*Promotes Bad Play*

*Promotes Bad Play*

Attached: 1557681590709.gif (280x209, 1.87M)

>caring about the level of play in a party game

Attached: 1559469248019.jpg (262x278, 7K)

>not caring about the level of play in every game
casual detected.


>please rate my OC

>being asocial

Attached: 1498770010050.png (424x597, 288K)

>Proud of its power

>Losing to Lucario in Smash

Attached: eggers.jpg (826x639, 52K)

Was he based?

Attached: 6229_c0d6_960.jpg (960x707, 93K)

best bait in a long time, the cross thread baiting was surreal