Duke Nukem’s Revival Suggestion Thread 2: Hail to the King Edition

We’ll see how the Duke can returns to the next game or apparition.

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I wish I wasn't in this shitty timeline were journos didn't have to play the game to judge it. Otherwise Duke Nukem of all games wouldn't be taken as a fucking threat to national security

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welcome to the clown world goyim

>he had a sidekick who corrected him to be current

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>missing the point of the duke by having what would be a scrappy doo character correct and change him

What exactly warrants duke as politically incorrect? He's saving the world and having a good time with strippers who are entitled to their lifestyle choices.

>actually duke, it's pronounced 'xhe' not 'she'
>eat shit
Eh, could probably work.

I'd be fine with a sidekick, but ONLY if they're the butt of every single joke and that they can't actually influence Duke. If Duke stopped being a badass who doesn't give a fuck, he'd be just like Lara Croft if she stopped having polygonal tits and good games.

That’s such a faggy idea you gotta be a real fucking soi to like that shit. SW2 also made an attempt at this already and guess what the bitch constantly nagging you was hella annoying and you just wanted to beat her to death with your wang

>Not "Eat xhit" for subtitles

just give me another game where you get to move fast and shoot aliens, fuck man

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it's time to kick patriarchy ass and chew vegan gums, and I'm all outta Starbuck's coupon.
after you, my lady.

I want to believe this is shopped.

Worked in SW2 because half the back and forth between them was Wang telling her to eat shit, and her calling Wang a dumbass. They had bantz.

Do you have any idea who that is? That's Duke Nukem's fucking voice actor! And he's the one suggesting this shit

it could work; it'd be less like scrappy and more an audience tether so they can let duke be the wise-cracking gigachad without implicitly condoning what he's doing. that said, the sidekick "correcting" him sounds awful; he shouldn't actually influence duke.

First thing everything seems to forget is that Duke 3d was just a good game. Like a really fucking good game. You gotta fix the game before you can fix duke. Once you've got a good game and you're ready to do that. Well start by not making everything a fucking game reference, earlier duke nukem games made all sorts of pop culture references. Bring back babes in a way that's not cringy. Example, the twins practically begging for Duke, cringy, a sleazy strip club later in the game, not cringy. Don't make Duke get drunk from one beer. Don't have him outright make fun of characters he references from other franchises "power armor is for pussies" it's juvenile, and not in a good way. Duke 3d didn't do this, it had some subtle jabs, "I aint afraid of no Quake", but he never outright stated that the Ranger was a pussy for instance. Most importantly, don't have him reference earlier references "I've got Balls of Fail" Is too many layers of reference, it doesn't make sense.


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>Let's tarnish everything!
There's a special place in hell for these cunts

>be current
Why? The prime appeal of Duke was that he was a throwback to 80s movies like Escape from New York and They Live when the game came out in mid 90s. The last time we saw them trying to 'be current' with him was in Duke Nukem Forever where they shoehorned things in like that awkward 'Christian Bale getting angry at a production guy' reference.

Just give him a black partner who wants to play things by the book and make it full Lethal Weapon. That way you get your counterpoint character who you can spin as being both an anachronism and current.

Face it bros, any new DOUK game we get is gonna be bastardised in terms of gameplay or writing. Sadly that could be said about literally any game in this shit timeline.

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Just let it die

I like that idea. Some fat, stupid, ugly sidekick reminding Duke that thats not politically correct and then get smacked by the duke for being dumb.

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Just to make of joke out of it would be fucking grand. Maybe they end up getting killed within the first couple of minutes by the next alien attack.

it'd be funny if they were to spout something like "if you fight them, they win" and then die for it.

please no

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>"hey baby"
>"ACKCHYUALLY duke, babe is patronizing and demeaning to WOMEN!"
>"ACKCHYUALLY duke....

Why would you ever want to drag Duke to current year

All pc fags should be hanged. Politically incorrect my ass.

and it was fucking trash

>Duke dresses as a woman
>Changes name to Duchess Nukem
>Wins feminism forever where the women couldn't
How would they feel?

My bro's.

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Make it more like Austin Powers instead, and it would work

Perhaps can be a good idea, just imagine instead of a typical angry bitch assistant trying to annoy you for saying shit, is a cute sexy female alien who wants to work and help with you, like Tali or Liara from Mass Effect.

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