How much better must videogames get before we beat sex?

How much better must videogames get before we beat sex?

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Is meth really so awesome?

>1,500% : Saying the N word

>2,000% : Getting a (you)

>2,500% : loliposting

Enjoy faggot.

It’s instantly addictive so you tell me

What about dropping a girthy shit?

Obviously we should ban food

I'd rather ban baseline desu

>How much better must videogames get before we beat sex?
good video games are better than sex. 175% is just an average, there are plenty of shit video games that drop you lower than baseline

Yea all I get out of reading this is maybe I need to try some cocaine.

Have an overdose, faggot.

But is sex really better than beating Battletoads with no savestates? I thought not, holes.

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there are plenty of shit sex that drop you lower than baseline as well
video games are just cheaper

The side effects are way too harmful to give it a try. You don't know how it feels, so you don't miss it right? Keep it that way

I did amphetamine for a year and it never feel like 1000% dopamine release. Though the four-hour masturbation sessions on amphetamine did

>3,000% : Yea Forums cunnyposting

7.428 times better

Get fucked losers

I don't know of anyone who's only used methamphetamine once, literally one of the most addictive substance on the planet, it also completely depletes your body of dopamine and completely fucks the dopamine receptors in your brain so you can never get as big a dopamine hit ever again in your life from anything that is as good as the first time you use meth.

You'll basically spend the rest of your life chasing a high you'll never achieve, and the longer you chase it the worse the high gets.

Donno, my friend told me that when he first took it it was like being drunk but without drinking, nothing special.


by who?

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>dey here

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looks like summers here


By inmates in jail

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y-you too

Yes but using it is like being that faggot who actually USES potions in a jrpg rather than saving them till after the final boss

Why shoot for sex? I want meth-tier fun with videogame longevity and food-tier pricing.

Does this chart account for the costs, energy and risks that goes into each one?

Based, but i cant do either of those

Oh, so it's like Yea Forums?

do meth

Funny you say that, because right after reading I thought to myself that I maybe should use meth right before I die. It would be an amazing last experience and I wouldn't suffer from any consequences

what about child meth?

actually based and methpilled

14.2%, apparently.

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Imagine feeling like your life had meaning. Purpose. That you can do anything, because you can push the entirety of your being into your goals. That's how meth feels the very first time you take it.

You feel like an anime protagonist at the climax of his adventure. You've got all this power and potential awakening within you. All your worries fade to nothing, and you can't even fathom why you were ever sad or tired. The world literally feels lighter and brighter. The darkness feels like it withers away as it touches your skin. You radiate life, itself. You're like this for about 24-32 hours after your first good hit.

Then it slowly fades away and you start regressing into your shell again. You can barely summon the energy to get off your chair. You start to miss that feeling of power. You know you can have it again, because it's so easy to pop another pill...

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Obviously not

Lose weight fatasses

this is purely about the dopamine released. in the entire context of satisfaction and cost vs reward videogames are already exponentially superior to sex.

Anything can be “instantly addictive” given ones predisposition to addictive behavior. So that’s not really true.

That was beautiful user

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Most descriptions I have heard of psychedelics seem far more amazing to me. But oddly enough they aren't so addictive.

Sounds like taking meth right before you kill yourself is a good plan

amphetamines in general are pretty fucking great, yea.

there's no way video games give more than food.

maybe when you win or when you're in a high stress situation

Thanks. Here, have another.

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Imagine snorting coke while doing meth and fucking a hot bitch while eatin' some pizzahut and playing VTM Bloodlines

Yeah but meth is instantly addictive to pretty much everyone.

You reminded me of this

>meth is only slightly better than speed
So why do people do meth again? Speed is completely harmless.

Not pictured:
>Yea Forums, 2000% dopamine

Maybe you're playing the wrong kinds of videogames?

eating is not satisfying unless you're really hungry either

is Heroin better than meth? i think yes. H is literally the nirvana

It's unironically something you really should bucket list, but make sure it's right at the end.

Anyone willing to trade 7 sexes for 8 videogames please?

You’re out of your mind. I can hit a bar at midnight have 2-3 beers or coke n whiskey for less than 20 bucks tops and pair off with a slut by closing time and never even buy her a drink. Not a chad either. You can get laid for less than 60 bucks man he’ll ive fucked at parties for free.

that sounds more like adderal than meth. gotta hit the dextro and the levo.

No, take the initiative and work to achieve what's best in life. Become a better person, learn a skill, work hard, and your dreams will become reality, break the unbreakable and do the impossible.

that sounds absolutely fucking disgusting and not enjoyable in any way whatsoever.

>mfw that screenshot of gay guys fucking kids and getting them addicted to meth

Have sex.

why did you give up sex for video games when sex is objectively, scientifically better? why did you choose to not have sex? dont you realize that you need sex? that it is a basic requirement for happiness and psychological development like shelter and safety? just please, have sex. im only trying to help you here.

I took like 3 years off amphetamines. Was super productive on them

Should I go back? My career is stagnant without them math isn't fun anymore.

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ROW ROW I'll do it tomorrow.

So that means that i would be only 15% happier than when i beated Ninja Gaiden? I dont know if sex worths all the effort and money desu

You just described assisted masturbation. I don't see masturbation anywhere on that list. Videogames also don't necessitate being a skeevy piece of trash or feelings of regret the next morning.

Life's too short to be unhappy. Do drugs.

Fuck off, Kamina

But the drugs make me unhappy but successful

You’re a mess

>implying sex can even compare to the feeling of overcoming ninja gaiden without save states

death is also scientifically better, infinitely so even

Vidya is $60 for at least 10 hours entertainment, sex is $100 an hour and a lot more risky.

I guarantee few, if any people get that sort of dopamine hit from sex.

I'd wager the average person gets a bigger dopamine hit from jerking off than actual sex with all the other bullshit attached.

>sex is $100 an hour

I like to fuck a higher class of hooker, apparently.

actually sex is free and the fact that you immediately think of hookers when thinking of sex is really really sad.

Sex with a loving gf > shitty one night stand

You're pretty insecure to be replying to everyone who calls you a nasty slut. Almost as if you already know it to be true.

You use the logic of a vagina

>not doing meth and coke and eating while fucking some whore while playing porn video games.

get on my level.

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>it is a basic requirement for happiness and psychological development like shelter and safety
So is video games, desu

>sex is free
you're either riddled with every infection known to man, or you've never had sex.

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How do you even get a loving gf in the first place?

No wonder so many of my friends got addicted to amphetamines and fucked up their lives. It did feel pretty good though, only did it like 50 times.

>user... do you crave the taste of a thick, hard (You) this badly? Heh, very well, open up...~

The fact we are capable of feeling this way but abstract unimportant bullshit like continued survival holds us back is absolutely infuriating and makes the whole of existence an absolute joke.

>sex is better than videogames
>sex is a basic necessity
based roastie

>9999%: Using a megapotion

>haunts me whenever i see horses
and then everyone clapped

so videogames aren't addictive at all?
who would have thought

That's the trick, isn't it

You take meth before you kill yourself, and suddenly killing yourself doesn't seem so bad. And then you keep chasing the high, rationalizing that if you can just keep feeling that way forever, you'll never have to kill yourself. And so it goes.

Or user could be a girl. In that case sex could even be profitable.

I don't think sex is objectively a greater high than say video games for everybody. I've never masturbated to porn that depicts sex, it simply doesn't turn me on.


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I've never done drugs in my life, not even cold medicine or analgesics.
I get days like you describe, but they're incredibly rare, like once or twice a year when the fog lifts.

Delusions of grandeur.
Just because you feel like you're radiating life and joy doesn't mean you're not a simpering, drooling fuckup on a couch with his burnout drug-addled friends achieving nothing.

>just please, have sex
ok, bend over

I really hate being a man

Yeah? You like that you little slut?

99999%: Restocking an r99 item on neopets

reminder that "achieving" anything in life is meaningless and entirely subjective

Getting (you)s is literally the best feeling.

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is fapping the same as sex

Transition any time sweetums

I cherish you bro.

and then everyone clopped

By being a popular normie with zero personality

based and neopilled

okay, i will fucking rape you today.

>user right now

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>compared sex to shelter
nigga you just went full retard

>go to bar to "have sex"
>music is too loud to talk normally
>beer is expensive
>people hang out in groups around tables, feels weird to try to intervene
>go home just having wasted some cash on a beer
wtf, you guys said it was easy!

Unironically pure chance, but going to bars and events helps
Online dating can help too
Remember that by looking for a gf you may be exposing yourself to some of the most putrid people on the planet

not a druggoe, but I would like to try psilocybin for the transcendent experience people are getting
people no longer want to kill themselves after use too

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ok virgin.

>everything is meaningless and we're all just stardust bro
How's rick and morty going you absolute fucking pseud
read babby's first intro to existentialism or something? haha, sick nihilism bruh, lol nothing matters and were all just meaningless dust lol haha

then you find yourself hiding in a hotel room peeking out of those little holes in the window blinds looking for people following you, and you haven't slept or eaten in a week

This is what you get falling for a meme pushed by CIA niggers

just masturbate lol. incels cant even get sex no matter how much they tried, such as myself sadly, so best i can do is only masturbate. i mean if would be different if i was allowed to leave the country

Poor methlad...

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