You heard it here first

You heard it here first.
Xenoblade X is coming to the switch, but there are some major changes. The main one is that the entire main quest has been completely cut. It is gone now- instead there are many more affinity quests- about 20 per each party member, and 10 new party members. They are doubling down on it being "your story" allowing you to determine your relationships via your choices- dialogue choices in affinity missions are fully voiced and done via bioware style dialogue wheel. Each Party Member could potentially die, be injured and out of commission for a while, or even defect to the ganglion depending on your choices. They have some sort of "Nemesis" system similar to the Mordor games to generate attacks, ambushes, and unique Tyrant Ganglion leader boss fights that will start to interfere with normal or affinity quests, or sometimes just in part of the world. Multiplayer is expanded to allow for full co-op throughout all parts of the game except for affinity missions, which cancel co-op until the affinity mission is complete. There are more changes too, but this is the most wild and surprising one.

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Stop making these shitty threads fag
They give me too much hope

this is totally nonsensical, if they were going to make things so different they'd just make a sequel

even though this is fake, i actually love the idea of cutting the main quest and adding a shitton of new affinity quests. also needs romance, pic not related

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>pic not related
Fuck off fag, Nagi is best boy.

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God I wish.
X is the best MMO ever.

I want to S C R E W Irina

Too bad she's a raging bulldyke

>tfw playing it right now
>tfw accidentally use an aoe skill when there's an Everlasting Millesaur right behind me and I have no idea

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What's with all the xeno threads recently? We need XC3 or XCXX soon.

>Double Cross in the title

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I'll give you a better one OP

X2 is announced. It follows your concept except it follows another Arc on the other side of Mira with 5 or so new continents to explore. They could make it the Japan Arc Ship, New Tokyo. The Black Knight and Lao could have washed up on this side of Mira, making them antagonistic forces and the only real direct connection between X and X2. Your idea is good OP, but you also need to give Monolith a clean break from the rest of X, because for most of it's issues, it will be easier to start fresh than trying to fix all the stuff that was broken about it.

>i actually love the idea of cutting the main quest and adding a shitton of new affinity quests
Fuck that shit. Games that add a ton of side quests, fetch and delivery shit, collect-a-thon bullshit and just random filler content should just fucking burn and die. It's just a poor excuse to fill the game with lootboxes, timesinkers, and DLC quests to keep people hooked in, meanwhile the story and gameplay suffers because of it (see: Final Fantasy XV).

Give me a good game, for once, not this bullshit pseudo-MMO/pseudo-mobage garbage.

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This is an anonymous image board sir/madame, you do not have to do the needful and certificate your height sir/madame.

Does it fix the awful combat?

>would be XXX in japan

Yeah I don't give a fuck. Just port it already faggots, I just want to fly around and shoot dinosaurs but in xenoblade format.

The sidequests in X are not only leagues better than the main quest (not hard to do because the main quest is ass) but also better than a lot of game's main story quests.


The only thing wrong with the combat is how broken Ghost Walker, Blossom Dance, and Core Crusher are.

If they announce X2 at some point with no word of an X port I'm fucking emulating, audio issues be damned.
Not buying a wii u for a single game, not then, not now, not ever.

Audio seems to be fine for me right now, it's random shrubs on the ground flickering in and out of existence that's the problem. Haven't had the blue rocks issue so far either.

audio issues are mostly gone now. The main issues now are graphical and environmental effects fucking up, including really garbage bloom rendering improperly. Also the frame rate is inconsistent and random crashes.