Can anyone in video games beat Thanos?

Gauntlet full of stones, no less

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hate capeshit.
What can Thanos do again?

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Nigga can take literally any of the established characters in a 1v1 but once he gets the gauntlet with all the stones, he has the power to warp reality any way he sees fit

peepo probably

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Sounds like sonic fanfiction
Why do people watch capeshit again?

consider this american tranny nigger destroyed

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>Nigga can take literally any of the established characters in a 1v1
Without the stones that's just wrong

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they already beat him in the movies, so yes, easily.
and as always: alan wake.

Thanos made the cosmic entities his bitch though. Only the living tribunal could do shit to the gauntlet and he doesn't step in unless there's a power imbalance.

Same reason people like Sonic fanfiction

disney managed to capture the elusive 60-90 iq market by mass producing sonic tier fanfiction in hollywood. that's honestly the most shocking thing about this whole marvel thing. this is actually kind of an insult to sonic fanfiction because at least they try to come up with original characters and have some level of understanding of canon


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Only in the comics

>disney shit
>marvel shit

thanos looks like a god damn california raisin i don't understand how he got past quality assurance or corporate or any of that stuff

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factorio engineer with bullet damage 3000

Gene from god hand could kick thanos ass into the milky way.

iron man

Garrett with prep time

also if the infinity gauntlet gives him infinite power then why did he kill half the universe to preserve its resources instead of using the infinite power to make more resources

it just seems like a roundabout story written by jews to circle back to inevitable genocidal tyrrany because it doesn't make any fucking sense at all

gg ez

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Kirby with the mic or cook ability
Steve from Minecraft in Creative mode
Johnny Cage with his full Mediterranean powers
Wario transformed into Wario-Man
The Courier from New Vegas with minmaxed shotgun build

>they already beat him in the movies
Let's be real. He did exactly what he said he would and then destroyed the stones. An autistic thread like this will always be centered on this hypothetical where he would only use the stones to defeat whoever 'your dude' is, completely disregarding his goals.

I unironically think MCU Thanos looks better than any comic Thanos

>mention of the best final fantasy game

Literally anyone who can drag him to a different dimension then beat no-Gauntlet Thanos could win. Infinity Stones only work in their home universe.

That isn't how that works, he can't create something from nothing that's why he kills people instead of proving resources.

go play MvC2, anyone can beat Thanos.

Because he's fucking insane. He's completely fixated on the idea of halving the population after his home planet told him to fuck off with that bullshit, and as we can see in Endgame he was completely fucking wrong about it and it just fucked everything up.

Even dumber is that he thought that doing it once would somehow solve everything, despite the tendency of nature to always reproduce and expand to the point of your resource limit. The population of every planet would get back to square one in barely a few generations.

When I saw Infinity War, I had assumed he meant to sit in his shack and do his half-thing every few centuries, but then End Game dropped the bomb of him being a complete fucking retard.


Then you just convert stuff into usable resources. There's a fuckton of supermassive blackholes just sitting around doing nothing but sucking up shit, a single one of those contains a ridiculous amount of mass and energy. Just convert all the black holes in the universe into useable crap and you're done.

What's he missing, Yea Forums?

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Nigga literally has inconsistent abilities lmao got btfo'd by almost everyone in Infinity War. His full blast got shreaded by thors stormbreaker. Even Ironman was able to make him bleed.

Incoming next film, magically you need all the heroes from all the movies to defeat him, he can defeat Thor while he posses both mjolnir and stormbreaker but magically struggles against a Cap with a shield and hammer. Then gets almost btfo'd by a woman with glorified telekinesis, but then btfo's Captain Marvel. Miss me with his iconsistent displays of power. But yes, either Kratos, Bayo or the DMC characters should be able to beat him no prob. If a guy in a fucking Iron suit can make him bleed, they'd do a shitload more without the dogshit inconsistent MCU writing.

Imagine being here unironically and shitting on the comic book movie medium because you have the inability to form your own opinions

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Considering this bitch nearly solo'd him, anyone with similar abilities should be able to

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Asura, easily.

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This. Kratos, Bayonetta, and Dante are all demigods who'd be incredibly powerful even in the Marvel-verse. Hell, Kratos is set to throw down with Thor himself in his next game.

literally what are her abilities? just shooting red shit?

The matter in black holes is compressed, so uncompromising it would be like blowing a grenade in the water, because, even though space is empty, there's dark energy that would be displaced by that action, and that would lead to a dark energy tsunami destroying the universe.

The comic version is better just for the thanoscopter

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Thats a big yikes from me. Never knew that Yea Forums could stoop so low

You have the fucking Infinity Gauntlet. Just shove that shit into nullspace or whatever. Or convert it into even more usable matter.

the comic version is hilarious, he gets cucked by goddamn Deadpool

>he can defeat Thor while he posses both mjolnir and stormbreaker
This part makes some sense, Thor was out of shape

I think its just kinetic energy. All her abilities just apply force on something.

You've reminded me of good memories. Thank you, user.

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it's magic red shit thats unexplainable

You will never be satisfied by an answer, will you?

In one of the comic she rewrote reality iirc

Motherfucker it's the infinity gauntlet. No.

Persona protags when they asspull their ultimate Personas.

The theme of the comic it is based of is ultimate power and how it can be used.
It's not just power level wank.

gold experience requiem
your arguments are invalid because there was a PS2 Vento Aureo game now fuck off

being cute

He must command the golden army.

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Yeah the power level is really inconsistent in MCU, granted I know very little about Marvel in general but to tell me that a man from Earth - which I assume is the weakest planet in the universe - is capable of making an iron suit made from resources ONLY from Earth can manfight and bleed a literal titan from space? Meanwhile a literal God struggles to fight him just because he didn't have his hammer that time? Eh

good luck, bitch

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>it's the infinity gauntlet
Which is stupid. As is everything when you start to include powers and abilities that are basically total god level. There are probably a shit ton of possibilities to solve all kind of problems if you have literally unlimited power, but none would make great plot. I doubt anyone here can give me an example of a good story where problems being solved by godly powers. Even the bible sucks.

He can beat Thanos by dragging him to another universe or just hiding in Love Train, since the stones don't work outside their own universe. Once the gauntlet's out of the way Funny can just paradox Thanos out of existence.

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Earth has some really strong materials in the Marvel universe

Interesting answer, but Thanos would surely be capable of rewriting the rules of the English language to negate Baba's reality-warping.

Thanos is about to get destroyed.

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Can someone make a genuine fanart of this? Seeing it as a meme tortures me.

Also, you're missing a Smash Ball. That amplifies every single MacGuffin he has to 1000x power

>Also, you're missing a Smash Ball.
Look closer.

>writes Thanos in death note

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ditto with choice scarf

Replace the Mast with a blue shell.
There's too much JoJo in there anyway.

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The stone MASK from JoJo.

He can control space, time, reality, minds, souls, and has an infinite well of power to draw from.
He can also make universe scale wishes by snapping his fingers, but takes damage based on the scope of their effect.
None of this works outside his own universe.
But he also has this sick boomerang dualblade that can seemingly chop through anything.

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His name's Apu you retarded twitch kiddie

Thanos is not a human, it won't work.

He was meant to be a challenge for every Marvel hero at once.

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He can, he just can't create infinite of something.

Should have given him Star Platinum, the strongest stand in the world.


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Energy based telekinesis tied to her emotions.

It's a meme. They used Za Warudo because there are more memes around it.

Sup' Thanos, I heard you was talkin' shit.

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Totally yea i mean he is thick

Any video game character with access to time travel

But he also has access to time travel.

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Yeah and he fucking died.

The Crimson Behelit

[Speech 100] Your plan makes no sense, kill yourself please
[Barter 100] I can give you these 50 caps if you kill yourself right now
[Terrifying Presence] Give me the gauntlet or I'll make you regret coming here.

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This is the answer to most of these debates.

Goku screwed himself up, he can't deal with Thanos hax.

fucking based

Mr. Foster from Killing Floor

The infinity gauntlet only works in his universe. So if he say went to GOW's universe or DMC's he wouldn't be able to use the stones at all.


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Any character that is death in their universe could just seduce him.

Does naughty little Thanos deserve a good spanking?!

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He needs to be holding a baby while saying he wants no trouble.

just jump on his head three times. If you hide in the right corner during phase 2 he can't hit you.


Try to see trough his cheats

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>the strongest stand in the world.
I don't know why Araki said that when there are a fuckton of stands more powerful

Movie Thanos?
Pretty much anyone that can fight giant monsters.

Comic Thanos?

>>nobody ever thinks to ask if Bolvar is just fucking crazy

Killed him in their own game

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Movie Thanos is a weak pushover, You'd be harder pressed to find vidiya characters that can beat him before he does the snap. Mario Zelda, Sonic, literally most verses in Smash have some out to him.
>Comics Thanos
An actual threat incarnate, however there are still vidiya related verses that can wreck him, SMT, Archie Sonic, EoH Jojo vidiya for example.

the only true answer

I wanna say it was true at the time.
But it wasn't.

But could Beers beat him now

Demi Fiend

Forgot pic

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Better question. Can anyone beat thanos in the thanos copter?

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Every time I see this I can't help but laugh, it's so fucking goofy.

I'm glad it showed up in the Movies.

Not even a contest

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Wasn't there a version with more things added?

They made Thor depressed and fat in Endgame so that Thanos would be an actual threat. Ragnarok-Infinity War Thor would one shot Thanos with any amount of stones except if Thanos snaps with six.

By the time he fought Thanos is Endgame Thor was the strongest he'd even been, what with having his confidence back and both hammers.

>stops time before he can do the snap
>cuts his hand off

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This was some top tier OC, it was a cross board collaboration with Yea Forums
So funny to see each pic get stronger and stronger. I lost it when he got the dragon balls and chaos emeralds

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>actually sets time to reverse when he dies
>fuck yo shit up
That capeshit houdini dr house did that

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Akuma's moon runes on the background.

Eh idk in the comics she is reality warper tier (House of M at least). The movie is so wildly inconsistent with power levels though I don't think the writers cared, they just made stuff happen for the sake of story and spectacle.

Yes. Any vidya character can beat him if allowed a bossfight.

This sword

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Scarlet Witch literally beat him 1v1 in Endgame. He had to bitch out and call for help.

oh damn is that the new galo sengen

Any Fortnite character ?

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Giorno Giovanna of his game, GioGio's Bizarre Adventure
>Reality anchor; powers that change the normal truth of the universe have their power nullified
>Can set anybody's strength to zero and kill them

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The World is inferior to GER, Ball Breaker, Tusk Act 4, and Soft & Wet

It gets worse.

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Why do people post this as though Funny is a heroic, when this line is immediately contrasted by his own actions and cowardice?

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What's his knife made of?

in thanos universe or the games universe?

infinity stones dont work outside of their respective plain.

Infininity Gauntlet doesn't have infinite power.

Infinity Gauntlet can't create matter from nothing. There is not a single scene in either Infinity War or Endgame where he creates anything beyond tangible illusions that disappear when he's out of range.

He didn't have the stones.

They literally state in Endgame that wildlife has recovered tenfold since the snap in five years.

It's an "ends justify the means" mindset, he'll lie and cheat as long as his actions lead to the USA being blessed by the corpse in the end.


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Based Thanos saving the vaquita

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A shame VNs don't really count as video games

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Just because Americans don't like to read doesn't mean that is true.

mcu thanos with gauntlet? tons of people
comic thanos? no he's literally god and just tells galactus to fuck off then poofs him, among others

>in barely a few generations.
Actually, It would go back in literally one
One generation, if the parents have at least 3 kids.

>and just tells galactus to fuck off

If you like DMC or DBZ you have no reason to complain.

>Nigga can take literally any of the established characters in a 1v1
Loses to Kirby without the stones.
Loses to Maxwell with them.

Only requiem stands and other stands that are literally more than one stand. The World affects time, remember, it completely transcends time. Not even King Crimson is more powerful metaphysically than The World.

So many Kirby answers
Besides swallowing the infinity gauntlet and Thanos himself, how would he beat him

>literally god
That doesn't matter to some people

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just so you know liking capeshit is the contrarian thing now

Thanos's ultimate weakness is that the gauntlet is manual.
he needs to physically activate it. it's not like a constant vigilant watchdog, he needs to see the threat.
Just rapidly fill the area around him with dimethylcadmium and he would just die from the toxicity.
>but as soon as he realised that he was being attacked he would throw up a shield and magically repair the damage
Okay. Fill the area with any gas that makes you lose your ability to reason.
Fuck, just cut off his oxygen supply and he wouldn't be able to concentrate enough to use the gauntlet
anything to kill him before he has a chance to use the gauntlet

Galactus kicked his ass

>forgetting D4C, Soft & Wet, and Tusk

Tusk is literally like four stands, neither D4C nor Soft and Wet are time-affecting and therefore DIO could fuck their shit.
Love Train is also literally more than one stand.

Mugen Death Note Man

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>I need to kill 50% of the population or else children will go hungry :(
>Also kills 50% of livestock, 50% of fishes, 50% of plants in the process
>Nothing has changed because the resources were also halved
Great writing there, Marvel

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Zawa Zawa

Hokuto Shinken is invincible.

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At least its better than wanting some Death pussy.
Its comic book, dude. Dont think too much about it

>At least its better than wanting some Death pussy.
no its not

I don't think any plant life was killed outside of sentient plant life like Groot. But yeah, halving game population would be dumb as fuck. That's if you're going with the whole "saving one half by killing the other" motivation. In the comics he just killed half of everything because he had a boner for Death.

If Kirby sucked him up he's gone. Reality stones wouldn't work in Kirby's pocket dimension stomach

Nah he was still out of shape and hadn't fought for 5 years

Dragonborn with the console commands could take him 1v1

The only way they beat him was through time travel schenanigans. He won in the films, and even with Dr. Strange seeing millions of potential futures where they fight him, they only way the won was after they lost and essentially re-wrote history to save their timeline.

You don't wanna see him with all the STONES! He gets amazing powers, watch out!

it's a retarded argument anyway, killing 50% of the world doesn't solve the underlying issues and in a century the same problem would exist again.

Yeah his goal in the last movie made a lot more sense.

it only works in the native universe.

King crimson is more powerful combined with with "predict the future" power


>tickles you

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A disgaea thief may be able to steal the gauntlet.

Bernard. Also every playable character in fortnite, it's in-game canon.

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Shiki can kill Thanos.

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Shiki and Shirou.
Mystic Eyes of Depth Perception can kill anything, and there's nothing to suggest the Infinity Gauntlet works inside Unlimited Blade Works.

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Lightning maybe.

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Gene would Dragon Kick his ass into the milky way

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Epic jarate trickshot

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Even the posse of weak reatards managed to do it in the Endgame so literally anyone could do it.

King Crimson itself can only skip through time, not transcend time entirely like The World.
On a metaphysical level he isn't even close, not even with Epitaph. There is nothing to suggest he could see into or skip over DIO's World of stopped time.

Snaps, they are erased. Need a time stopper like lightning from FF13, or dimension shifter.

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Looks like the Furi HUD, what is this?


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MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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Why did he lose then?

That seems more relatable to me.

>Snaps, they are erased.
Kills the future, kills the snap.

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DIO stops time.
Diavolo makes it so that time doesn't exist, only space.
Time must first exist in order to be stopped.
This means King Crimson overrules The World's time stop.

Except he can since he will know thanks to Epitaph that dio or jotaro will use the world.
And he's virtually invincible with it, to the point that giorno needd a hack power against him, unlike Dio.
If a meteor target dio and diavolo for example, only diavolo will survive

but it is, a choose your own ending book you read on a computer is not a game, there is no set of rules you play by, no objective, and no win condition, you simply read. If VN are games, then so are regular books, and then so is Yea Forums.

You recognize the game's hud but haven't fought the hardest boss in it?
It's one of the 2 dlc bosses, and the dlc is fucking solid. Get it this summer from a sale.

>b-but he’s god
Thank you for clarifying now I’m certain that MY GODSLAYER will win

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Thanos can snapping from other side of the universe. Shiki need teleportation skill to survive.

Wouldn't work, would be snapped before they get close.

Ryougi is considerably stronger than Tohno, but I still don't think base Ryougi could take him on. 「Shiki Ryougi」 (who is in your pic related) is basically a God who can literally restructure cause and effect and is omnipotent, so it can probably kill Thanos.

>Can anyone in video games beat Thanos?

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Thanos was a blowhard retard who gives his opponents every chance to beat them. By the time Shiki's cut Thanos' arm off, it'll be too late.
King Crimson could definitely beat Thanos if that's what you're looking for

>Shiki Ryougi」 (who is in your pic related) is basically a God who can literally restructure cause and effect and is omnipotent, so it can probably kill Thanos.
She need teleportation and future prediction for that.

No shit, he has to close his fist. Comic thanos on the other hand merely has to will it.

the answer is always demonbane

She has future prediction, she's bored because she knows everything that will happen

Could lupin steal all the infinity’s stones before thanos had a chance to snap?

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>King Crimson could definitely beat Thanos if that's what you're looking for
With stone of time. Thanos can predict future and snap King Crimson stand. Bayonetta and Lightning literally have powers of time. They can damage Thanos or kill. Also Darkseid can kill Thanos.

Need a "stone of time" level of prediction.

>all the mental gymnastics trying to justify hating capeshit
>but when they're presented a generic anime with heroes fighting the big bad guys they go pic related
The movies clearly had some NPC pandering scenes that it is impossible to not hate, other than that they were fine
But in the end it is just hero shit mainly aimed at children
Also Thanos was based and did nothing wrong, he deserved to win again but of course had to take an asspull move and get power of friendship'd

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DIO creates a World outside of time, Diavolo skips the consequences of things that happen within time. Everything that happens in DIO's World does not take place in any time at all. They are events that happen outside of time, there is no moment or sequence of moments that you can erase that will get rid of whatever happens inside the stopped time. No time-affecting stand that is limited in scope to manipulating causality can reach into that World.
Diavolo could erase every moment around the stopped time, he could erase whatever span of time he wants that he can see with Epitaph, but by no stretch of the imagination should he be able to see what happens in DIO's World, and by no stretch of the imagination should he be able to erase events that are by definition outside the scope of his ability.

Is it true there is a video of her being anally fucked? They never specified if it was matpat or someone else doing it but there are rumors about it

Him, of course.
Is there any other videogame character that could even touch Kiryu Calvo?

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Learn English before posting

She can one hundred percent predict the future as well as infinity gauntlet man can

what part of "erased time" don't you get?

Sly Cooper, with prep time.

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The infinity stones can also erase time, but stronger. And with no limit.

Raisins are pretty fucking delicious

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They can fight equaly with that skills, But Thanos have other four stones that Shiki doesn't have. That's why no metter how many times Thanos will be get cut, he alwais comeback becouse of stone of reality.

Source? I am very interested in this video?

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>Ant-Man that low
>Civil War that high
>Endgame as good as Infinity War

Other than that I agree

> Trip wants you to leave
> I am not just talking about "just opened the door Trip", hell, I am not even just talking about "insulted Trip who hates you together with Grace after they have fallen for each other again Trip", I am talking about "insulted Trip who hates you together with Grace after they have fallen for each other again Trip after you escaped to the balcony".

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>See Iron man 2 and Thor 2
>Both are pretty boring
>Skip out on Captain America 2
>Years later people are telling me it was one of the best ones.



It is literally called the infinity gauntlet

Some user liked a Dropbox many months ago when there was some shitstorm about game theory a month or two ago, but I didn't download it for fear of it being GB of dolphin porn. Let me see if I can find it on the archives

But what about teleportation?

Based user

Thanks user. You’re a legend.

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a sword from hattori hanzo

Well they also had to shove Captain Marvel out of the way for 90% of the film.

>Thor 3 not all the way at the top

End Game was weaker then Infinity War.

>console commands
>not abusing the hell out of alchemy, enchantimg and smithing

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God I fucking hate time travel bullshit

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Are we seriously calling an iron man suit "just a suit" here? He does crazy shit in all the movies with them


I defeated him with Shuma gorath multiple times in an actual videogame: marvel super heroes.

At least they went for the paralell dimension route so they don't have to spend every future movie explaining why they don't just shoot the villain in the face before they turned evil. They'll still have to do it to explain why they don't use it for reacon and shit though.

Black Panther was so bad
What were they thinking

infinity war is the only one that belongs in S tier

>erasing the root
yeah good luck with that.
Void is essentially the god of her world. She can change anything in any universe connected to the root quicker than you can blink.
Thanos is just some titan with a super death glove. his snap can be prevented by human hands. She could easily erase stones, the glove, or his entire arm. She could make Thanos a chihuahua if she desired it.

Any luck?

>Have the ability to do anything
>Instead of making infinite resources or something he kills half of everything
He didnt give a fuck about saving the universe, he just wanted to be proven right about his "half everything and the universe is saved!" idea Then when he is proven that his idea was stupid and wont work he tries to destroy everything and remake it in his own ideal.

unironically thanos wanting to kill half the universe as a gift to the angel of death because he is in love with her makes a lot more sense and is straight up more interesting that "haha he's just crazy and his plan is shit"

Gauntlet of infinity can do whatever it can, even increase resources in the universe. But Thanos was an asshole.

>Loses to Maxwell with them.
*Snaps Maxwell away*

It's a 50/50

I disagree. Wanting to impress a roastie is piss-poor villain motivation.

Gauntlet of infinity=Void. This is like two admins on one server. they can ban eachother, but also cannot.

>At least its better than wanting some Death pussy
That made FAR more sense because it was a plausible madness/ obsession. Being so focused on the resources shit while not being utterly retarded doesn't make any fucking sense no matter how you look at it. God, at the end he prefers to create a new universe, if you can do such stuff, why the hell you did such a terrible "solution" like killing half the population? Because MCU is even worse written than silver age comics, that's how low the level is.

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This is probably the best way to look at it, they literally wouldn't be able to do shit to each other.

Also admin rights has Demonbane, Lightning, GER, Bayonetta, Lina Inverse. And maybe Darkseid.
Also One above all is super admin hacker.

>Wanting to impress a roastie
it's a fucking mortal being so much in love with a goddess that it's decided to kill half of the universe just for her to look in his direction.

Even if it's dumb it's leagues better than "I had this bullshit plan that wasn't ever going to work and my people died because they didn't follow it so now I MUST APPLY IT ON A UNIVERSAL SCALE, EVEN TO CREATURES THAT HAVE NO CONCEPT OF SOCIETY OR RESOURCES MANAGEMENTS"

This, Thanos in movies was a retard.

Mr Domino

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Any katana wielder

He still needs to snap his fingers so anyone moving fast enough can speedblitz him and win.

Abu thanos

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It's a tier list. If someone gets a 93% on a test, and another gets 100%, you both get an A.

>erase america
>erase africa
>erase israel
>erase china
there you go
50% of the population is gone, but instead of erasing 50 randomly you get a much more effective and beneficial result

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>Punches Thanos to Oblivion
>Lol *reality Stone* It was a hologram
>Turns Asura into bubbles

>Hin without the Stones

The only true answer only a reality warper can Deal with another reality warper

What if his hands were chopped off

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Infinity Gems do not work out of their respective universe.

based and correct

Absolutely nobody
>My race is oppressed, so with Wakanda weaponry i will submit the whites.


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that was a bit annoying. Why was Thanos so weak

Same reason Ultron was so much weaker, gotta nerf the villains that take armies to kill if every hero is played by an expensive actor.

MHA isn't even that powerful lmao

Dude got thwarted by Spider-Man while holding a space box that controlled physics or some shit.

He said videogame character, you yutz and your humanoid space Monkey King got jobbed by a Koala with a laser gun.

Not a videogame character

Jesus Christ.

Thanos is a dimestore Darkseid who himself is a god. Beerus would get wrecked.

You have 10 years and 8 movies to make DCU as good as MCU. what do

>Faggot got beat up by STRONK WOMEN
What an absolute little bitch

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People really downplay Thanos and that dude without the stones is fucking smart and strong.
This video can somewhat summarize

7 Lobo movies
1 Calendar Man movie

(Milky Waaaay)

>they literally time travel to beat Thanos

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just 8 justice league movies in a row fuck it. no other options considering the foundation


give more budget to the animated movies

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Doctor Doom
Adam Warlock
Captain Marvel (The one one with a penis. The one with a Penis from Marvel)
Squirrel Girl

No stones Thanos has gotten his ass handed to him plenty.

8 Wonder Woman movies that get progressively more lewd until the 8th film is just a late 30's Gal Gadot with a thicker mom body dressed up like Wonder Woman in a feature length bondage porn film where she's passed around the Legion of Doom like a party favor.

Thanos has knock out silver surfer and thor before. Faced off with Odin thought pretty one sided but holded his own

>tfw they didn't have the balls to leave half of everyone dead but instead relied on gimmicky coincidental time travel

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Jarl balgruuf

>Squirrel Girl
Okay that one isn't even fair.

That's the most retarded weapon I've ever seen.

yep, it's boomer fetish time

kirby would fuck him up

How about a friendly match of baseball, Mr. Thanos?

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They're fictional characters, every single fictional character can beat every other fictional character.

Go into TG and say that about the God Emperor.

Can Thanos keep his rhythm?

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Bondage is based, go and smell your socks, virgin freak

Agreed. Comic-Thanos's goal ultimately makes sense even if you boil it down to "idiot wants to bone chick and does thing to impress her". Only idiot misanthropes think Movie-Thanos's plan was good. Even Thanos switched gears when he realized everybody just thought his plan was retarded and decided to use the gauntlet for something that made more sense.

Make nothing but high budget OVAs of fan-favorite stories. It worked for Dynamic Pro, it'll work for DC.

>when a cripple is one of the strongest vidya characters

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It's very unlikely that blade would be able to even draw blood.

>tfw it would be too easy

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Because they are into scat?