Predict the Pokémon Direct
Predict the Pokémon Direct
I'm thinking of getting a switch for this game, so hopefully it's not shit.
>five minutes of “welcome, we have a lot in store for you”
>two minutes of jerking off to the history and succes of the series
>five minutes of repeating from the reveal video
>three minutes worth of new info
Pants to match the shirts
How can Jesse and James have a budget for suits and dress when they were canonically poor in the anime series?
I love Serena!
Team Rocket-issued disguise outfits.
Doronjo gangs have infinite resources for episodic disguises, inventions, gadgets, and mecha.
>But wait, we have one final surprise for you old school fans out there...
Game art style suddenly turns in a new but beautiful 2d spritework style
>Inspired by DQ, players can switch artstyles on the go. You can play the entire game in whichever style you prefer!
We'll be introduced to the two box legendaries, and perhaps the starting bird/mouse mons. New features will be discussed briefly, including one battle mechanic and maybe the main method of travel.
Overall, nothing will be shown that gives people the impression this game will be at all different from SuMo in terms of presentation, style, or progression. It'll be serviceable but boring, which is probably the worst sin of all.
Even resources to buy hot air balloons, pedal-powered submarines, and the lisences to operate them?
Good things like this don't happen
>new but beautiful 2d spritework style
So nothing like your picture
shitty nu-pokémon garbage that further demonstrates the series's escalating decay since 2013 (though one could argue it was never good to begin with)
Shit new pokemon
Shit new places
Shit new gimicks
Shit graphics
Shit gameplay
Good waifus
>Introducing *replacement for poke walker
>Introducing *Amie/Super Training with a different name
>Introducing thinly veiled replacement for something they've removed from Sun Moon
>Itroducing the new kissup character
>Introducing the new story pokemon that will make up half the new Pokemon
>Team Notverynice
>You can now put hats on Pokemon
>Introducing items that change your pokemons type. Charizard naturally gets 3.
>Regional forms are dropped. Pokemon of the same species now can be stacked on top of eachtoher. But only certian Kanto mons :^)
Way too much time spent aggrandizing minor things that have little purpose or just outright suck. They're really going to play up the gym sports theme, probably.
They can get their hands on whatever the plot considers conveient.
If you still care about pokemon past graduating high school, then something is really wrong with you.
The franchise is so stagnant, so lackluster,so predictable now. What else can they possibly show you to make you excited? My god nostalgia is truly a cancer.
Another overpowered forced gimmick nobody asked for, like Z moves and Mega Pokemon, to make it seem like the series is progressing only for them to scrap it entirely next gen.
Broadcasted in Chinese to show their dedication to the Chinese market.
They spoil every single pokemon/legendary/secret/plot and we wind up knowing everything about the game before the game comes out because it's so shallow there's barely anything to it. Again.
Masters and Sleep
This seems to be their response to leakers. Can't be disappointed by leaks if you already know 99% of the pokemon before the damn game comes out.
>Shit new pokemon
>Good waifus
Those two things are contradictory though
>box legendary unzipped
>new gimmick unzipped
>dude Pikachu lmao
>"this game will be good for new player and old fans too!!"
>new dating system, you choose between 7 different recolors of Ririe-Chan
that's a cute sabrina
Her dress and hair are ripped off straight from Kula
do not open
Wow I've never noticed who similar they looked
Let's GO has my gratitude for bringing real best girl back after the travesty that is HG/SS Sabrina.
>December 2000
>Sabrina (with that dress)
>November 1999
>gamefreak putting effort into their games
Not a prediction, but a hope.
Hope that Galarian Forms exist.
I loved the Alolan forms, and would be disappointed is GameFreak does have this feature only for 1 game, like every.... other.... feature.... th..
Oh fuck, it ain't gonna happen, right?
How many times do you think Jessie has pegged James?
Not once because Jessie has a fat meat cock.