Have you ever whaled? How much and what was it?

Have you ever whaled? How much and what was it?

F2P welfare niggers not welcome.

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Mesa Prime super ultra deluxe turbo edition

that was dumb and cost a lot of money.

Little Big Planet

and I never even ended up making all those ambitious levels I bought all that stuff in the first place for

80+ dollars on TF2 crates. Although I’ve probably spent over $200 on the cosmetics alone. I still regret it to this day and it’s what made me realize loot boxes are glorified gambling. Keep in mind I was 16 and depressed, didn’t have a job yet, my family was in a tight spot, and all I cared about was TF2. I quit that game shortly afterwards and sold my entire inventory. If you buy loot crates you’re an idiot. If you have enough disposable income just buy the item and instead of gambling and hoping to get it.

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Warframe. Got a 75% off coupon and bought the $200 pack of platinum for $50. Bought all the color palettes and that palatine rhino skin but beyond that not really sure what I'm going to do with it all.

I got the second biggest founder pack before Warframe launched. The one before name a planet.

I honestly forgot how much it was but I still have shitloads of platinum.

>microtransactions in a video game
I'm a pathetic loser but now THAT pathetic

>buy TF2 keys
>get an unusual and stop opening crates
>eventually stop playing TF2
>sell the entire inventory for twice the cost
>never have to purchase games with real money on steam ever again

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>paying money for something that isn't real

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Years of membership on runescape, by god do I regret it.
At least I made a lot of it back by selling my account later on. I started playing OSRS again recently, made about a bil, chucked that and quit again. Staking is fun but man I can't imagine if I'd lost that $10k.

probably like 100 bucks on LoL when it was good then i quit for Dota
then 300 dollars on Dota

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Why would you even do that in overwatch? You get so many lootboxes plus currency to buy specific skins thrown at you for just playing the game, there is absolute no reason to spend money on it.

Made some retard plays when I was younger. But, I stopped doing that.
Warframe, Path of Exile and fucking APB.

>actually playing the game
I mean, I can understand them, OW is a shitty game after all.

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.exe files aren't real either. Now either be a pirate or be a whale.

The only games Ive dumped over $100 into are ones Ive been playing for over 2 years. And its always been through purchases when stuffs on sale.

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I spent a few buck on TF2 and got a bunch of unusuals, from there i jsut kept trading and getting gamesw and more money from the steam market.
After that i went to dota 2, spent a little to get rare items there and fucked off with profit when the game started going downhill imo, which was when ranked came along. so i just sold everything again.

for shit like overwatch i never spent a dime. In dokkan battle i spent a little but only got good units when i havent spent a dime so i stopped doing that shortly after starting.

Never bought a single dlc besides dead space 1 dlc during the ps3 era or the dlc that comes with complete editions, which are usually the editions i wait for.

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i spend like $50 a month on second life

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Maplestory back in the day, probably $40-50 for the 2x exp passes if even that. $1 on let it die

>Lootbox Game degeneracy
Fuck Off

not every ingame purchase is a lootbox, user

A fool and his money are soon parted.

I think I've probably spent around £2000 playing FGO over this past year. I've gotten some good shit, as I pretty much roll whenever I want a character, and don't stop until I get them. Most expensive has been when I wasted £400 trying to get musashi to NP2, although I did at least get her once. Second most was Arthur proto who was £330, third most expensive was kiara, at £270.

Also spent around £1500 on TF2 over a matter of years (stopped playing it years ago) although it's probably much less as it doesn't account for items I've sold through the market and then spent what I got back in on TF2.

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Videogames arent real

I bought 30 bucks worth of hats, weapons, and MvM keys in TF2 in 2000 hours of playtime. It haunts me to this day.

I think i've spend like 3k dollars on GW2 gems

im legitimately retarded

To the dumbasses that waste money on this shit, why? You could buy an entire console or pc with the money you waste

By playing games with lootboxes in them you're supporting lootboxes. Don't.

I've spent over $1000 in Path of Exile. But I've also gotten close to 4000 hours out of the game and that spending has been over years of time.

Name a console game worth playing.

$900 on league over the course of three years
When I did the math afterwards I wanted to kill myself

The game puts you in a certain mindset that makes you want to spend money to get the next best thing.

You could either spend time or money so your monkey brain picks money not realizing it takes time to earn that shit anyway

i spent $10 on tf2 once and was upset with myself for like a month after

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Name a game worth blowing several grand on.
Protip: You can't, they don't exist.

spent about 1200 dollars at least on skins and other dumb shit on league

right now am kind of sifting through base content that deserves it, such as dotas battle pass and other games that dont really hammer home the customization, but offer nice qol fixes such as the tabs in poe

ive never whaled like "oh im gonna spend 1k on lootboxes omg remember to like ans subscribe" its generally been "oh yea that skin is sick! how much? 1.99? ok ill take it"

unfortujately shit adds up

makes me happy, I could buy that other stuff but it wont make me as happy as the stuff I choose to buy (also I already have a good enough PC for the games I play and it's not worth sinking an extra thousand or two to get slightly shinier textures or a higher fps, and there's nothing on console I want to play). It's my money and I can spend it how I like.

My question to you, and the other poorfags who seethe so hard in these threads, is why do you get so assblasted at people for enjoying themselves with the fruits of their labour? It's not like it's your money their wasting, and it makes no real difference to you whether they do or don't.

Star Citizen. It's an investment.

I used to whale pretty bad. I spent about $2000 in Dota 2.

Haven't paid for a microtransaction out of my own pocket in about four years now. Only do it when it's free credit earned via some promotion. It's just a stupid, horribly self-destructive thing to do. Wish I could go back in time and slap myself.

lootboxes arent in every game, though?

overwatch and csgo

I bought some outfits for One Piece Unlimited World Red. Other than that, not really.

It's honestly pretty depressing seeing people so foolish with their money. That's money that'll be wasted forever once the game dies, and for what? A color swap? Not only that but you just enable shitty business practices.

>what are you poor?
No, I just know what's a waste of money and what isn't.

I've spent money on almost every game I play as long as it has cool looking stuff that I want.
I know it's not good in any sense, but gambling on some meaningless skinnerbox is one of the few things which still gives me serotonin.

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>and for what?
temporary release of dopamine

2K~ on Star Citizen.

Star Citizen's development has been going on for a really goddamned long time, and I would chip in an extra $60 every few months whenever they sold something neat looking.

I kind of wish I hadn't, but the game might turn out fine in a few more years.

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at least you can sell your shit again on TF2 contrary to other games

are you a wingcommanderfag?


Not really. I just like space games.


Probably over $1200 on gacha just this past year

>but the game might turn out fine in a few more years.

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Problem spending. Gambling addiction runs in my family too.

Your great-great-grandchildren will appreciate their new game.

It's not your money, and never will be, so why does it matter what other people use it on. People know this shit doesn't last forever, nothing ever does really, it makes them happy having it, so why does it matter to you? Why do you care so much about what other people do with their money?

The whole "enables shitty business practices" is a little bit true, but it's not why you care so much, the crux is that other people have what you want, and you feel that you could be doing better with what they have, it's the core of poorfag mentality, it's how you justify your inferiority. "I don't have as much as them but they're an idiot because they spend it on nice things I don't like." When it comes to luxury goods, what is and isn't a waste is entirely subjective, the difference between me and you though, poorfag, is I can at least afford my frivolous luxuries.

>100 bucks single purchase
that's not how it works.
I always considered it be be a minimum of 200 bucks on monthly fixed expenses for f2p games or any other sort of microtransaction. And that's lowballing it, I used to play a quite obscure korean grinder and even there we had a couple of people that spent 1K+ monthly, and a lot of more 'sensible' people that could be considered whales, around that 200 mark, and maybe often but not exactly monthly. (200 bucks/month is 3.2k year, that's quite a bit of money for a videogame, but the thing is that true whales dwarf them so much that they look like frugal spenders by comparison)

>but it's not your money
So you have no defense. That money would actually be better spend by turning it into singles and lighting it all on fire. At least then your house would be warm for a little bit. It's rich how all of you just say "but i'm not poor" to justify spending so much on a game that you could have put a down payment on a house.

I don't know if those count, but I preordered the OW deluxe edition for the extra skins and then barely played a month or so.
Also I bought BF4 premium because I got talked into it by an associate.

I like to remind myself of this whenever I can so I never do it again, the most expensive thing I got was $10. Now I spend $5-$10 on warframe or HotS every 2-3 months but I actually like those games.

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Money doesn't have any owners, only spenders. You might use the money better for your own benefit, but your situation doesn't apply to everybody around you.

you're the one with no defense. Why do you care about what other people do so much? Are you really so autistic that you can't understand that not everyone gets their joy from the same stimuli as you?

is meant for

Not him but if you can't figure out that different people find value in different things that's your problem and not theirs.
If you have ever bought a video game then that already makes you a hypocrite, because you spent that money on cheap pointless fleeting entertainment, instead of saving for something valuable like that down payment or your kid's college fund. Get the point?

have sex

I have, it's underwhelming to be honest with you. Not everything the virgin incel neets online make it out to be.

>You could buy an entire console
But why would anyone do that?

>bought an entire console for Black Friday
>it's gathering dust because I haven't bothered finishing Uncharted 4 and I'm not even past the prologue of Red Dead 2