*Promotes Bad Play*

*Promotes Bad Play*

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>caring about the level of play in a party game

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>not caring about the level of play in every game
casual detected.


>please rate my OC

>being asocial

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>Proud of its power

>Losing to Lucario in Smash

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Was he based?

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best bait in a long time, the cross thread baiting was surreal


Smash either needs to be focused more around competitive or more around casual play. This half-assed shit isn't fun for either. Brawl was fun because subspace was cool, Melee was fun because there was always something to learn or something to improve. It all feels so hopeless when everything is based on basic fighting game mechanics. I want to be able to out skill being a retard like I can in shooters.

>WOW this game promotes you to stay damaged in order to do more damage, that's bad game design

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I never understood saying this promotes bad play. You're going to take damage, it's not like you're playing to intentionally get hurt, playing any more recklessly, or particularly changing what you do overall.

I want a Lucario boyfriend.

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How did he grab that net? How does he hold that ball?

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doesnt matter, is toxic, you are getting an advantage the other player doesnt have.
Lucario should get banned forever.

This. And he even misses the fucking trampoline.

>It all feels so hopeless when everything is based on basic fighting game mechanics.
So why not just move on to a real fighting game?

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because all fighters are basic as shit too.
specially DOA.

>play lucario
>get 3-1 against some shitty ganondorf
>last stock and the nigger keeps attacking me
>down b his ass
>next stock I begin spamming the power ball in odd patterns to throw him off, it works
>lucario at 160% still living
>grab ganondorf and throwing upwards
>he air dodges and I grab him again but now I launch him to the side
>nigger tries some fancy shit near the edge i read his ass and forward smah him
>1-1 now
>nigger begins to move like craxy trying to land anything on me
>get him 30% while he is in the air with a lucky shot of my power ball
>grab himt to 40% and throw him upwards
>jump once
>nigger air dodges again
>knew he was gonna do it so I land quickly and forward smash his ass again

not even a furry, the blue dog is based

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>Promotes bad play
>If you lose your first stock first you do fuck all knockback until you're halfway through your second stock
>If you take first stock then you have a damage advantage on your opponent's second life

Lucario is the opposite, he's a win-more character not a comeback character.

>you are getting an advantage the other player doesnt have
Isn't that just called picking a character in a fighting game?

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The power of Aura.

DoA is pretty basic, but even it puts Smash to shame.
That's not DoA by the way.

No kidding he promotes bad play. He didn't dribble that ball once.

convincing argument.

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>just switch basic shit with basic shit
no thanks.
I know what that game is.

Pokken Tournament is not a Party Game.

Lucario is also not rewarded for doing shit in Pokken

yeah well where are the lucario testicles

Well you're playing babby's first fighter, and complaining that it's too simple, so I recommended babby's second for you.

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What would her room look like?

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You dont have to be a furry to like/play Lucario

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>playing games at a serious level with no compensation or reward
Unless you're a pro who wins tournaments or official competitions, you are as much of as a casual as those you mock.

>you are as much of as a casual as those you mock.
This is true of all smash players

How does that Lucario feel about that pillow?

Sexual attraction.

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*Promotes My Dick*