What was it missing?
What was it missing?
Good gameplay.
this and decent loading times
Meaningful interaction with the game world/meaningful choices.
Nothing, it was literally perfect, the best game of this generation you can keep seething.
Good controls and gameplay mechanics.
And now everyone expects a dev who made awful controlling rpgs to make good controlling fps? Lmao
stop reading at the second line. Witcher 3 isn't a game about exploring, so who gives a fuck if the design elements go against exploration.
nyanners has returned
You're right, it's a game about cutscenes
how the fuck could a game with bad gameplay be as praised as much as TW3 is? I never played it so this criticism sounds baffling to me.
because it does a good job at tricking casual retard like the professional journalists into thinking it's deep and challenging while it's actually braindead and easy as fuck
A good story.
Good presentation.
All that was needed was a simple increase in difficulty, like an increase in damage and an increase in the efficiency of potions or something.
The gameplay is above average for an open world RPG.
"People" here are just contrarians.
Gay option with hot muscular dudes and hot beast men, also option to wield dagger and play as an assassin.
>follow red footprints and press X to finish the quest
>good gameplay
lmao @ witchercucks
Please post three (3) open world RPGs that have what you consider "good gameplay".
A plot centered around Geralt instead of le save the universe bullshit. The villains were also trash
Good combat and RPG elements.
Good gameplay
Shorter loadings
Less open world
Overall it's a 7/10, better than most modern AAA shit but that's not saying much
A polished gameplay.
>think combat is shit with kb/m
>play with gamepad
>it's worse
Is there anyother game like this?
>kill a thousand bandits
>literally a mass murderer psycho
>quest lines still have options where you are some lovey dovey goody toe shoes
The problem is that with scripted quests and quest lines you cannot take into account properly the plethora of actions a player can take in the game world.
The Witcher in the quest lines feels different to the one you actually play.
Interesting quests and fighting system.
Game is full of filler and the witcher's character is not really suited for fast paced action packed combat(more about preparing for combat figuring out ho to slay a monster in the books)...
A lot of the gameplay and figuring out how to win against monsters was casualised to hell making it feel like just going by the books for anyone above 80 iq.
It became boring and repetitive after a short while.
A non-rushed second half when you finally find Ciri.
God I'm so mad we're getting GTA V the RPG over a Witcher prequel before Geralt lost his memories
I guess this can be solved with a more semi rando quest system and more simulation of the game world instead of it just being a theme park where the only time something happens is when the player triggers it.
>executing criminals is a bad thing
>God I'm so mad we're getting GTA V the RPG over a Witcher prequel before Geralt lost his memories
you could always just read the books.
I agree with everything there. It's good if you want the game to be a theme park where you play as generic antihero in generic fantasy land. But if you want anything else is pretty bland. Didnt' even finish the game.
nothing. Game got GoTY
>witcher's character is not really suited for fast paced action packed combat
in the books geralt has lightning fast reflexes even without using potions
Wait till Death Stranding.
That game as well looks to be like its going to have shit gameplay, but nice characters and cutscenes that will blind people away. Some people aware not to fall to cutscene presentation, but most don't, and get tricked without realizing it.
Sometimes you like cutscenes and story so much you forget how gameplay barely functions as a device to proceed watching them.
>an rpg that lauded for it's vast open areas isn't about exploring
I wouldn't mind if Death Stranding had the standard MGSV gameplay as long as the atmosphere and the game world are as good as has been promsied.
why would exploring be necessary, given that the world has already been discovered and civilization exists in the majority of it?
Good writers mostlt
everything here is 100% correct
Any game where you can rotate the camera.
Mouse will always be the superior choice for that.
Gameplay is most lackluster. It's still decent. Main pillars are story, dialogue and world. It's an RPG, you know. Gameplay is usually not the most important aspect of an RPG.
this and i would like to add how it was a terrible end for a trilogy there was so much setup and potential in first two games and zero payoff in Witcher 3 the writers were talentless hacks incapable of anything that isnt reddit tier memery
Its like the first two games were writtem by GURM and witcher 3 is D&D wrapping up the series with spectacle asspuls
oversimplifications retcons and no payoff
Witcher 1 did that job pretty well. You had to prepare yourself for a big fight and take potions before the boss showed up
i>ts like the first two games were writtem by GURM and witcher 3 is D&D
Witcher 3 was written by the "additional dialogue" writer of W1.
Am I the only one bothered by the fact they don't reference at all the master of the flaming rose from witcher 1 when he was right about everything and his choice is only made moot by deus ex machina magic blood of Ciri?
>eight paragraphs dedicated to minimap which you can disable
>praises gothic 2 for not having leveled loot
i can just imagine your argument if TW3 had the same system.
>open random crate
>contains shit that is 5000% better than what you currently have
>trivializes difficulty for the rest of the game
>no incentive to explore anymore
>watches reddit: the show
>calls other things reddit tier
have a (You) i don't think anyone can be this unaware on purpose.
the load times have improved with updates
but the combat is pretty atrocious
why would a random crate have better stuff than what you have? do you walk around in fucking rags?
>why would a random crate have better stuff than what you have?
that was a hypothetical, i'm asking the same question, why should the shit you find at the "end of a cave" or "behind a hill" be at least marginally better than what you currently have.
if your drive for exploring is to find solely better stats then maybe Diablo is more your speed.
>that was a hypothetical, i'm asking the same question, why should the shit you find at the "end of a cave" or "behind a hill" be at least marginally better than what you currently have.
because it's fun
Good rpg mechanics.
you have to ALALALALA for 100+ hours, ofc that shit is going to get old, but they did a much better job of the combat than in Witcher 1 and 2. and those games aren't that bad either. the worst part of the combat is that it's centered around flashy moves made for mobs, so there isn't much subtlety to it. There probably should have been different styles, mob style, sword style, large monster style, etc, although no matter what contrarians are always going to complain.
The original unmolested graphics they showed in their first trailers, before it was downgraded to work on consoles.
More boobs.
I love this game. That said here is what it needed:
Mounted combat sucked. Could have had cool boss fights and horse chases if the mounted combat wasn't ass.
Under water and aerial combat sucked due to bad hit detection and bow aiming. Could have made for some cool encounters if these mechanics we're good. Maybe a potion that let you breath under water longer AND use a sword or trident.
Boss fights were mostly just regular guys with big hit bars. Something more like Zelda with stages to a fight and boss transformations would be cool. Also some bigger dragon sized bosses would go well with better horse archery. Maybe shoot them in a weak spot and crawl on their back.
I liked the hand holding for quest tracking since the game is so big, however the map shouldn't have shown every last hidden treasures and monster nest. You should have to find clues for them or stumble across them.
Finally, the non-DLC story after Novigrad isn't so great. Kind of tropey.
I also loved the magical evil children's world in Blood and Wine and the dimensional travel quest. They should have had more crazy psychedelic universe travel.
Actually, combat song is different depending on the region.
To be fair, the books are like this. The best Geralt stories are one off adventures. This is why secondary quests and the DLCs work the best in these games.
The source material for the big overarching plot is kind of meh.
Because it's at worst just alright. People have blown Witcher 3's gameplay out of proportion as being utterly horrendous for some reason. It's no Dragon's Dogma, but it's hardly horrible or broken.
Good gameplay. Enemies that respawn in the open world besides boring drowners a
I don't think W3 really falls under "blinding people with cutscenes" department, though. It's just a long ass game that has a lot of cutscenes as a result. Unlike, for example, MGS4 you are actually playing W3 for the longest time.
go play Anthem zoomer
it just showed cdpr is still by FAR at their most comfortable making focused games. bosses were specifically improved in both expansions, for example.
Stopped after like 20min. I tried to save the game but it wouldn't let me because it basically is an interactive movie.
Four fucking years and you people are still obsessed with trying to tear this game down when it's clearly not working.
I really want to play this. But my autism demands that I play 1 & 2 first. Can I skip them and jump to 3 and have any fucking clue what's going on and know who people are? Or is going to constantly reference the past games? I've played a bit of the first game but Jesus Christ it feels like a chore.
Salt is endless.
You can find summary videos. You will miss out on shit if you haven't keep importing your save file, though. Can you even get the Blue Stripes tattoo in W3 unless you imported it from the save file?
It's amazing how far polish bonus will take a lackluster game.
Great story. Interesting dialouge choices.
You might make a good choice to help someone and it ends up killing an entire village.
You might take a contract to kill an evil woods spirit an then find out the villagers sacrifice babies to the spirit to keep their crops alive.
Actions can have major consequences. You get forced to choose between killing two long time main characters, each of whoms death has major political implications. One is a bro you've been with for three games, but killing him arguably leads to a better political outcome.
Combat is weaker, but doing good dialouge choices also lets you avoid a lot of combat, which is cool.
The expansions do this particularly well. If you play Blood and Wine without a guide there is a 50% chance everyone ends up dead like a Shakespearean tragedy.
Plus, combat isn't terrible. It's a significant step up from Skyrim, the other big fantasy open world game.
The potion system is kind of a step down from one and two, but combat has counters, dodging, blocking, and special attacks to keep things interesting.
a decent story
combat depth
a loot/crafting system that isn't complete garbage
an open world that isn't empty as fuck
controls that don't suck dick
side quests that don't rely on using Batman vision
side quests that don't end in some cheap moral dilemma about choosing the lesser evil, or whether to uphold the witcher code or not
interconnected side quests
meaningful choices and reactivity
After playing BotW, its hard to go back to other open world games that don't have climbing.
It could have used a stealth system and spells and potions to boost stealth too. The Novigrad story in particular could have benefitted from paths where you could sneak around enemies.
That and make the potion system more like 2, where effects last 10-20 minutes game time, but you can also fuck yourself by drinking the wrong potions and not having toxcicity left to drink more.
I missed how in 2 saying a really stupid dialouge option would also autokill you.
literally a perfect game
>zelda and Bloodbornefags still seething, 4 years later
But the story was fucking dumb from the very beginning, full of contrivances, cliche tropes and hamfisted morals that only really served to call you a shithead for daring to play the game.
Too bad it was a literal MGSV tier tech demo with absolute dogshit content
Witcher 3 isn't much different from Snoy movie games, it just keeps going on and on forever to trick you into thinking there's some substance. If it were made a year later, it would have had Ubisoft towers too, without a doubt. It's unfortunately that the polish are only capable of chasing trends rather than make something original and actually engaging, but that's asking too much from a cucked nation.
Look at those textures
Yea Forums contrarians need not apply.
Zelda babbies will jump to "Muh art style", but i've got to say.
Witcher 3 and Bloodborne showed that you can have textures above 240p and still have a clear art style that is timeless. In fact, Witcher 3 did it like no other game. RDR2 completely ignored art style in favor of graphical fidelity whereas WItcher 3 struck a perfect balance
I don't understand why people say this, because I think climbing is something that can decrease immersion. If you can so easily climb over everything then you can't really experience the world as any other NPC would, and the various roads and routes are pretty much irrelevant.
Witcher 3 looks legitimately disgusting though and the artstyle is basically a eurojank mishmash
I think it's because Witcher 3 had actual CLOTHES. I never realized how rare that is in RPGs where everyone is just wearing rags or some sort of armor so devs cut down on assets.
name an rpg with good gameplay
to be it's amazing that people on Yea Forums decided NOT to play it because other people on Yea Forums said it's bad. I get that maybe it's risky to buy it so not worth it, but how fucking hard is it to torrent it and try it for yourself ? Dios mio
this guy - i never played it so this criticism sounds baffling to me. jeez, did you ever wonder that maybe this criticism comes from autists who play idunno, light novels or some shit ? Fucking try it stop being a brainless cuck
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Fallout New Vegas
GTA San Andreas (unironically)
I've never had any reason to doubt Yea Forums's opinion of a game. Saved a lot of clearly bad purchases over the years.
sure, trust Yea Forums over all the critical acclaim the game has gotten, literally everyone loves it so of course Yea Forums hates it. I wouldn't trust people here with anything, i feel sad if others do. Especially when you can try this shit for free. Be your own person and play the game then drop it if you don't like it, don't let others tell you what to feel
Critical acclaim for a game means very little, as it is distributed by either paid drones, or bootlickers. At least Yea Forums is honest.
t. seething Zeldabab
I tried to play witcher 3 but the filler just killed it for me.
Yea Forums aint honest, fuck off...it's mostly bait, edge and contrarians. they re only honest about unpopular games like hollow knight
woah, i didnt know this game had rainbows
It's popular so it's bad
Not much. Id have really liked to see more attacks but other than that it's the best open world game yet and I sincerely hope we start getting more open worlds on the level of witcher 3.
people who think this game deserves GOTY have the worst possible taste
the combat is the worst thing about this game and is part of the reason why many people dropped it.
waving your weapon in front of an enemy until they drop with zero feedback or strategy
nice try Todd
won't even comment on including shooters and some fucking DOS game nobody has ever heard of.
Gameplay is not only combat, gameplay is exploration, alchemy, crafting, lore, music, story, graphics, atmosphere. TW3 was GOTY.
Oh look, it's another one of those threads where we hate TW3 but can't provide 3 RPG's that came in the last decade with better gameplay.
Amazing, stay retarded Yea Forums
New Vegas combat isn't anything amazing.
You stealth right up to a group, shoot one, then run back ten feet and they all go back to standing around 20 seconds later like nothing happened.
New Vegas was great in spite of janky combat
More player choices, more character customization, better combat
>I've never had any reason to doubt Yea Forums's opinion
>Yea Forums is honest
>You are NOT ALLOWED to criticize a game if you can't provide AT LEAST 3 games that are better.
This thread is retarded on every level
Fact of the matter is if you liked the Witcher 3 it was probably your first action RPG. It's as simple as that.
That is the worst argument I've ever seen.
decent combat
please teach me how to retard
Yea Forums hates anything that isn't From.