Are there any action RPGs with non-shit gameplay other than Tales series?
Are there any action RPGs with non-shit gameplay other than Tales series?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Souls
Fortune Summoners
Crisis Core
>Other than Tales series
The Tales series gameplay ranges from passable to complete shit and the story is always terrible no matter which entry you play
And this
If you had asked me 5 years ago, I would have said TERA online.
It's really a shame and a sin what they did to that game
Nino Kuni 2
I honestly don't get how people can say Tales games have good gameplay. I tried Symphonia and Zestiria and the combat systems are so goddamn clunky I dropped them both before like 5 hours.
Fine, let me translate OP's post into what he's actually saying.
>Any other action RPGs with gameplay I enjoy like the Tales series?
Happy now?
Uhh...Sonic Chronicles maybe? Only other RPG I can think of atm with terrible gameplay and story.
Let me translate your post:
>I'm an insufferable cocksucker with no interest in contributing to discussion and only wants to make others mad, please give me attention
What the fuck did you think you were contributing?
>I have terrible taste, please spoonfeed me recs! I'll even double post! Come on baby, I suck yo dick!
>Tales of
>good gameplay
>posts Symphonia
this but unironically
Tales starts off very limited. It's only after the first few dungeons that you really get the fun and interesting options. Try Symphonia again, but avoid Zestiria since it's actually bad. Everything after Vesperia declines in quality (the teams were rushed for anniversary dates and/or greedy).
Smoke meth and play Graces on chaos. You won't.
Phantasia and Eternia are really good.
Tales of Symhponia: Dawn of the New World and Tales of Vesperia have pretty fun combat.
I think people like Tale of Graces too.
Tales of Eternia is unironically one of the best games ever made
Dawn of the New World has an abysmal plot, treats itself more like Pokemon, badly uses the returning characters from Symphonia, and it has a terrible English dub. OP should only play it after other entries in the series and if he really wants another game to tide him over. Graces does have fun gameplay, though the Artes system is dramatically different, and the plot is a big turnoff for some people.
Vesperia is probably the best game in the series, so that's a great recommendation.
On the contrary the story of gay bromance between asbel and Richard very much turned me on
Dawn of the New World gameplay was good if I remember correctly..
Plus you can run it through Dolphin and patch it for 60FPS.