they better fucking remove those idiotic mini-games in the remake
They better fucking remove those idiotic mini-games in the remake
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck no, i hope they're in.
To lack the most basic sense of rhythm and timing means you're either extremely drunk or retarded.
Those mini-games are fun and provide a brief reprieve from the monotonous combat.
The gold saucer will have real money gatcha games.
Bullshit. If I can't go snowboarding 10 minutes after watching Aeris die, this remake is a failure.
imagine licking her little cunny
Why would I want to do that?
This game looks like dogshit I have no idea why people like it so much.
Maybe you're mentally ill, idk
because it was fun to play
the minigames are one of the things that make ff7 such a classic and the removal of them will help further show that this game is part of the squeenix compilation no fun allowed horseshit that it's looking like it will be
ff7 without outsquating hard gays, fucking up the parade marching or tifa slap fight simulator 1997 is a worse game. fuck the snowboard segment was so popular they made it a stand alone game
They better not fucking remove these iconic mini-games in the remake
Of all the things you can choose to shit on a game you dislike you choose the most irrelevant one that makes you sound like a 12yo kid
when i played there was a delay to it i just couldn't nail down
when you have "good" timing you get tripped up by weird timing.
same way a "pro" smashplayer is totally reduced to a simpering wreck when confronted by an item
user, different people are skilled in different areas. You can do rhythm, others have sex..
What the fuck was the point of this. It's rock paper scissors against 5 opponents except the opponents are just more likely to read your action the farther you get and the final opponent is bugged and can't be beaten.
this shit was my jam, and i look forward to the high quality remake of it.
It's to teach you that life is unfair and you should kill yourself
>equip ribbon
>first round
fuck you dio this game is rigged
How come 7 is miles better than every other FF game? Did a load of people leave square after 7?
This shit is on Episode 2
Nah, a load of common sense did instead.
Although I love VIII to X
Just like in real life, the majority of the games are made to siphon your money away.
Technically you could win 100 GP in the crane games. With a 0.34% chance.
Your best bet at making easy GP is chocobo breeding->feeding->racing and exchanging all prices of the races for GP. I replayed the game over the last two weeks and made easily 4k GP from chocobo racing alone. Even that faggot Teiaoh didn't stand a chance against me.
Are you me?
this is the scene I want to see most in hd
You need rhythm for sex.
yes they will infact be removing the soul
This one just didn't make any sense to me. I thought I just had to do it enough times at any power. I spent like 5 minutes doing it before I realized it wasn't working.
>i look forward to the high quality remake of it.
its getting cut enjoy your quick time event submarine
no just a big wiener
>finishing with your opponents right behind you
That's some weak shit
We're not judging, user
>Smashfag can't keep it in his threads
Every time.
Pls explain to me how controlling the Chocobo actually works. It feels like they never do what I actually tell them to do.
Holy shit I forgot about this. I love FFVII
I don't think I even played most of these mini games, the gold saucer in is like the definition of guide bait.
This shit is the best mini game I've ever seen in an RPG though, shit was so much goddamn fun.
This was cute. You would never, ever see this in a modern game.
These I don't really need to play through again.
I really hope the remix for this song isnt trash.
FFVII had so much content, it feels almost unthinkable for an rpg today to have that much. I wonder what changed
They better keep the stair climb sequence. I climbed that thing for 3 minutes only to accidently start the fight as soon as I got up.
zoom zoom
>high quality remake of it
Isn't Tifa supposed to be inhumanly strong? Why doesn't she blow the bitch's head off with one swing?
>If you fuck up they send you a bomb
>You can use it as a damaging item
This shit was the best.
>There are people who didn't have a 170KPH Chocobo
Scarlet must spend her spare time in the gym.
thats why i used the spoiler tag
it was meant as humor and i reference smash because it's a common topic, this thread isn't in a bubble
why are you so confrontational i'm just havin laffs m8
just buy GP from the dubious dude at the save point
Square has had serious management issues for a while. Maybe it was Sakaguchi leaving.
This confused the hell out of me. What a strange thing.
This was straight up trash
because this was personal
If there' a delay, just press it earlier? Whenever I played those types of games be it a videogame or arcade, I would attempt the first time to hit it on the count of three ( or when the light passed over the ticket win thing ) and then I would count how many lights I was off by, or in the case of the game I would see how many seconds, then I would just press the light early by however lights I passed on my first go and it would work everytime. I also used this for that Mario 3 roulette minigame.
graphics moved past static images so now if they want to pack in content it either involves a ton of repetition or a ton of time spent on visuals
Half the game was shitty mini-games and janky set pieces like the motorcycle section
>spend a ton of time setting up defenses
>eventually fail and just have to fight off a pretty weak enemy
This shit was such a waste of time.
Why was the timing so awkward for this? Granted there is an audio cue that sounds off that makes timing it much easier.
First you put in on manual through pressing select. Then you hold the button to make them faster, on the switch it's X (the top button). Don't confuse this with the sprint, that one shouldn't be necessary except against Teioh when he's cheating.
If your chocobo has shit stamina, you can also hold R1+R2 while holding the fast button to get infinite stamina. (hold over from debugging phase of development)
Your chocobo needs good stats for good racing. Go to the chocobo sage and buy the most expensive weed. 15 Weeds will max out all chocobo's except golden ones, those need ~30.
You can only control your chocobo to the left or right. But it's more of a suggestion and again depends on the stats iirc.
Never go on long courses, only do short ones. The prices are the same and thus you gain nothing from doing long courses.
Colored chocobo have advantages, the red ones can climb the spiral case easier, blue one isn't affected by the gravity sink before the finish line (the part in space). Black and golden chocobo have both advantages.
You should be able to outrun chocobo from the spiral case. Usually I finished the race while they just came out the spiral case (except Teioh who was a bit farther ahead of the other ones but still miles behind me).
Bottom line: Feed you fucking chocobo until stats are maxed.
Recall that she had been held for several days without food and awaiting execution.
You can only buy 100 at a time and he has a 5% chance of showing up. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Racing takes no time at all and on S rank you get some good materia like enemy lure and enemy away.
This one was great.
it's a turn based RPG with static backgrounds, most games today have to account for a lot more player input, on top of the graphics requiring infinitely more manpower. also most of these minigames are pretty simplistic, probably not much extra effort needed to include them.
The FF7 devs gave these weird minigames to the noobies to work on so that they'd get some experience working with the system before they developed important things. It explains why some of them are so janky and odd
well obviously it didn't confound me for a week, dude, it just tripped me up a couple times and thus,within the in-game world, cloud looked like a retard to his allies
thanks for the condescending explanation though
Yeah, remove the fun.
I swear to fuck if you guys don't post the shinra library puzzle
Should I replay FF7? Haven't beat it in like 15 years or something. Is the switch version ok?
Oh, oh oh oh oh!! Look at this dudes hair!
I'm replaying it now and am having a blast.
Also they should remove the idiotic combat too.
Why bother with all that. Just pile all your units on the 2 tiles in front of the door and they 1 shot everything that comes close
Will Tifa still call Barett a retard?
John Wick 3 had this minigame as a scene.
No she'll probably just tell him to stop acting like an idiot. Retard is a little too much now.
>"Press X to jump!"
>If you don't press it you fall and get items that are permanently missable if you jumped
What the fuck was that about. I'm all for those dumb mini games posted in this thread, but the puzzle. Literally nobody needs this.
0% chance, too politically incorrect and in Japanese she probably just said baka or aho which is usually translated to idiot anyway.
That means fuckall in final fantasy
Sorry friend, forgot
But why not keep it and just be like thats the type of person Tifa is? She would say these kind of words.
I replayed it over the last 2 weeks, finished it 2 days ago doing 100% (ish I guess, probably missed something).
The switch port is fine but you should be wary of the 3x speed toggle. The game froze 3 or 4 times on me. Use it sparingly and not willynilly.
I also suggest using the other 2 built in cheats, it made grinding AP less of a hassle.
Until that scene :)
this is the only minigame I had trouble with for some reason when I played it last year
got to the point where the game just had enough and skipped me forward
appreciated but also feelsbad
if that's true that's really neat
christ in this world i couldn't imagine going to a job and one of my earlier works being a minigame in one of the most well known RPGs out there
>He didn't like the book puzzle
Honestly 7's pre rendered backgrounds hold up even today
Its offensive.
Well yeah but maybe Tifa is an offensive person?
the worst kind of person
I love when RPG games put this kind of diversions and minigames to do stuff in mid/post game. FF 7 is god tier in this regard. Also i love having a lot of sidequest and other task with additional dialogue
Some games that i can think about with this in mind are Rune Factory series and Chrono games
> He's flying
> He
SE doesn't use gender specific pronouns for Moogles anymore. So don't expect that to make it over.
It’s hard to go back to it knowing Clouds personality is so drastically different between the Jap and English versions as well as the sequels.
Budgets. To make a non episodic remake with no cuts would require selling Rockstar levels to avoid bankrupting them.
No she has to be pure and motherly like her AC depiction.
The game says that making Chocobo speed up on Switch is Y, not X. Regardless, I don't notice any speed difference when I press either button.
Also used W-Item glitch. Get fucked cherry boy.
I never understood it.
My bad, I was actually thinking about the "Miniature Midgar Puzzle" where the pieces are in the chests.
Switch version is fine, i just dunno why so many people are excited for it when PSP & Vita had portable FF7 for over a decade
Switch version used to have an audio problem but they patched it out a few weeks ago. Works solid on Joycons or Pro Controller and doesn't drain the battery much at all if you're into using it portable.
This minigame is the king of jankyness
>Optimal strategy is mashing the shoot button, bypassing the charge meter mechanics completely
>Somehow completely fucked up porting it to the PC version so the sensitivity is ridiculously high
>Shooting the blimp in a certain pixel gives you a bajillion points for some reason
Don't worry, when it comes to PC i'll make a patch :)
sounds boring
Depends on your top speed. Try a race with and without it, the difference should be obvious.
That's not even a puzzle, the fuck you talking about
your words to me are like the chatterings of a rodent
begone, vermin
have sex
No thanks, i'd rather have 99 elixiers for magic pot farming. nerd
>Shooting the blimp in a certain pixel gives you a bajillion points for some reason
okay now i KNOW is legit because that's exactly the kind of rookie devshit i put in my games
But a woman calling a man a retard is empowering.
the basketball game was easy as fuck, took a while because the prize was tiny but as soon as the muscle memory kicked in it was nearly impossible to fail a shot
For the record, I'm always extremely drunk and retarded when I play video games.
My top speed is pretty slow because I haven't fed my Chocobos, but it doesn't look like there is any speed difference between pressing X, pressing Y, and not pressing anything.
>W-Item glitch.
This is going to be missing from the remake and it's gonna suck
The cliffs are fine
The snow fields are bullshit
You still need like 5 perfect shots to get 30 GP.
A single race can get me up to 300GP on S-Rank.
I've been using 3x speed all the time and the game hasn't frozen.
based images poster
>get called a drunken retard for fucking up a minigame
>explain there's an odd delay
>get talked down to like i quit the game then and there
>shrug it off
>get called mad
what drives me to return here so consistently
Then feed your fucking chocobo. Stats are king in chocobo racing.
In all my life I could never get this shit done right.
confirmed for not having a big weiner, shit's not that easy my man
FFXIV has lots of content. Shame about the tranny playerbase though
I'm just breeding for now, once I get a black or golden Chocobo I'll bother feeding them.
Just google it, steam version has the same problem.
This. I just don't understand how to do it. Always getting bad ratings and a grenade.
The reaction images (that aren't wojacks) and good art are what keeps me here at least.
The one scene I need to see in HD.
Don't fuck it up, Square.
You can cheese this so easily.
1. Place one unit on the red line.
2. Start the game.
3. Set speed to slow
The red line moves down the closer a unit is to it. Hence the red line has no moved down.
4. Place another unit near the line.
5. Repeat adding units until the line is near the bottom.
6. Place the units which beat the 2 enemies popping out of the bottom. Win instantly since you quickly kill the enemies and there are no more foes on screen.
7. Get your money back.
yeah thats why i kept coming in 2010 but it's like a decade later now and all that has no appeal anymore
am broken
Shit takes 4 seconds. How can you complain about this?
I just hope the remake isn't shit
>How can you complain about this?
to talk about FF7 because you can't make a positive thread about a game
shitting on a game makes people rush to defend it and then talk with one another about it
i hate it here kill me i want to die
Even better if you install an AI-derived HD prerendered background mod.
You're here FOREVER wasn't just some meme, ya bozo.
I hate this one
didn't this change in every playthrough? I remember getting pissed because I wanted that Elemental materia so badly
They better show all characters at E3.
You need to race for successful breeding.
Good + Great Chocobo need at least Rank B
Green + Blue Chocobo need at least Rank B
Black + Wonderful Chocobo need at least Rank A
You won't get a golden chocobo without racing.
In total you need like 60 or 70 of the best weeds.
The translation of the clues was so cryptic!
Anyone figure it out without looking it up?
Or you can just pay $20 to get omnislash without actually having to play anything
You don't. You can can just RNG manipulate (and very easily too).
Imagine looking forward to the trainwreck that is the FF7 remake.
doubt it. They'll definitely show Tifa though
What's a trainwreck about it?
Why hate it before having a valid reason to hate it?
What do you think square is gonna fuck up?
Part 1 might not even go past Midgar. I hope we see Tifa and Red XIII though.
cheating fag
always mako
>23 step guide where a single wrong character movement ruins it, involving hard resets and other nonsense
Breeding a gold chocobo takes an hour tops. But have fun with that.
Scarlet is probably just as physically strong as Tifa is, notice how in a few scenes Scarlet literally blows away a shinra soldier when they were shooting at Barret and Dyne
for real. everyone always says "it changes everytime! you have to do this and that to find out."
fuck off, bitch. always Mako.
Depends on how many "parts" there are. If there's 3 parts, I think the first part ends with the first Jenova fight, Second part ends with the Weapons being released, and third part runs to the of the game.
If they're only 2 parts, I think they'll end it at Aeris's death for the first part
i've had bomb, king, mako and best before on my play throughs. never orbs or hojo though
I think it will cover the entire first disc, i.e. Aeris death.
Ah yes, the most difficult puzzle for americans. Why didn't the use a digital clock lmao
This won't make it because girl's underage. PC censorship.
this was based
funny to see the enemy or myself stopping doing squats just to scratch head lices
this is the only trainwreck you're gonna see in the remake, bitch
Don't they crash a train later on?
Literally no one got this by themselves. Shit was made to sell guides and it really shows. So much of the late game content exists just to sell guides, it's offensive really.
The later part was easy, but that part still makes no real sense to me.
Your welcome.
>The game says that making Chocobo speed up on Switch is Y, not X. Regardless, I don't notice any speed difference when I press either button.
You have to keep pressing, not just press it once
Will there be playable Crisis Core flashbacks?
>this is literally the only way to get the enemy away materia
>it's awarded at random
>and mostly at lower ranks so you have to start using different chocobos after they win too much
As an autist who plays a lot of jrpgs I have a certain tolerance for repetition but holy fuck I hate these races and will never ever do it again. I only stuck with it out of spite by the end because fuck the RNG in its stupid, stupid ass
Only if you're really, incredibly bad at the game.
So it was basically the same thing as the defense bits against Kefka's army early on in FFVI?
Only if you fail the minigame.
>he couldn't stop the train from crashing
Yes. I hope we see Genesis :)
Yeah, but not in midgar. It's the Corel train that Shinra wants to crash into Corel (for no reason) and you have to stop it.
You get it after 10 successive wins in S-Rank automatically.
Git gud, frog fucker.
it's more than likely that was just something a translator added and isn't really what she said, so no.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on
There ain't no getting off this train we on
The train we on don't make no stops
You sure showed it!
Honestly surprised me that the MMO didn't do this.
It was Kino.
It's actually really easy. You have just been overwhelmed by the instructions! You just need to run to the stable quickly. From absolute scratch following the guide it took me 30 minutes!
No racing! Easy gold chocobo. Very safe and efficient.
Gameplay looks like average cookie cutter action jrpg.
Realistic graphics remove all the cartoon charm that FF7 was filled to the brim with. No more cute and humorous body language and expressions. You don't honestly believe you'll see red xiii shimmy while disguised as a shinra guard, do you?
Capturing any of the atmosphere. Also ruining characters. Barret already is nothing like himself.
>the jew that quenches the land
Why so defensive? Just asking!
New rumours say its going to be only 2 parts now. With that in mind if the first game is only midgar then part 2 is going to be ultra compressed.
So, you saved 30 minutes and you got no GP. Looks like I have a EXP Plus materia and you don't.
Loved FF7 as a teen but tried to replay it recently and got bored after an hour. Why? (I'm 29 now)
Literal Retard.
Barret was already nothing like the japanese version.
>lets just shoe horn in the gay retarded character and pretend he was there the whole time
ya pretty kino
It's actually correct. Child resus involves at least 5 rescue breaths before chest compressions. Especially if it involves drowning.
I expect them to cut a lot of shit post midgar, submarine, fort condor, snow boarding etc
>New rumours say
confirmed fake leak
is there an actual meaning behind this line? i remember everybody saying it after cloud speech in the highwind, but what gives?
>Super dunk
>No dunking
Is getting a Gold Chocobo easy? I only ever beat the game like 6 months ago and I ignored all the Chocobo stuff because it seemed like a pain in the ass.
>New rumours say its going to be only 2 parts now
the employee that spoke was fake
the other one who spoke with some dude, has yet to be proven fake if it was
they're not gonna cut anything
>EXP Plus
Cringe and blue pilled. Gold chocobo is just to see cool KOTR summon. You don't need to grind in FF7!
Pre-rendered JRPG backgrounds are such a great aesthetic.
I remembered it as Mako. I even do remember explanation that "everything turns around Mako in this world".
I started playing on Xbone recently and it was King. Fuck this shit.
>last part of the game is a race to the end with awful pacing
>just like FFXV and KH3
What in the fuck is wrong with Square?
I hope they make cloud kind of dork like in the original
FF7 is easy as fuck in general, big guard breaks the game early on if you get it
They also made the game easier after the PS1 version, by fixing the magic defence bug
They cut your dick.
You little bastard. Mine was BOMB. Now shut the fuck up and don't make me regret raping your mother.
That's really cute user
always mako
I hope they don't add in compilation final fantasy stuff. I can see them elaborating a bit about Zack since it felt a bit too secretive to for such a major plot point. I mean revisiting the test chambers in the basement? Really?
Also FF7 PC New Threat mod is pretty cool.
Wouldn't be the first time.
they're not gonna cut anything worth a damn
having so low expectations to the point of being retarded its also cute
>FF7 PC New Threat mod
Not a fan of reviving Aeris.
& FFXV will have a full explorable continent with underwater levels
I played it for the first time recently and was surprised how much I enjoyed it.
If you seriously see graphics as a major turn off from a game I think your a bit simple.
That's why they cut your dick.
I beat the game, I just never did Ruby and Emerald weapons. Honestly the final cave can be hard if you're underleveled, I think I was in the mid late 40s my first attempt at it, then I got some shit and went back in the early 60s and found it much more manageable.
Cloud with his ultimate weapon and the double attack + counter materia is dope.
I love this game
Agreed but I've played through it all the way to the north crater. Never once have I seen the option to revive her apart from a debug options.
The remixed story bosses are cool as are some of the materia and item changes.
Do I hold it or tap it repeatedly? I thought you were supposed to hold it.
Looking at KH3 & FFXV, it's clear SE won't be able to fit everything in
That's optional, NT is the best way to play the game these days, vanilla is honestly boring with how easy it is, NT throws curveballs at you
nice backtrack there
So why don't you marry it?
Me neither, specially considering that when i played new threat, it was an earlier version, it was HORRIBLE because aeris did literally nothing. She didnt speak, she didnt give her opinion on anything, she didnt appear in any important scene, she was just there doing nothing
Later they fixed it and now she has a voice, but damn it was frustrating, why revive her if we can't interact with her?
>cross dressing sequence is in
>wig literally turns Cloud into Lightning
Post yfw
thanks Squall
>double attack + counter materia is dope.
How about double attack, cover, counter, command counter+death blow, sneak attack + mug, added effect + hades
Cloud literally has slash spasms every fight
Don't revive her then, that was put in because so many fans wanted it to happen
They will let you revive her too in the remake & bet you will defend it
Stay mad fag
NT 1.5 is fucking incredible. Heard the same guy is doing a NT for FF8 also, can't wait to check it out when it's done.
Also, is there any easier way to mod FF7, or do you have to use that horrible mod manager?
fucking no they won't. I'll chop off my balls and livestream it on Yea Forums if they do, promise
tap repeatedly to increase the speed, tap other button repeatedly to decrease speed. Lower speed, less stamina usage.
The other button, the sprint button, you have to hold it. Maybe you meant that button, but there are 2 ways to increase speed basically.
There it is
Top incel
>That desert prison one with the big ass sandworms
I can't speak for earlier versions. I was fortunate enough to play NT 1.5 and its honestly very serviceable and would even recommend it over vanilla FF for new players.
Don't even need that, 4x cut is already OP enough
I won't honestly. I can deal with a lot of crap, but having the first playthrough to see aeris revive, that would be stupidly retarded.
I can dig to see an alternative ending behind a new game+, i wont have any problems with that (if you want to use aeris so bad), but as a first lplaythrough, no.
If NT FF8 fixes the junction system, as in removes it, then FF8 will become one of the better FF's in my mind
That's probably what my problem was. I was holding down the button and nothing was happening. I'll try tapping it next time. Thanks, user!
>Heard the same guy is doing a NT for FF8 also
Please dont be lying or ill go to your house to rape your mother, sister, chop your father's dick all in front you, and then rape you and kill you. In that order.
This thread made me remember how shit FF7 was compared to 8
I think mods like Reunion and NT don't have to go through Tifa's. Remako does sadly.
I think that was the intention? I found his youtube where he goes in-depth on his idea around the junction system
It's easy to guess which one is the sprint button. Just see the chocobo lean forward and running faster.
Dont remember the other buttons, but just tap repeteadly the other ones to see the change. You'll notice it inmediately.
Pretty sure it changes junction dramatically.
>Remako does sadly
fuck, I really wanted to run that with NT, the updated battle models are insane. I prefer the normal field character models though
Fuck me i hate 7th heaven, is there anyway to not have to use an iso or usb named FF7DISC1 to load it up?
Why does a fucking mod launcher have DRM
I like 7 more than 8, but holy shit playing the FF8 demo disk as a kid coming off of ff7 was mind-blowing. The characters literally looked real. Must've played through that dollet mission a few dozen times
Yeah, I know how to sprint. It's the other buttons that I wasn't sure of.
just got to shinra HQ, already autistically stealing missables and powerful weapons. game will be a joke when I get enemy skill
Two of those you had to play at least once.
You can make a blank ISO called FF7DISC1 with FF7DISC1.txt inside it.
I can upload my one if you want.
Considering that New threat also fixes some narrative issues, translations and give more narrative to FF7, he could do the same with FF8
Imagine changing Irvine speech to a more suggestive one that implies more than he doesnt want to hurt edea, or a more believable Rinoa X Squall relation ship
>finishing without having all materia
you are the one that is cringe and bluepilled
I even had the underwater materia and still beat Emerald in 5 minutes.
Literal retard and faggot.
lmao i bet you dont run from fights
very sad!
agreed, I'm really excited for it. I'm trying to contain my hype, because realistically he's probably a couple of years away from completion, but I believe he's getting close to finishing the first disk
But is there anyway to avoid that check? why does it even exist, i shouldn't have to load up an ISO drive for a modded 1997 game
>leaks keep claiming this is still in
very very bluepilled
very epic and redpilled (not me)
All you need is Big Guard and White Wind. The other skills suck.
Probably not. It's a stupid "anti-piracy" measure employed by the mod author. Unaware that people own the PC CD version but now lack CD drives. You can probably google how to auto-load an ISO on windows start.
Of course you run from fights. You have been a coward for your entire life after all. The sleeping guy at the cave always tells me " ran from 0 fights..."
Reading through this thread and seeing all these scene posted reminds me just how much I love this game.
it's bullshit, I agree. Some people believe they're being altruistic by making sure no one "pirates" FF7. I had the same thing happen when I was softmodding my Wii back in the day. You had to literally check a box that said you wouldn't download Wii games in order to use it, otherwise it would freeze up and brick your Wii
Or you can write a .bat file which loads the iso then the game. You can then replace the .bat icon with the FF7 icon.
sure, but once you get Trine, Beta, or Magic Breath you can literally breeze through the mid-game with zero problems
I bet your cleartime is +3 hours. Absolute grandad gamer.
how do you beat emerald? I was never able to because he would always use that attack that did 9999 no matter what
Fucking hell I've never seen so brutal a btfo.
Yep there he is again with his childish infantile reply.
Back off. This user is a pro gamer and you are just embarressing yourself with your autistic pointless grinding which renders the game an easy mess by the late game.
Why did this one game experimenting with new technology and trying to find its own way have so much fucking quirky variety and weirdness
It's probably one of the most comedic games in the series once you get past a certain spinal cord stabbed and the depressing end of the world on the horizon, and they constantly mixed things up
>be child me
>horrible english
>try this minigame
>mfw I used to think AVERAGE meant something like GREAT in english
In my defense I was trying really hard so it would be fair to get a good score.
Magic Breath is an MP sink and the multi-elemental properties mean more enemies are likely to absorb it. Spamming Beta and Aqualung is the most cost efficient.
And I bet you're a tranny if you give a shit about speedrunning.
Don't equip more than 8 materia. Easiest method is KotR and 2 mime materia.
lots of samefagging lately in this thread
The Tifa that would say that is in FF7 Machinabridged.
Now that im reminded of this shit, theres no way the remake wont be shit or underwhelming. No way they'll include all these minigames, all the Easter eggs, all the side quests, all the Easter eggs, all the exploration content. I just cant imagine them having all this in the game without years and years of development time and a ridiculous amount of hard drive space.
wait...the damage was tied to Materia? Well I feel fucking retarded.
Is it no more than 8 materia total, or per character?
I feel FFVII more than any of the others carried over a lot of the SNES presentation. Like how the field models do that surprise hop similar to VI.
Psssh. Sorry kiddo but if I actually speed ran I would break the WR. I just play games casually and for fun..
I mean, technically you can try it out for yourself right now if you want:
Emerald's attack does 1111 x # of materia equipped per character.
He does 1111 per materia equipped on the character. If you want to be safe, get Final Attack + Phoenix in case he goes apeshit on you. Load up on HP plus and Magic Plus, depending on your stats.
You need to blast all his eyes before he uses it essentially. I know there is a good solo cloud strat.
just put the materia you actually gonna use, nothing more, nothing less.
BASED Mog House. An easy 30 GP and the ultimate pleb filter of FF7.
Which is funny cause the mod removes the drm from the steam version
>tfw party always ends up with Cloud + Cid
I prefer Tifa over Yuffie but Yuffie has better LBs and weaponry
you are a peasant
Withou ecelebing too hard anyone follow any of the ff7 streamers?
Death_unites_us has a pretty comfy youtube series through various challenge mods and playthroughs.
Calebhart does fun speed runs too.
In NT mod i use literally all characters, its fun
Tifa cloud cid and barret are physical powerhouses
Red 13 and cait sith are tanks
Yuffie vincent and Aeris are the mages
This desu. I want to go back Yea Forumsros!
What are some good FF7 mods? Aside from NT
I've been using barret as my tank/healing just because of his defence stack.
I like each character having their own niche and reason to use them in battle. One of the reasons I like FFX so much
>he doesnt unlock omnislash on disc 1 so he can use it on Jenova-LIFE
>Aire Tam Storm
>airetam spelled backwards is materia
Ahh user. We no longer fall into the target demo. NuVII will cater to kids that grew up on Kingdom Hearts and the compilation. Nomura's typical hack storytelling will ruin it. He just can't help it.
You can't unlock omnislash on disc 1
Death is ok, sometimes his faux-egoraptor humor can get to be too much though.
Can't stand Calebhart, he's so fucking annoying. For every cool moment there are 10 more cringe moments where he spergs out
The original VII was also written by Nomura. Make up your mind if you like him or not, faggot.
Fuck no. I tried to watch some people play ff7 on youtube recently, but all I see are a bunch of wimpy sounding faggots that act gay. I've realized that youtube is full of limp wristed pansy fucks a while ago, I don't understand why I'm even still surprised.
I like old Nomura. Much like Nojima, he's clearly lost his mind.
>not just double-or-nothing until you cap gp
I'm convinced there are some normal people out there on youtube, tough to find them when 99% of it is shit though
He didn't lose his mind. He just followed the fujo bucks. Hence KH retarded story and the extended universe of FFVII with Gackt and all that other pointless shit. The man is a genius, but very greedy and calculating.
Well hes a hack and I hate him.
>think "no way they can fuck it up"
>remember thinking the same for kh3
Don't know why I even have a shed of optimism
It's just fucking stupid hearing a grown as man go, "oooohh, this is sooo creepy", at the part where cloud tells his story flashback about sephiroth.
Will the sunken plane be spooky?
>build a plane
>put helicopters in it
this is some pimp my ride tier shit
I do too, unironically.
Why? It's such a stupid retcon
This confused my so much at first
FF14's moogles are gendered.
>he doesnt know
doesn't really matter anyway, just run to them if you fucked it up and spam the pose button. You only need like 30+ for the best reward anyway, and the second half of the minigame is much easier.
I hated this segment so much. Especially the walking in step segment.
Also it was wierd that the second place reward was generally the preferable choice.
Didn't sakaguchi do ff7?
Is the afro guy even beatable? I literally could never do it
I kinda liked it, it was super charming
>I bet you have a nigger cock.
Yes. I believe the guy after is not.
This mini game was fun, and I'd have played an actual game based around the concept, given more polished mechanics etc..
Pretty easy to play
Kinda badly translated Japanese idiom/saying, Barret says it a lot to Cloud throughout the game
I mean in concept it was great. Just in execution I hated it
>Kazushige Nojima
>Yoshinori Kitase
Sakaguchi was the producer.
15% chance
After him comes red helmet man with 10% chance
after that comes invisible man, 1% chance
I think it was something like that.
>It can't be helped to be on this train
You're depressed
Degenerate game with race mixing trannies
>enemy boss gets all 7 fever and murks your speedrun
Talk about winning the unlucky lottery lol
>they redo the scene but more like pic related
>all that soul
>it all will be cut out of le serious cinematic final fantasy vii reboot
I don't understand why anybody even wanted this remake.
A bunch of children that grew up with the compilation and KH and think the original VII is too "Old" and "Dated".
People mostly wanted the same game in updated graphics. Unfortunately S-E wants that uber-realism over amazing looking stylization
They're not gonna cut shit. What you should be afraid of is the inclusion of the extended canon.
to explain this joke, it's meant to be something more along the lines of "Supportive bra" or "Adult woman's bra", the joke being that Tifa was filling in fast, and was wearing underwear made for women typically older than she was.
In other words, a bad translation ruined a boob joke
fuck up zoomer
I like the bit at 1:45
>You get it after 10 successive wins in S-Rank automatically
You get Sprint Shoes, Precious Watch, Cat's Bell, Chocobracelet and Counter Attack for winning 10 straight, you can only win enemy away or magic counter as a random prize.
Next you're going to tell me about how you can breed gold and black chocobos to get a rainbow one that lets me resurrect Aeris.
Post best FF7 battle theme remixes for me to listen to
you only get one try at this or something? I only played ff7 once and I don't remember this shit
The crossdressing doesn't matter.
The canon doesn't matter.
The mini games don't matter.
What matters is this: will the characters jump 15ft into the air, over each other?
>Zangan's final letter to tifa includes a line about him being unable to jump anymore like he used to
makes me cry every time
I want uber realism over that Clash of Clans style, I love seeing artists fight to translate dumb anime designs into the lifelike. It gives me strength.
As a matter of fact I did. Ran the races on my psp so I could watch tv while I did it, spent hours and hours to finally get the damned materia, then when I finally got it I turned off the game in disgust, deleted it from my memory card and hard drive and then deleted my save files, too, because I don't put up with that shit.
Will Tifa look like her Advent Children version?
What is it about Final Fantasy 7 that makes it so popular compared to other Final Fantasy games?
Whos generally considered to be the most liked party member (excluding Cloud)
"Tifa, what's happened to our town? Was it all an illusion, or just a dream? No, it was neither. I remember trying to get people out of the flames, but not having the strength... Burning with anger, I went to the reactor to kill Sephiroth."
"But he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I found you, collapsed inside. I felt saving you was far more important than going after Sephiroth. There were several others that were still alive inside, but I was only able to save you."
"As I was coming out of the reactor, Shinra troops were just arriving. I recall a scientist named Hojo was in charge. He ordered the troops to gather up everyone still alive for the experiment. I didn't know what type of experiment he was talking about, but I wasn't about to let them have my dearest student."
"Putting you on my back, I headed down the mountain to the village. I used the Cure spell on you many times."
"And started to head for Midgar to look for a doctor for you. I don't like that city, but my Cure spells weren't helping."
"I decided to go to Midgar to find a doctor I could trust. I'm worried about you, but I can't settle down in one place for very long. Have you recovered fully? Are you well?"
"I wonder how many years have passed since then? I just got into town again, but I can't believe it... The whole town is back to normal, except for the strange beings with black clothes all around..."
"The town reeks of Shinra, but I won't go after them. You may think I'm running from them, but it's just that I don't want anything to do with Shinra anymore. Feels like time is running out."
"I'm sure you'll find this letter. And this gift for you. It should come in handy. I can't even jump anymore. But I hope you continue to sharpen your skills and remember what I taught you."
"To my most precious student, From Zangan"
> I can't even jump anymore.
> I can't even jump anymore.
> I can't even jump anymore.
Get fucked
Did they ever use these original design models for anything else?
I hope they don't make it too weeb/anime.
This is how real niggas got BP for the battle square
Not even for promo stuff? Really?
what a horrendous barret
I want a gf with big tits just once. Every girl I've ever been with has been B cups or lower.
did anyone actually use cait sith?
Goddamn user I dated a girl with big breasts. It was nice :)
That Cid looks way too young and his shoulders are too small
>that ending cutscene with giant shoulders Cid
>all that soul
>simplistic minigames because the game wasn't complex enough for anything else
Don't worry faggot, your shitty remake will be exactly the same.
>They will let you revive her too in the remake
Fuck, look at MGSV. Kojima rustled people's Jimmies by permanently removing a character very late in the game and fanboys whined so much they patched her back in.
And the same people who couldn't deal with the sense of permanent loss complained about the story being weak, even though the story literally inspired them to feel loss which is the fucking theme of the game. Square will probably cave to the plebs just like Konami did.
Why didnt they have a party member to replace Aerith and inherit her skills/equipment?
just play TLOU or Uncharted instead
We Equinox now
Meh. It's just extra skin.
I can't wait for the moans and tifa's jiggly tiddies in checkerboard 4k
Explain why I liked FF7 and FF8 but disliked all other FF games.
Because this isn't One Piece.
Aire Tam (Materia) Storm deals damage based on every Materia you have equipped. At maximum materia, it will be a 1 hit nuke every time.
Legend of Dragoon remake when?
These cutscenes having no voice acting was so damn weird. It kinda ruined the ending for me. They should've done it all in pantomime instead.
What's anime about Nathan Drake? You should be telling me to go play FFXV instead.
No, but if you get it right on the first try, you'll get an Elemental materia.
Final Attack+phoenix breaks fucking every fight.
Pretty sure you have to get it right the first time to get the best reward, like mentioned you can get a nice bonus materia out of it but nothing unique or really necessary. If you missed it it wouldn't be a big deal.
>Ivalice moogles
>Eorzean moogles
Only works one time, doesn't it? KotR + HP absorb and Mime/Master Command breaks everything.
Never ever and that fact hurts me. I'll never get to see HD Meru.
>cutscenes having no voice acting was so damn weird. It kinda ruined the ending for me
my high school gf had double d's. She would let me lay in her lap and suck on her tits for hours. It was heaven
First try=elemental materia=early beta.
>all that soul
No one will be seated for the "Cloud gives CPR to a minor NPC" portion of the story.
>I now remember Temple of the Ancients
That area still makes me uncomfortable today
But its Mark Cerney's favourite game. Help us Mark Cerney!
I am glad that it doesn't have voice acting, otherwise the game wouldn't get ported as much due to fucking VA licenses. You ever wondered why crisis core never gets ported? You can thank that fuckface GACKT for that. I don't like the game, but it still pisses me off.
Her absence would be less conspicuous if she was functionally replaced like that, you're supposed to notice she's gone and feel bad about it.
Final attack will work up to 5 times, depending on it's level. You also need enough MP to cast whatever spell it's attached to.
Genesis even ruins real life things
>You ever wondered why crisis core never gets ported?
Because its an objectively shitty game?
the fact that there aren't any mods like NT for LoD makes me really sad. I just want someone to bring back the addition system, is that so much to ask?
This, I hope they're in and more annoying than ever. No Zoom Zoom past the bad bits just because the newfags only remember the good
Yes. And because of GACKT. Curse him and his vampire blood.
How do we get Sony to remake it?
>that fuckface GACKT
oh my god, Gackt is a real person? I always heard people whine about Gackt and I assumed it was some kind of plot device or some new OC on par with Zack Fair, but it's some damn musician? wtf?
Not sure if he's real, honestly. Seeing him on Gaki no Tsukai and other shows made me doubt his existence.
Nothing is anime about wanting anime to be non-anime, so there you go.
>clash of clans
Blind shithead.
Because zoomers only remember the shit that came out ten or so years ago, they don't remember the actual game where Cloud was a dork and the entire world was colorful, goofy, and happy.
they just remember "LMAO DUDE SEPHIROTH IS SUCH A COOL FINAL BOSS AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT I WAS TOLD METEOR ZEPHIROtH ONE WINGED ANGEL wtf are you telling me there was an entire disc before you got to that part whatever who cares LMAO I LOVED MY FAVORITE FF7 CHARACTER, GACKT. AERIS DIES XD"
This model is 100% perfect, no others will be needed in the future.
Oh god please
I literally only like FF7. All the other FF games are too weeb and anime.
2 discs. Poser.
there are multiple strats.
You can try knights of the round with mimic
Mimic and omnislash
Demi3 with quadra magic
But the most effective, and the technique i use, is to multiply with w-item some hero drinks, buff the shit out of my characters in the initial phase, and then just blow everything. The rest, is up to you.
The other strats are to do biggest amount of damage possible, but just using hero drinks to increase stats makes you extremely durable you can just do whatever you want vs Emerald
Would you recommend playing FF7 with a guide for the first time?
I don't recommend playing any good game with a guide first time, the guide is for subsequent playthroughs.
First playthrough is always blind.
>Nothing is anime about wanting anime to be non-anime
go to an anime convention and just look at the cosplayers and tell me that they're non-anime since they're 100% realistic.
The most effective is using KotR and Mime. The fuck are you smoking. You only need literally 7 to 8 rounds.
>they're non-anime since they're 100% realistic
thanks for agreeing with me
What would you need a guide for? Other than the crossdressing sequence, in which using a guide is understandable.
Got it, I just know some party members are missable but I'll be eeeeeextra careful not to miss them.
no but go ahead and break one out if you beat the final boss and return to your save
Don't worry too much about it. Its fairly hard to miss them.
yeah and what are you gonna die to survive those 7 or 8 rounds? is emerald gonna wait for you to cast those?
Ah, you said the word thanks, that means you agree with me.
You will miss vincent. 100% guaranteed. Remember this post when you beat the game without vincent.
You will probably get yuffie though.
Oh i forgot to add something. IM sure you are gonna say "but muh hp absorb" and yeah, it works, for ONE party member. You are gonna lose like tons of exp and ap
It only works against ruby, which needs just one character alive.
final attack and phoenix
of course I agree with you agreeing with me
You could tell FF7 was a lot of ideas and creative direction by people who realized what a game _should_ be. Not what they wanted a game to be about. The difference being is that people who know what games should be tend to focus on the mechanical aspects and most important make it fun. FF7 wouldn't be no where near as fun if it was made by the FF13 or FF15 teams and they just had an idea about what the game should have been, but no real plan on how to make it that way.
Hence why modern games have thousands of hours of cutscenes but none of the goofy stuff people remember FF7 for.
This is reason #1 that I'm unironically terrified that they're gonna fuck over the remake.
it actually removes the DRM off the steam version, which would piss off Square, 7th heaven is a giant contradiction, but the autistic modders can't realise it
Vincent was so dumb. Was there even any hint you have to backtrack to the mansion at some arbitrary point?
technically all of them because it was the end of the game.
Why the fuck would you use emerald for exp or ap, that's what the north crater is for. Using emerald for AP is the dumbest thing you can do because you are already limited with your slots.
the game would be better if they removed the nigger
Retard. Barrett is a bro.
I was ten when the game came out and I remember watching my cousin playing it from Costa del Sol up to Cosmo Canion. The Gold Saucer was fucking mind blowing for me. All that stuff to do, the minigames, the chocobo races... I can taste the nostalgia just talking about it. The world felt so big.
Fast forward a couple of decades and I'm playing FFXII and get to the Nautilus Park thing. So far the game is lackluster but I think "man, this look like the Gold Saucer" and I get excited because I want to explore it and play some games.
Turns out that there's only one shitty (and forced) minigame where I have to hunt the black guy's baby chocobo. Nothing else. Just a completely linear corridor with a boss at the end. On a console at least two orders of magnitude more powerful than the PSX.
Fuck me, I want to go back.
>Why the fuck would you use emerald for exp or ap, that's what the north crater is for.
Yeah, dont change the fact that you lose exp and ap.
>Using emerald for AP is the dumbest thing you can do because you are already limited with your slots.
You dont have to be limited since hero dirnks pretty much helps you tank every shit emerald throws at you
It works up to 5 times when its maxed. Thats more than enough to brutally rape emerald.
The only FF game I know of where that's true is the English version of Type-0. In FFXIV's newest expansion the moogles are hes and shes.
It's the difference between having all the time and budget in the world vs "We gotta get this out so it doesn't miss the PS2's end of life, oh god oh god it's coming we're already overbudget oh fuck"
That's why the international FF12 version was the Zodiac version and actually included the end-game that the game was meant to have.
I loved that game, it looked great at the time.
What do you mean by guide bait? I never used a guide for that game and I don't recall having any difficulty with them. Maybe for the chocobo races?
fictional black people in jrpgs are almost always based
What even happens if you beat this? Is it even possible?
I've played through FFVII at least 10 times and I've failed that mini game every single time.
Can we all agree that FFX-2 and everything that followed after it was directly responsible for taking the series out back and shooting it?
I wanted the same game, just wuth actually decent graphics instead of early 3d blocks.
you might be thinking of FF13
>I've failed that mini game every single time.
you get the phoenix materia. Shame you missed out on it, it's fucking amazing
Aire Tam Storm is fixed damage and ignores you stats. You're retarded. You have a hard limit of 8 materia, no matter how much red bull you chug. Shit for AP farming.
You get a "boss" fight that is hilariously easy and then you get phoenix.
People actually had trouble with this?
say what you want about X-2, it has THE BEST iteration of the ATB system they've ever made
You can still get it in bone village
I actually played through this part yesterday. I randomly guessed "King" and got it right.
meh, i remember not getting underwater, just popping some hero drinks and shit on emerald, while i put every materia i could. Maybe i got lucky and i actually just put 8 materias.
no fucking way, really? That's cool of them to include that. Thought it was gone forever like missing Ultima
The fuck?
I do like the dress sphere system, too. I'll admit that.
You can get a lot of misseable endgame shit from there
Why is she in that pose? w-what is she gonna do with the materia??