How did we fall so far?

How did we fall so far?
I blame the /pol/niggers

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Too many dumbshits. Modern Yea Forums is too fucking inept to even make webms.

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That sounds delicious, how do you prepare a webm?

I like the new edits, triggers you faggots who have been here since 2012 and think that makes you special.

redditors and twitterfaggots come here to shitpost their opinions they arent allowed to voice on their cucked main platforms. thats all there is to it.

Right is better.
Go back to r*ddit, faggot.

> I like the new edits because it triggers you
I like literally pulling my pants down and shitting in the middle of a nice lunch with my co workers, some of them think that they’ve been here for a while so they are better.

If too much shitskins immigrate to a white country the whites aka civilized people arent able to civilze the shitskins.
So they refuse to change their behaviour accordingly to the unwritten and written rules of the white civilization.
Facebookfrogposter and Redditjackposter are literally shitskins that came here in 2015/2016 but were so much in numbers they couldnt be properly thought the rules of Yea Forums.

Who the fuck cares. None of your opinions matter after 2011. Youre all useless in my eyes.

good to see you already triggered please continue being angry for my amusement