>game hides ability to see enemy's hp behind upgrade
Game hides ability to see enemy's hp behind upgrade
Other urls found in this thread:
>he watches whose line is it anyways and not the superior improv show
>Game has team up moment with other protagonist who's meant to be as kick ass if not more so then who you're currently playing
>Game makes them useless out of fear of them winning the game for you.
MGS2 did it just fine and that was nearly two decades ago.
What is this unfunny shit? Go back.
>game gives you the option to change genders mid way through
That show almost makes things too embarrassing to watch, the pranks get so fucked up that I tend to feel embarrassed on everyone participating's behalf
>can use imagination as weapon.
Give me game other than scribble naughts.
>Game hides the ability to see your own guy's HP behind an upgrade
Fuck you Lobotomy Corporation
why are women so accepting of the infertility of their child
Wind Waker was fun.
>Grinding tech points from Tidus to get Scan on Destiny Island.
it's all staged
Because women really like drama and there's plenty of it to surround this kind of shit
What's gonna happen when the baldness kicks in
women are vapid followers of every idiotic trend that comes along
You will never breed
saints row
those poor fuckers
only white women have this problem
You will never pass OR breed, troon.
I wouldn't even want to bring a child into this world right now with all this nutty shit going on. Good thing most of us men can continue to breed until the day we die. Also sperm freezing
>Tfw videogames are so shit nowadays you'd rather discuss trannies
Paper Mario and TTYD, you either have to Tattle that type of enemy or get a badge for it.
You will never be an anime girl.
Why are trannies so obsessed with anime?
You're right. It's probably for the better that you don't pass on your genes. Good luck fighting your animalistic urges though, user!
Cope faggots
you will never be cute. all trannies are hideous.
you will never be this cute
Lets them pretend to be an anime girl when they can't actually pass.
it doesn't make any sense for something as important as knowing enemy HP, blocking or dodging as a skill you have to waste a slot on
What's it like knowing you ended your life to engage in autogynophilia?
Jesus Christ, trannies are hideous.
imagine actually ruining your life over a stupid fad. no wonder so many trannies commit suicide.
Almost a decade ago, he looked so happy. Why must he suffer? Why would someone do that to their dad.
What's with all the trannyposting this last year?
What makes you think I'm trans, bigot? Go back to mommy's basement.
Trannies need attention or they kill themselves and socially inept autists who play videogames are particularly susceptible to autogynophilia. They transition and become 500 times more annoying but continue posting here seeking attention from gash chasers.
>not tattling to fill out the bestiary
Traps are the opposite of trannies, though. Traps are men who understand that males are beautiful so they try to accentuate their beauty while staying male. Trannies are just disgusting freaks who turn themselves into a gross caricature of females because they hate themselves and are desperate for attention. Trap characters would hate trannies and everything they stand for, and would call them out of being gross, delusional freaks.
anime is not real
Neither is gender dysphoria. Trannies only exist because desperation and poor judgement exists.
This amount of fucking denial, holy shit.
las ogre des americas...
>gender dysphoria is not real
now your starting to sound like a tranny
correct. traps and crossdressers are based and can be attractive. trannies are always obnoxious, ugly losers who ruined their lives and bodies though. literally might as well just kill themselves. they're inferior to men because they destroyed their bodies trying to become women, and they're inferior to women because they'll never be genuine females. a tranny's life is truly worthless and no one would shed a tear over them all dying overnight.
Pretty much this.
Can we go back to tropes
tl;dr: Traps are Gay, Trans are Alt-Gay
Another quality videogame thread on Yea Forums
Only delusional trannies post the delusional shit you're posting. Hons are easy to spot.
not him but you sound like the tranny here. gender dysphoria is proven fake, which means that trannies don't deserve any protection or special treatment, or government aid. trannies are only trannies because it's a way to get free attention. they don't have a legitimate lifestyle, they're just fad followers. people who think gender dysphoria is real are all tranny defenders.
only trannies are worried that their mental illness is acknowledged as a mental illness
They can take the strongest dose Finasteride possible without worry
Their tranny drugs have already destroyed their dick and ball functionality more than Fin ever would
exactly. which is why you look like a tranny. you're defending it and claiming it's a real mental illness so you can keep your endangered species status.
>Go back
ok tranny, you are a normal person and a beautiful girl with a chopped off penis
I'm a little old and I can remember like it was yesterday that nobody gave half a shit about trannies and nobody took them seriously either to boot.
Given the time frame we're working with, I'd bet good money that everyone has a visceral reaction to seeing one IRL on par with seeing a maggot-filled, sun bloated corpse.
Like seriously, that shit's gross as hell at worst, and comical at best.
trannies are never normal people. they're always ugly failures who turn to self mutilation as a form of attention garnering.
Any good sites that I can stream Whose Line or Drew Carey Improv Show?
First, you assume all women are idiots for being accepting of their trans children. Then, you wrongfully call me a trans which could not be any further from the truth. And NOW you're doubling down on your stupidity. Stop while you're behind, user.
you just said they are normal and should be accepted into society, you dumb tranny
you're a retard. trannies should never be accepted by anyone. they're a disgusting death cult. and that's all they are. they're not sick, they don't need help, and they don't deserve sympathy. they're not victims. they victimize others by tricking people into thinking they have a made up illness that doesn't exist. how is this hard for you to understand?
I work with truckers and a large amount of them are trannies. I have never seen one that could even remotely pass and they are all utterly horrible "people" who demand special treatment. I make sure to make my disgust visible whenever I have to speak to one.
>T. Delusional tranny
This. Their "plight" isn't legitimate. Trannies are just bad people with bad judgement.
you want to integrate trannies into society as normal people by destroying the psychological study of their mental state of being psychotic, there's nothing positive about being called crazy and that's why trannies like you vehemently attack the terms gender dysphoria
End your life
He's right, you look like the tranny in this situation. Trannies desperately cling to their victim status because it offers them free sympathy and special treatment. Why are you defending them so fervently?
go dilate you disgusting tranny freak.
why do you desperately want to be normal and not be listed as psychotic, you self mutilator
Trannies seethe when you tell them gender dysphoria isn't real and that they're just following a hip new fad that's going to ruin th. Kind of like what you're doing now, you dumb false flagging trannoid.
trannies get professors fired for studying gender dysphoria, dilate harder
They're not saying trannies should be treated normally. They're saying that trannies should be held accountable for being such disgusting shitbags. Like how murderers should be killed, and not given a free pass because they're considered mentally incapable of good judgement. Trannies should also be killed because their decision to ruin themselves is their own fault, and they have nobody to blame but themselves. They're not victims of a condition, they're just retards with a weak grip on reality. Trannies should be rounded up and killed en masse, not given "treatment" or "help". There's nothing to treat, they're simply shitty subhumans who don't deserve life.
I don't recall a case of the MC from another game being useless. Devs tend to lean towards "this guy kicks ass" and not really care about them being OP
In fact OP party members like Joshua Graham and Iron Tarkus add a lot to a game and make for memorable moments
Alright, how many trannies are arguing in this thread now? I'm confused.
Every episode is on youtube.
they don't deserve life either but don't act trannies like to be called crazy, they are systematically trying to destroy all psychological research on them because they want to integrate as "normal" people
They want to destroy legitimate research and replace it with falsified """research""" that vindicates and protects them. The "gender dysphoria" lie is some of the bullshit they made up. So you defending it really does make you look like you're defending trannies.
this is like comedy that belongs on lifetime or something lol
>game hides enemy's hp behind an ability that takes 5 minutes to finish
Kind of feel sorry for this one. Being born looking like a literal goblin I can imagine doing anything to make people have something positive to say about you.
first one is literally asian bro
>literally first image is an asian family
Bottom isn't a tranny
Black trans people have insanely high murder/suicide rates compared to white trans people.
Playing jokes out of other people expense is not funny.
White women have this issue were they see everything as a pet they can brag to other white women about when they dont have one.
It doesn't kick in because to their body they are female. Their hair changes over the time are the same as any females, i.e. thinning or female pattern baldness which is far milder and easier to hide.
All these pictures of unattractive trans people just make me feel better, as a slightly less unattractive transperson.
no sympathy. they should have put their foot down and put a stop to it.
Depends on when they started taking hormones/when they started balding. There's that one image of the AGDQ trannies where one of them clearly has MPB
The tranny menace is taking over, fren.
I live in a really small town (~9000 people) yet everyone knows at least one tranny, there are even 3 that work at the same place as I do.
you're equally unattractive. sorry.
Yeah maybe if you're in Cali, ut I'm in the midwest and I only saw maybe a few in my life. They're all off-putting, mannish, and disgusting. Everyone agrees silently and maybe that's why they fuck off from our communities.
Yeah, that's from going through HRT after the baldness though. It doesn't magically reverse the clock, just prevent it in the future.
Nah, they are like 3s and 4s at best I am more like a 6 or so.
>in Cali
I wish brother, I live in fuckoff nowhere, Canada, around here racism and queer bashing are our primary exports and yet even still there's a lot of tranny nutters.
Nobody considers them anything but disgusting but unfortunately the prime minister is working hard to make these lunatics be considered "normal."
Where the fuck in Canada is this?
I am in small town Canada as well and I feel like everyone is pretty okay with lgbt peoples.
Personally I am not trying to be considered normal, but I wouldn't mind not being considered a lunatic.
>this level of delusion
Post a picture and prove it. But I know you don't because you and I both know you're a troon.
>Pick any companion in New Vegas
>Game becomes a movie
Yeah I'll just post a picture of myself in a thread dedicated to hating trans people! What's the worst that could happen, right?
Man, that sucks hard. Just come to Iowa or Wisconsin or something. Kinda like Canada but those trannies avoid the place like the plague.
The heart of cottage country, where we're civilized enough to understand banging your first cousin is still less disgusting than taking fem&ms.
Fuck trannies and fuck immigrants, they aren't welcome here. I do what I can to educate my fellow white folk on the evil of the tranny menace when I can and thankfully lots of folks are logical enough to agree with me, the uprising is coming.
>gender dysphoria lie
feelings over science I see, ok tranny
That's what I thought goblin. In case you didn't notice any passable tranny is usually going to get positive attention from this place, but you know you aren't passable and you know you're lying. Fuck off hon.
I'm glad my self esteem is high enough that I don't fall for this.
No it isn't or you wouldn't lie about not being a disgusting goblin. No tranny in the world can resist showing off if they actually pass. I eagerly await your inevitable suicide.