What do you think about Assassin's Creed moving away from historical accuracy and towards borderline fantasy? I mean they removed the crossbow from the first game to remain historically accurate, in the newer additions to the series you have shit like female spartan soldiers and giant bird creatures akin to basilisks.
Assasin's Creed and the move away from historical accuracy
Other urls found in this thread:
>actual socrates
>Classical Greeks
>subhuman Blond barbarians
pick one Nor*oid
For a shitty cookie cutter game series anons sure are obsessed with it.
Don't care. If anything I like interacting with gods ingame so going fantasy is fine.
Why the fuck do you care so much? Who cares about AC's direction? You talk like this is gonna have some lasting impact on anyone. It's just a game changing its direction, boo hoo.
AC has been trash since the beginning,why you would waste time and money on it is a joke to me.
>socrates looked the same his entire life, he was born pale with white hair
It's not unrealistic to have a greek have dark brown hair and a tan during summer
>actual socrates
We are in luck that we still have paintings of socrates, I guess that not many have survived after all these years.
>Socrates was never young
>using rennaisance painting as actual proof
That painting was made 2100 years after Socrates died.
That's a painting of Socrates by Jaques-Louis David painted in 1787 you stupid baiter.
that “actual socrates” is probably a 14th century painting
>actual Socrates
>18 century french painting
>12 replies in 2 minutes
Yea Forums absolutely SEETHING
You had a fist fight with the Pope in the second game and it's now that you're getting triggered over history?
You know people aren't born with grey hair.
>greeks are white
user, they were brown faggots
>the VIRGIN anglo so-crates
>the CHAD Mediterranean Socrates
Sounds about right.
>people born with white hair
>Renaissance paintings as proof
>When the cultural movement at the time was to primarily depict iconic historical figures as Caucasian to appeal to the European masses
This is why Jesus and his butt buddies are all white despite being explicitly Middle Eastern
Am I white?
Calm down sperg, you seem 10 times angrier than OP is.
Do you also complain that Jesus is white and not like a sandnigger like all the other people that live in that place?
too bad he turned otu to be the worst character in the game besides your brother/sister antagonist
who knows
do you know how those DNA ancestry companies work right? They just pool data from what people tell them they are and match similar. It's not accurate
Woah shit, so that was really a picture of Socrates?
I bet you think jesus was white too lmao
The greeks were more civilized than you might think. They even knew that the earth was round, something many still doesn't know today.
It's good. Now make it a stealth game again and learn from Nintendo how to make an open world game that's not a checklist simulator.
You fucking imbecile.
I want all yall white ppl to know that 1) Jesus was black 2) Muhamad was black 3) White people were made by us.
Yes, this is REAL HISTORY - a evil black scientist known only as "yakub" made white ppl many years ago. Just like you were made by us we are unmaking you. You have no right to take what is ours
I actually do want them to move from history. They could easily do a futuristic oriented game with high tech stuff that would justify melee combat, like invisibility cloaks, personal shields, teleporters. Maybe they will jump on the cyberpunk train after CP77 is out.
But I'm afraid they will just do some shitty Asia themed game. God, I hate Asian stuff.
Greeks had cameras user. You ever seen the Flinstones? kinda works like that
>snap a photo
>bird pecks it into stone
>says a funny quip like eh its a living
>then socrates says if life is a living then what is a life
>bird proceeds to kill itself
>8% italian
>7% balkan
>10% southern european
>5% noneuropean
That's total of 20% nonwhite genes. That's pretty bad. Most people that are (nearly) quarter black generally don't look particularly white.
they were spot on making him a pontificatin cunt who fucked men though
> Euromutt.
There are bigger problems than some female warriors
fuck off retard the ancestry tests are wildly inaccurate
>Watch the GDC presentation on how they extensively researched Greece, the ruins, the culture, and they even had a historian on board basically commanding them not to put certain shit in the game.
>Still have giant statues of random soldiers just scattered about for no reason despite them never existing.
I don't get it.
>not white
>Borderline fantasy
Thats not blonde, retard its simply white hair from age.
What the fuck did your parents and grandparents do?
>spamming this same shit
Lol niggers even steal b8
Mutt as fuck lol
the “blonde” guy simply had its hair dyed and was the bottom in gay orgies
you cherripicked one of the only two blobde guys in the entirety of the taurus tomb
absolute fucking moron.
Imagine being so much of a brainlet you pay to give your DNA to a company that immediately sells your data.
Why not just make a separate series?
I mean I guess I will always have 2 for a realistic portrayal of ancient cities
i dont
I mean it could lead to you having to battle your evil clone and that would be pretty cool at least
are you legitimately retarded?
>He says this while Yea Forums constantly complains about white roasties
They're fucking SJW cucks.
If you've ever had a blood test, your DNA is already in secret pharmaceutical company databases. There is a huge black market for DNA. Pharma companies will pay $10k+ for a full genome - more if it has SNPs that are relevant to their research.
Not only do blacks steal material possessions they've taken it upon themselves to steal history.
Or dare you say that ?!
This is hateful, and you know it, you monster.
Blacks aren't people, take it back !
>They say it's historically inaccurate in a historically inaccurate game
Anons still SEETHING
Mate left was a painting painted a thousand years after he died.
White usually refers to middle and northern Europeans. No one gets the image of a Spaniard or Italian when thinking about Europeans.
That makes them a subgroup.
The Romans literally did that with the Greeks
>actual Socrates
The biggest danger of pretending to be retarded is that you can fail to realize that you were never pretending at all.
Italians are whiter than you.
This, I dont mind other poc being in games but blacks should stay out of them.
>inclusive Gameplay
So, if they used male NPC's, females wouldn't be able to play the game?
>caring about ubishit, let alone fucking asscreed
Literally who gives a fuck?
>middle europeans
>that ethiopian girl who looks like a white person with dark skin
every time
Central then, shitposter.
>I know that I am intelligent, because I stand for the minorities and the LGTB community son, Trans rights. - Socrates.
Underrated post
I know the term you're trying to come up with, it's equatorial european
Russian > Swiss > Swedish > English > Finnish > Japanese > Hungarian > French > Korean
you're not refuting anything
t. 23andme shill
White means nothing outside of North america.
In Europe we actually have identifiable cultural and ethnic groups, you stupid mutt.
>Mediterraneans were all dark :^)
The intellectual dishonesty. We have artwork from FUCKING MEDITERRANEANS. They drew themselves as mostly being fair skinned with light colored hair.
Fuck you leftist kikes trying to rewrite history. Take it from Aristotle himself
Without them mentioning that fact and using these political words, nobody would have even noticed or cared.
dibs on the Uzbek
>White usually refers to middle and northern Europeans
Maybe too Americans where faggots try to take credit for everything
If you google "socrates skin color" it just brings up a bunch of forums where black people try to convince themselves that every major historical figure was somehow African.
When did this game stop being about the assassin's creed?
Fuck off everyone knows Romans looked like Italians, the difference is that actual Spaniards and Italians may/may not have blond hair but Amerimutt "Italians" usually have no hair. Also blond hair was considered fly as hell so the Emperor would probably choose a blonde mother for his heir even though most people didn't look like that
>Italians are whiter than you.
My family is pure Swedish as far back as I know except for 1 Belgian woman 4 generations ago.
And I've been to Italy, they're not whiter than me
Give me one direct quote of Socrates, unaltered and unedited.
>actual socrates
>posts a picture from the 18th century
based retard
Origins was refreshingly accurate for 90% of the game, only having supernatural stuff / Ancient technology show up in dream sequences, at the very end, or in DLC
Odyssey goes the exact opposite way and has 90% of the game be supernatural / ancient technology stuff, you literally play as a superhuman with magical abilities, fight minotaurs and cyclopses, visit monuments and locations that never existed, and so on.
Back in the day, popes weren't bitch made
The ancient world wasn't run by leftist SJWs
...do you even speak ancient Greek, Aiden?
Because you probably live America where you confuse actual Spaniards from your average wetbacks.
Black Flag was great
I'm sure it isn't.
And these groups are either in the north, the south or in between. You are a massive retard if you believe an Italian wouldn't stand out in Norway. There's nothing "problematic" about grouping Europeans.
second paragraph is just the author going on a tirade and not something aristotle ever implied?
Is it possible TO be born with grey hair?
>no snub nose
>one of his missions involves you breaking someone out of jail at his request
They made no attempt whatsoever.
wine-colored is blue
All that is true but without people actively trying to divide cultures and profit from the conflict, people could get along with each other in general. I've never been but every Moroccan I've ever met had their shit together.
fuck I'm late but
>actual Socrates
Are you retarded? The Balkans and Southern Europeans are one of the purest European ethnic groups out there despite being under Muslim rule for hundreds of years.
How long before historical revisionism tries to paint ancient Europeans as black?
I know you can have naturally white hair if you have a condition that prevents your body from producing melanin in your hair follicles
it’s not the author opinion since in “politics” aristotle brings example of several tyrants who used immigration of another group to bring chaos in the polis and seize power
How long before historical revisionism tries to paint Mediterraneans as basically Danish?
Wait - it's happening IN THIS VERY THREAD
Bollocks. You're just saying that because Homer described the sea that way, but that's missing the point that the sea looks nothing like wine according to our modern understanding of colour. There's no one on one correspondence here. It probably means "dark".
While that's not something Aristotle ever said, even if you take his point there's no reason to suggest that ethnicity is the only factor suitable to unify people. Equally, it's incredibly absurd to claim that tyrants have never reigned over an ethnically homogeneous nation.
>Actual Socrates
>Painted by a W*ite dude in the 18th century
skin and BLACK hair.
they are NOT some PASTY snow-NIGGER!
They can be however "purely European" they want, that doesn't mean they're white.
>literally looking identical to any other MENA ethnicity
It's literally impossible to tell a difference between portuguese or greek and egyptian or pakistani
haplogroups mean shit when you are all swarthy black haired niggers
an interesting thing about color is that most cultures, the ones that have literature at least, didn't assign names to colors until they could make pigment of them
Why do shitskins try to steal everything whites did, rather than make their own history?
B-b-but it’s okay when whites do it!
It's because your average normies will play, see the massive statue, and go "WHOA bro that looks so cool, crazy how they could build that shit back then" and then forget about it 2 minutes later
The game makes NO effort to inform you these structures weren't real, not even when you look at their "historical mode" descriptions
White means pale skin, pol did what the left does and ate itself with in fighting about who’s actually white, therefore the Jews win
What does it mean to look like a "white person"? Maybe white people just look like Ethiopians with white skin.
>What does it mean to look like a "white person"?
Well, let me tell you this: it's not in the skin color.
No one tries to paint Greeks as Danish, people are complaining that a generous number of NPC's are literally black. Today's Greeks aren't even that dark skinned, especially the ones without Turkish rape history.
I absolutely believe this is just them trying to virtue signal and nothing more. I played the whole game and not only never noticed a school, but couldn't distinguish between the genders of potato-faced children if I tried.
egotistical stealing wh*toids BTFO yet again
This collage of photo's is outdated.
Somali and ethiopians look that way because they have white admixture, FYI. Most non-bantu africans do.
So, no, you're just wrong. No room for pedantry here.
>all this anti-white propaganda ITT
The Greeks, much like most Mediterranean civilizations, had a Nordic ruling class. This is why today's modern population differs genetically from the greats.
But even if that weren't the case, Greeks were MUCH whiter than this before the Turkish islamic invasions. Today's Greeks are Turkish rape babies.
yeah, ancient eithiopians were also obviously palesknned beccasue they also drew themselves as white
>move away from historical accuracy
Wait a second here... what the hell dude... are you telling me that Assassin's Creed is all a lie and that everything important/impactful throughout history wasn't manipulated/propagated by only two particular organizations because Humanity couldn't possibly make decisions to change as a species unless they were influenced by a primodial civilization somehow, are you telling me that there are NO FUCKING ALIENS AND ISU AND SHIT?
guys can we just stop all this for a sec
race is a social construct, okay. one race. the human race.
So Ethiopians look like white people with black skin, and looking like a white person is not related to skin colour, ergo, Ethiopians are white?
>old woman
Reminder that fragile snown*ggers would literally die from sun poisoning if they lived in the Mediterranean.
woah you put a pretty, young lady next to a fat middle aged lady bro you really show us
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>source: /pol/ told me so
every race has been doing that since it was even possible
>Few milimetres of slightly different facial features / saggy skin = different species
Ok, fucking Nazi retard. I hereby vote to instate all balding virgin dicklet incels as a new species (endangered at that)
This thread is reaching chronic levels of shitskin asspain.
>The Greeks, much like most Mediterranean civilizations, had a Nordic ruling class.
lol, this is some fucking Thule society mystic bullshit
well you sure convinced all of us, shitskin
It's an intentional, ill-faithed attack against white history.
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
ancient greeks were swarthy southern europeans. No amount of asspained spamming of pictures of Abbos will change that
The vast majority of ancient Mediterranean statues have Nordic features, all descriptions if ancient Mediterranean greats describe Nordic features.
There isn't a single description of Alexander the great that doesn't describe him as a pale-skinned blonde man.
Assassin's Creed is only 12 years old and there's 12 games in the main series, I should be amazed but I guess it isn't that difficult when you just recycle the game repeatedly.
Whites stole pretty much everything from blacks including the blacks themselves, and that's history you're proud of
They have always been a mix of realism and fantasy/sci fi since the beginning. Hell that pic of Socrates is probably more accurate in game than the painting. It's kind of like how up until the late 20th century people believed all the greek/roman statues were colorless, until we had tech to figure out they were brightly painted with color and it just wore away.
Anyway the series is great for mixing the history with the scifi conspiracy stuff
Why do you post baby-eating feminists whose civilization was destroyed by invaders and natural cataclysms?
russians are not White
>it was """"whites"""" behind the slave trade
ah yes
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of [...] sexual activity
Could've just stopped there, white boy, we know what this is about.
There were Nubian pharaohs dude while there were no anglo Mediterraneans
You're probably an /int/ or /pol/ shitskin posting tanned British glamour models and call them "Meds" lmao. I mean look at this faggot>It's literally impossible to tell a difference between portuguese or greek and egyptian or pakistani
Portuguese maybe, modern Spaniards has literally nothing in common with MENA.
You are nothing but a psuedo-intellectual faggot who learned genetic maymays on Yea Forums.
Did you ever see the different groups of Indians? They don't even look like they belong in the same country. And the paler ones have always been the ruling group there. I don't think he meant literal Scandinavians.
Look at the beard
Alexander the Great was Mediterranean. If he was pale-skinned and blond then obviously those are Mediterranean features, and not Nordic.
current day greeks are mostly dark skinned turks and bulgarians, the greeks of old are long gone
>gets called out
>replies to the same post again this time with an image
at least try
Give me a single source to reinforce that claim, retard or shut the fuck up and stop consuming every little piece of pseudoscience anecdotal evidence bullshit you consume from /pol/.
>There isn't a single description of Alexander the great that doesn't describe him as a pale-skinned blonde man.
socratics is my favorite classical composer next to mozart and moses
>tfw Tuscan is its own thing
Alexander was a macedonian. Contemporary greek sources describe thracians and mecedonians as being blonder.
On the left is actually the big faggot that freekills people.
>They have always been a mix of realism and fantasy/sci fi since the beginning.
Fallacy. The older games used the fantasy elements much less, and the sci-fi/history much more.
The newest game uses the fantasy WAY more, and the sci-fi/history way less.
Romans were literal mutts, when will people accept this?
Imagine being white and still being an incel, the absolute state of Yea Forums
egyptians painted themselves as brown but painted greeks as slightly white and nubians as black
unless you want to believe some 21st century "internalized racism" narrative, it is safe to assume they just painted what they saw.
Same for greeks, some paintings are white others are brown, since the whole region isn't one big plain but divided into high mountains and rocky coasts, it is safe to assume dark skinned people (not black people or moors) existed as well as light skinned people (not XIX century propaganda white) coexisted, as the greeks assumed race by birthplace more than actual fenotypical features.
I thought Socrates didn't actually exist
>muh nords
Every time
Yeah bro people who sailed around the Mediterranean Sea and lived in an equatorial climate definitely had pastey white basement virgin skin like yourself
Most people painting battles and historical figures never saw the battles or historical figures.
If you're a historian you will find paintings are absolutely garbage sources of information. The painters don't even know how you hold a sword in a lot of cases.
I wanna fuck the indian girl so bad
How ironically appropriate considering how Orwell's image has been rehabilitated from the literal Antifa supersoldier he was.
lots of Greeks are pretty dark man. That painting isn't anymore based on reality than Ubisoft's We have contemporary scultpure of him but that's it. No way to tell if he was pale or tan. Right literally just looks like Ian McShane.
Do these seem like the writings of white people to you?
Wow, you must be pretty unintelligent if all it takes for people to convince you that Greeks were blonde haired blue eyed nords is for them to say "dude, trust me it's true! just look at my cherry picked images!!!".
Watch Dogs 3 is going to cover cyberpunk themes I think, so I don't think they'll ever use AC for that
What do people think he looked like before he was old?
Also who fucking cares about a series that came out with a new game every year lmao play something good
They are now. Ancient Greeks were Nords.
>You're probably an /int/ or /pol/ shitskin posting tanned British glamour models and call them "Meds" lmao
Pic related.
>i don't know how image search engines work
Severe case of brainletism
paintings from the 18th century
Hello there fellow white falseflag-kun
I dunno, it doesn't read very different from Yea Forums. Does that answer your question?
source: my ass.
The moment when you start to realize that snowniggers start behaving to the equivalent of actual afrocentrist nigger when they are backed into a corner.
Wow .... just look at the brilliance of the nordic master race ....
This just tells me that black people aren't race traitors.
It actually should tell you that no one else wants them, so they have to date each other.
why would socrates be blonde? theres no actual proof he existed anyway outside of secondhand accounts of professors being taught something from him, and european paintings way after the fact (that painting was made in 1787)
>actual Socrates
>Analyzing IQ........
>Analyzing IQ........
>IQ too low to display
>this shitskin who got triggered into a category 5 meltdown by casual bants
the latent inferiority complex within all shitskins is so easy to activate. they know they are worthless. you don't even need to say it
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1820: Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they every have before!
Literally indistinguishable from something posted on modern Yea Forums.
seeing as he lived in the Mediterranean he was probably really tanned like everyone was/is. Look what happens to whites when they spend just a week near the equator. The ancient statues are only white because the paint washed off
>as the greeks assumed race by birthplace more than actual fenotypical features.
they were one in the same back then
skin color isn't reliable anyway as white floridians look like cubans
Pipe down Oskar.
good video game thread
The very first game maybe, but it still had lots of templar conspiracy stuff, discussion of the Apple of Eden and it's magic/scientific powers..
By the Exit games however there was even more scifi tech conspiracy stuff. But even the stuff not directly related was not necessary accurate - DaVinci making portable firearms, walking tanks, and other secret advance scifi tech from Assassin plans. Of course the big reveal to Desmond under the Sistine Chapel ...the game has always had both
Generally they had great location and cultural research, historical figures and events and great history dumps in the Database in each game. However the way they used these things were definitely creative and in service of the scifi conspiracy myth dynamic. Overall a good mix!
Yet the stereotype is that black men are drowning in pussy with their BBCs while pathetic white incels are literally a meme that everyone knows about.
You never hear about black men complaining about no gf.
It is true that the fall of the Roman empire and the dawn of Christianity brought Europe to stagnation, and even regression. But it wasn't the Mediterranean that brought back science and developed it further. North and south where masters of their own time.
>Alexander the Great was Mediterranean. If he was pale-skinned and blond then obviously those are Mediterranean features, and not Nordic.
Learn to read retard. He was Mediterranean in the sense he was born there, but ethnically he was Nordic.
Do you consider a Bantu born in France white?
Incel projection, reality is that white people date Asian whores when they can't get a white gf
I'm always down for a game based on a historical setting but not really don't give a shit about historical accuracies. I was never really a fan of AssCreed but tend to play them because Ubi does a pretty awesome job rendering these historical settings. Revolutionary Paris, Ptolemy Egypt, Carribean, and Ancient Greece are all fun to just roam around and explore. Its also pretty rad seeing historical figures show up throughout the story. Other than that asscreed series kind of sucks.
That's not a description retard
>ITT: No, YOU'RE ugly!
t. seething negroid with no history
t. jernando gonzales junior
>gets called out
>muh argument
Every time.
someone better gibs me a big tiddy uzbek gf right nao!
How do I subscribe to this blog?
Watch dogs is dog shit.
How the fuck did "Nordics" come to be in the Mediterranean? Can you explain that? Otherwise it seems a lot simpler to just assume that maybe Mediterraneans could have pale skin and blond hair.
manlets lifefuel
Why are Russian girls so beautiful but the men look like deformed goblins?
We all know blacks are ugly.
The remaining of the fight is latinos, asians and white calling each other niggers, and ugly.
Probably because we are everything
>were they white?
yes, in their own terms, not in our concpetion of white, not even the stormcuck definition of white
>were they black?
no, they had features commonly found on white people, they even painted black people different from them, and since to be considered greek you had to be born in greece from greek ancestry, it is unlikely dozens of black people became greek out of the blue just to please revisionist
it matters not since over time our perception of ancient cultures have strived towards "THE PAST WAS INCLUSIVE OK SWEETIE", in a way poltards are right, but not in the same sense.
You fight a teleporting wizard in the first game you fucking retard.
this is the face of everyone itt by the way
>ancient world
>starts talking about the french revolution
Why do white people have such a narrow definition of who is white? You're almost definitely not 100% Euro if you live in America so shut the fuck up Amerimutts.
conquest or election (see dyre the stranger)
They survived as the ruling class of civilizations because they were better at civilization building.
> Teleporting wizards aren't historically accurate
Who you think built the pyramids you retard?
I long for the day when the Medfags rise up and go absolutely murder spree/headhunting the snownigger again.
4,000,000 Gauls lived in the Alpines, when Caesar was done, only 1.5 - 2 million remained.
dun worry, when they hit the wall (they will), they gonna become babushka tier real soon
big if
Why can't white people just get over their penis envy?
>You're almost definitely not 100% Euro if you live in America so shut the fuck up Amerimutts.
This, and even if mutts are "100% euro" they're likely very genetically diverse eg. 25% irish, 30% german, 10% english, 5% italian, etc. which is by definition a mutt.
Why can't shitskins get over their culture, historical achievement, and IQ envy?
>gayreek looks like gayreek
makes sense desu
In the last 10 minutes of the game.
>today's Greeks aren't even that dark skinned
Wouldn't that still make the mutt a white mutt though?
Actually, it's more a cultural thing in the us bitching about it in public means you'll get teased in the ghetto. There are a lot of black guys who come online to bitch about the same thing, and I know a ton of black guys who hate the BBC meme because every (especially non black but then too) partner at least jokingly expects to be amazing and the scientific truth is ( taking only from impartial studies, not self reporting ones) that black dongs are pretty much the same on average as every other race.
Painting made almost a thousand years after the dude existed
>Actual socrates
are you retarded? the girl on the left is way younger then the girl on the right just saying
>/pol/tards so desperate to construct their worldview they use Black Israeli propoganda
a white mutt, but a mutt nonetheless.
Just ignore half the post.
>You are nothing but a psuedo-intellectual faggot who learned genetic maymays on Yea Forums.
jesus christ can you even read
It's literally the opposite - I could not care less about genetics. I am talking about what the people actually look like - and from my experience everyone south of Pyrenees and north of Sahara looks exactly the same.
>conquest or election
That doesn't explain anything. For centuries, the actual Nordic civilisations were completely cut off from the more advanced Mediterranean civilisations. Are you telling me that actually unbeknownst to history, entire legions of them made their way throughout all of Europe and conquered everything and installed themselves at the top? And then lost contact again with their ancestral Nordic homelands which slid into barbarism?
Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.
Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for KEK-HOLDS. While your girlfriends ask for KEK-HOLDS and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.
Come on you KEK-HOLDS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?
You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.
It's more annoying the fact here is literally a fag at every corner trying to fuck you.
It's libtard tactics 101. Using historical revisionism to brainwash the goy into hating the White race and embrace (((diversity))).
prove that they have turkish ancestry
because ancient greeks Conquered and assimilated them, also they are MEDS in the truest sense it would make sense if they looked the same
I'd say the first one was 5/10, the second was 7/10 for me. It could be great if the story wasn't so pozzed and the cars were better. I liked the 3D printed gun idea from WD2, a more fully featured gun customization system would have made the game for me
You're pathetic shitskin
Why do I meet so many retarded white people then?
I played 100 hours of the game, there are like 5 black characters out of thousands
They're honest about it, at least. Wasn't the whole argument about 'sneaky historical revisionism'? Also, why are we expecting 'historical realism' from a series about ancient ayys now?
>Actual Socrates
go fuck yourself
This. It’s really not a big deal this time around.
who gives a shit ubisoft is gay anyway
>actual Socrates
I didn't know they had cameras in ancient Greece.
>entitled whiteboys get BTFO when they realize historical figures were whitewashed to flatter white male egos
>ITT Amerimutts telling Europeans how to draw Europeans
Can some country just nuke burgerland already?
>Renaissance known for heavily whitewashing people
He doesn't know
Why is being tanned a disqualifier for being white?
look up american family
look up Caucasian couple
look up European family but country specific e.g German family
Wouldn't he have been a tan ugly looking guy? I thought real socrates lived like a poor guy who didn't give a shit about his appearance and no one liked being near him.
>Actual Socrates
It's goddamn ancient Greece fuckboy
Yeah, it literally isn't "historical revisionism" when it says "hey, here's what the actual history was like, and this is exactly how our game differs from actual history". I guarantee that 99% of all people who played the game, including the Anons all up in arms about it, had never given any thought about the demographics of ancient Greek classrooms, so they factually walked away knowing more about actual real history from this game than they did before, and based on what the actual game taught them they call it revisionist.
Your anecdotal internet """""""evidence"""""" doesn't mean shit, Southern Europeans are genetically closer from other European countries. A Dark haired Spaniard is almost like a dark haired Dutch, French, German, etc..
>greece belongs to rome
>rome is an african empire (emperor was married to the egyptian queen Coleoptera)
>expects white people from an african land
How long does the white race have? Two generations? Three?
>some Renaissance imagination of Socrates
>actual Socrates
We don't even know for sure if he even existed, as he left no works
Historical accuracy is unrealistic.
Is this one of those google conspiracy things
German family was all whites for what it's worth
whatever you say pooskin ayy
I'm kinda surprised people actually used the whiteness of marble to say "they were totally as white as that", I thought it was propaganda against those folks
Why do people think ancient Greece was a fucking orgy fest where everyone was bisexual and shit?
>actual socrates
This is your mind on /pol/
i don't see what's the problem here, assassins creed was never about historical accuracy. They at least acknowledge ots inacure, only obsessed people would get mad at this.
you know the painting wasn't made when he was alive? and no one had photos?
>look up Caucasian couple
>look up European family but country specific e.g German family
I just did. all whites. there was even an old nazi propaganda photo of a large family as one of the first results when I searched for german family.
"historical accuracy" is a racist dog whistle used by "redpilled" game devs" to signal to the unwashed /pol/ masses that their game has no minorities or women.
>impossible to tell a difference from Pakis
You're full of shit, I live in London and see those muds everyday. They look nothing like Portuguese, actual Portuguese, not Brazilian mutts who has a Portuguese passport.
Because it literally, unironically was.
This is fine because they're admitting it isn't historically accurate. They can make any kind of game they want as long as they don't try to prop up bullshit as historically accurate when it's not.
>muh historical accuracy
Who cares?
>middle aged
Nope. That's just some of the worst genetics in the world at work.
I know it feels good to larp as one but you're not Med nor European, subhuman shitskin.
>you're not Med
And thank god for that. However I am european mate.
>The one /pol/tard in this thread desperately replying to everyone
Whites just can't handle BIG M E D I COCK
>Start fightin the street
>every fucking NPC in a 10 mile radius comes running, grabs weapons of the slain, and start fighting you
>even (and usually) the women
Here it is boys, a defininitve example of feminist bullshit making a game quantifiably less fun to play
He still would've had curly hair at least
>Med man who spent a lot of time out in the sun
>not supposed to be dark
Ever seen Greeks?
>Mutt can't handle the bants
>actual Socrates
>painted 2000 years after Socrates died
Oh yeah? What's your source?
Do Aussies allow these things into civilization?
>they were better at civilization building
>raping snowniggers who lived in rickety canoes
Do you people really get triggered over literal tans within a place with a hot climate now? It's not even anything to do with race at this point I feel, it's the dumb anime thing where people need to be exactly like the audience (in this case, pale and pasty due to being indoors all the time) in order to be able to relate or self-insert as them for whatever reason
No one is trying to rewrite history; you just don't understand how tans work
Those are Aussies. The beta white pigskins have to live on the coasts because they can't handle the heat of the outback.
I'm more offended by the giant statues carved from what seems to be regular rock. They look so ugly. Greeks knew their statues.
Painting aside at least.
Socrates yet lives in the form of Jaden Smith
The Hobbit movies also have like 3 black characters out of hundreds. Its like saying "These mosquitoes don't bother me, only 5 of them bit me."
>murican education
I'm so sorry for Will Smith.
>m-muh tans
if that were what they were aiming for, they'd still be blonde since exposing yourself to the sun to get a tan as a cumskin also makes your hair blonde
Hold up you stinking ape, meds may not be nords, but they are undoubtedly white. So yeah, before you start stroking your own ego, you're no closer to meds than n*rds are you lesser animal.
"historical sexism"
everyone who uses this fucking words together unironically needs to die asap
you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?
this is Yea Forums what do you think
Fun fact: it isn't a shitskin spamming posts like , it's an Asian "male".
But did you know that the whole white thing was made by Iberians for thir caste system in their colonies?
is this going to be the new retarded /pol/bait thats posted every hour of every day?
>whites get bullied by Asians now
absolute state
Unfortunately yes
I did a presentation on Einstein once in school. The teacher wouldn't believe that his hair wasn't always white and curly. I had pictures of young Einstein. She still wouldn't believe me. I guess she thought that he got born the way he looked in his late years.
lol irony
the kikes are blackwashing everything, movies, games, documentaries, history books
/pol/acks should just save money, go to southern europe and realize most italians, spaniards and greek are brown because of the sun
Here's your (You) you fucking addict get help
>People can only be nordic white or afrikang black and nothing else
You guys know that's not how it works, why do this all day every day?
Isn't that just a good example of how loyal the citizens were to their city?
Even the prisoners pick up arms against you if they see you trespassing on their captor's land.
And the chickens are just as patriotic, they too will instantly become aggressive if you they see you steal something.
I'm just surprised that even the plants don't attack you as well.
We should all aspire to be as loyal to our lands as the people and animals of AssCreed Odyssey.
I'm Greek and I found Socrates perfectly believable
oh man, bait/10
don't polacks ever get tired of "redpilling" other boards?
your movement failed and most unite the right larpers went back to their mom's basements. just face it, multiculturalism is the way of the future
I think we should have a new type of affirmative action. In this society black men would be rulers, and on the bottom pathetic white boys. Black males would be able to use white women as the sluts they are and black women would have to bear healthy black babies. White boys would have to register at a government office at puberty around 12 or so there they would be put into secure chastity beltsand im talking abotu very secure belts like a loris tube with a piercing so there is no chance they can achieve orgasm at all, and the keys would be kept in the office each white boy would also be given a number so the government could keep track of him, he would be required to come for periodic checks to see his chastity belt is secure and he is obeying his master(as explained below), any attempt to tamper with the belt and achieve orgasm or disobey the master will be met with punishment, the keys would only leave the office in order to unlock the belt to tease the white boy or to have a sperm donation for the contiuation of the race. They would then be given over to a black permister if the black man wants he could sell the slave or keep it and make it do his errands, he also would be assured that the boy would never touch his white wife because hed be locked up in his chastity belt. Basically white boys from the time they reach pubert to the grave will be under constant lock and never able to orgasm. Imagine white boys walking by the beach and seeing superior black man touching their scantly clad white women while theyre little dick is throbbing in their cage. White boys would be the slaves of society and be treated like the pathetic sissies that they are . In addition to every black man owning one slave the rest of the white boys will be claimed by the government and be used to build roads, bridges and do any labor needed by the government for free. with their little cocks locked up they wont even have the strength to rebel theyll be too weak from frustration
>ignore the conquest of the iberian peninsula
Im not saying that the tan argument is false but lets ignore history as one of its contributors
oh yeah I'm sure
That's because you're turkish
That's because you've been brainwashed and your genes blackwashed by the turks.
every other board is sick of them. there should be a 72hour ban on every other board when you post on /pol/
no you're not
Fuck no dude we're way uglier than that
Daily reminder that the image of Socrates is formed almost entirely based on Plato's dialogues which were literally the ancient equivalent of modern strawman webcomics.
>Assassin's Creed moving away from historical accuracy
>implying it had that
Dont see a problem honestly
Meds were depicter as these southern Nords by northern european artist
When comparing to art and writings from their more accurate southern counterpart it is clear that northerners suffered a clear case of WE WUZ
All historical sources agree that Socrates was neither white nor mediterranean, he was black
>Socrates, Roman fresco, 1st century BC; in the
yeah he was a nordic european princess all right lol
wtf i love muslim fundamentalists now
Looks metal as fuck
I just want Desmond back...
>/pol/tards are seething so hard they try to act like the Nation of Islam to deflect anger towards the negroes.
>be me
>36% english
>36% irish
>18% german
>100% american
>get all of my historical context from /pol/ and Ben Shapiro
>go on the video game forum on a anime image board to post about how white i am and how i know the truth behind the secret global conspiracy of olive washing mediterraneans
Prepared for Ubisoft's next game?
I don't know what this image is supposed to convey. If you dislike single mothers, then surely you must be in favour of reducing the amount of single mothers either by providing access to abortion or by forcing the father to stay in the picture? Yet all it really seems to say is "single mothers are bad people".
Alcman, a 7th century BC poet praised the beauty of Spartan female athletes, with their “golden hair” and “violet eyes.
As late as the fourth century AD, Adamantius, an Alexandrian physician and scientist, wrote in his Physiognominica, that “of all the nations the Greeks have the fairest eyes,” adding, that “wherever the Hellenic and Ionic race has been kept pure, we see tall men of fairly broad and straight build,… of fairly light skin, and blond.”
Homer (and Pindar) describe most of the Olympian gods and goddesses as fair haired and “bright eyed,” meaning blue, grey or green. The goddess Demeter has “blond” or “yellow hair,” as does Leto, mother of Apollo, who is also described as “golden haired.” Aphrodite has “pale-gold” hair, and Athena is known as “the fair, bright-eyed one” and the “grey-eyed goddess.”
it's probably because all the white men are killing themselves
Get absolutely fucked faggot
>eyeliner and numale shaved heads are vikings
you might want to kill yourself
>he doesn't know about actual vikings
lmao pathetic virgin
>Violet eyes
Sounds false
>so we know this probably isn't real, you ought to know that it isn't real if you didn't know it already
>but this is a videogame and we thought that it would be nicer towards girls to have it this way
later that day on Yea Forums:
>[autistic screeching]
>Poorly made image with no effort involved at all
>Image and outrage based entirely around something that doesn't actually exist
>"White" viking isn't even authentic
/pol/ kids just finished school I guess?
hmm maybe because many of these single mothers have completely irresponsible sex lives and choose choose apes for their partners?
White nationalists BTFO.
>being THIS much of a nigger lover
OOF YIKES enjoy your DAILY shootouts in the hood
>Poorly made image with no effort involved at all
The irony.
>Image and outrage based entirely around something that doesn't actually exist
Making a simple image is being outraged now? Are you also implying that historicly white characters are not being forcefully rewritten as niggers and shitskins?
>"White" viking isn't even authentic
Do you have any scientific proof of this claim?
You never seen a brown beard go white with age, right?
I like that they add some fantasy, every entry is getting closer to Prince of Persia.
You can have an authentic setting with fantasy elements to spice things up.
Odyssey was still ass, Origin is the better game with a better pacing as well.
>mediterians are white
My familys from sciliy and it pisses me off when americans call me white just because im not a fucking nigger or arab or indian or asian. hurr so i must be white
Turks arent white
Egyptians arent white
Greeks arent white
Italians arent white
Spaniards arent white
fight me
>There were Nubian pharaohs dude while there were no anglo Mediterraneans
pharaoh is a title and Mediterranean is an ethnic group
Spaniards made the whole white thing (blanco) for colonial administration purpouses
The ancient Greeks had a different conception of colours than we did. I find it questionable whether your translation of a 7th century text accurately conveys the same concepts it would have to its original audience. Furthermore, it must be considered that the Greeks had their own frame of reference, and if they considered themselves the lightest-skinned of anyone they knew around the Mediterranean, that doesn't have to mean they were pale as snow.
>Pre Muslim invasion x,y, and z are the same as post Muslim x,y, and z
Okay, but do you think anything should be done about it, other than seethe?
>Making a simple image is being outraged now?
When that simple image is just made because user needs to complain about blacks yes. Also havent whites played historically black and Chinese characters before? If you evem wanna talk comics the ancient one was turned into a white female for the MCU
>modern Italians
>capable of fighting anyone
Reminder that during the invasion of France the Italians outnumbered their French opponents over three to one and suffered 26 times more casualties.
People tend to classify gods with inhumanely and rare features they are gods after all, the fact that the Gods had golden hair and bright eyes means that it wasn't common in ancient greece and was seen as something rare and abnormal, something you wouldn't find back then.
you ended up BTFOing yourself Nor*oid
You sure do use a lot of words to say absolutely nothing, they were clearly talking about Nordic phenotypes. Only a coping medshit rape baby would try to deny that.
>breeding with people they considered subhumans
> Irony meme
Back to /reddit/
>are you also implying that historicly white characters are not being forcefully rewritten as niggers and shitskins
Niggers and poos have NEVER E V E R been played by whites right?
>Do you have any scientific proof of this claim?
Yes friendo
"The women’s hair was usually long. It was probably tied into a knot on the back of the head, and the knot may have been decorated with coloured tape, which was braided into the hair. The women also wore a bonnet or a scarf around their heads."
Fuck off
No, I used very few words to clearly point out how your text in fact says nothing definitive at all.
Also, while we're on the subject, should we hold Greek gods to be accurate depictions of how average Greeks looked? There are plenty of examples of pantheons with absolutely outlandish-looking gods. If anyone can look different from the status quo, it's the gods.
italians weren't invaded by arabic population (if anything northern italy faced nordic and eastern barbarians more than anything with the collapse of the roman empire) and yet sicilians are far from your aryan ubermensh bullshit
Stopped buying the games because of it.
Nothing can be done about low IQ slags. Abortion is a band-aid solution to a much more nuanced issue
>actual socrates
People modeled gods after themselves, the Ethiopians did not have golden haired pale skinned gods, Arabs don't worship white people and neither do asians or polynesians. Kill yourself rat.
Literally introduce a parenting loicence.
Yes because rape is liberally a part of their religion. In fact the Turks raped their race out of existence.
Or how about we use literally all literature on the subject from that era, which clearly depicts large groups of Greece as Nordic? Obviously there were other racial groups that lived there, much like the western world now, but the Greeks of note and worth were undeniably Aryan, I'm sorry this upsets you so much.
not him but, I'm pretty sure indians don't look like Ganesh, because indians, to the best of my knowledge, don't have elephant faces
Like niggers don't go apeshit when a character is white washed. Fucking double standards, doesn't matter if it's fiction
Lol wut
>tfw ubisoft's Socrates looks more like an Indian burger King worker than your pic related
Nigger your own political can't keep up with itself.
political agenda*
I can tell you've never left your basement and met a MediCHAD
>Greek gods
>Literally Egyptian gods v2.02
>After themselves
Fucking Nor*oid Subhuman unironically hang yourself you spear chucking nigger
history not herstory, simple as
This was after arabs invaded them and turned every greek into arab rape baby
>give a white guy in a sun-intense region a sun-tan
>/pol/ cries about niggers
you guys are the most easily triggered people on the whole world jesus christ
And we call them retarded for doing that don't we? It's the same shit with sexy outfits and feminazis.
Again where are you getting the idea that they're Nordic, though? Even if we accept that the Greeks all looked like Hitler's wet dreams, it's another step entirely to conclude from that that they were "Nordic".
Allow me to introduce you to a couple of centuries called the Colonial era.
Because Egyptians all had animal heads and Shinto Japs are all rocks and twigs
Actual redpill:
Ancient Greeks and Romans were even swarthier than their modern day equivalent.
Arabs back then were (((Arabs))) they literraly thought of euros as subhuman and wouldn't dare touch them out of disgust except of a few exceptions here and there.
and Turks and conquers with a conquering mentality,most of all the people in turkey and probably a greek converted to islam as opposed to you basic rape which is more of a mongol thing anyway.
You know if you had actually played the game, or knew anything about him, you’d know they actually nailed Socrates and it was my favorite part about the game.
He was an obnoxious dickhead asking these dumb questions that were designed to make you look like an asshole, then refused to give any of his own answers because ‘philosophy bro’
Buying blacks to another blacks isn't stealing
Name one invention whites stole from blacks.
>a 18th century painting is most accurate
>lol nerd
why did you have to leave reddit man?
stealing and rape
>People modeled gods after themselves
>actual Socrates
>clearly named after of "the odyssey" by homer
>the odyssey heavily features greek mythology
>surprised when game has greek mythology
based high school dropout
Because he is getting his quotes from this white nationalist article that also claims the spartans were nordic.
>black human with arachnid bodyparts
not him but you just played yourself wtf
Wrong. There were written accounts of about Turks/Arabs fantasizing about the beautiful "pale" women of Byzantium. They also admired Europe and viewed conquering it as a major prize. Modern day Turks are all pretty much 1/2 European and same goes for some Yugoslavians. It was blacks who were considered subhuman and were not raped but kept as slaves.
>Actual Socrates
>A painting by some dude who never met
>a painting
>actual socrates
lol yeah bro
lmao @ WNs. 2nd biggest We Wuzzers on the fucking planet.
literally and unironically evil, primal "people", lower than animals..good lord...
The fact that Socrates is fat is way more bullshit than anything else.
Actual philosophers, especially the Greeks, have always been Gigachads.
Why are snowniggers so petty?
>"ACTUAL" Socrates
lmao dumb fuck
Coping mechanism because people darker than them built the civilization they take for granted while they were living in mudhuts and worshipping trees.
trees proved a valuable ally during lynchings
What I can't understand is what makes an English/Dutch/German guy identify himself with Scandinavians
Because they can't handle that they're descendants of a bunch of raping destructive weirdos who constantly threatened western civilization (remind you of anyone?), so they have to come up with strange, thul society tier conspiracies to claim all western achievements
>talks all day
>talks all night
>gets people to invite him to eat with them so they can talk over food
how is that cottage nigga supposed to be a gigachad
>You never hear about black men complaining about no gf.
The most incel news article you could think of, memory holed by the media because the culprit was black.
>Literally breeding with goats
Pick 2
goddamn people are so fucking obsessed with melanin it's actually insane
But Scandivians are a different genetically and culturally
Well he did shitpost so hard that a jury sentenced him to death by hemlock
Because Americans just are like that.
>trying to make sense of /pol/tards
Because he only hung out at the gym and only talked in-between sets faggot.
not enough to matter, unlike relative to the rest
True of his later life, but at the time of the game he was actually a soldier.
Shes so beautiful
none of the games were ever accurate to begin with dingus, you think leonardo da vinci simply wanted to hug ezio? no he wanted to be ravaged like the gay he was
There's plenty of difference tho
Phenotypically, culturally, etc
The idea of a genetically and culturally homogeneous white Europe is some dumb bullshit made up by american identity politics
The idea of a "white" race is exclusively American
The idea of white was bullshit developed by europeans to justify the colonial policies and insult another Europeans, for example the french said that the germans weren't white and the English said that the Irish were black
>/pol/tards we wuzzing mediterraneans
>shitskins /his/torians claiming that ancient roma was fully arab
i love these threads
the english had a point and the germans tan a little too easily for my taste
I'll let ubisoft tell me what color they were, thanks.
>Ancient greece was a constant pride parade
They had laws against men fucking men, and they constantly boasted about and had tales about fucking women and talking about how hot women are. Go fuck yourself.
Violet eyes do actually exist, but they're incredibly rare. Probably the rarest eye color you can get.
My point being that there never was and never will be a unified "white" Europe. It's all different peoples who have been at an almost constant state of war until modern times.
Meds are just whites who caught a little bit of the nigger gene. We all know in the Old World whites were more spread out in the European/Middle Eastern region. Just like today, sand niggers keep gaining ground.
You forgot blacks claiming to have invented everything yet lost it all to the interior white man.
Greece was composed of many city-states, all with different laws. And the idea of homosexuality as we know it today didn't exist back then.
>""""""""""""""""borderline""""""""""""""" fantasy
yeah dude god is uhhhh real and it's totally realistic that there's a dude gaining immortality and teleporting all over the place you fucking dunce
That's why I said false, a whole city-state of people with violet eyes isn't something credible
Since fucking when has AC been historically accurate?
Even in the first one you kill Robert de Sable 2 years before his actual death.
Just close your mouth retard.
Yes, you're right
>Greece not even in the list
The absolute state.
lol black incels are all over youtube
Either that or cherry-picked because it was unlike anything that had been seen on other peoples before. Could even be talking about very blue eyes, I'd wager they were a lot more rare to see at that time since blue eyes come from one single ancestor. Just spitballing.
>oof yikes
Exactly what drives obese millennial creatures to speak like 5 year olds?
It's the other way around, I think.
Mediterraneans became "whiter" after the migration period, barbarian invasions, etc.
>this whole thread
Why are humans such tribal monkey creatures? Aliens need to come and enslave us all so people stop smelling their own farts all the time.
can some explain the context?
why is the gook guy holding her hand?
They are mentally 5.
Look at what they think is political activism, their "culture war", is a a complete embarassment.
>You forgot blacks claiming to have invented everything
I have only heard this from Yea Forums
>yet lost it all to the interior white man.
Just like whites on Yea Forums claim to be the master race yet constantly lose to the Jewish swine and have lower test scores than Asians?
>actual Socrates
damn that painting's smart
shitskin cope is always fucking hilarious
>Renaissance painting of Socrates
>Actual Socrates
ok bud
Just like how whites are losing to jews.
Wait, there's this shit in Siege?
Also, what drives developers of games like this or Overwatch to waste their time writing a "plot" that nobody will ever hear and that nobody cares about?
Do they have so much spare money that they hire writers for multiplayer games?
>shitskins parroting the jew meme so they feel less inferior to whites
Yet another millennial buzzword.
What prevents millennials, and specifically millennials, from talking like normal people?
Or is it just millennials growing old and trying to sound "cool" or something?
Damn, that's a pretty based strawman my man. Kill yourself.
>They say it's historically inaccurate
Why would you assume a significant number of black people use this board when they get nothing but hatred and shit on all the time here?
whites are the main ones crying about jews though. At least in 1st world countries.
>this thread reached bump limit
Why are hotpocket addicted, 600lb janitors so stupidly useless?
Why do they keep letting idealist subhumans speak, when the place of an idealist is under the boot of a policeman?
Jesus wasn't white either.
Take another gander at that picture and try again.
So are you worried about jews taking over the world or not? You stormfaggots need to make up your mind.
who gives a shit what they think lmao, doesn't make you any less pathetic.
Need someone to blame
The entire middle east is in uprest entirely because of how much they hate Israel and the jews.
>At least in 1st world countries.
Maybe because whites are the majorities in 1st world countries?
Jesus wasn't real or atlease his depiction in the bible isn't real.
jesus was a nigger
Not a stormfag, just amazed at how fucking stupid shitskins are.
The black people that are here tend to have a thicker skin than some of the absolute seething boomers.
if you could read it says "from 1400-1950"
The fact that all millennials are numales.
Why does Yea Forums ALWAYS BITE?
>there are people that dont get what hes trying to say with this tweet
So Greece doomed the world with the cancer of democracy and then didn't contribute to anything else?
Is Greece the most cancerous nation to have ever existed?
>Posts older people
Muh milenials
By Grecian 'democracy' that was mostly just the Athenians. Romes latinisation of Europe is what helped spread it
history is a whitewash, jesus was black, julius caesar was black we wuz kings
>So Greece doomed the world with the cancer of democracy and then didn't contribute to anything else?
This post is either bait or the dumbest post I've ever seen on this site. Let's just hope it's the former.
Even though they behave like kids, millennials are in their 30s, growing older and older and more and more useless.
t. varg
Democracy gives voice to civilians, 99% of which are absolutely retarded and have no idea about ruling countries.
Democracy is why the west is collapsing.