Holy shit

Holy shit.

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>not up to him to decide
>sakurai already drew the line at non video game characters

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Sakurai loves giving the middle finger to fans though

I'm more surprised there's a Marvel Games VP to begin with.
>expecting Iron Man, Wolverine or Spiderman?
>too bad you get CAROL DANVERS!

Thanos in smash muthafuckas

to be fair marvel has a ton of games and do count as vidya characters

Marvel is gay, we already have MVC for that shit. Keep Smash video games.

Captain America would be nice

marvel has a gigantic video game legacy. same with DBZ.




Imagine if THANOS is in smash



That literally means nothing, thank god.

Sakurai said that years ago, well before Ultimate was even in development, and he's known for changing his mind with every game

Don't fucking care, promotional video games are still supplementary material to the source materials. Marvel is comic books and movies and Goku is anime. Not video games and take a hike.

You'd need a Marvel character which originated in a video game. A comic or TV character that appeared in a Marvel game wouldn't count for Smash.

Just like when Sakurai said Ridley was impossible, right?




I'd rather have Goku.

Dragonball has games that are just as iconic and profitable as the source material. Probably moreso than the actual manga desu.

But MVC is dead franchise

These cucks couldn't figure out how to let platinum make spidergwen.

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Marvel originated in the 30's and 40's and started their distinct line of classic superhero character's in the 60's and 70's. The fuck are you talking about.

If Spiderman gets in over fuckers like Sora it will truly throw the Smash fanbase into an eternal shitstorm.

And I will love every second of it.

because Smash celebrates vidya and to think non-vidya will appear in any shape or form is literal retard thinking, just like that post i made

Please, if we were to EVER get a non-video game character, we ALL know it'd be Goku.

Oops, oh well. Stay out of Smash, don't want capefaggots coming into the fold. Especially since this is modern Marvel, the only thing you'd get is Reddit Raccoon or Captain Super Dyke.

>Some random fuck on twitter
>Mentions SmashBros
>This fucking board goes insane

Fucking stop already.

Oh right. Poe's law and etc.

>Sakurai loves giving the middle finger to fans though
Not true, Smash fans just have a huge persecution complex.

How long until capeshit takes over the videogame industry like it has the box office?

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They'd have to make a good superhero game first. So, probably never.

Most of the games are phoned in and modern video game landscape is all about app distractions and mass multiplayer so it doesn't really fit into that media landscape.

>sakurai didn't add my retarded nobody side character to smash what an asshole waaaahhh!!

>Bomberman, and other desires from Assist trophies.
>Being ruseful about certain characters appearances from Smash 4 and Ultimate.
>Not true

That's just a way to say "If Nintendo wants our characters in Smash we'd probably say yes"

A bunch of video game surprises means not video games is going to happen

gamers are having higher IQs than movie watchers, so it would never happen. Plus, capeshit movies are getting stale and stale.

>Bomberman, and other desires from Assist trophies.
Yeah? How is that spiteful instead of doing what he can to include who he can?
>Being ruseful about certain characters appearances from Smash 4 and Ultimate.
People treating everything he says like a riddle and taking the time to analyze the colors of a couple of chairs and the shape of a cloud isn't Sakurai being "ruseful"

Nothing wrong with him.

He said the same shit recently about Goku, so it still stands

I love Spidey and can't stand what KH became after just one game so bring on Spidaman.

The Marvel movies are about to commit the same suicide that their comics lined committed and dump a bunch of progressive knock off versions of everyone's favorite characters and everyone is going to drop so hard because they're going to realize they don't give even 1/4th as much of a fuck about Blackton America or Captain Space Dyke as they do about Robert Downey Jr. Or Chris Evans. Guardians 3 and Spidey will probably still succeed since they're still keeping the main appeal of those franchises.

These questions are always retarded, because what are they going to say? "No, we're not open to our characters appearing in literally the biggest, best selling videogame crossover series of all time." Anyone taking any of these interviews as being indicative of anything is being woefully moronic.

The era of good comic games is long over, Disney would never dedicate the resources, or be as ballsy as they need to be, even though Logan and Deadpool proved people love that stuff

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this goku's faggot never ever manga ass would get in long before any capeshitter

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He actually put in Ridley and K. Rool though

Pretty much this.

At this point nobody is stupid to refuse.

this is sakurai's game, he does what he wants
stop thinking there are any rules

>this is sakurai's game, he does what he wants
And what he wants is to focus on videogame characters.

I dont think smash fans want marvel characters in smash
it is popular for casual movie watchers, but not so much for nintendo fans

Ok but
Who should get in?
Iron Man?
Captain America?

Exactly. Who would say no to their IP being used in a popular franchise, even more so a foreign one. No matter how much Sakurai or anyone says "oh anything can happen", going by what they added we already know theres lines being drawn.

Japan loves Spider-Man and he is the face of Marvel.

Pretty sure user means no one would be stupid enough to refuse Nintendo if they asked them if one of their characters could appear in Smash.

On the other hand, it's sort of common knowledge that Squeenix is bafflingly hard to work with in regards to Cloud. Stingy with the music and representation. With Cloud being the last one listed internally in the base roster and Sakurai's comment that they almost couldn't get everyone back, it's likely it was hard to get him in Ultimate as well. Of course, one could think he was referring to Snake and Konami, but considering Ultimate has two Belmonts and a shit ton of music, it was probably wasn't them.

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Yeah that's true and fair, plus he has the best games out of any marvel character

Yeah, another anime swordman with a down b counter

Pizza time

It's going to be Detective Pikachu because its popular, will sell, and no one asked for it

give me a Marvel vs DC Smash style game


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Detective Pikachu is Pikachu with a hat.

Yeah and?

Yeah I guess you're right.