World of Warcraft Classic

86 days until we're finally home

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Other urls found in this thread:

i already played this game

literally looks the same as retail from what streams show
everything is just slower

Same. Can't wait to play again.

lmao this

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Same, I'm about ready for another playthrough though, it's been like 12 years.


You also had a breath of oxygen yet you keep coming back for more.

See pic

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>Hordelets organize an autistic tournament
>Plan it for days in advance with all the autists grinding their little hearts out for the tiniest advantage in a glorified autoattack fest
>1 (ONE!) Alliance chad on his level 1 tauren alt ruins the entire thing
>Entire event ruined for the hundred or so people involved and the 100k+ losers watching
You can't make this shit up.

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Nice community classicfags, have fun going home.

Wont be the same.
All the normies already know of every little secret and hidden gem.
Everyone already know the simpleton mechanics.
Everyone use keybinds.
Crossrealm BGs so no server rivals, pros, guilds.
1.12 class nerfs from Phase 1 LUL

Streamers will ruin it before its even out.

>played a trial of WoW back in the day but never really got into it
>got a few days off, decide to make another trial account to see what all the fuss is about
>as soon as I enter the world I'm greeted by the very loud sound of a running engine.
>there are three other players around me riding an actual fucking motorcycle
>as I progress I start to notice that most players simply berate each other instead of grouping up
>Goldshire filled with 150+ attention whores
>overwhelmed by all the unnecessary stuff flinged at me at such a low level
>also don't feel like paying 15 bucks a month for this crap so decide to look up a decent private server
>Choose one running WotLK on 3.3.5 with a population of around 2500 - 5000 players
>immediately notice a severe increase in the amount of cohesion and willingness to teamwork
>playing as a paladin I randomly place a very shitty early game buff on other players
>get "thank you"'s, gestures and even gold from multiple high level players in return
>general laid back atmosphere, everyone helping each other out and just trying to enjoy the game

It might be because I haven't played on a high level yet, but I seriously fail to comprehend why anyone would be willing to pay 15 euro's or dollars a month for BFA or Vanilla, when superior experiences of the game already exist.

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what did he do

Zoomers really do look like this. Took this pic of this lil nigga at JFK airport. The resemblance is uncanny.

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>tauren alt
>on pvp server

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Just standing on top of the duelists so they can't see casting animations and totems, but he isn't flagged and they are in horde territory so nobody could do anything about him

Which server?

Got a video link ?

Dumb wrathbabby

why do people keep editing that image to make asmon look less disgusting?

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I stopped watching but I imagine tipsout/venruki/sodapoppin have something

set realmlist

t. merula


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[2. Trade] [Zoomer]: WTB invite to asmongold layer 20g
[2. Trade] [Zoomer]: WTB invite to asmongold layer 20g
[2. Trade] [Zoomer]: WTB invite to asmongold layer 20g

>he got banned
Holy shit doomers we’re right, playing on streamer servers is a massive risk

that shit is pathetic
streamers have already ruined classic and it hasn't even launched yet


Reminder that literal retards will be walking around in full dreadnought before any of you without any effort put in because they bought runs from top guilds through selling wow tokens on retail. No doubt all the top guilds will be selling runs on classic just to make enough gold to handle their precious world first race. The economy will be fucked forever by people buying tokens/gold in retail and trading for items in classic

>he got banned

In the hit WoW video Onyxia Wipe Animation, during the moar dots part wasnt there a debuff limit? Why would the raid leader say to spamming so many dots? Wouldnt they just keep rewriting each other?

i really hope therent isnt a fucking retard with a following on whatever I pick.

I remember back in the day there were "notable" players who were either remembered for being really good, Ninja Looting, or being just the worst to play with (not bad but hostile)

I feel like its going to be that but on steroids

Despite the fact that retail is an absolute dumpster fire, somehow the community is still the worst part of the game. Like it's so bad I hear other mmos complaining about it. FFXIV and ESO are actually hoping the next wow expansion does good so all the refugees will finally fuck off

Nobody fucking knows how deep breath works, some people thought it had to do with the amount of debuffs on onyxia so he just told people to keep dotting her

The dot cap cap was removed before TBC.

I mean did anyone really expect nu-blizz to not ruin it? Get ready to get banned for "harassing" players by ganking and low level barrens bants

>Anyone know where Mankirks wife is?

Does ESO have a problem with wowfugees too? I fucking hate their retarded asses so much when playing FFXIV. The other day I met some fucking idiot warrior named Garrosh Hellscreem who ran around like a 9 yo who's pounded down his body weight in sugar and couldn't hold aggro to save his life


I'm glad my parents wouldn't fork over their credit card to let me play this game. If they had I wouldn't have discovered the most Kino MMO Runescape, a game that let me go home so long ago that I practically never left. I pity you wowfags, I really do.

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>mfw I see asmongold and say PogChamp in the chat then see myself on the stream

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Enjoy getting instantly perma banned because you ganked an e-celeb and he coaxes his zoomer squad to mass report you.



They keep pulling hunts early and love to kick people from groups just because they are frustrated. Their shit only lasts like a week or so cause they'll get banned or kicked from linkshells but damn its annoying. I've never met a more autistic, miserable fanbase.

>wanting to relive all the problems of a 14 year old bugged and flawed game
why are people this dumb?

Server Cluster 3
Realm 9
Layer 14
Shard 72


Layers and shards are the same thing you tard and there's 2-3 of them when a server is at max capacity

God i fucking hate streamers. Luckily I'm sure they'll likely roll on the same server as each other.

servers will probably be connected like retail

Asmongold Farming Group 7

You're not going to be teenagers again despite wasting your time on this game.

Ok shitposter

He would've been banned in 2005 too.

Remember to help your server's e-celeb get the black qiraji beetle mount!

Reminder that no one will invite Hunters or Druids into their raids
Especially Druids, every contrarian is going to be rolling Druid because they're special snowflakes

Does anyone know of any more UNCONTESTED places where a faction has to kill mobs that are friendly to the opposite faction?
Examples being:
>Silvering Outpost in Ashenvale
>Dun Garok in Hillsbrad

I guess the ones in opposite faction zones could also work, so example
>Northwatch Hold in Barrens
>Bael Modan in Barrens
>Tiragarde Keep in Durotar
and why the fuck does Alliance only have these?

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Least popular class.

They've made it very clear servers will not have any kind of crossover (besides BGs but that was in Vanilla). Layering just cuts 1 cake (server) into several slices to alleviate the server launch clusterfuck. They say this will be removed but we will have to wait and see how long that ends up taking. They have been vague on how long "the first little bit" means.


I play on Oceanic I don't have to deal with any

Hunters are kinda needed for tranq shot, druids can rot

Hunters are needed, but typically a bunch of retards will roll Hunter and it creates an overpopulation problem. This is worsened by the fact that a higher percentage of people who roll Hunter will actually manage to reach level 60, unlike Warriors where probably 50%+ of people rolling the class will give up before then

Hey bros, I'm a going to be a Guild Officer for Asmongold's guild. Anyone want to hunt down Yea Forums and /vg/ users with me? You know there will be some fags here who try to fuck with him for brownie points.

holy FUCK streamers are fucking cancer

do i main warrior, lock or mage?

Posts like this, joking or not joking, should be a rangeban on sight.

>b-b-but battle rez and innervate

>streamers good
>everything else bad

Classic was dead before it began

>and why the fuck does Alliance only have these?
lore I suppose

If there wasn't a new/old horde split, then maybe there'd be lore reasons to have more orcs in early dwarf+human territories.
Taurens are geographically very limited, the same as the Darkspear trolls, trolls aren't limited, but the Darkspear which is the tribe that allied to Thrall is.
Forsaken have a wide spread, but nowhere near the alliance territories.
So it's basically just orcs, but there's the new/old horde split.

In Loch modan there's a group of horde friendly units, not sure what they're called but the alliance equivalent are called Alliance Outrunners in the barrens. I don't think they're tied to any quests though, I think they were basically NPCs to remind players of future pvp.

>but typically a bunch of retards will roll Hunter and it creates an overpopulation problem.
It is the go to girl class.

>Warrior gets you tank spots
>Mages get portals (but you are everyone's food slave)
>Warlocks get summoning (but you have to farm out soulshards and you are everyone's health stone slave)

Go warrior


Hordeniggers have been banned for this shit all the time. It was always a problem, especially in BC and Wrath, of taureniggers standing on top of NPCs with fuckhuge mounts being cunts. It's always been suspendable.

Any articles on this?

I got recommended this by Youtube.

I noticed the Yea Forums meme guy faces and wondered if this guy posts here? I don't normally post in /vg/ just curious if anyone here knows him and if so can tell me your opinion?

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This was apparently such an issue that any major quest giver or important NPC/vendor has an auto dismount "safespace" surrounding it as well as an invisible wall so people cant stand their fuckhuge tauren over it.


The amount of stupidity in this thread is even for Yea Forums grand
most fucking e-celebs will roll on the same server. So stop talking about streamers as if its the biggest problem of classic because anyone with half a brain knows that blizzard as a company will not cater around streamers and their only server when theres multiple other populated sever with different opinions on the game who can just as much fuck it up by thinking; this one change would actually be good!

Reminder too have fun

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But there will only be 3 servers because of their layering system. Not every single streamer will roll on the same server so all of them will be tainted eventually

>images taken moments before disaster

Ashenvale has some forsaken mobs that are friendly to horde and regular quest enemies for alliance.

Not too much fun or your servers streamer will have his blizzard lackys ban you

Arathi is full of NPCs like that for both factions.

Those are contested areas though.

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not so sure, I'm not seeing any Horde friendly mobs that are quest objectives for the alliance.
yes, I was asking fr contested areas.
This ain't for some lore checking, I'm just looking for griefing spots

apparently based troll "the stream destroyer" godx wasn't banned but just switched layers
even so, the "community's" response to this makes me hate streamers and their supporters even more

>yes, I was asking fr contested areas.
>Does anyone know of any more UNCONTESTED places

what are you talking about? drama?

oh oops I wrote it incorrectly then, my bad

streamers put on a dueling tournament in mulgore and two level 1 taurens "ruined it" by standing on people/totems during duels
streamers and their faggot audiences cried and whined and reported them until they disappeared, but it looks like they just switched layers

it proves the community is partially (mostly?) responsible for ruining this game through their incessant whining for blizzard to solve their problems for them

all you nigger will never beat ragnaros legit for the first time with your noob guild

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I guess there's this Go'Shek farm in Arathi Highlands and Warsong Lumber Camp in Ashenvale then.

You could also get up reputation with Syndicate and Bloodsail Buccaneers I suppose, and use those mobs to help you.

Reminder to always hate all streamers
Reminder to hate your fellow anons even more

What did he say to you after you creepily took his picture?

>Doing it for free without even being a janny

Reminder that Horde is the nigger/Muslim terrorist faction.

You know something I don't?

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and thats what makes them based

[2. Trade] [Zoomer]: WTB invite to asmongold layer 20g

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see pic
84 now

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thats 85 days

Have fun man, I'll be over here playing a game that isn't dead on arrival

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>not doa

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based and we-fall-pilled

>private server shills still whining about streamers

>not making a rogue to keep sapping him

>he got banned
Yeah I was on the fence about joining but this has sealed it.
Fuck Nu-WoW, I'm not getting banned just because some streamer has more power than anybody else in the game and nu-blizzard act like they're glorified GMs.

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s e e t h i n g

I don't care about wow but i actually hope this sells like gangbusters just to piss off the retarded """journalists""" who won't stop sucking their own dick about blizzard epicly owning the dumb stupid gamers who don't know anything.
If blizzdrones could ever be a force for good it would be now.

See you in a few months.

I was an adult with a full time job when WoW came out though

This pic is far better, honestly it's probably some baby faggot that's upset someone made a better edit of his edit so he forces it every thread as fast as he can

doing stuff like that has always been against the tos and would get you banned

Benji's got some free time from now till tomorrow afternoon. So anyone want to help him set up an epic Discord for men only horde side classic guild that can practice on Northdale?

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Literally who?

To be fair, this is not the actual game. Hes not paying for this shit. Its a beta test. Im Euro player, so we wont have this streamer cancer, but messing up so many people just wanting to have a tournament for 5 hours is kinda lame and I understand if Blizzard revokes his access. One thing is getting banned from a game youre paying for. Another thing entirely to be a dick in a free test.

Pretty pathetic you're trying this hard to get the recognition from literal nobodies so you can somehow feel special, your channel will not take off, just remember that.

I hate you so much

So a casual even then. Good for you.

Get your GED autist

Fucking kill yourself faggot.

Based Wrathchad.

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mage, priest, warrior and rogue are the only classes that need to exist

prove me wrong

Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:

Nice Twitter meme you flagrant fanboy faggot.

nice reddit meme faggot

Back to the Youtube comment section.

I've played WoW on and off for years and have never ever rolled a human or leveled in Elwynn Forest.
Should I take the humanpill this time around? Kinda curious to know what I've been missing out on.

No one is looking to be a teenager again.
You think I boot up Contra or Metal Slug from time to time to "feel like a teenager" ?

Human 1-30 leveling experience is pretty well made with lots of memorable bits, would recommend

At least we have a community retailcuck

more people in this screenshot than on your whole server, retail cuck

tick tock, better buy more store mounts while you still can

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yes, vanilla Elwynn forest is kino.
Ally is general has much better early leveling than horde.

i honestly dont know wtf to play

on the one hand I'd like to play a healer for the comfy social aspect but on the other i think i'll have more fun on a pure dps class

>gets you banned for ruining their money making event
Pshhh nothin personell kid

>XIV players getting upset that CLassic alone will have more players than it.


rent free

Not really. That last live letter proved XIV is on a fast track to homoginization and casual pandering to the extreme.

Sweet, guess I'm going humie then.

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how in the fuck do you need help setting up a discord
you just click create new channel and fiddle with options and permissions

rent free

Yikes. This post DID NOT age well.

source? or are you pulling shit out of your ass

rent free

Fuck my fucking ass in the fucking fucking ass. Fuckin fucking fuckin' I'm fucking my fuckin ass.
I tried to fuuuuck my aaaaasssss. I fucked my ass, heaven knows I asked.
FUck my fucking as fuck my fuckin ass fuck the fuckthing fucking ass Oh my fucking ass my assholes tiiiiiight. Well fuck my aaaaaaaas
Fuck my ass. Fuck my assssss. Fuuuuuck my aaaaaasss. Fuck my ass, fuck my ass! FUCK MY ASS. FUCK MY ASS, AND I'LL FUCK MY ASS. LET THEM fuck my asasssss. Two dicks in my ass never bothered me anyways. Hahahaha here we go nigger. It's funny how some distance could fuck your fuckin' ass. I put two dicks in my ass and it didn't get to me AT ALL. TWO DICKS IN MY ASS THREE DICKS IN MY ASS FOUR DICKS IS ENOUGH BUT FUCK IT FIVE DICKS. FIVE FUCKING DICKS, LET'S GO FOR SIIIIIX. SEVEEEEEEN! FUCK MY ASSS, FUCK MY ASSSSSSSS! GO FUCK, MY, ASSSSSS! FUCK MY ASS, FUCKYMASSSSS. I WANNA FUCK MY ASSSSSS! FUCK MY ASSSSSSS! FUCK MY ASSSSSSSS! WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCK MY a-a-a-assss. :(

Two dicks in my ass never bothered me anyway hahah yeah here we go yeah oka we going in yeh





Two dicks in my ass never bothered me anyways motherfucker see you little bitches later I'm fuckin' done RIP NIGGA TWO-TWO.

Not SwoleBenji

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unironically the best swolebenji post

that's ok I never matured past 16


no fuck off zoomer classic was dead the moment you realized it is coming out with the twitch community

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>Server sharding
>Loot trading
>Streamer armies dominating servers

This is not your home

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Still better than Bugman infested hellholes

Don't despair! Ally yourself with people like SwoleBenji and we will make the streamers pay!

If Yea Forums unified its weaponzied autism we'd be unstoppable.

>being cunts.
it’s usually always on purpose, I used to get angry whispers on my Kodo all the time before I realized what was going on

>being cunts.
it’s usually not on purpose, I used to get angry whispers on my Kodo all the time before I realized what was going on
>reading quest text or selling junk
>random player rides up and starts calling me an asshole

Source? Got none? Nice.

nice facebook meme faggot

It comes out on the 26th in US

Try to imagine that you're some failed attempt at a internet personality with a whiny high pitch voice.
You go to Yea Forums to try to shill your pathetically bad content and personality.
Being some fat arse with swole in your name.
Being so unliked in threads you shill in that everyone wants you dead.
You come to every thread attempting to even grasp at views on your already nonexistent channel.
You reply to yourself as a way to get eyes on what you say. And you say retarded shit just to have people call you a retard.
Your channel is full of "Alpha Male" but you're a Beta squeaky voice faggot that no one cares about.
You go to any wow classic related threads on any board shilling your dead channel while trying to push you're a alpha redpilled "male" that once trolled a minecraft server.

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lmao talk about irony

trade chat trannies
what are we gonna do about them?

>not the 5head edit

opinion disregarded

rent free

obsess over them more because we clearly aren't trannies like them, no sir

>Asmongold had nothing to do with this screenshot
keep fighting them windmills, Don.

I know none of you retailcucks played Classic because you always cry about "muh community". The WoW community sucked dick in Vanilla. Retards, keyboard turners, meme spammers, and people crying about Bush.

Nothing will have changed except for the names in the stupid shit being said.

you forgot the high pitched 13 year olds in Vent

They're not even the same thing. Shards are separate to each zone, and layers are an entire continent. With sharding you'll only ever have like 50 people in a zone, with layering all 3k people can be in the same zone but the same shard.

>Yea Forums isn't a hivemi-




Make it a reasonable price like $5 a month and separate from the current games subscription and I'll check it out.

>trying to negotiate with activision
you fool

she says as she posts the same thing fifth time

Not playing this game is the default here. This is what it would take for me to play. Simple as that.

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I remember being really frustrated leveling and was really close to quitting wow until I saw this video. That 1000 damage crit he got is what kept me playing wow. It was the first pvp video I ever saw. The guy has another video where he is killing bankers in ironforge. You can see someone in guild chat talking about a new instance called mauraudon which gives you some perspective on how old it is. For anyone who doesn't remember he is playing a seal fate sinister strike build which was actually good because seal fate was bugged and gave 2 extra combo points on a crit. On a side note that reminds me of a strange bug where orc rogues would get 2 combo points from hemorrhage.

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Everyone sucked but we all sucked together and you needed other people to do things