed with these early access games, Yea Forums...
What videogames are PRUNER tier?
Tf2 thread
2019, I am still not forgotten
Post monsters you find cute
Post images zoomers will never understand
Isaac deserved it
This is the carrier, Shadow of Intent
Who was ultimately in the right?
More Sony Censorship
I just bought pic related, any tips without spoiling the game?
Asgore murdered 6 children
What am I in for, lads?
Hey anons what are your thoughts on gaming laptops? Which ones are the good ones...
I hope you don't keep old things like CRTs and previous gen consoles laying around like a manchild, Yea Forums
Do you think there's a worthy market for physical PC games anymore?
Are Metroidvanias back? What other great ones have I missed this decade?
RPG allows to pick gender
What are the factors that makes a vidya adictive?
Yea Forumslancer: The Return Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
World of Warcraft Classic
Just bought the Crash Bandicoot remaster cause it's on sale, redpill me on the port
For me it is Leonardo da Vinci...
Don't mind little ol' me
What video games do japanese girls play?
You see... language
Squilliam Collage
With the release of Godzilla KoTM, what're some good giant monster games?
When did AVGN peak?
User we need to have a talk about your bringing donuts to Mei's office every morning
Main character is a globalist
User, pls don't make me go back to school. The evil kids are gonna bully me again...
Let's get a 3x3 thread
Yea Forums likes Brutal Doom but hates Doom (2016)
Fire Emblem Three Houses
What games have transforming heroes? Obviously Prototype with its guyver armour ability, liked that. Z.H...
Can't believe she did that. I guess Merry was right, no matter how hard you try
Reminder that Vampire Savior defined the whole Fighting Game genre
8/10 first game
Reminder that porky is getting revealed in 9 days
Where have all the good games gone
Have you swallowed the Lalafell pill yet?
Four copies of Borderlands 3 Please
Another week, i didn't play any games
"yo, user, little buddy! wanna come over to my house and play videogames? I only have Madden and FIFA...
So.. when are they going to show new stuff now that they’re out of E3? Are sonyboys going to watch E3?
How is the rest of Yea Forums coping with this tragic loss?
1/4 american
Post your favorite poke
Seriously though...
Seven years
Play Mordhau
Mario has the deepest lore
Let's talk about popular mahjong games
Can someone explain how is this going to be moe fun?
Looks like its time for me to switch to AMD
Why is it so bad? I can't pinpoint what it is about it that makes it so terrible...
Witcher 3
Outer Wilds
E3 PC Gaming show
How many adult games have you purchased on steam and do you care if your steam friends saw you playing them?
You fags will argue about anything
Games where I can play as munky?
Granblue Fantasy Versus Beta Complaint Department
Want to fuck Amicia
Redesign thread
You will never play STALKER for the first time ever again
Hopes and expectations of Doom Eternal?
So considering PvP in Classic WoW is gonna be a fucking joke is there any alive MMOs out there with actually decent PVP?
Dude who needs a tank fuck them they’re useless
If Todd knew Fallout 76 was bad and would get roasted by critics and gamers...
Critical mode Technically Makes KH3 *More Engaging* However
Smash is not a fighting gam-
What are guys playing?
Games don't age. If they were fun to play in the past they're fun to play now...
God Hand
Video games in cars should be banned. Prove me wrong
Vidya lines you heard million times
Rain World
Why are there no games where you play as literally Jesus...
Smash n Splash day 3 finals HE'S IN EDITION
If it's not fun, why bother?
Dream sequel that has been anticipated for years and hyped to death
Urge to play vidya
Why wont you people play broodwar anymore?
Why did they change Diablo into a girl?
Would you mind not playing your Switch while we're at dinner? This is supposed to be a date
So Yea Forums was not lying, this is a good game
Call someone a faggot on discord
How would you make a John Wick game?
What are some bald villains in vidya?
Why can't Risky control herself around Shantae and her friends?
Barkley 2 is finally & officially dead as former developer breaks silence
How do we make Tomb Raider great again?
Nintendo E3 Leak
What games do you play with your younger family members? Do you have any?
Play Soul Calibur 6
ITT: buyer's remorse
What future for MG?
Xbox One S can barely hold 40fps let alone 60fps while having the same graphics as Switch
Thoughts on Corrin?
Have sex
Thoughts on atelier games?
Pathologic 2
Samurai shodown
Jeremy Clarkson has now replaced the protagonist of the last game you played
So does the game have poise or not?
What gave early polygon games so much soul?
What games can give me this feel?
It's Shantae's Birthday today Yea Forums! Give her a happy birthday!
Gaming PC arrives tomorrow
Are you getting Bloodstained? Do you trust IGA?
Pride month has started. post your favourite LGBT characters from games
ITT: Games you got far into, but never completed
What was the point of these characters?
FF7 Remake is coming to Xbox
Boyfriend wants to play a game
I would like to apologize on behalf of gaymers
I don't get it. I seriously don't fucking get it. How does one even become an Annfag? Seriously...
Is this game actually good or is it just a meme?
How the fuck do you beat him. I literally never struggled this bad in any persona games...
Switch games
Xbox One
What games do normie girls play?
Ultimate scrub weapons of their respective games thread. Post weapons, characters...
Have you heard the rumors about Xev Bellringer: the video game?
Where is it, Edmund? I don't care about Mewgenics or Bumbo
RE7 was surprisingly good, though I wish the Baker house was bigger, more like the size of the RCPD in RE2make
Why does no one talk about the Megaman ZX series in Yea Forums? It's kino
Why are so many trannies also gamers? What is it about this medium?
My dad played chess and checkers
Why would anybody want to play this boring ass cringefest over a flashy JRPG with actually interesting characters?
They better fucking remove those idiotic mini-games in the remake
Why does it go to such shit after the RPD?
What is the full ' ω ' experience?
Singleplayer game with good dialogue
Are there any GOOD gamecube games besides the obligatory nintendo IP shit?
What game are you playing on this fine Sunday, Yea Forums?
Hello, I'm the best Phoenix Wright villain
Same mask. ready to go to them moon fellow #ludenbros?
Marina is 5'10
How can a single video game from the 90s have so much mystery and SOUL?
Code Vein
Assasin's Creed and the move away from historical accuracy
Ff xiv thread
"yo, user, little buddy! wanna come over to my house and play videogames? I only have Madden and FIFA...
What's the best Godzilla game and why is it Unleashed, Yea Forums?
Rolled Out
Dark clothes grim voice
Have you ever whaled? How much and what was it?
Do you think he hates being a mere game designer and not a movie director? Does Kojima even play videogames?
Have you ever had a heated gaming moment?
Why is Ridley so underused by people in Smash?
What video games promote a healthy lifestyle?
Games where you fall?
Unironically, what went wrong?
For me it's Male Human Warrior in every game
I've come to spread the word of Nep. Have you accepted our goddess Lady Purple Heart into your heart yet?
Shill thread
Tesla cars got cuphead before ps4 did
Why are Japanese games more discussed here than western ones?
What's your gaming chair, Yea Forums?
Who's gonna be the lucky rep?
Google Stadia
Get in here, lads
*Promotes Bad Play*
Sekiro: the easiest fromsoftware game
No games look interesting to me anymore, my favorite games in order are:
How can you hate this game?
Why were people so upset at Claire's new design in RE2?
Would you?
Is Yea Forums exited fpr the new atelier game?
Post them Emblemfu's
What's it gonna be, Yea Forums?
Have you taken the indiepill yet user? In the last full year alone we're seen a ton of great games come out
Favorite Resident Evil?
How would a Halloween video game look like?
ITT Times Yea Forums lied to you
It's fun
Why is it that the most hated games are oftentimes also extremely popular?
Thinking of getting one of these controllers for Pride Month. How do they play and feel?
Can pic related even happen without significantly altering 3?
How will Yea Forums react when she is finally revealed?
Party memeber betrays you
Good games to celebrate Pride Month?
Second game is the best game in the entire series
Why did you hate it?
This is your new Samurai Shodown, it's $60, thank you
Do you need a fightstick to be good at fighting games?
These are the most likely DLC candidates. You may not like it, but this is peak performance
Death Stranding hype thread
Why doesn't GOG have any good exclusives?
Why aren't you playing Factorio?
Be "pro" smash player
You heard it here first
How good is this? I been wanting to play it for some time
So videogame companies actually care for LGBT people or is all just a big marketing play for good boy points?
ITT post greatest vidya trailers
RUMOR: new DB game in development for next gen consoles
How did you choose your gamer name?
Slept in late
Happy pride month Yea Forums
I'd like to have a mature, intelligent conversation pertaining to video games please
Spoilers for BFA
It's no masterpiece
ITT: times using a walkthrough was justified
What’s this I hear about a video of MatPat’s wife Stephanie getting anally fucked?
Are there any good digimon games? Only one I've ever played is Cyber Sleuth and I wasn't really feeling it
Can someone explain to Meggie whats happening in this image?
How do you find time to play vidya when you have a full job that exhausts you? 6 months in and I can’t find the balance
Do you enjoy fighting games Yea Forums?
Completely saves Amy Rose's characterization for all future installments
Are you still excited for this game?
Thoughts on beast races in video games?
Why are Japanese women so much better than western ones?
Meanwhile, at the Yea Forumsillage
What are some headphones that are as good build quality as these? for gaming of course
Will I enjoy this if I enjoy open world RPGs like Elder Scrolls and Witcher...
Reee it's dark
Hollow Knight
What do you want to see out of Splatoon 3?
Death Strandings Designs are weird to me
Name a more aesthetic armor
Games like Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs 2...
Anime on Yea Forums
Three and a half hours... I still haven't beaten him...
Im on the verge of getting this but Im worried that it will get boring
Hat in Time thread? You guys seemed pretty enthusiastic last thread
ITT: fuck you, I liked it
So FE is trying to tell us that black haired swordswomen are the best in fighting and breeding?
Video games for this feel?
What is the Shepard's canon class? in first 2 he seem to be a Soldier...
What was 'The Line'?
VTMB Thread
Damn, games sure are mature nowadays
Building your own pc
Why do boomers get so butthurt about zoomers hearing old music in videogames...
It's time to discuss the best MMORPG ever made
What features would you want to see in BOTW 2?
What are some of your favorite fishing games?
Thoughts on KOTOR 1 & 2? Are they still worth playing?
Rank them
Whens the next Batman Arkham game?
Playing this game SMT Nocturne
Code Vein Demo
Is a ps4 slim worth it for 344$ with red dead 2 included? Should I go for it? Local store has one left
I love this belgian waffle girl
Strategy game
Virginity : the games
Slay the spire
Final boss is a normal-sized guy in an open area
Games where you can save children?
Hideo Kojima
Are these new Sega Saturn controllers by RetroBit any good? looking a controller for my PC...
Oculus Quest - Standalone VR console
Now that the dust has settled
/Golden Sunday/
Just wanted to remind everyone that cereal mascots (yes, cereal mascots like Banjo, Crash...
Why do people think Banjo is going to be at E3? I've heard both a new Banjo game and/or being in Smash...
Besides Persona 5, what else can we expect at Nintendo's E3?
3DS Thread
What the fuck went wrong? The first was so fucking good, despite being too short. The atmosphere was great...
I'm about to play the entire Devil May Cry series in release order (even the reboot). What am I in for?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
When was the golden age of gaming? People always say the 2000's, but was that really the case...
Steve in Smash
What are games that keep you cool in summer?
Why was an AI given dick sucking lips?
Now that the dust has settled, was it really that bad?
IRL Quest Items
His one and only appearance is in Minecraft (2009)
Is this final proof that the smear campaign against Kojima was bullshit...
Granblue Versus
Route B
You do write reviews for the games you played, right??
Search: "Mario Maker 2"
What i'm in for ?
P.T. Trapped on broken PS4
EN or JP dub?
What went so wrong with Switch? A unified platform would've resulted in more games, not less
What game makes you feel GOOD
Why are japanese bideo games objectively better than western ones?
Have you ever seen a GM in an MMORPG?
Which one was right?
More games like Doom 2016?
ITT : Post Yea Forums related image edits that made you laugh
Game with good gameplay and not an interactive movie anyone?
How could developers make open world games good?
Code Vein
Fuck you Netherrealm
Ragnarok Online... Southern Prontera... home
How would you fix Overwatch, Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums, what's your next move to defeat this enemy?
Meanwhile on Mars Yea Forums
Neet gamer only thread, no wagies allowed
Smash Ultimate DLC Leak
Ps1, turbografx and sega cd/saturn games are slowly rotting away
I like real time with pause combat in rpgs...
My autism is calling me back to Minecraft. I haven't played in about 8 years, how different is the game now?
Sony dabbing on E3
Post her face when she sees your D
How do we fix the horror genre?
Pre-built gaming PC
Duke Nukem is a relic from another time, there is no way he will succeed nowadays because of Political Correctness
When will he come back?
E3 Bingo Thread
What was it missing?
Oh my god. OH MY GOD
The most overrated game in history
Give me one reason why we shouldn't be excited out of our minds for Cyberpunk 2077
Okay so why don't people want Dragon Quest in smash?
Get bad ending unless you spend hours doing pointless side-quests and fetch quests
I'm playing Super Mario on a poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator
How should i design a female video game character
What's your favourite rts?
Fighting game community
I've had it with you creeps...
Why can't Japan make a good shooter game?
What would you do in this situation, Yea Forums?
ITT: Biggest purchase regrets
How did people react to your autistic video game presentation at school?
Well Yea Forums?
Not a DLC thread
Reactor, online
Some time has passed since Sony started the retarded censorship...
Tfw wagecuck
Game gets a remake
June....I am forgotten
They better have this shit ready for E3
21! 21!!! NEW SWITCH games at E3!
People here are always saying this game is an example of Farcry done right but it looks so utterly generic that I have...
Monkeypawn it
Piracy is literally saving vidya, lmao
Why did Kojima hire the worst girl from Blue is the Warmest Color? Why not the best girl...
Can anyone in video games beat Thanos?
Literally Impossible
What did he mean by this?
Can Overwatch do ANYTHING right?
This is really uncomfortable to look at, i also dont understand wtf its conveying
Play game
Play Outer Wilds
Post talkworld memes
Post and rate mains
What's the most soulless game you've played?
Brazilians started spreading rumor that Japs are now growing babies in test tubes
Capcom were actually worried no one would like Chun-li and thought she was too big and physical to boot
More High Profile Blizzard Staff Set To Leave Amid Morale Problems
June 2019...... am I forgotten?
Based vidya merchandise thread
I bet nu-Yea Forums is unable to make this vidya related
/Lara Lovers/
What's she up to these days?
Alright kid
Did this game deserve the hate it got?
What is Yea Forums's favorite iteration of link?
How do you go from total coding/programming layman to someone who can make a game independently?
How did Falcom got away with this? You can almost see her thing
No Sony
Aaaah sunday morning finally, time to play some video games while wife and kids are at the church/market...
Baldurs Gate 3 Stadia Exclusive
Which one, Yea Forums?
Why is SE so incompetent, bros?
ITT: Yea Forums-approved YouTube channels
What a thrill
Enemy can turn invisible
Why are video games so damn expensive in Australia and New Zealand?
Silent Hill: Shattered Kino is the only Silent Hill game that hasn't aged like a pile of cum-stained handywipes
What is the worst puzzle in videogames?
The wait is killing me bros, gonna be a good game
Would a non-arena fighter Naruto fighting game be possible? Would it even sell or is it's relevancy dead?
*blocks your path*
How do you prevent this?
You were just selected/clicked on in an RTS game. Say something cool
ITT: games that died way too quickly
So can we all agree that Dark Souls is the best game in the series?
Dark Souls 3 is better than Dark Souls 2, prove me wro-
Why does Kojima have such shit taste in music and movies?
Easy Mode is not available on any NTSC console versions of the game. It was later added to the HD PC release...
So, who was in the wrong?
How's that game you're making coming along? You are still working on it, right?
Are there any action RPGs with non-shit gameplay other than Tales series?
What's the Igor of video games?
Go to sleep
When was the last time you installed a game from physical media?
Your save file has been corrupted
Guess who's back after all
Why does Poland make such good games?
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Ive been coming to Yea Forums for 12 years and now i finally pinned down why you and other fucks here like me rather...
People shit on NuWolf because of MUH POLITICS but it's genuinely one of the more fun FPS games released recently
Handheld thread
Vidya butts and things
What’s the point of buying our games there? They’ll close in a few years/months because normies don’t use this
The 10th anniversary is coming up soon, how are you gonna celebrate it?
Play Fate, we have the best girl even
I want to fuck a blade
Don't talk to me until I've had my Lobotomy Corporation thread
Why on earth aren't you hype?
How did we fall so far?
The Outer Worlds
Whys this game so overrated?
Post songs that you think should be in Smash
Just beat orphan of kos first go. apparently, people spent hours and even days trying to beat this nigga
Is ghost trick worth playing
Games with brown athletic gf?
Duke Nukem’s Revival Suggestion Thread 2: Hail to the King Edition
Had sex
Jared, get the fuck away from my wife
How much better must videogames get before we beat sex?
Comfy Switch Thread
Name 3 good rythm games
You didn't use the masterball to capture Mewtwo, right?
How can a sniper be so cute?
Nintendo has 21 games ready to be announced for E3
He's pretty good at reaching tempai in mahjong. Would you dare to challenge him in Yakuza?
[Yoshi's Island theme gets really loud]
Boss can teleport
Something autistic you do in video games
5 Days
Serious question thread time
Pokemon direct in 3 days
Have deuSex
This is Lilisette, say something nice about her!
Tales series
Even Atlus is now censoring games
Game has the following difficulty options:
Just finished the original Dragon Quest and I really enjoyed it. I thought the simplicity was very charming...
Here's your MKII final boss, bro
Death Stranding
Lobsters in minecraft
Vidya Trailers
Just bought this
Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread
Game sequels all change the artstyle
Video game robutt girl thread
Will Bioware have time to remaster their only good game before they get shut down?
WHY THIs nigga alwayus Crying?
Take his jukebox, fuck this kid
Will there ever, actually, legitimately be a true WoW killer or are MMOs just done?
Ending doesn't tell you whether the hero lives or dies
Behold, the perfect Mario Kart roster
I beg your pardon!?
What are some fucking dogshit overrated games that everyone pretends to love?
343 told IGN a couple months back that Halo Infinite will be a "spiritual reboot" for the franchise
Why'd he do it?
DMC Thread
Overwatch was the greatest game ever made for the FPS genre, so how come shit like Fortnite and Apex became so popular?
Granblue Fantasy
Code Vein Network Test
S-sorry for deleting your save files user
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Damn...Todd Howard, look like THAT?
The tank controls are killing me
Flying Mounts killed World PvP forever
Should I get it?
Finally got around to playing DMCV
What went wrong?
Girlfriend needs me to help her through the hard part again
Predict the Pokémon Direct
How the hell could you get this thing back in the day
Paying for video games
Holy shit
So, how did you all like Nyakuza metro?
Recommend a game with a dark story
Do you think homosexuals should have more representation in video games?
Are there any gacha games that are actually fun and good and not just trying to suck you dry?
This is your new Laura Croft
Why does it feel like video games suck right now...
Ask someone who played Spicy Wolf VR at Bitsummit anything
ITT: vidya quotes ingrained in your membrane. Pic related
I love Selene!
Games with this aesthetic?
Anons! What is your preferred video game genre!?
Why are you not playing Overwatch? There's an event going on, and there's also a new skin for Mei!
Banjo will be the next DLC reve-
Real talk
What's his name again?
Pathologic 2
What's the hardest pokemon game and why is it USUM?
Why would anyone use this costume?
So.... does /ourbear/ still have a chance bros? Grant reacted very similarly right before Grinch leak was debunked
Wheel of Time
Despite being less criticaly regarded nowadays the simpsons is still a hit international franchise...
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @