How did we fall so far?

How did we fall so far?
I blame the /pol/niggers

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Too many dumbshits. Modern Yea Forums is too fucking inept to even make webms.

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That sounds delicious, how do you prepare a webm?

I like the new edits, triggers you faggots who have been here since 2012 and think that makes you special.

redditors and twitterfaggots come here to shitpost their opinions they arent allowed to voice on their cucked main platforms. thats all there is to it.

Right is better.
Go back to r*ddit, faggot.

> I like the new edits because it triggers you
I like literally pulling my pants down and shitting in the middle of a nice lunch with my co workers, some of them think that they’ve been here for a while so they are better.

If too much shitskins immigrate to a white country the whites aka civilized people arent able to civilze the shitskins.
So they refuse to change their behaviour accordingly to the unwritten and written rules of the white civilization.
Facebookfrogposter and Redditjackposter are literally shitskins that came here in 2015/2016 but were so much in numbers they couldnt be properly thought the rules of Yea Forums.

Who the fuck cares. None of your opinions matter after 2011. Youre all useless in my eyes.

good to see you already triggered please continue being angry for my amusement

You're embarrassing


Explaining your retardation isn’t something that angers me, it actually brings me great joy to know you aren’t popular with people.

>Facebookfrogposter and Redditjackposter are literally shitskins that came here in 2015/2016 but were so much in numbers they couldnt be properly thought the rules of Yea Forums.
You're a /pol/ obsessed tripfaggot weirdo but you have a point.

Go back to discord

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thanks for actually continuing like a retard got a good laugh out of me


>gay is ok
>no it is not
an original classic everytime

When everyone stop pretending to be retards and became literal retards.

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the internet has been shit since the 2016 presidential election. Everything is lefty that righty this. dilate, seething, cope, etc. I am sick of it. When someone shat on another user they did it in a funny or clever way now it's all so boring.

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Who even is the bogeyman any more?

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Gif will be always kino

>talk about japanese games
>suddenly fuck abe fuck immigration policy


t. ranny


>Transfaggots kill themselves xD : Joke Nr. 2324
Epitomy of R*ddithumor: Take something and make the same joke atleast 100 times

Everyone is the bogeyman

Advice Dog coupled with /r9k/'s meme necromancy coupled with the fact that every single thing you do on the Internet has to be a "gotcha" that takes a jab at somebody else to show just how much cooler you are than them because you're an insecure faggot and also probably in high school.
Yea Forums is now obsessed with "BTFO'ing" everything, basically.

Branch out. I've been losing the want of going to Yea Forums for the past couple of months and its honestly been pretty alright. Letting yourself just go to this place fucks with you, especially if you don't realize what isn't "satire" or more accurately "I want to make people mad because its the only thing that makes me feel alive". Wanna talk about your other hobbies? Go to those places. Having just vidya as your only hobby is boring and just makes you uncreative, honestly. There's got to be more than just that. Maybe go outside?Ask out that girl/guy you like and keep that "women are a joke" mentality you can get corrupted by.
I did and I feel great, and she' really cute.
We're all gonna make it bros, you just gotta believe.
I just wish we could talk seriously about vidya more often, but oh well.

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Opposite Day is fun.

This sounds about right. Everything's become some kind of silly conflict, some kind of "fight" someone has to "win" against some sort of "enemy" when in reality everyone just wants to fucking talk like rational human beings for once.

>dilate, seething, cope
Thats just a symptome of literally shitskins that came here 2015.
Before the pre election adn election there was an unwritten rule on Yea Forums:
>If a joke/meme gets stale we make a new one

Hyper cynical 3 layers of irony type faggots who have been on Yea Forums so long their only entertainment is to just fuck with people.

easy there tranny

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because all the new OCs are literal forced shit worse than pepe and wojak?

Yea Forums has always been diverse as fuck you fucking retard. A few of the most popular tripfags on Yea Forums were nigras.

how does one make this "web em"?

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the world was always shit, glad you finally figured it out. Meme cartoon things were never funny

Making OC is difficult.
Finding and Using an appropriate exploitable is slightly hard
A shitty wojack/Pepe edit is easy.

We had the same problem with rage comics. They eventually got driven into the dirt by reddit and abandoned by everyone else, but this time the redditors are here and don’t care about how stale it is.

I hope you two work out well user.
Now tell me what your favorite videogame is before the thread dies.

The real sinister transformation of memes over the years has to do with corporate culture and the 'software as a service' meme. The phasing out of flash, the crippling of image editing software and making it some kind of absurd subscription/cloud based service means 12 year old anons cant just go and pirate photoshop xvIII and start learning how to make memes as children. Without access to the tools, they never develop the skills necessary to make the advanced forms of memes that they would then put out by the time they reach their 18,19s, or 20s. tldr; the jews are why you cant have nice memes anymore.

>worse than pepe and wojak
nothing is worse. We've hit a wall. Nothing new is being created.

both are shit

>He thinks shitskins refer to the color of your skin not the mindset you have
Lmao what a fool you are