Play Outer Wilds.
Play Outer Wilds
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I'll do just that!
...when the next Epic Store sale comes.
>Epic store exclusive
I'll wait until it comes to steam.
Post the magnet link first.
Oh, so that why they steam date said tbd, guess i'll have to pirate something for the first time in forever, cause it looks sorta neat.
My PC kinda sucks and it isn't on PS4 and I don't own an XB1 so no.
Nah. Will wait for The Outer Worlds instead. And since Microsoft will be putting as many of its games on Steam as possible, then it too will be put in there despite Epic exclusivity.
Another walking sim.
Not exactly. It needs some brains and the player isn't in a passive position.
why doe the game runs like fucking shit ???
so does it run like shit for everyone? i have a 8700k, 1070ti, 16gb of ram, running at 1440p and at medium settings and IT STILL RUNS LIKE SHIT. Interesting game but likely won't finish it given the fps drops and stuttering.
NO its a Walking sim.
Unless a game is about fighting stuff or anime its not a video game.
Maybe your PC us shit.
Runs fine for me and i have a 970.
Not even gonna bother pirating this shit
i just build an entirely new computer with top of the line parts. i really don't think it's my computer. lowered all the settings and it still performs crap. then again, i'm used to playing at 144fps and this game caps at 60. there must be something else going on...
How do you get to the angler fish fossil through the stepping stone cave? I see no way to get there?
I am.
I am, I'm lost and alone and I wasn't paying attention to any of the alien literature.
I think i figured out the problem. I turned off my Gsync and it runs really well now.
You'r pc is shit.
My gaming laptop is better than that. 8Ram, 950M, running with 0 problemas, amigo
fixed the problem
Can somebody give me a hint as to how to get to the core of the ash twin. I've done literally everything else and I'm pretty sure I've got a good idea of what to do after I grab the thing that's in there but idk how to get inside the core. The only thing I have are the logs in the caves of timber hearth that just talk about metal the metal casing of the core.
Here you are lads.
Read the texts brainlet. Everything has a clear way to get to, you just habe go think a bit for some and a lot are straight out told to you.
Don't use it, is just a collection of John Ford's movies.
oh but i am
The description of the location in the the ship logs is much clearer than the childrens' writings.
Looks like No Man's Scam.
Feed a light to the fish and you can easily find it. There's nothing interesting in there.
What are you supposed to do with the shuttle you can call back from the interloper? I've read the message inside and tried yeeting it into the sun a couple of times, but didnt seem to do much.
Tell me how to get the sun station achievement
You’re being an dishonest retard and you know it.
that's about it
I have a 970 as well and Giant's Deep fucked my shit up, had to drop a bunch of stuff to medium to get back to 60
I agree with him. There's not much to do but to fly and walk around, but it's easily the best walking sinulator I've played and it shouldn't even be compared to those shits. I'd rather call it an adventure game.
you built it wrong. 1440p on 1600x/1070 not a hitch.
Wait this came out? Steam page says TBD
Piratebay exclusive
*and Xbox Gamepass TM
22 minutes is not enough. I keep running out of time FUCK this SAND and FUCK these PLANETS FUCK
i want to sleep
mhm yes mhm i see mhm yes how do i get inside
you can go to the vessel on the moons underside before you recall it and listen to a recording, and when the moon gets closer to the sun the front of it melts and you can get inside
quantum moon, north side temple, go to sixth world, take transporter to ashworld receiver
I kept mistaking these games
Bump so more anons play this good game
I don't see a transporter.I see the vortex but last time I went through that it sent me to another moon.
I fell into the hole at brittle hollow and ended up at the space station that allows you to warp to places. Allright. Are there any more of these fast travel warp things? Specifically: from a convenient location to the hanging city? I don't wanna have to jump through hoops everytime I spawn to explore to hanging city.
Are these warp things supposed to be like fast travel things? Is there any other easy way to get to the hanging city fast?
you can go to the vessel on the moons underside before you recall it and listen to a recording, and when the moon gets closer to the sun the front of it melts and you can get inside
You mean the shuttle, right? I've allready entered the interloper when the ice melted. I was wondering if there was anything specific you could do with that shuttle once you recall it?
Just fly to the bridge nigga. Or find the shortcut. The game is all about exploration, go explore.
you can fly into brittle hollow via the gravity cannon and fly to the bridge next to the hanging city
warp receivers connect lots of worlds to either gates in orbit or to the ash twin
some locations can only be accessed vua warp gates from specific locations
there's nothing you can do with the shuttle, it was only there to make you interested in exploring the interloper
What the fuck am I supposed to do and and where the fuck do I go.
>walking simulator except you fly sometimes
Wow its fucking shit.
Can someone explain what this game is in 3 sentences or less.
have you people even playing the game? there's a limited time to do shit before you die and almost all the planets have hazards that will kill you
go to each planet, and remember that time in this game is everything
No mans sky but with 5 planets.
explore, die horribly, repeat
So its shit?
The writing sucks in this game. Every single person sounds talks or writes the same.
Learn to fly.
it's not, ignore that comment, it's a time loop where you try to save the world before time runs out, play it for 20 minutes and see it for yourself
you can fly into brittle hollow via the gravity cannon
What the fuck do you even mean? You're saying I fly to the hourglass twins, recall the shuttle and launch myself to the brittle hollow? Why the fuck not just fly there?
970 is high end
don't use the gravity cannon, its just a good landing spot. there is no fast travel.
There's another gravity cannon on the brittle hollow that you're referring to? Seriously, use your words jesus christ.
And? It's still only walking and flying, nothing else.
how in the fuck is exploring, doing puzzles while avoiding the hazards of a fucking planet to save the galaxy from the sun going supernova is only walking and flying?
I get that you are baiting, but if you are not, keep playing games for brainlets
> pirated game
> requires admin permissions
I wonder why.
Meanwhile actual game doesnt have any protection at all.
Why do you want everybody else to spoonfeed you a game that's all about exploring shit yourself.
It's finally out, huh? Nice. I'll go pirate it out.
Who gives a fuck
The puzzles aren't really something I'd brag about ESL-kun. They're just "move the ball" or "find the entrance." Besides if you could read properly you would have seen I agreed that it isn't a walking simulator but an adventure game.
>Will wait for The Outer Worlds instead.
You can wait on tumblr and reddit then.
I'm so fucking lost
i dont see anything wrong with the tweet user. theyre not asking much maybe youre just an asshole?
imagine caring about this shit in 2019, you lost the culture war retard, if you cant cope just kill yourself, you'd be doing yourself a huge favor
Why would you lie so pointlessly like this
This game made me realize just how dumb modern games have made me with their objective hud markers.
Except you need to knowingly infect your system with epic (tencent) store.
Go back.
This is pretty great, imagine if it had actual gameplay. GOTY
Majora's Mask with a spaceship
Anyone knows what this pedestral does? There's no corresponding tablet anywhere near it.
But exploration, platforming and puzzle are gameplay. What kind of gameplay would you add?
I'm uninstalling this shit
What's the problem? You already found out how towers on its surface work and even found the one which is important, didn't you?
would this work on a GTX950M?
Okay so, I've thought I've explored everything but I'm stuck.
I've explored the Giant Deep, its core. I've gone to the tower to do the tower puzzle. I've slapped myself down on the quantum moon to explore it, found the tower and spaceship, learned about quantum imaging and whatever. The sixth position is apparently by the eye? Id on't know.
I've explored the tunnels to the Sunless city, I've seen the dead Anglerfish mouth. But it still says 'there's more to explore here' at the sunless city but idk what to explore more of because it fills up with sand so quickly. Is there an easier way to get to the Sunless city either than going to the escape pod and down into it?
I've explored the Dark Bramble. I've seen the eggs. I've seen the dude sitting in the anglerfish mouth. I've seen the escape pod 3 site, followed it to the Vessel.
I think I've explored Brittle Hollow. Got into the tower of quantum knowledge. Explored the hanging city. Dunno how to get to the Black Hole Forge, but does it really do anything?
The whole game is sort of cryptic. I get exploring for yourself, but I feel there's no sense of direction. It just feels like you're aimlessly exploring, hoping to land upon something that might clue you into another step, but I must've missed something somewhere, because I have no clue what to do now.
Anytime the media tries to shove a game down our throats, it's shit. Example: This and Void Bastards.
DOes anyone have a walkthrough I could use for this game ^^
Check your flight logs, it will tell you if you haven't explored everything in an area.
The only thing that has "there's more to explore here" is Sunless City.
>open emergency door
>greeted by this
T-thanks I guess. Also, what does surface integrity actually mean? I've seen it fluctuate when wandering around the planet but doesn't seem to matter.
>all the newfags who haven't heard of this game before
I wish there were more animals than jellyfish
it released this year you nigger
That's PROBABLY the integrity of the piece of land you're currently on. It PROBABLY goes down as the planet gets bombarded by the volcanic moon.
Completely flew under my radar since I rarely check out crowdfunding projects, it's great.
Brittle Hollow's quantum knowledge tower pretty much spells out how to get to 6 position. Moon's tower must be on north (red) pole Another advice is in amber twin's caves, entrance is next to astronaut's camp. turn off the light
There's a shortcut to sunless city behind the door on 2nd level from top which is a much faster way to get inside, leads to gravity cannon. There's a lot of stuff to find there but the most important is the way to the labs.
Black Hole Forge is just for lore. You can move it upwards from one of the levels, but top level is only accessible through teleporter.
How do you know how much time you roughly have left in your loop?
Game is pretty disappointing, expected more given they had 5 years instead of it just being a prettier tech demo
Check how Hourglass twins look on the map.
Sun gets bigger and changes from yellow to red.
I'm still bloody confused. I know the tower moves around, but do I need to go to the quantum moon when it revolves around a certain planet?
>Another advice is in amber twin's caves, entrance is next to astronaut's camp. turn off the light
That place where you find out you can stand on the quantum rock and it teleports you to a dead end?
>There's a shortcut to sunless city behind the door on 2nd level from top which is a much faster way to get inside, leads to gravity cannon.
The door by the gravity cannon? When I open that, there's some prickly cunts that block the way.
I use stopwatch 22 minutes
What the fuck.
This game should have an easy mode for us brainlets. It's literal discrimination against intellectually inferior minds. Surprising the dev's ableism given that they are supposedly progressive liberals. Someone go on twitter and make a furor over this!
Interloper orbits the sun twice before crashing into it on the 3rd, shortly after which it explodes
Did they add anything to interloper in this version of the game?
Yes and yes. You can use the tower to move you to other planets too.
Close to that door. Right on top of it.
There's still the Shrine of the Eye and the High Energy Lab in Sunless City that needs exploring, the latter requiring a path at the bottom that will quickly fill with sand hence you need the shortcut
Worth a pirate?
I never landed on it in the original alpha but you can get inside it now and they added some key lore there. Have to say I thought that part of the story was bullshit
Game ending spoilers, don't read if you haven't beaten the game. I want to discuss it with other anons.
That was a fun game, the ending was kind of bittersweet though. The entire time I was playing, I kept going back and forth on how the solar system was getting destroyed. At first I had no idea, then I thought it was becuase of the comet crashing into the sun. Then I thought it was the Noami intentionally super novaing it, until they said they couldn't. Then I thought it was the comet again, only to find out that the sun was just going to explode because the entire universe was dieing, and there was nothing we could do about it, except restart the entire universe effectively killing everyone and everything, just for the cycle to begin again.
Was also a cool twist at the end when you read in the Noami vessel that they had disappeared over 250,000 years ago, meaning the dude on the quantom moon was actually just in a different part of time, but actually dead.
Shit, I was so close to getting that. Dunno why I didn't try it/figure it out to close the door behind me. Fuck.
I'll go back there and see what I can find, but I gotta figure out how to get to that shortcut.
Absolutely. I ground it out in 2 days. As long as you aren't a brainlet, and you have great luck, they game shouldn't be an issue.
I tried it. It is a walking simulator BUT IN SPACE.
Zero substance. Hard pass.
If i remember right, original interloper were implied to be the source of gravity crystals and had nothing else.
It was a student project from like five years ago, and it was great then too.
The only shortcuts are for the Sunless City and Hanging City, and in both cases you only find them because you've taken the long route and then used them to get back outside.
That would've been more interesting than what it is now to be honest. It very much feels like they rushed to put it in at the last minute without bothering to flesh it out
Oh well
Oh the fucking hole by the gravity cannon, fuuuuck.
Is the shortcut for the hanging city the hole in the ice? Or is that a different shortcut?
So what was added since the demo
That's the one
Just finished it. I was genuinely one hand over my eyes the whole time after I went into the Eye of the Universe. Fucking devs took out my scout too. God what a fucking nightmare, but it ended rather nicely, I heard there were several ending ? Solanium was there in mine
Can someone give me a hint on how to enter that tower that explains shit about flying to the fake moon?
how is a 5 year old card "high end"?
Comfy space kino
Just pirate it you dummies, based Epic already paid for your copy
If you're still here.
You need to go to the double tower, and use the teleporter in the one without a roof precisely when the column of sand is on it.
>I heard there were several ending
The only other ending I've heard of is when you fuck around with the black holes at the forge, and create a paradox, which results in the vines consuming everything and taking over.
Solanium was there in mine too, along with all of the other astronauts.
They reworked Amber Twin and Brittle Hollow to have an actual city, expanded on the lore, added a couple more locations, made the Interloper have something, made the Quantum moon have something, added an ending
Otherwise the demo already has like 70% of the ideas and mechanics in it. They didn't add any new planets
Comfy exploration game. Do not let existential dread set in. DO NOT LET IT.
When in the game does it tell you to do that to access that?
There's only two endings with the second being . Apparently you can skip the Quantum Moon which leads to the final screen not having the campfire in the corner
>Do not let existential dread set in
The part at the ending where you fall through eye of the universe, in this weird murky dark area that stretched on forever gave me a massive panic attack.
>when you fuck around with the black holes at the forge, and create a paradox
Woah, how ?
Groundhog day meets walking simulator in space
How much has changed since the demo?
Any new worlds, or are the older ones just more detailed now?
I just did and the save feature weirds me out.
>start game
>explore most NPC dialoges
>statue does its thing
>oh cool so that's the autosave
>go to ship
>look at logs
>restart game
>all progress lost
>run trough some of the dialoges again, pissed off
>return to ship
>all olt entries lost
>go to the moon and supernova happens
>too afraid to touch anything in the menu and just poweroff the PC
What's the fucking point of "profiles" then? I'm all for innovative mechanics but not being able to turn off the game goes too far.
Essentially you turn on the black hole and white hole, shoot your scout into the black hole, and just as your scout enters the black hole, take out the black holes core. It'll disappear, but the scout will now exit the white hole unharmed, and the black hole that no longer exists unharmed, then you'll get a message saying you've destroyed the fabric of spacetime, and everything gets consumed by vines.
Nevermind, I skipped over this on accident
Well, the game teaches you how to use teleporters, and it's possible to notice the tower has two teleporters in the same place while there's only one of them on Ember Twin.
I agree this is one of the least logical thing, because the rule is explicitly "once the astral body you're aiming at is directly above you you get teleported to that location", but there's no reason why Ember Twin's position should play a part in teleporting from Ash Twin's surface to its core.
It saves when you die. Dieing has 0 consequence. If you want to leave, just kill yourself super quick and then get off, or lose the 20 minutes of progress.
There's only one of those on this planet bitch.
Once you get inside you then realise it's because the inside is spinning so it doesn't always line up with the teleporter. Have to admit I looked up a guide to do it
>Dying has 0 consequence
It resets your progress. Though it is arbitrary to get back to where you were typically.
I think universe dies while we fuck around inside the Eye, just like the dude on moon survived until we came around. Only when there were no conscious observers left in the universe we could actually do something with the Eye.
Fuck that part, I closed my eyes.
Fuck the next one too where you're amongst floating trees and stars puffs out as you approach them.
And when the anglefish finds you in the woods.
And when you need to grab Solanium's mask.
Practically the only part that was nice was when you start the music again.
God this game terrify me
Yes, it's spinning, but it's spinning very fast, so it should "line up" with the teleporter on the surface every 20 seconds, top. It'd make sense if the core was on Ember Twin, but it's not.
Wait what? Theres no auto save?
Man that sucks, i get that they went for that immersive feeling, but that is just stupid
One of our guys actually mentions that if you look at into the distance you can see a bunch of stars supernovae and that it's very unusual to see that many.
don't even bother
dev is literal scum
>fucking kikestarter
>says that it will release on steam
>spend 4 years developing it
>oh thanks for all your support but unfortunately epic bribed us and we will not release it on steam
I just tried flying straight into the tower of knowledge about the fake moon. But my ship won't fit. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to get acces to this fucking tower?
Dude the game is FREE, Epic paid for it already.
So I remember the first few times I looked into the Ash Twin core with the stones there were three masks being lit up. One for Gabbro, one for me, but who got the third one ? Solanium ? It was destroyed when I got there in person.
>My ship won't fit
So get out?
piracy doesn't excuse the dev fucking over the backers
if you insist
same here bro. I didn't realize I had such a fear of space until I played this game, I really like the concept but idk if I'll ever finish it
space is scary
Wait for it to fall into the black hole
No you're absolutely right.
That ending was pretty boring for me, they tried to cover it all up by going artistic but that doesn't change the fact it's quite cliche and predictable.
You already knew Noami disappeared a long time ago because the sun station says the last activation time was a long time ago, and according to the timeline Pye and co went to the Interloper shortly afterwards where they died and their corpse is still there. You also knew Solarum was dead because you could see their corpse on Quantum Moon. I'm pretty sure that last message on the Vessel is real time and all the other Noami in the universe are trying to escape the exploding suns, since the info log says that the Vessel "is still able to receive messages"
Why do you have such a fear in this game? Everything is KMs away, and you get to everything within seconds.
>I think universe dies while we fuck around inside the Eye
You might be right, I think I remember one of the people at the campfire saying you were too late, and then one of them saying "Its cool to be here, well, not that I'm actually here"
Also, the user I reply to below this post brought up a good point. One of the other astronauts said he is seeing tons of supernovas, all the suns were going out at the same time, so likely the unvierse was ending just as you were going on.
Also, poor Saolmin, stuck on that moon for 250,000+ years thinking he was only there for a bit, while somewhat realizing he was already dead.
yah, the guy on Ember Twin. I never noticed a single supernova, and as soon as he said that, I noticed them non-stop
i intentionally ran it as admin, it wasn't required
They were one of the first things I noticed and I tried to fly to them. Sadly, this game boots you back to the star system (or I guess solar system since it's the sun). Unlike the Alpha in which you could literally fly forever.
I'm pretty sure that last message on the Vessel is real time and all the other Noami in the universe are trying to escape the exploding suns, since the info log says that the Vessel "is still able to receive messages"
Neat, never noticed that, or Solimans corpse
>It's real time
That's pretty neat. I was wondering why that wall was so empty. The game is a disappointment overall but at least they added some cool little things like that.
It's almost like it's a puzzle
Check the logs, the third one is Orbital Probe Cannon
When you jump through the portal above the living dude, you see his corpse on the other side. I thought the ending was great. Having to pull out the device that keeps you in a time loop just to make a mad dash through fucking limbo hell to jump into a giant frigate to punch in a key code just to black hole warp to a place nobody could ever find prior to this moment which is basically an entrance to a dimension outside of time and space was pretty rad. Way, way more than what I was anticipating. I think the epilogue in the forest could have been briefer. Also I think you're a bit confused, we didn't exactly kill anybody at the end, we watched the death of the universe progress as galaxies spurted out of existence. It was then that we initiated the reset around the campfire by becoming the observer. Honestly my only major gripe about the game as a whole pertains to the one puzzle where you hide under the bridge to enter the ash twin core. That shit was not conveyed well at all. I was reading logs for literal hours to try to gather clues. I saw the dude under the bridge and assumed maybe he was trying to bring something to the gate. Shit was fucking stupid as hell. I have no idea how the fuck that got past testing. There are some occasional iffy puzzles but that one is by far the most egregious. Considering it's basically the thing that initiates the finale, there should be way, way more build up for it. The game was wonderful though. Definitely goes on my list as one of the most unique indie games I've ever played. It's strange how a 10-15 hour game can be beaten in 15 minutes too. Good shit.
Anyone else get the piracy check?
The what?
I guess
at the end of the game i couldn't get past the skeletons
Shut up man they're not real you're just making shit up.
Yeah I was pretty disappointed that the tech demo was actually the majority of the final game, and the whole Ghost Matter was never really built upon
the part where you collect the instruments the final one was a group of skeletons surrounding a log and the music cuts out
You get all the info you've found saved on the pc inside your ship. Sometimes you get new dialogues with other cosmonauts too. After first launch you don't need to get launch codes too so you can just go straight to your ship. Unless you have really hard time finding the shortcuts to some of the places you aren't losing much on reset.
Took me a bit to figure out but then I laughed.
That shit was absolutely pointless and added nothing at all. It exists as a temporary road block to make you take the left path in every puzzle instead of the right path, occasionally forcing you to do the lightest platforming ever.
Just gotta keep trying to fly to the light
I don't know what you guys are talking about unless im being really stupid, i've seen ending sequence on different channels and they've never encountered this
Should I be following the red light or am I doing it wrong?
Why the hell do you think a game with 20 minutes per run needs an autosave? How fucking stupid are you?
Yeah i know that, im fine with the death mechanic, its just that its a giant pain in the ass to die every time if you want to save your game
>star puffs
That was you destroying literal galaxies by bumping into them.
You kept seeing it fucking everywhere, like when you go to Sunless City and visit the Shrine of the Eye and see it everywhere you start to think maybe it's was some sort of ritualistic suicide or whatever, but nope they never explained why it was only in certain places or why literally only the corpses on the Interloper had them if it supposedly caused the mass extinction.
Like you said it was basically just shitty road block so you would take another route.
You know the whole planet is crumbling right?
Depends on what you're trying to find.
Are you trying to find feldspar? use your machine that picks up on frequences, tune in to other travelers, and try and find his harmonica. When its green, you go straight into the direction you're looking for
Are you trying to find the vessel? Do the same thing you would for feldspar, but with distress beacons.
If you don't know what you're doing it's a dead end, you're only supposed to do there once you get the Distress Signal for your spectromizer.
Did they even explain what the fuck the red thing was in the end? I don't think it was in the demo yet they added it to the final game
Don't listen to this person, he is a fish
>Lead writer
I think they're just the eggs for the fishes.
That would kind of make sense, although it doesn't really explain how one ended up on Ember Twin. I was hoping that the final game would expand more on Dark Bramble, but instead what you got in the tech demo was 99% of the final game for it
Reminder that all Nomians or whatever they're are all homosexuals
if the thread is still up in an hour or until the next one i'll take a screenshot of it
>Not a new IP
This nigger has posted in this thread already hasn't he? He is so low IQ he doesn't realize he's not in the right thread.
Clearly just some fucking monstrous genetic anomaly. How the fuck would you even present an explanation for that? Literally nobody knows what the fuck it is. It's cool to leave some answers in the dark you big faggot.
Ash Twin < Attlerock < Timber Earth < Ember Twin < Giant Deep < Brittle Hollow < Space Cannon < White Hole Station < Sun Station < Interloper
the only time this is posted is in defense of obsidian
>Not a new IP
Holy shit, just holy fucking shit
Obsidian nigger openly lies to make a point
>hide under the bridge to enter the ash twin core
Is that how it were supposed to be solved? I just used jetpack to keep myself in teleporter's range when sand were picking me up. Pretty sure it's only possible to do so in early loop when Ash still has most of its sand and with help from the Sun's gravity pull.
The Dark Bramble is supposed to be this weird space where time and space don't exactly make sense. Hence why you going through a wrong seed can send you back to the entrance of the planet.
Best track
>He's literally sub 80 IQ and still doesn't realize he's in the WRONG THREAD
Laughing my ass of at you senpai. This thread has nothing to do with Obsidian. Maybe if you're literate enough to read this you will go to an actual obsidian thread.
>All those single note tracks
>No bitching about them like BOTW
Proof that Yea Forums doesn't play video games.
This is fucking retarded. Have to wait every goddamn 22 minutes when I fuck up.
Yes, the corpse is supposed to direct your attention to the fact that the sand does not affect that area. It's janky as fuck and not only does it not require any research, it is also impossible to research. I spent so much time going back and forth reading logs about the core plating from the mines under timber hearth to try to find clues only to learn through fucking google that you just jank your way through it. That puzzle by itself brought this game from a solid 10 to a 9.
Re-read the name of the game
Go to Giant's Deep. Talk to the guy there. He gives you something that you will find useful.
Ember Twin used to have water, maybe the fishes adapted to live in space when it disappeared and eventually settled on Dark Bramblesw because why the fuck not ?
I don't play mobile games, sorry. Also anybody that trashes singke note tracks can suck their dicks off.
You don't understand. I have to wait 20 minutes for the planet to explode and the tower to get sucked in
I tried using the jetpack but I just got sucked up
>I don't play mobile games
This is pretty much a mobile game we are discussing.
Time waiting is one of the more annoying aspects of the game
Can I play Outer Wilds on a handheld device? Yes or no?
The worst thing plot wise, is how it literally doesn't connects to anything, just "and then they all died because fuck them that's why. The End".
Just slingshot yourself into the tower using the blackhole, it's easy as shit.
Yes absolutely.
I only used guides three times.
For Ash Twin core.
For Black Hole Forge (I actually figured out how to go there, but I didn't think of checking for a control panel two whole floors up (down ?) of the forge itself.
Then for the Tower of Quantum Knowledge knowledge, which pissed me off, because I actually tried the correct method but on the loop I did it the piece of the planed stayed at 1% stability so I thought it was impossible for it to fall.
I'm pretty proud to have figured out how to get to Giant Deep core without needing a tip from the guy in Dark Brambles.
They specifically said the anglers were not from that planet. I don't actually remember reading about Ember ever having water, but maybe you're right. I know for sure they didn't originate on Ember though. They may originally be from whatever planet the Briar shit was before is went sicko mode or whatever.
Awesome, where can I buy it.
What? How? The blackhole has super sucking power, it always sucks me.
Nigger the game is free what are you retarded?
Nobody should feel guilty about that first one. I was incredibly adamant about not using guides for this game but after 4+ hours of trying to get into that location I gave up. Fuck the devs. I want to see that patched very badly.
Oh shit, rad. Where can I download it?
i dont get how they took 4 years and crowdfunding money and theres barely any more content than the student demo. what went wrong?
Use your jetpack fool, you have to do a one or two roundabouts for aligning yourself properly but on the third spin it should be easy as hell to land on it.
Yea, it's fucking retarded. I looked up a few things just because I didn't want to wait 15-20 minutes and be wrong. I guess they want you to explore other stuff while waiting, but it's just too damn easy to die to risk it. There should really be a time skip button that jumps ahead a minute, even if you had to use it while on Timber Hearth before taking off.
>Go to archives
>Search for magnet link/mega
I wish there were better characters in the game or at the very least it had better character moments.
Sitting next to any of the musicians as you watched the world end would be max comfy if you had some fantastic dialogue alongside it.
>what went wrong
You couldn't pay me to play a game with graphics like that. Outer Wilds has mad vibes now, that's well worth it. It's a bit silly to complain about a game as narratively concise as this for not having additional content. It's not a fucking rpg.
Feels to me like they got lazy, focused too much on making the game look good than expanding what the demo had already laid down
Those are for Windows though. You said it was playable on handheld consoles.
You should try it, the demo is so fucking spooky in comparison to the final game it's not even funny
You need to be 18 years or older to browse this site, please cease immediately.
I understand it's too much of an ask but voice acting, even if it was just gibberish, would have added a lot to the game.
>Have big time ocean/open water phobia
>first planet I head to is giants deep
>Can hardly control the spaceship at this point, so I bomb straight through the watery atmosphere and into the ocean
>See squids and a great swirling blackness beneath me
Annnnnd then I ran into the anglerfish...
But No Man's Sky is good now.
I'm not even lying. Its a completely different game from launch.
>You said it was playable on handheld consoles
Nice goal post move. You asked is it playable on mobile devices, it is. Knock yourself out.
>play space walking sim game in early access
>game comes out
>what the fug the story is the same xd
>mfw I didn't spoil myself playing early access like a goddamn moron
>Epic Store already paid them the equivalent of at least 20,000+ copies of the game
>Meaning 20,000+ people can pirate it with no harm done to the company
holy shit I actually didn't realize how BASED Epic was.
the tower on the quantum moon is safe from the explosion?
I said handheld device, nice goalpost move. Kill yourself nigger.
the graphics barely look any different retard.
pretty unimpressive how long it took them to make this retail version
>Annnnnd then I ran into the anglerfish...
Dude I almost shit myself when I came across that motherfucker.
When I went into that area, I had only been to the moon so far. So I had no idea that shit was even in the game. I thought it was a comfy space explorer. I was just happily flying along and then a huge fucking noise went off and massive angler fish was chasing me.
It only got worse when I had to explore in there, and there was more and more as I went further in.
Does it have marshmallow roasting?
spooky skeletons
Yeah, a lot of the stuff in the final demo was already in the tech demo
There is some safe places, but you still will go back in time no matter what for plot reasons.
>Early access
Yep, you literally are a retarded child.
>get to vessel
>put in warp core
>enter symbols from the probe station (left to right)
>nothing happens
am I missing something? is nothing supposed to happen because the vessel is broken? please don't spoiler if possible
Why are the flipping off the star
Is the warp core empty you fucking retard
>I said handheld device
I fulfilled your criteria you waste of oxygen. If you want it on consoles, next time specify that, that is if your IQ allows you to.
>all of Yea Forums bitches about epic store
>also happens to know every game that is an exclusive to it
o b s e s s i o n
its like how the average 4channer knows more about LGBTQ than a normal person.
im a fucking idiot
After it sinks into the ground, if you put in the correct code, you life the ball behind it up, and then something will happen. I would explore a floor above before you continue on though.
What happens if you die after you take out the warp core
>manage to wait untill tower gets sucked into black hole
>easily find the tower because I placed my scout beforehand in preparatoin
>suffocate before I can even read all the text inside the tower, even though my ox was full before goign in
great game design
>put in warp core
>is the warp core empty you fucking retard
Not him, but I think you're the retard user
There, now we can be done.
Game over screen, same happens if you die at the start before the statue which I managed to do
It's almost like I wanted to buy this game but now I can't without submitting to company practices that I don't agree with.
>BOTW == mobile game
Retarded child.
No combat = not interested.
There's an empty warp core where the warp core slot is you FUCKING retard. Play the game.
I've been waiting 5 years for the game newfag
That's not even possible. The oxygen lasts longer than the time left after the tower falls into the black hole
It is, by literally every single definition, a mobile game.
I hope you're not putting the broken warp core in back in. The log even says the warp core is "long dead"
Reminder that OP is a Outer Wilds shill that has been spamming this board non-stop for the past 5 days.
Therefore Outer Wilds is by every literal definition, a mobile game.
Cool where can I download it for a mobile device?
nigga this is Yea Forums not reddit. no one fucking buys game here anyway. I would be surprised if a single person in this thread actually bought the game
You're retarded, just admit it. If he put in the warp core, then that would imply he has the fresh one. He didn't take the one that was in it, take it out, and put it back in. Don't be dumb.
>new game comes out
>people talk about it
How did you manage to die before the statue.
I jumped into a water pool and drowned
Jumped on the water geyser and fell to my death
>that last part where the whole band is together
Okay. I have to admit I almost teared up at that part. Too bad it was so short-lived.
how do I get up into the quantum tower on brittle hollow? tried scaling the walls from the outside but it seems impossible
jump into the geysir, die when you fall down
Did you have a lobotomy in between these last four posts?
>Go to archives
>Download it
>Still be retarded but at least you have Outer Wilds
The only part that annoys me is that each astronaut gets an instrument so Timber Hearth knows where they are, therefore where's your instrument
I didn't even think of doing that until I almost beat the game, then I discovered that gyser hole can be used to shortcut around the planet.
so what happens at the end do you create the universe again with a big bang?
>If he put in the warp core, then that would imply he has the fresh one
Not if he doesn't know that he needs a new one. That's why I called him a retard. The fact that we agree it's obvious that an empty one wouldn't work is why I called him a retard for doing it. You do understand that it's basically impossible to get core and code correct and have nothing happen. The only thing that would be missing there is that he didn't move the big ball on the floor, which he's already proven he understand how to do by entering the code. Logically speaking, there's a 99.999% chance he put in the broken core.
Your instrument was your soul
The planet is collapsing through a black hole.
lmao, why wait when tim sweeney already paid money so you could pirate the game
you don't even need a crack, it just werks
But that's for PC.
You're a natural heavy breather. They find you from your huffing and puffing.
I can't play that
>He thinks exes can only be run on PCs
No wonder apes are more intelligent than you.
Well they are called Windows Executables.
Park your ship on top of Quantum Tower, go afk until it falls into the black hole then jetpack through the tower
>He didn't take the one that was in it, take it out, and put it back in
Dude, play the game. Old empty core isn't installed either, it's just floats nearby.
Also, it's already a fact what he fucked something up since it doesn't work for him.
Was going to try it, but can't change settings from the menu. Apparently other people have the same problem.
damn I was actually waiting a bit because of something like that, I was hoping the debris from hollow's lantern would blast a hole into it or something
figured I didnt wait enough
Debate this fact, the epilogue should've shortened the weird fetch quest part and traded it for a longer campfire song, you literally can't.
I had this too. It changes whenever you reloard the main menu.
It's a bitch to find once it's gone through because it's so fucking dark
I don't want to debate you, because you're objectively correct
I wouldn't have minded the fetch quest if once you found them the music already started playing, the place wasn't just a dark forest but something more fantastical as you saw the universe up in the sky would have been true kino.
>Dude, play the game.
Yah, I haven't played the game, thats why I gave him advice on what to do in the end, you got me.
Well my problem is that I can't get away from the settings menu. Doesn't work with keyboard or gamepad. And if you alt+f4 the fuck out of there. it doesn't save the settings.
The most kino way to do it would've been absolute silence during the black forest, then as you find each instrument they start playing in the background whilst you find the other instruments so it slowly builds up. After you find them all they're playing as a band, then after the conversation you start playing as the final musician
>Yea Forums posters are now shitting up the thread
For fuck's sake.
Only if sky lights up more and more as you find each member and in the finale you're all floating through a universe on a solitary piece of forest land huddled around a campfire as the world ends.
>then after the conversation you start playing as the final musician
That's the shit right there. Would've been an amazing ending.
Whats this shit about? Is it gucci?
Do you eat shit?
Fuck we can write a better ending than the devs did
Music carrying you through the forest was great. Without it I wouldn't have dared leaving the campfire.
The last stretch of puzzles as well as the ending sequence felt too rushed desu. I think you could tell that the devs were stuck in development hell, judging by the demo back then, and had to rush like the last fourth of the game. Probably the same reason they took the Epic deal as well despite kickstarter promises.
Still love the game and I'll probably actually pay for it in the future once it releases on other platforms.
Someone pointed out that the publisher's games are all epic "exclusive"
The game definitely feels rushed in certain places, like fuck the Quantum Moon what a wasted opportunity
It really is probably more on Annapurna Interactive than the devs themselves
I'm not saying the devs are blameless, but I don't think it was just their call.
>On the Interloper
>Check the map
>Woah the orbit is passing very close to Giant's Deep
>Look above
>It's close alright
>Look at ship
>It's leaving ground on its own due to the gravity pull, left me for the bigger ball like I'm in a NTR doujin.
Haven't the devs been defending that move as well though
I only tell you to play the game because your advice were wrong tho, you don't even have to touch the old core. I don't know why would you do so.
>you could tell that the devs were stuck in development hell
I wonder what the problem was though?
Did they underestimate the difficulty of making a handcrafted solar system? Because the alpha years ago had a lot of shit already in it and this released game was basically just more polished with lots of lore doodads on the side.
I had the same thing.
I put in the code, and pushed the glowing orb toward the teleporter. It activated it but by launching my scout at the singularity I saw it was just sending me outside in the vines. Fiddled a bit, rewrote the code again (I think you need to "dock" the small orb), and pushed the ball around, then it worked.
>no sandbox mode where you can explore the universe without tick tock nonsense and also have a special menu where you can choose how long you have left before it ends
They still had to remake all the planets from scratch for them to not look like shit. I would argue what making up the story with puzzles were the easy part, hence why it were already mostly done at the alpha stage while the rest of game looked like it came from early 00s.
>brittle hollow is on a timer
>ember twin is on a timer
>ash twin is on a timer
what do you want to explore exactly? giant's deep aka the nothing planet?
The Interloper, the whole Quantum Moon, and everything but the starting village in Timber Earth are pretty much useless to the game, they just give you lore, but no actual new informations you need to finish the game. It's too bad.
Also what was up with the frozen island in Giant's Deep ? There's nothing in there but a campfire, ghost matter and frozen jellyfishes.
it worked, i pirated it
Just sit around and be comfy.
Enjoy your "lul so randumb" writing with not so subtle homosexual innuendo
You're the fifth retard that can't read.
Ash Twin and Ember Twin canonically fill and empty themselves up into each other. Only Brittle Hollow is fucked but you could argue that devs could simply slow down or just remove the crumbling mechanic altogether. It's sandbox after all.
Or just ride the black hole and swing yourself into it. Done in two minutes.
>Ash Twin and Ember Twin canonically fill and empty themselves up into each other.
Yah, but it actually isn't in the game.
It feels like Ghost Matter was supposed to be part of a wider plot but it got cut out at the last minute. I'm guessing Giants Deep was trying to suggest that the Jellyfish originally came from Dark Bramble maybe?
brainlet me thinks it shouldt be very easy to simply reverse the cycle
>just make the ground rise/descent instead of the other way round lol
Would've been a simple bit to add though.
Anyone got into the middle of Giants deep?
I've approached at 2000m/s twice but I keep missing and hitting things, will it work if I actually hit it?
this. Also, Outer Wilds predates NMS by years, hell the alpha was posted around here in 2013, 2014 I think. Very different types of games too.
Please get out of this thread before you get spoiled.
>Ash Twin and Ember Twin canonically fill and empty themselves up into each other.
That's still a timer to fuck with your exploration. Even more so than the sun itself.
>will it work if I actually hit it?
Either explore more or be smarter and look around.
Look I'm not here to get spoiled, I just want to know if I ram it or not, it's a yes or no question.
Game's concept is great and while it had some fantastic moments all in all the experience was a bit lacking. Mostly lots of nothing interspersed with lots of reading and waiting while walking around interesting set pieces.
But the potential in this shit is immeasurable and despite how rushed it was I still felt things hearing the music in the final campfire as well as the credits. Here's hoping a concept like this gets explored again and get executed even better.
Also minus points because our instrument wasn't a fucking kazoo. What the fuck devs? It was the perfect opportunity to give us the most soulful instrument of all time.
You go to the South Observatory on Brittle Hollow and talk to Feldspar in Dark Bramble to find out how to get to the middle, otherwise it's using a tornado spinning counter clockwise to get past the current and hiding in a jellyfish to get through the electricity
Get the dumb ending or look it up
>yfw the banjo kicks in
Leaving someone isn't NTR.
The ship controlled alright but you know what, it could've used a rear view. Either a janky window or a submarine-style pipe. Especially in Dark Brambles.
>Look I'm not here to get spoiled, I just want to know if I ram it or not, it's a yes or no question.
If the answer was to ram it the game would tell you, dumb ass
Yeah the lack of windows was particularly annoying in Dark Bramble given the solution
Jesus christ...No wonder it already looks like its gonna bomb big time..
>Is it time ?
You idiot...They are hiring women writers cause they have no standards and no skill.
There any more good exploration puzzle games coming out this year? After playing La-Mulana again over the last week, I'm sorely disappointing there isn't more stuff like it.
Downloading this as I type, but looking for alternatives once Im done with this.
What does women in the workplace have to do with the culture war, unless you're talking about the culture war from the 1920s or something? I just don't want to play a game written by vapid feminists, and lo and behold the writing in this game looks awful.
Are you the tranny that keeps posting that Metroidvania chart with La Mulana at the top?
No, I haven't even thought about La-Mulana since I beat it shortly before LM2 came out. Just had a sudden urge to replay it last week and left me wanting more exploration puzzley shit. I haven't had a good puzzle game since Baba Is You made me feel like a total retard.
After the sound cue, how long till the sun expodes? Wanna know to reset, if I can't make it time wise
Btw, is there any lore on how Dark Brambles got fucked up in the first place? Also didn't found even a hint on Nomai trying to explore it despite getting more than enough info on how to deal with anglerfish and having lost 3rd escape pod there.
I beat the game with a controller, but just tried out kb+m right now. My condolences to any user who had to go through Dark Bramble full thrust or nothing
I did play it.
The ending was shit.
Literally impossible
Observing an image of a quantum object is the same as viewing it with your own eyes.
>epic exclusive
I'll pick up the codex version later today
if you can still see it, it wont go away
It was pretty shit
You are the ultimate brainlet.
Fishes detect the smallest of thrusts. It's just a matter of setting up a speed before even seeing them and then gliding between them.
Ok, how I solve next room? I'm feeling like a brainlet.
Take a fucking picture goddamn. They literally tell you in game.
The whole 2spooky4me bit between the moments you activate the warp core and when you reunite everyone in the wood felt useless and way to fucking scary.
It was so fucking useless, you could literally remove that section and the story wouldn't be impacted.
If you can't solve these you aren't going to be able to reach the Quantum Moon. Good thing it's completely optional
Really hoping for a VR version. This game would be perfect for it
>all these brainlets who gave Epic $$
yeah if youre into nauseau
nigger I pirated it
I pity you
The worst is when the sun explodes but you can't see it
Game needed voice acting.
More engaging character interactions to make the ending really hit home.
Progressing that doesn't just amount to waiting or translating or fiddling with your movement.
A mechanic that can at least let you skip a few minutes ahead if you're just waiting.
Better fleshed out areas especially for the cool shit like the Quantum Moon or the Interloper.
An ending that doesn't feel awfully rushed that's executed properly.
No one in these thread actually bought the game
I got spooked hard when the island got launched into the stratosphere mid-conversation with that guy.
>>Better fleshed out areas especially for the cool shit like the Quantum Moon or the Interloper.
Probably one of the biggest crimes in the final game along with the ending
y-yeah haha...
I already found one signal on Dark Bramble, the missing astronaut. What about the distress beacon? Is there any point going back to it? Because I hate this place.
>More engaging character interactions to make the ending really hit home.
Fucking this.
Actually it's Majora's Mask in space. The spaceship is fun to fly and figuring out how to beat the time loop is very rewarding. Just pirate it. Fuck the Epic Malware Store.
Jackspediceye played it that means its good.
So did they ever explain who the other masks belong to?
One is yours, the other is Garbo's, who's the other?
Yea, it's necessary to find that.
Took me until the endgame to figure out the tornadoes platforms actually serve as safe spot.
The game keeps crashing on my machine and I don't really care about the gameplay. Would anybody mind telling me why all the ayys are dead?
Where should I look to find everything in the Sunless City? I assume it's directions for reaching the core of Ash Twin but I've been searching for a few cycles and still nothing.
I thought that was it when I found the reading after dropping down the sandfall but that's not it.
It's part of how you get to the ending
>look we employ women just like literally every corporation on earth
>so progressive
>pls give money
did you visit every district? did you get to the anglerfish skeleton?
did you make it to the high energy lab?
Orbital probe cannon. The cannon is so fragile that it destroys itself after the first shot, but they send the data from that probe back in time and then fire the cannon in a different direction, repeating the loop infinitely to get a bunch of data
Forgot to say that the messages in front of the masks also list the 3 users of the masks, the first entry being the cannon
Visited all four districts, got into the anglerfish skeleton's mouth, reached the high energy lab but it seems I can't do anything with the energy cores there.
who is gravedad?
Have you visited the black hole forge
Yeah I lifted it up and then warped to it.
why the fuck would I play a fucking niggerfaggot game that went chink store exclusive?
I hope the devs go bankrupt and die
here user, if I remember right the writing was something I already long knew though
One day the comet filled with deadly matter came and killed everyone across entire system before they could react. It isn't connected to anything they were doing or had any deeper meaning. Just pure bad luck. Yea, it's the most disappointing mystery in the entire game.
Talking about, was it explained how hearthians and anglerfish survived?
meant for
What the fuck have they been wasting years on?
Thanks a lot guys
well they entirely overhauled the visuals, had to remodel the entire game and shit
dont know how big their team is but that does take some time
they were hardy
>Yea, it's the most disappointing mystery in the entire game.
Oh wow, now that's hot garbage.
the heartians didn't even exist when the extinction event happened and the anglers probably survived because their habitat is a space anomaly so it probably didn't spread to them.
I fucked up and got Sunless City mixed with Hanging City, you're just missing the one entry on the Nomai travelling to the solar system chasing the Eye signal. I think it was the Sunless City which had the Shrine of the Eye location in it, and I don't think it's the location marked in Should be pretty obvious though cos those lights label the sections
You can tell it's a really rushed plot element. It doesn't make that much sense either given that the astronauts on the comet have crystals growing out of them but you don't see this anywhere else
I like how the world feels somewhat fully realized but there really are things in it that feel so tacked on and last minute that take you out of the experience.
Probably because almost everything except Ghost Matter and quantum stones was already designed at the demo stage
I hope you're ready for the sequel.
Quantum Anglefishes
and don't forget more hollow planets and insect people
> Quantum Ghost Matter
Given it took them like a niggillion years to make this one, at least we won't see it until 2030 at the earliest.
Yeah that was the eye shrine with the ghost matter, thanks a lot. Shame how some of the info is found in multiple places.
Heartians were just at very early stages of evolution back then. I think you can find nomai's murals and writing in underwater caves on how they encountered them. But still, even if it's just a matter of them surviving simply through hiding deep in the caves, it's kinda bullshit how nomai couldn't survive at least long enough to leave post-apocalyptic writings and artifacts.
It'd be amazing if they tried to launch another crowdfunding scam for a sequel and got told to fuck off. Their new best friend Epic can go fund that shit
It's kind of stupid given that the Nomai were literally living underground in the Sunless and Hanging Cities so theoretically they should be about as safe as your newt ancestors
Also, fuck writings in those caves for implying number of eyes has some deeper meaning. Spoilering, just so unsuspecting anons will be fooled same as i was.
I think you were just reading too far into this.
Game had the potential for true indie kino but fumbled it during the last third.
>Nomai wanted to force a supernova
Pic related
It's just a reference to one of your friends finding it strange that they only had three eyes
If you removed Ash Twin Station's core and then got anglerfish'd or supernova'd would that be a game over?
Yes, same thing happens if you die before you even activate the statue at the start
Yes, but in effect, all it does is send you back to the title screen and force you to reload your save. You still keep your lore logs and everything else, it's just an extra 30 seconds between lives.
Although to add you get an extended version of the sun explosion music if you do that, which you could otherwise not hear in-game
I saw a lump od red glowing things (not the red seed) just before I reached The Vessel but there were tons of anglerfishes around so I never found out what it was. Did someone ever get around to examine them?
They're literally the eggs of the fish. That's why there are so many fish hanging out over there.
There's nothing there that adds to the logs or anything, I think they're just the eggs of the fishes. I went directly to them (since they're far away from fishes to carefully aim at the vessel), and nothing happened.
What do they eat? Why are they striving so much?
>What do they eat
Good question, poor bastards that end up exploring the dark bramble? I wouldn't question them too much, they're giant blind fish that can survive in what is basically a vacuum.
The vines.
Your hopes and dreams.
I don't think they eat, they're pretty much stuck in nothingness. Maybe they eat the vines? Iunno, but they obviously breed if there's eggs.
Also what an ending, albeit a bit rushed(so it seemed) it was pretty darn good.
The part where you dropped through off into the Eye, and saw the strings of purple things connecting together and an infinite amount of them..
>Your hopes and dreams
The game's potential
>Enter the seed where there's like three fishes very close to the entrance
>Need to make a small adjustment to my trajectory unless I want to poke one in the teeth, which is impractical
>Breathes softly on my control stick
Well fuck me
Entering the portal automatically sets on you a set trajectory and speed, you literally just enter the portal and drift until you can see the red thing before moving again
It's more boring than scary
Damn, if I knew that I would've barreled through the opening to get a decent speed.
So where's the torrent?
Your speed entering the portal doesn't matter because it'll set it at a predefined speed when you exit. Means you can speedy speed boy into the portal if you accidentally alert a fish
Check the thread for a magnet link
Games tedious and the time limit garbage isn't fun.
>Get new warp core to go toward vessel
>See one of the big fish cunts move toward me
>Start going all over toward objective
>Can tell the thirsty cunt is right behind me
>Slam into the seed
>Bounce off and see its mouth open to chomp on me