Rain World

this is the most intriguing and most frustrating game I've ever played

Attached: rain world.jpg (500x500, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the ending
okay what the FUCK just happened

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pretty much how I feel about it
I can kill lizards pretty consistently now though, but vultures and scavs still fuck my shit up

It's easily one of the most important games of the last decade and an instant classic, but the videogame industry and public are too deep into moviegames and artsy fatsy walking simulators that completely miss the point of videogames as for now.

Expect this game be in every clickbait TOP 10 list of underrated games of all time in about 5 years and see every journalist suck its cock without having poured more than 1 hour into it.

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At first I thought you just ascended but later I started to think that there was more to it.

I don't think the the place in the opening was ever actually physical and when you fell you fell from heavens. It explains how there is no slugcat jungle anywhere on the map and how you can keep reincarnating constantly.

It's fun until you realize you can't avoid dying for no reason

forgot webm

Attached: ok then.webm (696x392, 2.99M)


I completed Rain World the other week. I honestly think it's one of the best games I've played.
I'm looking for a new game to start, but I keep thinking how it'll pale in comparison to Rain World.
It was such a unique and enjoyable experience.

Die Rain World shill, die.

Anons, do not buy this game, do not even pirate it. Its a shit game that plays and looks like a flash game from 2010 on adult swim.com, has zero instructions on how to play, shitty wobbly physics engine that makes movement a chore and jumps imprecise 80 percent of the time, enemies spaz out and flail like party streamers, screens load after like 5 seconds, a random enemy can kill you on the next screen load with zero time to react, you need to grind for food to unlock the next level, and if you die the game boots you back down a level to repeat this process all over again

Its a shitty autistic '''''survival''''' game for autistic furfags who will say to not read the wiki and "just go in blind bro its the best experience! :)". Shitty artificial difficulty indie hipster game with a small clique fanbase circlejerking each other over this game

Interesting theory


post webms

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Dude chill. Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it's bad. Play something else, maybe you get more enjoyment out of that.

>what the fuck is that a lizard
>why are the movements so weird
>how do i get out of outskirts
>what are these symbols
>game too hard 6.3/10

Attached: game too hard.png (1195x402, 447K)

>when you swim down the void fluid and the giant voidwyrms rush past you

Actually Rain World isn't so frustating, it is exaggerated. Even Cultist Simulator is far more frustating.
You, basically went into the Underworld. Hades. Like in fairytale or when you die. Worms are inhabitants of the Underworld, a species adapted to live there. (Note that Leviathans have some similarites to them, they have common ancestor or some shit.) Worms sometimes act like a guide for lone souls.

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you had a shadow and audio cures to warn you
i had a few frames to warn me

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"it doesn't tell me how to have fun, so its bad"

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Well, it is the most wrong scoring for the game ever, even 3.0 for God Hand pale in comparison.

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Sometimes it's really unavoidable, not going to argue about it, but in this situation: You generally hear music before vultures land. You can also see their shadow in the background sometimes and they don't instantly snatch you since they hover over you for a moment. You could've also thrown your spear

I think Rainworld is just a really niche game. The game is absolutely unfair, RNG, inconsistent. The problem is it needs all of that to build the atmosphere it's going for. If there was a 100% way around all the monsters, you wouldn't be taking risks so much as just getting objectively good. If the physics didn't drive the action so much, you wouldn't get so many stories out of it. If the world wasn't so full of traps, it wouldn't fill you with the horror that it does in certain parts.

I wouldn't recommend the game to everyone at all, but I will say I really love what it accomplishes.

the nice thing is that when you start a new game and just dick around it turns out that that's a lot of fun too

It really seems to be the trend with games that dare to be different/harder than what the mainsteam (read - fermented beancurd boys at game journo outlets) are comfortable with. Pathologic 2 is going through the same experience atm

>Find batnip
>get unlimited supply of food forever

Where do you see a shadow in my WebM?

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Rain World is the first game since Hollow Knight that captivated me like it.
Both games have flaws, but it is just something about the atmosphere that really immerses you into the world.
also wouldn't have expected Rain Worlds map to actually be bigger than Hollow Knights

>The Survivor

just before you got bit.

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did you just gloss over the danger symbol the yellow dude showed you? you could've just jumped off the pole and waited.

Still, the game is pretty unforgiving with unavoidable deaths but after enduring the shit it gives you for so long you start not to mind it. It's not hard to get 4/7 food pips then sleep for the singular lost karma.

I get how it can deter anyone to keep going but when you learn how to deal with the occasional cheap deaths you get a really nice experience overall.

post your favorite lizards

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>when those guys start to appear on your survivor run

That's a danger symbol? I thought it was an indication that my karma wasnt high enough for the nearest karma gate. Most of the time it appears when theres no enemy nearby though


Attached: its mine now lol.webm (696x392, 2.29M)

anyone have this scene/screen but on a better resolution and without slugcat's visual bug?

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I used to despise them with a passion but I grew to really like them

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>tfw suffered through climbing up The Wall to get the last echoes and go to five pebbles
>doesn't even have any new dialogue if i already have max karma
i love this game but this was really disappointing

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Well, somebody blame the game, somebody learn to not to stand under the naked sky.

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>tfw online coop will never be a thing, and ywn host a party/v/an and see tons of slugcuts all running about
i think it would be a cool 'survival of the fittest' thing.

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there is a mod for that and it is coming on the next update though
just no party/v/an yet

I have this.

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the game renders in 720p so everything above that would just be upscaling
that said, a nearest neighbor upscale would be fine since it's so blocky.

really? i know there's local coop and weird programs that you can technically get it working online
i think a Yea Forumsan could be really fun if everyone agreed to aim for one area/shetler each cycle, and get there by any means necessary.

>unknowingly walk past five pebbles
>Climb up the wall instead
>Close to the top, everything starts to get blurry and strange lights fly past the background
>On top is this weird alien like thing and this atmospheric music
>My karma increases after getting brain microwaved
I missed the dialogue, but finding that echo on top of the wall made accidentaly going the wrong way so much more impactful after the grueling climb.
After going to five pebbles, he would've felt more like a scripted part of progression instead

The screen transition in Rain World is fucking awful

are you the same dude from a few weeks ago that hyper mad when people called you out on being shit at vidya ?

How were the ancient humans supposed to enter iterators without the need of acrobatics and tunnel shenanigans?

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i get the feeling that all those were mostly for maintenance. the stuff they actually used was more delicate and all broke down already.

I could imagine that maybe all those things were build seperately and then put together.
Basically like building a humongous PC.
Also there is the pretty direct entrance to five pebbles on the other end connected to the city with all the big paintings

you dindn't get out yet did ya ?

how gud did you git, anons?

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>playing monk

Where can I read the story/lore behind Rain World?

escaped the demiurge's prison

>Not just taking it easy when you're trying to get to certain parts to demonstrate little platforming tricks
It's not like Monk handles differently in that regard.

the wiki

Its very implied that there was some sort of ancient civilization before and Im pretty sure according to the architecture, they would probably be human sized

>he teleports you back to your last home
>at the bottom of the wall

Attached: tgt.jpg (206x231, 16K)

The areas you play in are either decaying automatized decaying industrial complex, or a part of the 5P superstructure, and where the Ancients never even went to. The only place they were present in-game is the Depths and Shaded Citadel, there you can see the walkways and passages they used. The rest is maintenence tubes and filtration systems. Pretty well tought out from the dev's part

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Yes, some sort, but are they humans?

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They're having sex in this image

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>only humans have sex


there are different symbols, that one means something like THING WANTS TO EAT YOU

I'm just demonstrating how they depicted themselves. Here's they murderizing eachother, AKA the lowest form of existence and the very first karma symbol, AKA Violence

Attached: UNQ - Plate1.png (332x332, 63K)

Do you have the other four plates saved?

Yea. Here's Greed or Avarice

Attached: UNQ - Plate3.png (332x332, 57K)

Gluttony, and Hedonism

Attached: UNQ - Plate4.png (332x332, 57K)

Why are the faces(?) scratched out?

>ancient human/things liked the pupae too

Self-Preservation, or Ego

Attached: UNQ - Plate5.png (332x332, 51K)

>its another people watch a matthewmatosis video and now pretend to be enlightened trendsetters thread

Because the devs couldn't draw faces

is he red or is he pink

Attached: Slugcat - Red - Flat.png (1366x768, 229K)

that was months ago now bruh let it go

Because these are found near 5Pebbles, and here disdainful of their actions and curses them for giving him near Immortality and an impossible and inconsequential tassk for him and the other iterators to solve. So he hates them.
If you bother to check the archives you wouldn't spew disinfo like this. But oh well. Also
>defending yt

he's black


Yea Forums was having a daily resurgence long before MM did anything.

I was aware of this game since 2015 and was shilling it before it even came out, where do I stand on the totem pole?

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Yeah, switch release and some sales brought threads throughout the week
It's a good game but it likes to fuck you up the ass

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why did they make her so thick

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>make it to Looks to the Moon
>stop playing

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>make a robot to solve all of your life's problems
>don't make her have a thick ass and thighs to rest your head on

If you managed to play the whole game before you deserve some props;
swimming had about 3 seconds of air, spears did jackshit damage, spidergrubs took 2 hands and hampered movement, map didn't save on death and more
Why did they make her so DELICIOUS

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I never noticed the karma symbols for gluttony.

artist does nothing but post fat cats and shitpost for nintendo all day
easy guess

I think we're reaching 100% of new players eating Big Sis Moon's neurons on the 1st playthrough
It really keeps happening, enough to make a meme out of it

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There is one already.

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hang in there!!!!!!

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I never found Moon in my first playthrough because I ignored the overseer almost completely.

is he gonna be ok???????

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>finds this lonely blue creature with some fireflies about its head
>grab one
>it screeches in pain or distress
>eat it, cause why not
>some kind of death throe happens
>Stolen Enlightenment """Achievement"""
People really get into the role of a clueless little slugcat while playing, it's amazing.

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Spoiler: Ye

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I immediately put 2+2 together but I was so annoyed at the game by that point for sending me through shorelines that I ate them all to spite her for not patting my head and calling me a good boy.


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>taking your anger out on poor moon
absolutely heartless

I agree that Monk is stupid easy 95% of the time.
Places like the Shades Citadel, Filtration and Subterranean I find to be way easier on Hunter because his spears actually do damage. With Monks nonexistent damage, one or two lizards can stop all progress in these very cramped zones.

Without mods the way I made my Monk run more challenging is by going full pacifist and vegetarian.
>blue fruit, waterbarrys, popcorn and fungus only
>can't eat neurons
>can't hurt any animal at all
>not even rock/brick stuns
>no riding jetfish
>no riding squidcadas
>riding Jackalopes is ok. it's a mutual trade with the mothballs

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Based. Fuck the shiterators.



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I just didn't find the environment fun to explore. All the screens looked the same and I felt like there was no progress made.

t. didn't make it out of outskirts and quit after an hour or two

Let me guess, you would like a map and an arrow pointing where you have to go
Am i right?

Yes, that is exactly what happened.

A map is nice, arrows not so much. Map is less needed if the areas looked more distinct though.

How do you feel about it, Yea Forums?

Attached: MainTitleMSC.png (501x315, 59K)

You have literally not left the first area if you think they aren't distinct.

oh, it's out? damn

Don't buy the switch port, cool game though.

Where do I go after I met the robot chick in shoreline?

Not out yet, kinda close to completion last time i heard.

I want to FUCK slugcat!

Well, the rooms I should say. I have no idea if I left one area for another, just that I wandered around for a bit and didn't find anything interesting.

Game have to impress before the refund limit is hit.

it's "out", if you're in a very old version, some campaigns are out but not everything is there.

the "real deal" is coming out when the game itself updates to 1.7, the dev mods are waiting until the new game version comes out and they'll release the mod when it is


The rooms are very distinct.

they aren't holding the mod hostage, they're still working on it. Only a lot of coding, art and beta testing is left, rooms are all done except a small amount.

I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

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I feel I'm ready to play as this big boy

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ok, so you barely explored a tiny part of the entire game in one single region that follows a theme, didn't bother exploring anymore and then called the game shit for not appealing to your 3 minute long attention span?

user that's not how games work

He never called the game shit you dingus

Me on the top.

You are a wizard ha... oh

I just explained why it didn't capture my attention. I did not call the game shit.
Do not criticize my attention span if you do not have enough yourself to even read my posts properly.

1.7 when?
i tried looking at the devs twitter, but it's just a bunch of shite about abortion laws

same man
why did they have to make him so cute?
everytime I die I keep thinking about the enemies doing lewd things to him afterwards and I can't concentrate

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I had to re-install Hollow Knight 3 times before it captured my attention enough to get past the beginning and it was worth it. Surpass the limits of your attention span and a whole new world of experiences will open up to you

Have to store the information somewhere.

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Imagine burying your face in the thighs of a being several thousand times more intelligent than you.

Sadly there is a fierce backlog competing for my time. If I gave all games the time they probably deserved I would never get through it.
And if I would re-try anything right now it would be la-mulana, a game that I felt had more interesting environments.
But I might fall for the meme and try it again, if the price gets low enough.

The beginning is kind of hard to get through for a lot of people, including me, and I say as this one of the few weirdos who looked forward to the game pre-release. IMO the first region is fairly tepid compare to the rest of the game, and the fact that you don't know what the fuck you're supposed to be doing likely doesn't help matters, but if you manage to push onward the qualities of the game will start to shine through.

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Cease your faggotry.

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>the white lizard doin a jig

whoa uh source?

Just got it from these rw threads. Dunno

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>Both are blushing
is this going to end with sex

Godspeed Slugcat

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Stop this degeneracy. Choose Moon.

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well that's an example of a low karma poster

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Give me your molecular structure.

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I want to take care of pups with slugcat and pet them all!

Attached: slugpups.jpg (925x1000, 63K)

I fucking hate this board

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>nothing on e621 or FA

>stranded in the industrial area with no food
>have tried to make it to another terminal countless times
>continue to fail
It feels impossible. I've never had a game trap me with its difficulty this early. I'm thinking about dropping it but I'm genuinely interested in continuing it.

if you die enough respawning food comes back and bats change locations

Industrial complex was the easiest area for me

frustrating I get, but intriguing? nah.

Co-op campaign without needing mods WHEN.

I would love to play this game with some a friend of mine because it has themes and and atmosphere he would love, but with a new kid around he doesn't have time to invest enough into the game to outskill or power through the bullshit rainworld likes to pull sometimes.

Not to mention it would be the fucking comfiest

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the game saves your map. it's literally designed for you to die often and come back with previous knowledge. I think that's what makes this game so unappealing to me.

God I must have had a mild stroke when I wrote this.

Sounds like you didn't get far enough.

The map used to only save when you hibernated, so if you died you would lose map progress throughout the day, but people complained it was too punishing so the devs relented.

lol, dude. just because your favorite game didn't intrigue me doesn't mean I didn't play it. besides we are at the time of wikis and google. If I wanted to own you I could just look up the story on the wiki.

>it's literally designed for you to die often and come back with previous knowledge
It can be said for every game with reloads, and no, it is not designed around that.

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>we are at the time of wikis and google. If I wanted to own you I could just look up the story on the wiki.

Imagine being someone who thinks about stories this way. 'if I wanted to own you' about a fucking video game story oh my god.

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absolute pleb. get the fuck off my board


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Iterator puppets sure are cute.

>Love scavs
>Think theyre super interesting and helpful as allies
>Every new playthrough/tribe I meet just fucking spear me in the face when i give them pearls