ITT: Games you got far into, but never completed

ITT: Games you got far into, but never completed.

pic related for me

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I don't know why. I think I was only a couple missions before the end. I do that with a lot of games for some reason.

I was on the very last mission but I just never went back to it yet.

Same, never finished prey, cause I got the bad end where I get on the escape pod, made me reload to a save 6 hours before I did that and lost all my progress till that point.

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Donkey Kong Country Returns. I got all the way to the final boss, had some trouble with it, but then got distracted by other games before finishing it.

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I got to the last dungeon in Grandia 2 then I just stopped playing for some reason. I’m not sure why, I didn’t consciously choose to stop I just took a break for a few days then it turned into a few weeks then it turned into fifteen years

Dropped it after that annoying ass Luna fight
A glib facsimile of the Insomniac Games titles

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So boring I actually had to remove it from my Steam account

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I've done that with so many games that I've lost track. Persona 3, FFX-2, SMT Nocturne, FFV, KH Chain of Memories, Zelda Twilight Princess. I swear, it's become a habit of me to start games and never finish them.

Got to one of the last bosses.

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>Beat the Elite Four for the second time after clearing N's castle, standing right in front of the champion
>Save game, looking forward to finally beating it when I wake up in the morning
>Cartridge slot on my DS is empty when I wake up the next morning
I still don't know what happened to that game, I never managed to find it.

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Witcher 3
I don't know, I was having a good time and I just sort of lost interest. Combat felt too-samey, story didn't interest me at all.

>Pokémon platinum
>Beat the Ice gym
>Lose interest

I have a problem where I get to about the 80%-90% mark and then get distracted and never finish games.
It sucks.

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Cave Story. Realized I was on a crash course for the bad ending after a certain scene, despite being a fine-combing completionist up to that point, and I got frustrated enough that I haven't replayed it yet.

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it was one of the better DQ games, I got to the final boss but I died the after his first transformation. I didn't want to grind and I was ready to move on with my life, so I watched the endings on Youtube.

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Fallout 4. Just dropped it at some point and never touched it again. I don't even remember hating it that much.

Skyrim. I played a shit-ton of it when it was first released, but I never actually beat the main quest before I was completely burnt out on side-content to the point where I didn't care anymore.

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Banjo-Tooie, got stuck in Terodactyland (I think, the dinosaur world). I don't remember why I stopped.

>last mission
Novosibirsk one?

Skyrim has infinite quests, so you will never really finish it.

Far Cry 4, I made the mistake of doing side quests first, now I'm too lazy to go back to the game.
Plus there seems to be loads of padding with objectives being too far away.

>finished Skyrim main quest
i didnt bother with the rest of the game. i got bored.

Started this three times.
Never finished it.

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which one?

Yeah, but I didn't really care about finishing up every single "bandits have popped up again" quest. I just remember being vaguely disappointed by every guild and faction, hoping that I'd find something more unique only to get another list of dungeon fetch quests every time I thought I had finally dealt with them all.

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nearly all my PC games from the 90's up to 2010's era, thanks to either data corruption, save/autosave at death point, or just losing the save in a PC format and no will to redo 100 hours in it.


Nioh. I've been close to the final boss for over a year now.
I had to stop due to work, and when i had time again i was already playing MHW and Sekiro instead.

>That last quest
Oblivion had such great side quest, that one felt like an adventure.
The whole Brotherhood quest is better than Skyrim main quest

>Stop playing a game for a week
>Figure I might as well start over because I can't remember basic controls or the story
How do I stop this from happening to me?

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I dropped this on chapter 15. I just gave up on that tower climb. Those fishes and 2nd Doku fight wore me down mentally. Watched the final cutscene on youtube and don't regret it.

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There are many
- Lufia II - Got stucked in the dungeon where you must align all the colors or something alike.
- Minish cap - cousin deleted my save
- Breath of fire 2 - near the end boss, was playing on emualtor and pc was formatted
- Witcher 1, was around chapter 4 and again had to format my pc
- Max payne 3 - I disliked it from the beginning, but since I finished 1 and 2 forced me myself to finish it, but around the airport got sick of it and uinnstalled it
- Blaster Master gb color - lost the paper with my password, made me dropped it since I was so near the end.

There msut be a lot more I can't remeber right now, but often lost my saves specially near the end it's frustrating and I jsut drop the game.

This has to be the game i've installed/uninstalled the most on my PC
Guess it's jusr not for
Can you count Dragon's Dogma post Grigori as not finished?

Dark Souls 2. And 3. And Demon's Souls....

Liked Bloodborne though.

Shit forgot pic

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Skyrim. Every Bethesda game for that matter

Fallout New Vegas, still have 2 DLCs uncompleted and didn't use the chip yet in the main game.

Xenoblade Chronicles, I arrived to the endgame but got stuck on a boss that had like four elemental enemies with her

I do this too except if the game is long and I've already played a lot of it

alan wake, I got to the absolute end then my 360 shat itself, I own the game on pc now years later, but I don't feel like playing it again, though I do remember some very cosy and comfy times.

Pretty sure I've never seen an ending in this. I've got nothing against the game at all, I really enjoy it when I do play it. The thing is though when I do play it, I never really focus on the main story, I do things that I think my character would do. That'll go on for a week or two, then I'll get distracted by another game, and when I come back months later I have a new character in mind so I start over.

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How can you forgot about basic shit in 1 week?
I sometimes forget controls after quitting a month or 2 but after messing around touching button i just remember everything

Mount & Blade Warband, actually got the Nords to capture like 85% of the map before it crashed and I lost my save file somehow. Replaying it later on, got hired for impressing the king and he bugged out. Started to kick everyone out, every 2 mins I've gotten a message about how one of my allies got his shit taken and booted out, Has this bug happened to anyone else?

Played Alan Wake during autumn at night, was the comfiest gaming experience I've had

I stopped right at the end and never came back to it. I don't remember why

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MHW after the first few missions.

The new God of War.
It was alright but I fell into the trap of trying to tick all sidestuff off which made me tire of the game right after the little shit god cured.

I remember getting to the last save before my PC damaged and lost everything
I'm way to lazy to replay a 40 hours game so i just watched the ending on Youtube and pretend i beated it

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Persona 1. Got to the last boss, got destroyed by her second form and watched the ending on youtube when I realized the last save point was like an hour away.

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Yaiba: Ninja gaiden Z

Stopped at the very alst boss because that fight on hard was bullshit everytime you died you need to watch the cutscenes again.

You didn't miss anything. Easy final boss. Dungeon is just a loot of Boom spam. Then it just ends after you put your weenie in the flower-pope. Great game though

Literally made it to the very end of Danganronpa but had to drop it for finals week (April) and haven't played it since

Same here. The boss seemed a bit annoying. Especially since the checkpoint for the boss was after the extra heart and the Diddy barrel

>endured the slideshow frame-rate, janky platforming, and tedious weapon collecting
>unlock a final boss of a completely different genre that I physically can't get halfway through without failing and getting sent back to the beginning and that long-ass unskippaple intro
I love you Taro but fuck that.

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To be fair M&B doesn't really have an ending. You can retire anytime, you have to come up with your own objective to complete

I just have gotten into the part where i have all of the 3 dogs Glyphs in the dracula castle, but then i stopped playing. I play in a flashcard so when i was about to download Radian Historia, the SD card got corrupted. I lost all of my data and i have absolute looseness to star off rigth from the beginning. Like, i WAS doing that, but the game didn't catch on me again and i dropped it for Aria of Sorrow after beating Dawn of Sorrow.

Maybe in the next year, perhaps.

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>Tales of Destiny
>Most Rayman games
Always run into problems or lose interest despite liking them
>Nier Automata
Got A2 ending, took a break and never went back
>Treasure of the Rudras
3 scenarios in, dropped for whatever reason
>Divinity Original Sin 1
Slow gameplay, some quests pissed me off, probably at the final area, don't feel like picking it up anytime soon
>Tearaway Unfolded
Had to use a mic, too shy/embarrased to do it
>Gravity Rush 2
Did pretty much everything and got burned out, gotta finish the very last chapter
>Dishonored 1 The Brigmore Witches
I made the mistake of playing all campaigns as if it was Thief

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I think I was in the final area of Digital Devil Saga and then I just stopped playing. Not sure why.

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I finished. The combat have reachen its maximum quality at the end where you have to figth the Crown guy with the symbiote

BUT THEN, THE MISSION GET AWAY OF 1 OF THE 2 SUITS RIGTH AT THE END. I was so mad, man, i just got every single update before that, and i wanted to try every option i got against the enemies.

Anyway, it was fun, even if is repetitive, and aside of that ending closure, was solid. Black suit ftw

>Get this game in xbox 360 via freestyle
>Chapter 1
>Horse warriors mini boss section
>Get stuck for 7 tries
>Finally beat the chapter
>Beginning chapter 2
>"The disc is damaged. Please, retire and insert again"
>Digital game

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Goddamn it OP I was just thinking about this game the other day; I don't know what possessed me to play so much of it and what possessed me to quit. I played episodes 1-4 over the course of the weekend. The alt present Doc Brown episode was pretty neat and unexpexted but I remember the puzzles being annoying compared to the other 3. Then I booted up Episode 5 and turned it off at the first screen looking at an RV, never to go back.

It's been 7 years I really should just put those last couple of hours in

>>Most Rayman games
I've only ever played Rayman 1 and 3. I never beat whatever was after Band Land as a kid and I always quit at Desert of the Knaaren, both as a kid and in the PS3 HD port