>Dream sequel that has been anticipated for years and hyped to death
>Comes out and actually delivers, most of the fanbase is happy with it
Besides REmake2 and DMC5, are there any other examples? It almost always seems to end in disappointment.
>Dream sequel that has been anticipated for years and hyped to death
>Comes out and actually delivers, most of the fanbase is happy with it
Besides REmake2 and DMC5, are there any other examples? It almost always seems to end in disappointment.
Other urls found in this thread:
A lot of people are disappointed in DMC5. The gameplay barely evolved from 4.
I dont follow SE but did kingdom hearts 3 go well with people?
>The gameplay barely evolved from 4.
Because it didn't need to evolve.
>nero has a whole new dimension to his combat with devil breakers and new moves
>V is a completrely new playstyle
>Dante has weapons that are literally an evolution on previous ones with Rebellion - DSD, Cerberus - King Cerberus, Typical fist weapon - Balrog with two combat modes
Yep, no evolution at all
What a faggot. Sorry they didn't ruin what's been perfect since the 3rd game with some shitty lootbox cards.
people were only upset about the story but the gameplay is on par with 2FM
Street Fighter 4? There was an almost 10 years since last SF game at that point and almost everyone liked it.
not on par with 2fm at all but i still had a lot of fun with it once critical came out
No co op bloody palace killed my interest in this game.
I just want a great co op action experience. Is that too much to ask?
i prefer dmc3 cerberus ngl
>I dont follow SE but did kingdom hearts 3 go well with people?
KH3 seems to have largely been met with apathy. It was merely a solid sequel that didn't really live up to the insanely long wait.
How do I get gud at 4SE?
This game is fucking trash.
Wasteland 2
DOOM 2016
Kingdom Hearts 3
Grand Theft Auto 5
A Link Between Worlds
>DOOM 2016
That's more a case of everyone expecting generic trash and being pleasantly surprised it was a great game.
halo 3? The years weren't as long as re2 or dmc5 but the hype was pretty big, and people loved it.
The gameplay only didn't evolve if you're bad at the game and don't know how utilize the new mechanics effectively like Bringer Knuckle momentum stopper and Devil Breakers for Nero and DSD and Sword Formations along with all the new weapon mechanics for the other weapons with Dante.
>I just want a great co op action experience. Is that too much to ask?
I can imagine why it didn't pan out initially and wasn't ready.
Consider the timings for enemy reactions per character. What happens if two characters are attacking the same enemy? How does it animate? Does it respond to both? Can it? What about latency? If both characters are tossing an enemy back and forth are there issues with latency? How do you compensate for it?
Really I think we'll end up with it. It'll just be around six months to a year. It's a fast-paced action game. Making co-op work is easy, making it perfect? Wewlad.
This game legit was a fucking trainwreck.
>"actually delivers, most of the fanbase is happy with it"
>Kingdom Hearts 3
I'd add Shadow Warrior on there too
Faggots like you need to find a new hobbie for real
1 out of 5 ain't bad.
maan the hype for GTA V was something else, I went around 4 stores in the city and it was already sold out, at 15 PM
Story was dogshit and everyone looked like Donte
Would you care to explain why, you baiting gaylord?
im glad all the falseflaggers are congregating in this thread instead of the actual dmc thread
Persona 5
Why so you can cope and cry like a lil bitch to my arguments, dmcuck?
Story was awesome sorry this isn't the latest 2deep4u walking simulator go back to your ps4 western visual novels
Starcraft 2
Worms Revolution (surprisingly fucking good)
Elite Dangerous
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Speak for yourself. Ive been waiting almost 18 years now for a game to even come close to topping the first.
Who says it needed to evolve? this is how cod and many other games ended up going to shit, instead of just sticking to what worked and pumping out more game play for us to enjoy everyone has to get all experimental and ruin what actually works just for the sake of saying "look this is new", people are finally starting to realise that which is why so many games are being remastered and modernised like wow classic/cod/dmc5/re2 etc
>Speak for yourself. Ive been waiting almost 18 years now for a game to even come close to topping the first.
And after 5 sequels you still haven't learned the franchise isn't for you anymore?
>game is bad
>cope cry cuck abloobooaodapfojpaj
The franchise might not be anymore, but I will forever hold the original close.
It was a big letdown but not a terrible game.
Major stepback in gameplay from 2FM and the
story was aids.
This when they inevitably remake it.They will right bros..?
Gameplay is a step down from 3 and 4 imo
They've been doing this since the game was announced lol. I never understood why dont they try baiting in the dmc threads tbqh
>literally the same weapon with less attacks
It's alright for one playthrough if you're not tired of the shitty fucking killmove gimmick after 30 minutes
but yeah that's still more than everyone expected from a bethesda-published doom reboot
Yeah but...I want co op.
Co op is fun.
i miss flicker
11 years for a disappointment with fugly realism boner, dumbed down gameplay, and censorship, yeah great game capcom is back baby!
>1 out of 5
>I dont follow SE but did kingdom hearts 3 go well with people?
Yes but not as well in comparison to DMC5 or REmake2 for their respective fanbases
Cope shitposter
so this is the kind of people who call everyone "trannies" nonstop
Yes but not worth the wait.
>shitty fucking killmove gimmick
nobody that is any good at the game uses melee to kill enemies because it is too slow. kill things with bullets. avoid getting hit. faggot.
the biggest flaw doom 2016 has is the 30 gigabyte patch you need to download every time you get the urge to play it.
Keep crying fujo faggot.
This more or less. To act like DMC5 is some exception to a rule is fucking stupid. What you are describing is more akin to OoT than any recent game. It's part of why OoT is so "overrated."
Melee is super-useful. Nobody can hit you, you get free health and you safe ammo on tankier enemies. There's no reason to not due this unless you are surrounded by enemies.
>enemy gets staggered
>now has 90% damage resistance and you either waste half your ammo reserves on it or use a killmove
Killer Instinct 2013
ace combat 7
dmc1 was fucking trash that mundus fight was disgustingly horrible
they completely fucked up the pacing of the story and all of the worlds felt pointless and boring except for the last one. sora spends the entire game chasing the nebulous and loosely defined "power of waking" but he never makes any progress towards it at all. the entire game feels like a wild goose chase because sora and the gang just blindly hop from world to world with no actual leads towards what they're looking for. the game may as well have been a musou with how boring and samey the enemy encounters are. there are almost no creative or unique enemy encounters and the combat is more shallow and boring than 2fm. i know that 2fm was the peak of the series, and that it's hard to live up to something that good, but it felt like they forgot everything they knew about making a kh game. there were a million opportunities to include fights with organization members, but you don't get to fight a single one until the last world, so every boss fight just ends up being a big heartless with a big life bar, even though the organization fights are the best part of kh2.
as a kh fan, kh3 was a massive letdown in almost every regard.
I was fairly disappointed in it.
Felt like playing a musou game.
This list is fairly accurate in that they are games of similar magnitude. IMO Doom 2016 is the most accurate comparison as it is a quality game that really just comes down to different strokes. It's definitely not anything revolutionary.
dmc3 was fucking and that arkham fight was disgustingly horrible
Final Nightmare is worse. The camera is atrocious. When you fight Mundus you at least can see everything you need to see most of the time.
Opinion disregarded, you're retarded and have not made any worthwhile argument. Kill thyself.
I'm still mad KI didn't get the love it deserves.
I blame it on being an X-Box exclusive for too long. If X-Box 1 was more popular or the game was multiplat it would be remembered more fondly.
I got my hands on this game and as a first timer for the DMC series I was really disappointed. I don't share the love everyone has for it and I did like the picture mode but the game is so damn easy. I couldn't die if I tried even on the hardest difficulty.
I must have missed the point or something. It plays sorta like a movie.
As a former capcomfag I have no idea where this recent crop of you assholes came from. Like I get it, you enjoyed MHW, RE2, and DMC5, but these games are all like 6s to 7s at best by old guard standards. It's painfully obvious you are new. Which begs the question, why the fuck are you so invested in shilling for free?
>are there any other examples?
MH World
Stay mad dmcuck
Hopefully, the sequel starts off on Steam and Windows too.
let's see that results screen
>nobody that is any good at the game uses melee to kill enemies because it is too slow. kill things with bullets.
Don't enemies go into that glowing state regardless of how you lower their health anyway?
Being forced to shoot at inanimate enemies is pretty damn annoying. You're wasting time and ammo on someone that is essentially already dead, which slows the gameplay down a lot compared to previous Doom iterations. Doesn't help that while you're not forced to melee-kill them, you're encouraged to do it, which slows the gameplay even further down.
I have no idea why people never point that out, in old Doom games you just pointed the gun at an enemy and killed them. Yet in Doom 2016 an extra step is always required before they finally die, and that step is not satisfying in any way (the opposite as it wastes time). Even the so criticised cawadooty games don't have things this dumb in them.
Don't people like very fast FPS gameplay anymore or something?
cry some more
You faggots just want to turn this into shitflinging on design because that's all you brainlets ever understand. Nothing of the aesthetical value, the entirely different mystical tone of the game and and how it diverted into degernate TOTALLY wacky demon antics.
Bro the RE2 remake sucks.
>I must have missed the point
Sort of. The truth is there is no point. DMC fandom is very similar to MGS fandom in that a good % of the fans ironically enjoy the series at best and originally the IP wasn't considered serious but fans artificially inflated the artistic merit present with their own personal interpretations.
lol you are actually pathetic you fucking faggot. How did you survive past the age of 2?
its on my xbox in another room. idk what u mean by results but i typically got an A to an S at the end of every mission.
i turned off the auto combo shit too.
and that's a good thing!
These are the kind of people that shill a mediocre game and shit on their diaper when people admit it was garbage.
Eating shit sure feels good huh?
>A lot of people
Wut ? Not that much.
>A lot of people are disappointed in DMC5
Its like 95% approval, just because you and the 7 combo autists from DMC4 miss inertia doesnt mean it isnt an overwhelming success
Except MGS5 was my first MGS and I consider it to be one of my favorite games.
That is in no way an exception to what I just said. MGS5 could very well be the only good game in the series, shit it could be one of 2 good games in the series. That doesn't change anything.
I'm a Zelda fan and I heard nothing but reeeeeeee-ing when lbw came out. Specially lttp fags since it was a sequel to "the best Zelda game ever". I like the game but it's a stretch to say most of the fanbase loved it.
Im glad it got mad and that it ended up as a solid title, but it really feels like what we should've had in 2013 and is too far behind in terms of tech and innovation as an action title for 2019.
>levels are linear corridors
>no branching paths or loops
>no thrill to exploration
>Dante and Nero play larely the same as they did in 4
>Dante STILL only have 4 styles
>Sin Devil Trigger does fuck all
>only 2-3 useful devil breakers
>V is neat but less fleshed out than Nero was in 4
>too many reused bosses
>devil arms are still lacking compared to those in 3
>too many boss-only stages that are so pointless they dont even show up in bloody palace
>the wubbeth doth intendify too much in the soundtrack
It's a solid 8, but it really wasn't worth the wait.
the main problem of Between Worlds is that it felt like LttP but with a gimmick
Fuck off lmao
Metroid Prime. Its not recent but it was awesome. Also Zero Mission now that you mention REmake 2
this level of coping and bitching is great bwahahahaha
Imo, the colors re washed out and the sages are literally who. It's pretty much just a side story since it's more Lorule's story than Hyrule's. It did nothing plot wise to push the franchise. It was still fun though.
Stop replying to bait
>posting a wojak
i'm still waiting for your argument you colossal homo
>but it really feels like what we should've had in 2013
I'm not even a DMC fan but yeah this is a problem a lot of zoomers don't get. It would be like if American politicians suddenly implemented a common sense plan to discourage racism all of a sudden that would have worked BEFORE Trump and Obama in 2019. Even if it was quality and would have worked previously the current problem is insurmountable with such a weak course of action. In this case the problem is the course of the industry.
Use Vergil
its hard to evolve beyond perfection
the problem with DMC4 was the game not being finished, you didnt have stages to use the moveset on
DMC5 fixes that
That nero is actually really cute.
Nero shouldn't be cute.
No coper go back to your gayass fujo threads and dilate with your gaygil X V Images.
Kyrie thinks he's cute
>Im glad it got mad and that it ended up as a solid title, but it really feels like what we should've had in 2013 and is too far behind in terms of tech and innovation as an action title for 2019.
That's the whole point though, DMC5 is deliberately designed to be more like an old school action game.
Not everything needs the GoW18 treatment.
>Comes out and actually delivers, most of the fanbase is happy with it
Yknow there were people trying to shitpost dmc5 as soon as it was announced at e3. I kinda wonder how they feel knowing that it's actually a good game and people still talking about it positively, even after 2 months.
I dont think its a 10/10 game with its boring visuals and linear level design, but its pretty cringey seeing tortanicfags still trying to convince themselves that the game was a failure. Looking back at the lead up, hype and news towards dmc5's release, Its like the world was actively working against naysayers.
however I will admit dmcfags fall for bait way too easily
considering all he can do is post shitty memes, I don't think he had an argument to begin with.
>DmC fuck you
>one of the most embarassing vidya moments in recent history
>DMC 5 fuck you
>pretty cool
how did they do it bros?
You dumbass, I'm not talking about making it cinematic. I'm saying it's still lacking as an arcade action game in 2019.
Yeah, but Kyrie is a girl.
the sucubuss didnt rip donte arm off and left him to die minutes before diner time
Me too brother.
Entire time playing through DMCV it felt like Itsuno just wanted to get it over with so he could move on to Dragons Dogma 2.
>gameplay is on par with 2FM
One of the most major criticisms from people who were disappointed with KH3 was that the gameplay is far below the gameplay of 2FM in terms of quality.
I'm sure some gay guys out there like him too
Why is it that every time anyone criticises DMC1 in any way, there's always one guy going "HURR YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU SIMPLETON DMC3/4/5 FAG" or something? There are plenty of people who like or even love DMC1 on this board and almost everytime someone tries to shit on it, they get shat on themselves by other posters immediately.
But no one complains about this in DMC4 or 5, so why is it an issue in DMC1? At least in 1 the bosses get new moves every fight
post more unga
it's how it was executed.
DmC's was just casually thrown out in a cutscene early on and used over and over.
DMC5's was executed perfectly well. It was built up anger and frustration at the man that ripped off your arm for power, caused this chaos, and was a deadbeat father. It also coupled with the activation of the Devil trigger during the fight AND the middle finger activation was icing on the cake.
DMC5 Nero is basically how DmC Donte should of been written.
Because I am above you. Simple.
>he still thinks we aren't getting vergil dlc at e3
>Entire time playing through DMCV it felt like Itsuno just wanted to get it over with so he could move on to Dragons Dogma 2.
DMC5 is actually the game he's the most proud of to date.
>no counterargument
>better over-exaggerate instead!
Like clockwork.
Everyone complains about the dice shit and boss re uses in DMC4, r u retarded. Also you only have to fight 3 of the bosses twice in dmc5 in a boss rush which is pretty much a staple of the series at this point
I still remember when people hated Nero at first in DMC4.
Oh how the times have changed.
I will ejaculate fire if a new Dragon's Dongma is announced.
Fucking Kamiya purists
Even fujos aren't as bad as you
He's my favorite DMC character. Probably helps that I like anyone voiced by JYB.
Reboot made a lot of people reconsider.
I'm sure that was just marketing talk.
You're not gonna promote the game you're currently working on by coming out and saying you're glad to get it over with so you can work on something else.
People hated the story. On the gameplay side it was pretty mixed. It's not the worst game by a long shot though. It's just alright.
Nah, fujos are just cringeworthy as fuck. At least it's kinda fun to talk shit about DMC1 purists.
Here's the (You) as ordered
Thanks, baldie.
You're forgetting the multiple fights with Urizen, but also fighting golitha, cavaliere, and artemis as V was incredibly lazy and the worst boss rush in the series
>I'm sure that was just marketing talk.
No, he actually straight up said that he felt DMC5 wasn't a "total homerun" but that it was the closest he's ever gotten. He's hoping his next game will be.
yeah, when it showed that Nero was cool in his own way, did not replace Dante (because people were worried about a MGS2 scenario).
and hell, one e-celeb (GamingBritt) actually took back EVERYTHING bad he said about Nero in his DmC review
What about the Devil Breakers, hell the loadouts in general half of Dante's weapons coming with different stances in addition to being able to use anywhere from one to fucking all of them at the same time, the movesets are similar but dmc5 is just so much fucking MORE, and I mean V is a new character with an entirely new playstyle, honestly I loved the hell out of DMC4 but DMC5 is really just better in just about any conceivable regard.
I think the gritty dark ""realistic"" style of the stages, combined with the fluid animations (subtly ragdolled inbetweens from, say, an idle stance to an attack windup animation) can hurt the visibility at times, that's like my one complain on top of my head I have with DMC5. And it feels so weird to complain because it's like, my one complaint is how fucking amazing it looks
That's pretty much it. Those were the only dream sequels/remakes that are massively liked by most fans and didn't disappoint.
Now shine, insect.
He already mentioned the V boss rush. Are you illiterate? And it's not even close to the worst boss rush, what the fuck are you talking about?
Gib milkers
Would fuck the hell out of dmc 4 Trish and Gloria
And I'm clarifying that lazy boss rush for the sake of muh tradition does not make it excusable. Every form of Urizen besides the final, which was a redesign Balrog fight to begin with, is fought twice. Vergil is fought twice as well. Rehashed fights in DMC4 and 5 offer nothing new besides a different character's playstyle. DMC1 rematches added more to the bosses arsenal and made you approach the fight differently
Action games have come a long way since DMC4, so yes, it did need to evolve. The problem is that Itsuno is scared of changing anything after how shit DmC was. He doesn't want to try anything new, so we're stuck with DMC4.5 instead of something that's actually better than what came before it.
DMC1 to DMC3 was a huge leap in gameplay.
DMC3 to DMC4 wasn't as big but the game had a lot of additions and tried new things, like Style Switching on the fly.
DMC4 to DMC5 has a few weapons for Dante, most of which aren't even new, a few new moves for Dante, and a broken DT that ruins the difficulty in an already easier game. Nero finally gets "rounded out" with a clunky weapon system that can't be changed and is cluttered with DLC-only shit. The only truly new thing we go was V, but he's just fucking shit to play and it's better to just button spam than attempt any serious combos because the rating system doesn't know wtf to do with him.
>which was a redesign Balrog fight to begin with
Again with this bullshit?
>Looking back at the lead up, hype and news towards dmc5's release, Its like the world was actively working against naysayers.
>devil may cry at e3
>its DmC2
>OG timeline confirmed
>Subhuman sucks
>capcom changes the vocals
>No vergil
>people forget its even in the game, capcom even gave too much gold orbs that even newcomers wont ever need to buy stuff.
>PissedPedro and Fatsterling made videos about why it sucks!
>>thinking youtuber's word is final
>even then, when the game came out, they backtracked and gushed over how good dmc5 was anyway
>"itsuno wanted DmC2" vg247.com
>Author was just a butt blasted fag who didnt post the whole interview vg247.com
>Journalists wont like it
>giving a shit about reviews, still get mostly 8s and 9s but whatever
>It wont sell well!
>Outsold DmC in a month
>Sales dont matter because it didn't sell as much as THIS game. STOP HAVING FUN
dmc5 isn't a perfect game and there's lots of things I don't like about it and its fanbase, but damn the stars aligned to shit on people who thought it would fail.
But user, actually give us actual reasons on why YOU think it was bad, instead of just doing lame insult when they question you about it.
>Action games have come a long way since DMC4
Name some other character action games since 4 that have "evolved" the formula.
>Sorry they didn't ruin what's been perfect since the 3rd game
The constant removal of frame cancels and absence of Turbo is fucking terrible and makes the game play far slower. Also the styles in DMC3 are still more fleshed out and well-balanced than what's in 4 & 5.
When are they going to make a domestic life sim where you play as Chris and the goal is to make Jill happy and impregnate her?
>Urizen = Balrog
Fucking die, degenerate
>DMC1 to 3 was a huge leap
Only on the surface level with styles and longer combos, but it was a step back in other regards with not only less menacing enemies, but them not attacking from offscren and having bloated healthpools on DMD
Action games have not come a long way since DMC4, you actual moronic faggot. They went back. Nobody ever tried to top style switching, so if anything, nobody even CHALLENGED Itsuno.
>this is how cod and many other games ended up going to shit, instead of just sticking to what worked and pumping out more game play for us to enjoy everyone has to get all experimental and ruin what actually works just for the sake of saying "look this is new"
CoD is literally the same game released 2-3 times per year with only huge changes happening every few years. It's dead specifically because every fucking CoD is just a retarded health regenerating shooter. What fucking delusion are you under where this isn't the case?
Take it easy sperg it's just a game
>DMC1 to DMC3 was a huge leap in gameplay.
It was not a leap or even strictly an improvement, you faggots just do not get this shit. Games do not suddenly age with time, fucking memers. It was a diversion. Changing the combat from mastering a playthrough using the most efficient moves in a given encounter. DMC3 comes and it just wants you to cobble shit together on enemies with bloated HP.
>Action games have come a long way since DMC4, so yes, it did need to evolve.
What have they added really? Shitty hamfisted RPG elements?
OoT is still a good game.
maybe he's a dmcfag falseflagging as a shitposter to make people who criticize dmc look bad
>b-but my novella!
Which was written after the development team cut Balrog from the early game and repurposed his fight as Final Urizen. You can't look at how lazy DMC5 is in parts and then tell me they planned on Urizens final form being melee oriented, specifically with gauntlet moves.
Where my fujos shits at
Kamiya purists are the worst
Take it easy, big fella, its just a response.
Mortal Kombat 9 and DOOM fit this if you're not too cynical.
Dmc1 retards dont count here because
literally fuck off.
>cut Balrog from the early game and repurposed his fight as Final Urizen
That was never the case. Go look at the art book, the design was always Urizen.
Balrog doesn't look anything like it anyway.
i understand your grievances but like you pretty much said yourself, DMC 5 pretty much had to be the ultimate fan service after 11 years and the shitty reboot in between. Hopefully the next game tries more crazy stuff
What novela, dolboeb
Stop spamming you degenerate fantasy. Fucking moron, he has no weapon, no roots the fuck are you gonna use beside kicking and punching
Just die
They could have re released cod 4 and mw2 and just added new maps forever and made more money for less effort and people would have been happier with it. Literally nobody asked for wall running jetpack bullshit and retarded classes.
>gameplay IS combos
final urizen is literally a combination of every boss in the game, he even has goliaths tummy teeth, i doubt thats balrog
>Game IS sound and weapon weight
You're doing a lot of projecting here back to back buddy.
is there any goliath vore yet
Flock off, matthew
this was the complete opposite though, everyone shat on it pre-release for being extremely generic looking in its presentation.
And then we got fucking Demon's Souls 2
You massive braindead faggots, Final Urizen's whole design isn't Balrogs, but his moves are borrowed from the cut Balrog fight.
>but his moves are borrowed from the cut Balrog fight.
>no flame shit
>source my ass
Is that why Balrog has none of his moves?
always believe the opposite of what Yea Forums says about souls
do you have any proof balrog was ever in the game? Not a concept on a piece of paper, an actual designed model with those punching moves you say final urizen borrowed
Bayonetta has a lot of flaws, but:
>The enemies are dynamic and dangerous. DMC enemies exist just for you to jump and then beat the shit out of. Fury is constantly touted as difficult, but if you put something like Grace and Glory into DMC5 it would fucking destroy the cast.
>Bayonetta can do everything Dante does in her base moveset. Teleport, enemy hop, guard, "just" guard, guard-counter, dodge, jump, air dodge, dash, fly, even has Vergil's summon swords. The game isn't bloated with stance switch for her to pull off any of this.
>Accessories massively change the way you can play the game and make different play styles accordingly, giving Bayonetta various DT-style states and allowing for things that are now just gone in the DMC series, like Quicksilver's time slow.
>Frame cancels that allow the player to actually respond and change up their combos, making the game far faster.
>Though a lot of the weapons have a same-y moveset and don't have the on demand attacks that DMC games do, there's a ton of them and you're not limited to 3-5 variations from a previous game.
Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says anyway, they don't want you to reach your full potential and stay shitters like them.
DMC5 was that disappointing game. I know the person who made this thread is that faggot V lover who professes jis love to him in every thread.
Opinion discarded.
>dynamic and dangerous
>fucking pattern: kick kick, enemy breaks through parry, dodge, kill it in wt
Fucking hell
We'll get a better look at DMC5's internal deveopment down the road. A full art book or interviews sometime next year or the year after ideally. Devs never talk about their struggles so soon after release, they want the praises to come in first before opening up about cuts and doubts.
When is Jill going to forcefully ride Chris in a bout of baby fever?
>goty was released in march
kinda sucks for the rest of the year. cause nothing will come close to it.
we did get a full artbook that proves none of what you said. This backtracking is hilarious
>Literally nobody asked for wall running jetpack bullshit and retarded classes.
You know why that was added? Because the game was fucking stagnant and dying and refused to evolve.
No, the only disappointment comes from Capcom refusing to finish the DLC. The base game is already great, but the datamine revealed a good amount of amazing extra content.
>playable Vergil
>Bloody Palace with online co-op
>Distortion Mode that lets you play any stage with any character
I would gladly pay an extra $20 just to play these modes. They sound so fucking fun.
>starts to wiggle his ass
>A full art book
That has already come out. There's no evidence Urizen was at all influenced by Balrog.
The art book that comes with the collectors edition doesnt count
So, its true that itsuno will retire after making dragons dogma 2?
r u fucking with me?
Death Stranding comes out in November, and Sekiro is going to win all the action game awards.
>doesnt count
Jeez, admit already that you shat in your pants and move on
he should have retired after dragons dogma 1
that's peak
>he doesn't know
>DMC 5 was a good seque-
Definitely not KH3
Sure hope so, DMC has been the same game for the past three releases, yet somehow regresses with each release as well.
>Death Stranding comes out in November
if i wanted to "play" paperboy i just play paperboy
>and Sekiro is going to win all the action game awards
will it now?
after all the jornos crying that i needed a easy mode?
Finish the sentence, retard.
why is her butt saggy
Can't tell if trolling or genuinely retarded.
nah, Dragons dogma 1 is DMC4 levels of unfinished
Why is it so comfy?
>Bayonetta can do everything Dante does in her base moveset
That's bullshit and you know it.
>How to Beat Fury
>Jump backwards or attack as it appears
>Mash to your heart's content until it teleports out and walks towards you again
>How to beat Grace and Glory
>No definitive strategy because they constantly change their attack patterns and work in tandem and can counter-attack, dodge out, teleport, and have a moveset that changes if you're in the air. Witch time lasts a third as long against them until you frame-parry
The difference is night and day.
What are you saying, all he does the whole game is make cute faces.
Actually impossible.
Yea Forums will disagree, but Persona 5
And yet you can't seem to say what she can't do.
Not to mention gracious and glorious can't be witch timed with dodging
>a few new moves for Dante
are you for real?
if anything, dante's moveset is what makes this game outshine every other action game on the market right now.
>lots of weapons, both ranged and melee
>DSD has summoned swords
>said swords have different stances depending on the weapon you're using
>quadruple S
>a fucking motorcycle
>double KA
>sin DT
DMC4's dante is a joke compared to this.
DMC 5 would've been better if they didn't rely so hard on callbacks and nostalgia
>>No definitive strategy because they constantly change their attack patterns
Durga + Lt. Col. Kilgore kicks
It's just too bad V is so mind numbingly boring to play as. I literally stopped playing because I was about to start another V segment and just couldn't work up the will to force myself through another of his segments.
Literally just spam the attack buttons until you can make a killing blow. I died a couple times playing as him because I got so bored I would literally start day dreaming and end up walking into a corner until something would get close enough to kill me.
Oh I can play this game to. Fucking hell Kamiya fags are still the worst
>just dodge and start punching them helpless in wt
And they say dmc has punching bag enemies
Been playing Persona 5 recently and I have to ask, what's the appeal? Finished the first boss and so far it isn't terrible but not great. Does it get better?
I disagree to an extent, a lot of the game is a perfect malgamation of several things throughout the series
the enemies for example, are pretty much just THE BEST parts of older enemies combined into one
>what is royal guard
>what is ragtime
>what is buster
>what is parrying
No wonder a Bayotranny can't think of anything but ways to dodge.
And yet 5 dante is still lacking comapred to 3
fucking HOW?
dmc3 Dante is objectively more limited than dmc4 or 5. What are you even talking about?
How so? Is that muh wildstomp, muh wallrun and enemy skating?
>just dodge and start punching them helpless in wt
Good thing Grace and Glory aren't the hardest enemies, and despite them being far harder than Fury is, the game rounds out with Gracious and Glorious and a difficulty that doesn't have Witch Time.
Fury actually gets fucking easier on harder difficulties because it's so much easier to stun when it DTs, and it'll just lay on the floor like a fat sack of shit for almost half a second.
More styles, more weapons that aren't pure gimmicks like lucifer and caveliere
this thread makes my iq flaccid
>doesn't have WT
>what is Selene Light
Mkay boss
DMC5 Dante has the least frame cancels in the series. You can't even jump cancel or style cancel anymore. Even weapon swapping let you cancel out of ending lag in DMC3.
There's a reason every DMC4 and 5's "COMBO MAD" video is just people spamming enemy hop between attacks instead of all the shit that could be pulled off in DMC3, because you could do more with less.
Being able to turn the camera to only see one Fury and mashing jab with Balrog really shows how shallow DMC 5
>Comes out and actually delivers
Cameo mode is a joke
V is a shit character with no depth when he was the one whose gameplay needed it the most
the story is on par with DMC2 in terms of delivery and pacing
The gameplay is just 4 with some more moves.
Boss quality is middling, yet again. No standouts besides maybe Cavalier Angelo and Vergil
The level design is the most boring its ever been
>Action games have come a long way since DMC4
Stopped reading there
Now I'll make your penor flaccid too
>more weapons
>1 weapon differnce
>more styles
>speaks about gimmicks
Terrible opinion.
>Let me just get hit for 2 seconds of WT against an enemy that chunks for 1/4th my health
10/10 argument. Doesn't work against Gracious and Glorious regardless. At this point it's pretty obvious that you're just another retard who doesn't know the ins and outs of either game, but got ass-ravaged that someone didn't think DMC4.5 was perfect.
Quit the series user because it ain't for you anymore.
>more weapons that aren't pure gimmicks
Nice meme. Only style outside of the basic ones that are present in 4 and 5 is quicksilver that was only ever necessary on Vergil 3. Doppelganger is genuinely pointless. Also 4 had darkslayer style which was actually useful and could be used interchangeably with the basic styles whereas styles in 3 had to be selected at the beginning of the mission and couldn't be changed.
fuck you
The appeal to me are the social aspects mixed with the fun RPG systems. If you don't care for it after the first palace I'd suggest dropping it.
>doesn't work
Whatever you say
Nice projections
Nevan and artemis are the most gimmicky weapons in the series.
>At this point it's pretty obvious that you're just another retard who doesn't know the ins and outs of either game
>what is Nevan
>what is Artemis
Don't talk shit about my girl, she's better rounded than she seems.
>whatever you say
Yeah, I want to fuck Lady.
get AIDS fujo
The skill ceiling on those weapons are drastically low due to severely limited movesets compared to other weapons in the series. You could argue that lucifer and the fedora suffer from similar issues but the utility of lucifer is infinitely better than anything Nevan or Artemis are capable of.
Yeah, but it's fun and weapons aren't as complex in 3.
I don't fault you for enjoying it.
The biggest flaw is that there's barely any fucking demons to kill. Fuck graphics, give me demons.
Can't just admit you're a retard and lose an argument gracefully? You're not even gonna go full-retard and attempt to defend your wrong point? Just deflection back to "whatever dude".
Fucking weak.
Totally Agree.
Why everybody sexualize me so much.
Daily reminder for dmc3fags, nobody goes back to dmc3, nobody.
Nico is cute
I'm so angry about how this game died.
I want him to be sandwiched between Vergil and Dante and he squeaks and yelps like a little puppy
Play on Nightmare. Glory kills become a strategic choice because its risky but you often need the extra health, since health pickups now only give you 1.
Titanfall 2. Yes, it wasn't as fast as Titanfall 1, but for all the new additions on top of it? Most Titanfall fans were happy.
>Crapcom shills are still deluding themselves into thinking DEMAKE 2 and dmc v are good
Get some taste you overweight fanboy cucks
>>only 2-3 useful devil breakers
What, how are you not using all of them for something? Even vibrator has a usefulness to it in a combo.
>dumbed down
You can beat dmc3 on Devil Hunter by mashing Stinger forever and jumping sometimes.
She and Lady have the best lips in game. I want to hear her stutter during sex
Nier Automata
I like you, user. Didn't think you needed to put a space between every single point, but I like you.
what the fuck is that on her arm
Both remake 2 and dmc v were disappointments
Capcom has zero talent left in their teams and are obsessed with making soulless uninspired sequels/reboots while pandering to west cucks
Now that the dust has settled, what is the superior song?
there's TWO artbooks.
Are you seriously, like, trying to take his reasoning to defend DmC, as his reasoning to defend his own work, as if somehow that's the same thing?
Helter skelter is the only one that really feels weak compared to the rest. Maybe I don’t know how to use it right but being locked in place feels so uncomfortable.
Nigga it's still Devil Trigger.
Like clockwork
>a literally who nintendo fag
>Capcom literally gave him a wishlist and a blank check to make whatever he wants, just name it, don't leave the company.
>DMC5 was at the top of that list
Psychonauts 2 looks like it might deliver
Try it with knuckle bringer
Is this a
>let me post a contrarian reviewer who backs my own beliefs
Fuck those, not watching your shit lil nigga.
Wait, people thought BB looked generic? How many times do we get a game in a Victorian inspired setting? The fuck is wrong with you Yea Forums?
Trannies may cry.
Helter Skelter isn't one of the strongest devil breakers but damn it's satisfying to use, at least for me.
>Digging into a demon as you drill his face, head on until his guard is broken.
New version of Subhuman unironically
Its pre release pictures and footage was admittedly pretty bad.
what was the point of having lady in this game?
Making my dick fucking hard
please don't tell me you think that thing on the right looks good
and thats coming from someone who doesn't like how 5Lady looks either
Where is naked Vergil ?
jesus christ who the fuck made this
Why did you post the numbers for the bad port, what the fuck?
Aight fair point I can see From fucking that up
Drop KH3 and GTA5
Nico is ugly as sin
Fucking trasher, can't stand how she looks or how she speaks
>15 PM
Don't post negros if you're going to give a good argument
I feel like somebody is going to have to explain to me what the fuck made GTA5 any better than GTA4 or San Andreas. I don't get the appeal of this series like at all. Asking just for the sake of understanding, not trolling.
Wait a minute that pic.
>Urizen wuz Balrog
I will wipe this meme off the face of the Earth.
San andreas still reigns king, he's wrong
Based as FUCK. I fucking love underdog stories where the underdog not only doesn't fail, not only succeeds, but PROCEEDS to shit on all the doubters. It's just so satisfying.
it was an amazing game if you played it on the PS3/xbox 360 in 2013
it's what most people expected gta iv to be
I still prefer san andreas and I think iv made some things better
I prefer to fuck around in v but I prefer doing a playthrough of iv, it feels more like a criminal simulator than v
I said I wasn't trolling and yet somehow I get this as a response.
Nigger I'll tell you how much DMC5 rocks.
I never played a DMC game up until the E3 announcement, only seeing my friends play the reboot. Decide to play 1 and 3 from what I saw on Yea Forums. 3 raped my little boyhole, until I man'd up and fucked Vergil, on halloween night with a buddy of mine cheering me on. Proceed with 4 and wait 3 months for 5. Immediately bought 5 on release and BLEW MY FUCKING LOAD right on mother's day.
Also shitposting here last summer on my breaks from working at KFC really managed to help me get through it, so thanks everyone in those threads. Also I fucking wrote the >imagine Trish copypasta lmao. Seeing that getting reposted really warmed my heart
ok then gta v is zoomer trash and iv is superior because it's a real driving simulator and ragdoll physics
happy now?
Might be Balrog in the center, notice how much it looks like Berial.
fuck you, he answered you properly
>Dream sequel its just a movie game
KEK faggot
>litteraly the most gameplay you can get in a video game
>movie game
e p i c ??
the motorcycle wasn't very fun to use
the kilgore glitch ruins the game
DMC5 fans are retards, I don't know what you expected.
If it has more than a minute or two of cutscenes, it very clearly just wants to be a movie. DMCV is chock-ful of cutscenes.
>whole Vergil dlc is just him and Dante keeping track of who has the most kills.
>beat final boss.
>”I got that last hit. My kill”
>”nuh-uh, I did.”
And that's all the art of Urizen and Balrog in the artbook afaik.
You think people are playing it on PS4? KEK besides isn't the whole fucking arguement "muh style mods", guess what nigger. Don't have those mods on console.
>"itsuno wanted DmC2" vg247.com
>Author was just a butt blasted fag who didnt post the whole interview vg247.com
That's crazy, talk about incompetence
>Devil Must Die
>most gameplay you can get
>run through corridors
>hit red blob progress wall
>get stopped every 15 seconds
>standard action game combat ensues
>run through corridors
>hit red blob progress wall
>get stopped every 15 seconds
>standard action game combat ensues
>fight standard action game boss
>game ends in 9 hours
Wow, you hear that gamers? Finally, a game for us.
Your next line is:
>DMC1 was a great successor to Castlevania but Itsuno ruined it with combo wank!
Metal Gear Solid 3
DMC5 is The Force Awakened of DMC franchise
>complains about having to play a video game
Yeah I agree there should be an intense scene with QTEs and lesbians kissing
Unironically this. Filled of soi chugging faggots.
Can someone draw V in this pose? ty
That isn't even what that movie's called!
Already done.
The glory kills are what makes plowing through weak enemies fun.
I mean, telling the truth in silly meme text doesn't make it so.
Fuck you kid whatever youtube bullshit you watched that told you that that's now your opinion is fucking wrong. Don't ever let me catch you on this board again or I'll forcefeed you Atari Jaguar commercials until your eyes melt
I say The Force Awakened because it was a hollow experience filled with references without doing anything interesting with them.
The Last Jedi doesn't really have a DMC counterpart due to how fucking batshit TLJ is
kek the pain in his eyes
thank you to whom ever made this
I really liked V initially, but doing DMD and Bloody Palace with him really show that he lacks multiple options, he just needed to have more summons, possibly working like slots, Shadow & Griffon are really important for his mobility though so I wouldn't want to take them out, Nightmare could have been replaced with alternate DT such as
>summoning a legion of marionnettes from DMC1
>summoning phantom
>summoning/becoming Nelo Angelo, working like Nightmare with the DT being it's health
Great fucking game, old school fandom was the best and obscure for the depraved faggots. Now the fandom is cancer with the new fans coming to it.
No, that's DMC2, and DMC1 is Jar Jar Binks
fair enough, atleast dmc5 treated Dante right compared to Luke in TLJ. I'm not a huge starwars fan but it was kind of jarring seeing luke be such a downer.
I would've liked a bit more Nelo in Urizens Design
>summoning/becoming Nelo Angelo, working like Nightmare with the DT being it's health
Holy shit, that would actually have been lit. Have the entire function of the minions for building the devil trigger then you can finally go batshit instead of just standing around. but w/e
bayonetta 2
The originator can't be jar jar dumbass. It'd be DmC.
They should've made V have only one summon or way to attack rather than two, give it ranged and melee options, and focused on charging DT for special attacks. Imagine fighting with a more developped, remote-controlled version of Nightmare.
nah it's kino
>i didn't play the game
Who's this semen demon?
That's right, it was even more of a comeback than dmc5.
Also RE4 back in the days.
Capcom has its great directors and always did.
MvC3 maybe. Also, i dont know about the general fanbase, but i was fucking hyped for Demon's Souls. It came out months after i finished King's Field 4.
its kino but it still could've been more
>There was an almost 10 years since last SF game at that point
No there wasn--
>3rd Strike came out in '99
>IV came out in '08
she's not a semon demon she's an angel
But what is her name and game?
scroll up
if that's so then why not a remake with everything that was supposed to be?
i just hate the shitty forced dutchess quest
i just ignore it because you can't save her without having to fuck the stupid cunt
I was just pretending since I can't decide whether to play DD or not.
Reminder that while Itsuno was developing DD, Ninja Theory was so inept that Itsuno had to be called off his current project to help fix Ninja Theory's work. Thats right, not only was DmC:Donte May Cry gonna ruin the dmc series, it nearly took down DD and stunted its development.
>if that's so then why not a remake with everything that was supposed to be?
I would like that more then DD2 tbqh. It might as well just be DD2. A full game of what Itsuno really wanted would be very different from what came out anyway. From what I remember there were different islands, races like elves, and moon temple shenanigans.
I am a hardcore KH fag and I would NOT say that KH3 delivered on everything. Nomura is a fag and nobody gives a shit about the mobile games
Go away meria
i hope it's a remake
or at least a spiritual sequel
dd seems really bad for a direct sequel like bloodborne
Came here to post this
Kingdom Hearts is the gayest fucking weebshit I have ever seen and honestly - our Disney friends deserve SO much better than that
Its probably better to develop a whole new game as a new entry to the series. Itsuno mentioned in a interview that he was given the choice of wokring on DMC5 or DD2. He choice DMC5 so its possible that his next project is DD2. DD2 has the potential to borrow all those shiny new assets from Monster Hunter Worlds as well. Worlds just revealed new content in the grapple claw that has you cling to anywhere on a monster. My theory is that its testing assets that they can use in DD2.
Kamiya would've still made it wacky, you know
>DD2 has the potential to borrow all those shiny new assets from Monster Hunter Worlds as well
Post your favorite Devil Trigger cover
miranda sings version is better
fucking kek
>that savior in chains
that unironicly sounds pretty good
what are you gonna expect from a guy making a game that has giant monster fighting and has access to the assets of the most popular monster fighting game in japan that just recently had massive resources dumped into its series to revamp its majority handheld based assets to the console/pc market?
Go ahead and keep pretending Bayonetta is the only game he ever made. He hired Bingo specifically to counter the current path DMC is set.
Bayonetta is dial a combo. That's the only thing I need to say about to combat of Bayonetta to DMC4 or 5
Kingdom Hearts RUINED Disney characters, ruined. WHAT HAVE YOU FAGGOTS done to a character as based as fucking Donald Duck.
My bad, not Bingo, Yuji Shimomura the cutscene director. Hes the reason the shit is so over the top and wacky.
It was Kamiya who wanted Dante to be crazy wacky woohoo in 3, before that he was pretty "quiet" according to Kamiya
And I'm not pretending anything, I love Kamiya and all his games but to delude yourself from the truth is rediclous
Youre not going to influence me with images of the creators vision. I liked the og Dante exactly because he seemed to have a cool confidence to him.
pure autism holy shit
meant to quote
you are a literal autist
I like the new Dante because he's so scruffy and I want to lick and dick him down
Kamiya also hated horror games. Dante would have been 100% Bayonetta had he stayed on. As Bayo is the type of game and character Kamiya really wanted to work on.
Cool, I'm not forcing you to like what you don't like, DMC1 Dante is pretty cool and 5 Dante seems to have some of that especially in the Cavalier Angelo fight intro, where all does is taunt on how he looks, like how he did with phantom.
Just don't delude yourself into thinking what isn't true as true
Dumbass, so mad you cant even reply properly.
Helter Skelter lets you be Star Platinum if you pair it with the Devil Knuckle and destroys enemies with shields like the Angelos or the Scissors, plus it's breakage is complete Inmunity and fair ammount of damage, i personally love to use it against Vergil's Judgement Cunt End or his Dive attack
eh, it was pretty shit. sold like shit too.
DMCV looks pretty good to me but the worst thing about it is definitely its fanbase. No, not DMC as a whole, just DMCV. Like every other game has its flaws but if you say the most minute thing that is entirely your opinion, the typical dmcv baby replies with the same hatred, with the same regurgitated memes like almost in a sheep mentality. I mean some people just don't like an aspect of the game.
I know you're right and you can go fuck yourself ok. damnit. DMC was only good because Shinji wasnt it.
Here is your (you), it sold in 2 weeks more than DmC sold in it's first year
Nier Automata i'd say, sure some aspects coulda been done better but it still delivered heavily
>mfw Night of MOTIVATION
>people are criticizing my opinions what a toxic fandom
gee user, it's almost as if this franchise doesn't move any units at all. what kinda comparison even is that, you stupid cunt
>but his moves are borrowed from the cut Balrog fight.
No dude you were supposed to reply with something like BARRY ARE YOU OKAY or the dmcv cast dance thing.
If you think 2 million units on the first 2 weeks of it's release (that at this point have to be more but we don't have official numbers for that) is bad for a "niche" title then you should heavily consider learning how numbers work nigger
i've been on this site, Yea Forums particularly for an embarrassing amount of years frankly. this is one of the most demented posts I've seen in quite a while. Even acknowledging you is just playing into your rather glaring mental illness
seethe bitch
With how much bad luck Itsuno got, all his perseverance finally paid off on the massive luck meter rebound. The trooper deserved it.
>2 million
user, we're at the end of a console lifecycle in an age where video games and consoles only get more popular.
2 million units is unironically a fucking joke in 2019. Watch any triple A dev report 2 million units sold in this day and age and see them act like they're going through bankruptcy. None of this shit matters though, enjoy your niché japanese garbage
thats pretty fucking seeth bro
>Watch any triple A dev report 2 million units sold in this day and age and see them act like they're going through bankruptcy
Only demented westacuck companies like EA, Ubisoft and Activision do this though. They waste money on diversity hires, shitty marketing and Jewlywood guest mutts so they need to sell 10 million to break even.
Games like Nier Automata sell 2 millions in a year and they're branded as a success that saved the franchise and the team behind it.
>enjoy your niché japanese garbage
Enjoy your pozzed moviegames you stupid bitch.
You're right.
that's gonna be a geez Louise from me, dawg
>muh west
no1currfag. not even gonna read
if DMC5 is the best this dead gay genre can currently offer, then we're in dire need for Ninja Gaiden to return
I look at this thread right now and i can tell what you mean but its definetly not as bad as you say, there's still a discusion being made every so often
There's also Bayonetta
And you sound like you haven't played a NG game before for some reason, and all that is left of that series is Nioh, at least for now. What we really need is God Hand 2 though since it'll be more than an Xbox exclusive with Sigma ports for the PS
And for that to happen, you must stop people from supporting Dead or Alive and Nioh, good luck on your journey.
Based retard.
vergil dlc wen
There's only 1 game in there that's actually considered good
There is only one thing I am disappointed about. And it's weirdly a feature from DmC: Devil May Cry.
Itsuno, give me Must Style, please.
>you must stop people from supporting Dead or Alive and Nioh, good luck on your journey
one down, one to go
Exactly, people are so afraid to say it though. And also it’s lacking in content and missions for Dante, compared to past DMC games.
stop replying to yourself
can't fathom being this good at a video game, i'm actually basedfacing at some of the stuff on this video
lmao'ing @ u boomers
shut up nerd.
>Ragtiming the JCE
>deflecting the summoned swords with Punch Line
>stopping the flying charge with the kick, Punch Line and Sweet Surrender
>A lot of people are disappointed in DMC5
No, a minority are disappointed in it. Most of the fanbase love it, some even think it's the best in the series.
It's mostly the kike western publishers that need 10mil+ sales to start seeing profit. If those dumb jews didn't waste so much on their retarded marketing and money laundering, they could turn good profits with less copies sold. But of course, their jew shit takes 2 or 3 times the money to make a worse product.
Keep coping lol. Little faggot.
>just want to play a straightforward sword character
>tired of managing having to press 5 buttons at once with Nero
>Dante's sword moveset sucks ass in comparison to Red Queen
It's so easy to do cool shit in this game. I love it.
I remember I got my copy of GTA 5 and fucking rushed to my apartment to play it, the rush was so fucking fast that I didn't even help an old lady get off the bus when I was getting off too, and the bus driver yelled at me in the distance
>all those (You)s
jesus man DmC5 babbies are sensitive as hell
Anyone as supreme autistic as me on DMCs pathing? Instead of the slow walking I always just look to the side and roll forward, so much faster desu desu.
>Comes out and actually delivers, most of the fanbase is happy with it
yeah ill have to disagree with that, ill safe maybe half of it the rest is just pointless/disappointing
ok mr soi.
Does Devil Trigger just no longer play during some of Nero's missions? I never hear it anymore which is a shame because it's a great track.
Levels witg custom battle music that replaces regular devil trigger/subhuman/crimson cloud:
Obv 6, 14, 17, 19 and 20 don't bc they're bossfights
>making excuses for why your games don't sell
sounds like you're the one who can't cope, lil man.
>4 levels where character theme plays for Nero
>4 for Dante
>3 for V
No wonder it feels like they never play when you have half the game between two characters and then half of each doesn't play for other reasons, then there's V.
>tfw sunday is my birthday
>tfw might get Vergil announced for birthday
>or despair and death
I miss when dmc was updog
2020 isn't that soon
I'm about to start Dragon's Dogma, what am I in for?
DD's development was a fucking nightmare.
>Started in the late 90s as Itsuno's dream project based on shit he wanted to do since he was a KID
>Kept getting pulled off development for other shit for years
>Finally starts really putting the effort in, implements an idea based on BBS-style interactions where you can show off your armor or join each other on quests
>Development gets stunted again and the idea is implemented by another Capcom dev (With Itsuno's blessing) and ended up becoming Monster Hunter
>Get sidetracked with fighting games and DMC2-4
>Finally get to start working on DD
>Fucking retards from England have no idea what they're doing so you're shipped away from your project to make sure they don't release complete shovelware
>Get shipped back
>Now have next to no time to meet deadlines and have to cut a bunch since that lack of time meant they didn't have any time to figure out how to make everything fit on what was becoming a dilapidated engine by that point
>Have to release 1/3 of the game as a final product
I want new weapons for him. They can’t do Force Edge and Beowulf agin. I want one of them to be his Urizen half manifested in weapon form, either as gauntlets or something else.
Asking the real question.
I think you can set Devil Trigger to all characters if that helps
What is updog?
It would be a great birthday present. Wish hard for it.
Faust is truly the weapon you unleash when you just have had fucking enough in Hell and Hell
Either the Accordion Cover or the Valiant Hearts cover.
pretty mediocre action adventure game. a good $5 experience
I can wait for a long time if we just get an announcement on sunday.
>all these excuses
Who tf cares? No one even asked
good job esl
I wasn't making excuses, I'm just pointing out what happened to make DD's development so fucked.
DMC5 and REmake 2 are okay, but incredibly disappointing considering how long they took to come out. Both of them feel rushed.
Who tf cares? No one even asked
Trish is getting OLD dude, time does that to you, even if you're a demon.
>we have Itsuno to thank for monster hunter too
jesus fuck, its a wonder how capcom managed to hold onto him during the capcom mass exodus
Truly mystical tone, utterly avant-garde atmosphere, pure kinographique, lovecraftian almost, dare I say kubrickian
I share the same thought, I wish people take off their nostalgia googles.
Go back to your bang bang wohoos faggot.
DMC1 has plently combos that most players could never pull off.
Why are you bothered by the post user? They were just discussing how DD's development wasn't all that good, nothing to be angry about.
when they kicked that megaman fucker off the top seat at capcom, business started getting better.
If you're really going to try and combo the only way that's happening is on DT'd enemies and that's your fault.
I dunno about a lot but I honestly thought it was fucking awful. The only thing I liked about it was the sprint for V, I hope DD2 has something similar because that was pretty fun.
Rest of the game is honestly shit in my eyes.
They're playing it on the HD collection ding dong
I know this is bait, but is it really all that satisfying getting a dozen people to collectively call you a fucking retard because you "got them to respond?"
>Kingdom Hearts 3
yeah, no
To be fair, there's no way anything in any medium could live up to that wait.
>t. Journalist
DMC5 is great but no one ever said anything about Resident Evil 2. It's just a boring remake.
so its DMC4 but imagine user
I'm an actual fan of the series and KH3 was fantastic. It definitely evolved the gameplay from 2 into an even more dynamic spectacle of fun and crazily skill based at level 1 critical.
>if that's so then why not a remake with everything that was supposed to be?
he did that with DMCv basicaly
>i just ignore it because you can't save her without having to fuck the stupid cunt
you can save her and give the ring to your loved one later.
is simple actualy
I want a big, heavy sword like proto angelos use. Give it a moveset that resembles DMC1 and 2 Dante or Nelo DT or proto angelos rather than the choppy-stabby style DSD has. A spear or scythe would be cool too, there's no pole weapons outside bo staff Cerb. Or wait, combine both of those into a big mace Velstadt style.
Remake 2 got a higher score than DMC5.
Lol okay.