Let's get back to it
>6 days till E3
>Post your Squilliams
Let's get back to it
>6 days till E3
>Post your Squilliams
>removed the buckyshit
You are late faggot
>posting my shit
Just got finished with it, it's Lorenz from Three Houses if you couldn't tell with my shitty Paint skills.
cmon man, where's Aniki?
>buckyfags other creations removed
666 hours in MS Paint.
oh fuck, i didn't even realise he was there
>No wakfu rep
Btw this is the fixed version
Lazerbot is that you?
Hey, cool to get some more Fire Emblem representation
Fresh from last night's glorious dumpster fire.
Anybody willing to take a few requests?
Nice. Looks really accurate to his art style
based collage user is back
Made some borbs
Use this collage user
The normal frame has no legs so i had to use another one lmao
Hes already in there
Please do omori if you can, his game has been stuck in limbo for 5 years now.
make squilliams of them, at least one of them
Where’s his arms? He’s a Kirby not a kumazaki
we know it's you man, just drop the act
Ace Combat 7 dog
>finally got in
Based. Thank you OP.
Wheres the Curly one
Another pic for reference.
posting my latch
absolutely based
Nah man, i’m just using my ipad because computer is broken
My mistake! There he is.
here's a beat
He's also already in
Aaaaaand here it is assembled
About to work on a Centipede one. Should his mouth be open like pic related or closed?
Morpho is a rayman
I see a lack of cute and funny girls in this collage.
thanks for the heads up
Here's a blank template for anyone who needs it.
>He put in my Hyness
based and jampilled
Whoa fucking shit
also, have a Q*Bert
Dude, this image isn't a Squilliam. I posted it as a reference for a drawfag to make one based on the character.
Top right.
pls add
use the one at instead op
Thanks anons
What the fuck
Based. About time someone made a Jet Set Radio one
>a fucking template
Fucking kek
Its perfect
And also a bonus mario i did in adobe sketch but i don’t think it came out very good
already in
it's in
dude we keep saying no templates as the point of squilliam collage is to be original.
That is opposite of what this is all about, please delete your post
It's really a terrible idea.
I see
easy prey
Can we get a Candyman? Fuck I wish LLB wasn't dead. That game is fun as hell.
Give me a quick rundown on this anti-squilliam autist.
fuck off
sure, I'll see what I can do
This is for one specific person
Video games are srs bsns so NO FUN ALLOWED
You could make a half-assed stonetoss character out of that template
just a underage shitposter, pay him no mind
I'd give my left nut if someone made a YV squilliam throwing out cash. I would do it myself, but I am on an extended school trip and only have my phone with me until the end of june.
Get some requests in this bitch. We need more squilliams
Anyone have the report card template for this year? I've been meaning to save it.
Please don’t tell me i have to do this one too
To the user who asked for the Rain World one, I'm doing it after another one I'm working on.
this is the only one I have but I think the dates/times on it are wrong
I'll check the times later and edit this if necessary.
Have anyone ever made Black Mage or other classic FF sprite?
I would like to see one, maybe it would be cool to watch him with the sprite of casting a spell or the one when he has low hp
I love this, could you make a Phoenix one too?
>low quality buckyfag squilliams gone
Excellent, but it's missing something.
WTF is this?!? lmao
can someone post the road to e3 2019 image
>Fucked up hand
I posted this last night
I don't see mine. Did the collage guy not get it or did they choose not to put it in?
Is there a doomguy one yet?
If it's getting on there it has to be the original, it's too great.
Repeats are allowed either way.
Can my plush squid be in the collage?
PNG would be too big to upload to Yea Forums
here's my submission, hope you add it collagenon
Come to think of it, some one should make some Squilliams of the Mage Sisters to go along with it.
>everything from buckyfag got removed
I hope I didn't miss his outrage. OP was not a faggot today
Cute woomy
Nice. Now make a Rokusho.
> i fucked the color of the left hand
Fuck here is my last revision
Sorry op for the trouble
okay.. that's pretty epic, user.
My wife and daughter!
Can someone make one of Wonder Red with a giant unite hand? Bonus points if everyone in the unite hand is also pulling a Squilliam.
who the fuck is buckyfag and why can I not enter a single E3 thread without hearing about him
>Furry gay e-celebs
No thanks.
>replaced Bucky with the Squidward user
>My black raven is in
Based and wakfupilled
nice falseflag user
at least bait harder, user
get rekt
All the other DMC5 boys are there, so why not
It already is.
Here’s my Kasumi squiliam! I only noticed after I was done, but there’s already a Kasumi. Sorry for the duplication.
Hoping someone saved my Curly submission in the other thread. File sharing is blocked where I am now.
Can someone make a Giorno squilliam
I checked the times. They're all correct. The only things that aren't included are Limited Run and Kinda Funny, but those don't matter.
oh wow I thought it started on the 11th. Cool, thanks
someone do dart monkey to add to the flash game reps in there.
dupes are fine, user, don't worry
otherwise it's a cute drawing!
I got it for you user
Nice try, user
You aren't the real buckyfag. The typing portion wasn't half bad though.
Hey OP, I was wondering if you could find a way to make Mokou's text visible. I don't want it to cover anyone's Squilliam, but it'd be nice if the chink/english text was visible.
>can’t find my ones
mods calm down
Is that... fucking PurityChan in there? In the bottom left next to Knuckles flipping the bird?
Wow, that really took.
Finally finished.
That wasn't the real buckyfag, jannies.
And super monkey
if he's still updating it then yours will be on there too. my metabee one from last night wasn't added in just post it in this thread too so it's easier to find
op if you add my can you put them at different heiights so it looks like hank sniped the agent
fuck off bucky nigger
You've done me a good deed, user. Thank you.
>the pokemon creatures kid
>that one bugs/squidward amalgamation from a few threads back
>not one, not two, but THREE BABAS
>and not a hint of Bucky in sight.
This year's gonna be the best one yet.
Jackbox Squilliam please
reposting this for the user that might not be here
Based Tower Defence
don't forget about Iwata, user
>Earthworm Jim
Whoever drew that, stay awesome
>my ones
>no habbo rep
already in
Next to vectorman
Mines are and I’m not bucky nigger how many times will i have to say it in this thread
>can't find my proto man squilliam
do we have a deadline?
and don't forget about Aniki
speaking of flash reps, can someone do this nigga justice?
Until the picture gets filled
Until it's finished, really.
can someone make a groudon?
You just posted them
calm down and be patient.
They'll be added soon enough
>iphone hash filenames
idk user
squill's closed
oh ok
I love the abstract ones like this
Until it's done. Probably by the middle of the week maybe.
>Not making it yourself.
Is this the "OH NO NO NO" pose? otherwise.. why this pose?
Top kek
Starlight glimmer
KINGDOM SONY! Where are my games...
forgot a bit of the transparency but really nice
Throw a hidden druid in there too for good measure.
good shit
fixed it up for you, user
Alright for the Rain World user I'm working on it now that I'm done with this.
wtf is the point of this? no seriously wtf you guys doing?
Has anyone ever made a cool spot one?
Lurk moar faggot.
Half my boxheads are missing dog where tf they at
are image manipuatlions fine? my drawing skills are less than a 5 year old's
newfag fuck off
god I really want a cool spot squilliam now
0/10 delete this collage right now
muh sikrit club
It's based of this
Someone spammed the pic of Squillaim 7 years ago and we stuck with with it every year since.
keep on lurking
Guy who made the Jacket/Richter one, could Richter be a layer above the Mega man so he isn't as obscured?
>p-please spoonfeed me!
fuck off, tourist.
thanks, I may not have time to so someone else can if they want
Nice one.
based dante poster
Hi, Reddit
fuck off with this reddit shit.
did my bald bull ever get in? i cant tell
also add the meme dante
thanks friend
newfag kys
Thank you for updating Sable!
Just fuck off.
I've been on Yea Forums since 2012 and NOBODY can know every single meme/reference/thing this place has made/created.
>Yea Forums """""humor"""""
here, have this duck from that one habbo hotel cartoon made by the same guys who did total drama or some shit
goddammit, i may be a millennial newfag but you sir, are fucking retarded
/r/ing some Yea Forums representation for all ding dong diddly wrestlevidya threads
Finished this last night, hopefully it's not too awful.
>I've been on Yea Forums since 2012
Sure you have, pal.
>More DQ rep.
Is that fucking Duckman?
why is gundam unicorn in the middle?
>I've been here since 2012 and yet have failed to notice a thing that happens every year during the biggest even of the year
sure buddy, sure
whens my boy xi jinping gonna get in
when you think about it whats the point of living
there any rules to this? i've never actually participated before
Well there's one for "weird shit from at least 10 years ago that I didn't know existed"
Why does the good shit always go unloved
>Someone besides me made a Digimon one
I love you
>actual newfag and admitting to it but not realizing the things that happen each and every year
user, I...
Just so all requests don't fall to deaf ears, anchor them all to this post so other based drawfags get onto it if they want
Hey guys it's me Sans Undertale
There's already a pooh. Look near the pac-man and space invader.
The girl from Pokemon Sword and Shield
super macho man
It's been a thing for a while
jesus, how have i been missing that?
if they're vidya related, doing the pose, and show some semblance of effort it goes in.
>NOBODY can know every single meme/reference/thing this place has made/created.
This isn't something you just never see after 7 years of browsing, retard. And the faggot who spoonfeeded you is the same reason we get people like fucking buckyfag invading threads.
meant for
There were a lot of Yea Forums fucks last thread, it was great to see em around
oh yeah the one thats better than mine, nevermind then
It's great, user
This is from last year
Can anyone add Angel from King of Fighters XIV again?
We need some Mexicans in the collage, also Sombra would be cool.
But how long have you been on this board?
well i'll give it a shot at least
>I've been on Yea Forums since 2012 and NOBODY can know every single meme/reference/thing this place has made/created.
post the oldest image you have
Holy shit, what the fuck
>EB games
its been years since I thought of that
must have happened after i fell asleep, thats finna based though
This too simple?
did somebody say cool spot squilliam?
If you have to ask, you need to lurk more.
Fixed the sans
my electricman/stick man didn't get accepted last time i posted it lmao
holy shit i completely forgot this existed
also nice
>mfw i can pinpoint exactly where my additions are
>a little tongue now, a lot of tail later
Anyone have the image for zero?
Does this count?
>mokou was in 2018 as well
so is a new one?
Shit, I thought I fixed the transparency.
Be right back.
you can clearly see they're different, user
eyes like different
its a new one
speaking of gex, i thought this ending was comfy as fuck
Huh. Last I checked, that's the opposite of how it works. Usually, you get banned for spamming a pic.
Hornet from hollow knight
it's new you can tell by looking at her hand
Freaking awesome
Alright fixed it.
Who still hasn't made it in?
I feel like making another one.
My nigga
kek, all I had to do that year was post an image since there's a piece of paper mario official art that already looks eerily close to a squilliam.
Do the Darkest Dungeon Ancestor
Not video games
You know, I've been having a rough week, been really confused about a lot of things in my life, and I've been really depressed.
But this collage, and actually deciding to enter in it, has, as dumb as it seems, helped me.
I may not post much but you guys feel welcoming and are really kind, even when shitposting.
Thank you guys, I mean I ain't obviously 100% happy but you guys helped.
First time I try and make something for this. Here's a Dwarf Fortress Squilliam
>line rider
I forgot all about it :x
I feel old
Oh boy here we go again
Someone post the Xenoblade frame from this year’s GIF.
Yeah, that one is this one but edited. user drew the new one
But why though?
Taffy from Clayfighter
That's right, it's not video games
tilt it slightly and you're good
Thanks bruv
Why not?
Anyone remember sonics quest for power
glad to hear that, user
you're welcome
Has he made it in?
I bet you're the same faggot who acted like buckynigger was the only one asking for him
the hulkster brother
I'm glad this collage helped you out. Godspeed user.
good on you user
>I bet you're the same faggot
>calling someone a faggot
>while pushing literally a gay porn actor into a VIDEO GAME collage
Wew lad
It's fun coming together like this every year because it's got a little piece of hundreds of Yea Forumstards, whether they can't draw at all, or can draw insanely well, there's no divide. E3 Yea Forums is best Yea Forums. I can't believe some contrarians and autists are trying to stomp the fun out of E3 too, considering it's one of the last fun things we do that hasn't been fucked over entirely.
It's perfect. Thank you, you glorious bastard.
Just blur the arm a bit where it's all crusty
It's in there, near Arceus
are you me
Cryptofag here. Thanks for adding him.
Stay safe, user.
oh shoot didnt realize he was already in there, my bad
based, how did kojumbo get away with copying todd though
epic win
No one falls for that bait anymore, i'm giving you this pity (you) just to make sure you understand this and that some creativity could harness juicier bait in the future
Family guy is also not vidya
here's an isaac i made in ms paint
unfortunately i can't make it transparent so i'm sorta fucked lmao
also i can't draw that well
Aye. Strange to see representation like this. But I'm not complaining. At least she's cute.
Thank you guys.
I will stay safe, I ain't planning on doing anything extremely serious until after E3.
It just ain't right to miss out on E3.
And by then, I should have a few reasons to keep on going.
Just pirate paint tool sai
You're too good for this world, user.
Damn, they used to be so small
Well, that took forever. Any drawing software you lot would recommend?
am I vidya user?
i can't believe there were no grinch squilliams to be found
nice to hear that friend, stay safe
Grinch if its not already been done. We need some Grinch leak representation here.
I only come to Yea Forums for E3, a few game threads like F:NV, and the weekly vidya rumbles. Yea Forums may not be what it used to, but fun still lingers
>E3 presenter
More than a gay porn actor
holy shit based drawing user
look around, user
But honesty just get a stylus if you're using a touchcreen computer
Good fucking job, user
haha thanks user
you're a lifesaver
Someone should do Kulu with his rock held in his other hand.
>Night Trap got a remaster
>Plumbers Don't Wear Ties didn't
It's not fair.
and there you go, nice outing yourself
fucking zoomer newfag
>calling someone else a zoomer
absolutely fucking based
>Yea Forums may not be what it used to, but fun still lingers
Agreed, you just gotta search through a lotta thinly veiled off-topic threads, shitposting, and bait sometimes to find it.
gonna be a fag, and just straight up ask if otacon, and bald bull are in because im blind
Major props to anyone who still fucks with sprites in current year, shit was tedious for something so little.
>6 days until E3
What, thought it's like 8 days
Looks amazing OP!
Please remove the sonicfox one.
Nobody wants that
holy fuck this is awesome
firstly, the collage was never interersting.
secondly, stop pretending there's any reason to be excited for e3.
He's already on there twice
DAMNIT. Here it is without white background
Got rid of the white dots because I know someone out there is bothered with it as much as me
super macho man
heres your (You)
>Implying twice is enough
Don't fucking remind me. The wound is still open
Fumo Rep
thank you nig, for squilling me
looks kino
but where's the grinch
what a time to be alive
Bottom left next to woodman
>Susie with the coat hanger
Always gets me
>My sans didn't get in
Thanks Nig
>I've been here since 2012 but haven't seen a single "X days to E3 thread"
Kill yourself 2016 pretender
It's alright user, I don't see mine either. I think collageanon is still just working on everything.
anyone do jack frost yet?
Can someone do isaac from golden sun?
heres an octane
Oh wait, I fucked up. Shit. I'll redo it again in a few minutes.
What is George Washington's relation to Yea Forums or videogames except the fact it was the first render you probably found
>Faggot fox in.
I thought you were cool OP...
I have one more idea for a Squilliam, but I'm not sure if I should save it for next year or not.
>my hank didn't get in
am i just being paranoid
There's an entire corner dedicated to Isaac, you blind-man
very nice.
thanks nig
oh jeez no wonder i never saw him, hes probably been there since the start and i never noticed. thanks friend
been in for awhile, bottom left corner
Will do user!
They're in.
Otacon is next to baba is e3 on the right
thank you nig
I don't get it
>tfw banjo is the microsoft rep and not you
Try to repost it if possible
Thanks. The hand holding the cigar was a struggle.
Thanks! I probably could have made them larger, but its my first time fucking with sprites in like 5 years so I played it safe.
Redid it.
I couldn't do it 100% accurately to the original so I suppose this is good enough.
Based, I see White Glint.
I'm curious OP. Did you make any Squilliams this year?
Just in case, still have to add, didn't see it.
I see a Sukamon too, more Digimon bros are great.
Thanks user.
I looked in the bottom left corner.
I gotta say, that's pretty nice. >:]
Transparent when
in that Kirby fanfic written by "that" fag Susie preforms a coat hanger abortion
Its never coming out lol
very nice
old, but still great
Age of Empires 3, my good man.
I'm holding out for Microsoft giving us some news about Age of Empires 4, which they claim to have in development.
Hey anons, help me out with my shitty ms paint drawing ov'ere
why is a manga drawing of naranica there? Isn't he Yea Forums?
Its going to be at E3. Lots of leaks say that it is. Early 2020 release date is my prediction.
Someone do Yukiko from Persona 4
Age of Empires 3, Assassin's Creed 3, etc
I know they're both already in, but just a thought.
>Shitty dantes hand
its perfect
Has anyone done Incineroar yet?
he actually got in, where?
The House always wins
Download free image editing software like paint.net or gimp. Don't draw over the template because thats gay. But paste the template in your program and use it as a side by side reference. Recreate it best you can. Then just use zoom a lot. Zoom is your best friend.
i was too late to post this yesterday so here's my Squilliam
Might make more later.
top left
actually based, i love obscure mario characters
left of the E in E3
shitty meme submission
>smbz flashbacks
i miss it, man. i miss it so much
also with background
Transparent version, as well.
Lookin' good, OP!
One can dream, brother.
I remember Ensemble saying that they were planning to have aoe4 be about either the great war or the future.
What time period do you think relic's going to put it in?
absolutely based, i hope the user sees it
this might be my favorite collage
oh wait fuck, mines is already in
Oops I just noticed my Adachi was already in after I reposted it, sorry OP. Looks great so far!
Hey where's the Red one I drew?
>when someone submitted your shitty MSPaint drawing from a thread months ago
Who did it?
has anyone made a "500 million year button" Squilliam before?
don't remind me
also, did anybody draw him yet?
I see you on that jumpstart first grade shit
and I approve
Thanks user, appreciate the help. Have a (you)
oh my god what a blast from the past
Someone should try making it in ROBLOX Studio, it's good for imitating the primitive 3D style of that video
me too user, me too.too bad the creator is a seething furry on shitter nowadays.
>that gif
Real quick Parappa, feeling pretty sick but will try and get some better stuff done before the deadline
are you okay user?
Shouldn't have posted. Now it's getting removed like the rest of your garbage :^)