No games look interesting to me anymore, my favorite games in order are:
>Bayonetta 1
>Nier Automata
>Breath of Fire 4
Any recommendations? Any platform is okay.
Feel free to post your own.
No games look interesting to me anymore, my favorite games in order are:
>Bayonetta 1
>Nier Automata
>Breath of Fire 4
Any recommendations? Any platform is okay.
Feel free to post your own.
DMC5 obv based on bayo and nier but since you're gay and probably wrote it off, uh... i dunno.. nioh based on bloodborne
Try playing VNs for a change of pace. The Phoenix Wright series is great. 999 is absolute kino too
You must play a scary game.
You make play pathologic 2, deus ex, pokemon hgss, castlevania, am2r, and am2r
House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn
yakuza 0
2019 has been absolutely godly for vidya so far, don't know why people keep pushing the whole "VIDYA ISN'T GOOD ANYMORE" argument
>Ace Combat 7
>Devil May Cry 5
All released this year.
What the fuck, they made a sequel to 4 that's arcade exclusive? Fucking pricks, man.
God of War since you have a PS4. Spiderman too